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English counterfeiters face extended stay in Thailand - in the slammer

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6 minutes ago, jabis said:

SEA-region actually buy craploads of fake bills for new years and other celebrations - you only need a receipt that you legally purchased it as far as I know - though color of your skin might make a difference in immigration.

What market places have you been to that will write you a receipt???????????????????    My friend could have lost it all................ He's just lucky.........

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Just now, sawadeeken said:

What market places have you been to that will write you a receipt???????????????????    My friend could have lost it all................ He's just lucky.........

Savannakhet most recently - hordes of chinese coming to Thailand for Chinese New Year  - and yes your friend was lucky as hell, no denying that :) 


4 hours ago, tonray said:

The sad fact for these idiots is that the average Joe does not counterfeit money....they are dupes used by a larger and more sophisticated criminal gang. If they want any leniency they should sing like canaries and turn that info over to UK officials to go after the real scum behind this operation, 

 Disagree. It's pretty easy to buy fake banknotes in the UK, especially in pubs, if you know the right people. 

3 hours ago, fishhooks said:

The guy with the "ADIDAS" shirt was told it was genuine when he purchased it !

Fake "ADIDAS" paid with  fake money. Thailand the land of fake smiles. All too fake to me!


They should have done their research on those counterfeit who were caught. There was this guy in the states who print enough just to supplement his income.

It took the FBI a long time to get him because he never spent them near where he lived and he disguised himself, dyed his hair. He took the trouble to park his car away from public view.

5 hours ago, tonray said:

The sad fact for these idiots is that the average Joe does not counterfeit money....they are dupes used by a larger and more sophisticated criminal gang. If they want any leniency they should sing like canaries and turn that info over to UK officials to go after the real scum behind this operation, 


Dupes? I wouldn't say so. I would guess they bought these notes back in the UK and knew exactly what they were doing. Probably imagining living it up on a super cheap holiday. It's clear they are not very smart but they are not some innocent dupes. Fake £20 notes for £1 real money? Go to Thailand and have a great time with them? That's the choice , they gambled and lost. 


Clever English wide boys get caught out in Thailand never with that dumb cops. Well done to the boys in brown hope these dumboes get 20 years hard labour nothing more than common thieves 


One wonders how they got such a large sum of "money" through customs and immigration. I hope they did not bribe someone with funny money. That would really be funny when he gets caught spending it. I think the sheets of paper in front of their faces contain written sentences. Write a 1000 times "I will never ever break the law again. I am guilty"


What a bunch of losers. Caught full face on a "working" CCTV camera. Immigration takes your picture when you enter the country and also at local offices. Being a foreigner you cannot hide your face among a country full of Thai's and I presume that the above have facial recognition software and bang "Bob's your uncle" 


Thailand penal code.


Section 240 Whoever, to counterfeit the currency, irrespective of whether to make as the coin, banknote or any the other thing to be used or authorized to be used by Government, or to counterfeit the Government bond or interest coupon attached to such bond, such person to be said to commit the offence of counterfeiting the currency, shall be imprisoned as from ten years to twenty years or fined as from ten years to twenty years and fined as from twenty thousand Baht to forty thousand Baht.


Section 243 Whoever, to bring any thing to be counterfeited according to Section 240 or altered according to Section 241, shall be punished as provided in such Section.




Its sad..Most Foreign Exchange survive on mere margin of less than 1% and that girl who did the exchange will pay for the loss...as owners will eventually put the blame on her...


They have to do 100s of transactions to break even...


Why is everyone after poor people...why don't they rob trillion pound banks in UK than prey of poor people from third world countries...


These exchange could even close shop if they don't pay rent...


People from the west do not understand the dynamics in Thailand...and wonder about THAI LOGIC....Thai Logic kicks in due to these low life's...now they will have to decrease the exchange rate to make up for the losses 


These guys are making it harder and harder for cops to not raid nightclubs, bars and restaurants...Thai's are losing trust and good guys will loose eventually as is the history of the world..


Good Guys will always pay one way or the other for the misdeeds of another human being...and then farangs wonder why Thai's have more and more fake smiles ...


You really think that exchange girl will smile anytime soon when exchanging money with another farang ??

6 hours ago, tonray said:

Lock em up and throw away the key. Fools beyond belief.

I suppose you would do the same with all those selling and buying counterfeit goods at the markets ? ? They done wrong no getting away from that but remember they were passing on forged notes Not trafficking children or alike.  

Get Real ! Seems this place is full of retired Judges ready to pass sentence without thinking.

5 hours ago, alfalfa19 said:

86 k  baht, seems like very small rewards for the risks and time they are facing.  especially since the rewards were being split at least 4 ways,  whilst all get the full issue of penalties. 


That's what they were caught with, it doesn't include all the 100/200 pound exchanges they'd already made.


As they will be detained, it's unlikely that they will be able to do visa runs to keep their stay in the Kingdom legal. Perhaps they could print themselves some entry visas, just to keep things right!  ?

5 hours ago, dotpoom said:

Not sure I understand the terms "fools" and "idiots" when it comes to describing criminals.   "Chancers" may be better.....thieves seem to be willing to risk a lot on the fact that they believe they will get away with it.

  I have met the odd "fool" and "idiot".....they wouldn't have the intellect to go about committing a crime.

Can you believe the mentality? Risking a stretch in a Thai nick for not much more than £1500......£15 Mil if your a smart boy, maybe These are probably straight out of the retards home.


well its not a school boy prank it is out and out fraud, just lucky they were caught quickly, they knew what they were doing and now will pay the price for it.i bet they are pooing their " y " fronts now he he.

5 hours ago, catman20 said:

hahaha your showing your age now i had a john bull printing kit when i was young

How lucky are you , I used to have to wittle a potatoe when I was a kid . 


Has this surfaced in the English press yet?


I reckon if they could rustle up a million baht pronto, these guys could be on a plane home in a couple of days. If not, they're screwed.


The stupidity of youth that now pays a heavy price.  However I suspect their parents will be on their way with real money and that, after the appropriate amount of handouts, will be that.

6 hours ago, worgeordie said:

After the new order from the P.M. ,for Police not to display suspects

before the media,they have found a way around it,hide their faces,

while the Police can get their faces on view,so everyone knows who

are doing such a good job !

regards worgeordie

No Geordie, look closely and you will see that they are all singing from the same hymn sheet........:)


According to the Thairath (link in OP) the four are all British subjects. It does not state that they are English yet Thai Visa headline writer knows more it seems.

1 hour ago, dunroaming said:

The stupidity of youth that now pays a heavy price.  However I suspect their parents will be on their way with real money and that, after the appropriate amount of handouts, will be that.

I doubt money will solve this but i reckon that the British police will be on their way wanting to know where they got the fake notes from so maybe they will get a double wammy,one for trying to exchange false notes in Thailand and should they get back, one for buying false notes in the UK with intent to sell. Wonders await them apart from court costs and lawyers fees

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