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US first lady Michelle Obama hits campaign trail for Clinton


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US first lady Michelle Obama hits campaign trail for Clinton




US first lady Michelle Obama has taken to the stage in support of Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.


She hit the campaign trail in Virginia, telling a crowd of students that their votes could mean the difference between a Clinton win – or a loss to Donald Trump.


Barack Obama won the White House in 2008 and 2012 with high levels of support from young people.


“It is excruciatingly clear that there is only one person in this election we can trust with those responsibilities, only one person with the qualification and the temperament for that job and that is our friend Hillary Clinton,” said Michelle Obama.


One recent poll has shown Clinton as having more support from people under 30 than Trump – but well below the levels Barack Obama achieved.

So, there is still work to do if she is to get more younger voters picking her over her Republican rival.


“I have been here since about 8 o’clock in the morning and we just waited all day. I did miss a few classes, but it was so worth it,” said one member of the crowd.

Another added: “The stakes could not be any higher. We need everybody, like we need really everybody to come out and vote for Hillary.”


Reporting from Virginia, euronews correspondent Stefan Grobe said: “At this point in the campaign, there is hardly a more effective surrogate for Hillary Clinton than someone whose name is Obama.


“Given the tightening polls, chances are we are going to see more of the first couple on the trail until election day. In battleground states like Virginia, it could make all the difference.”


-- © Copyright Euronews 2016-09-18


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2 hours ago, Rancid said:

Black vote sliding is it? Mind you her and "change you can believe in" hubby have achieved what again?

I guess you don't get out much. So, for your complete enjoyment here are a just handful of President Obama's accomplishments:

Biggest job growth in manufacturing since the '90s
Unemployment cut in half
Longest streak of private-sector job creation in history with more than 14 million new jobs
Auto industry bailout, which revitalized (saved) the industry and making it profitable again
Stock market tripled
Clean energy production doubled
Affordable Care Act - more Americans getting health insurance coverage

Legalization of same-sex marriage

U.S. - Cuba relations

...and he did it all of it while facing EIGHT dragging YEARS of 'Just Say No'  Republican obstructionism.

Heck, I didn't even bring up First Lady Michelle Obama's  accomplishments, but she is not in an official capacity.

Now, that your current affairs interest has been piqued, here is a list of 396 accomplishments to date (WITH CITATIONS - never see those on Breitbart or Infowars, right?). Just imagine, what great things he can do in the next two months.


Edited by lifeincnx
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Desperate times requires desperate actions.  Obama tried to help crooked Hillary and he looked and sounded good, but then everyone asked the same question Rancid did - what did he achieve again?  He said: "yes we can"  - but what did he do??


So now the DMC has dragged out their last best hope - a black 1st lady wannabe.  Come on people (the DMC is saying) you wanted a black POTUS to feel better about past discriminations - surely you now want a woman??


To use the words (some) of an immortal Aussie Pollie:  "Ladies and gentleman, well may we say God Save the Queen, because nothing will save the Hillary Campaign." 


Edited by Bob9
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HR will need all the help she can get. This election was her's to lose. She was fighting an inferior opponent who has suddenly found how to tone it down and talk it up thanks to his new campaign manager who appeared via satellite on the Bill Maher show. Her obvious aim was to talk over top of Bill Maher (a hard thing to do) and blow Trumps trumpet. She did a good job. HR is a classic example of a political candidate with to much baggage. Her team has taken the position that this thing was in the bag well guess what you better get off of your keisters and do some damage control real fast. If HR does not do a good job during Wednesdays debate I think the tide will go against her. Her only hope is that on election day when the voter steps into that small cubicle with his pencil and ballot and all the hoopla and noise and bad mouthing has disappeared into the past his/her conscience/reality will kick in and this will be their common sense guide. The circus will have left town 

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Never in my life have I seen such campaigning by a power in office towards a possible follower. Something is seriously wrong here, and the o,bamas systematic destruction of the military and all things American is a real cause for worry. They want that destruction to continue, and no-one more eager to do their bidding than the clintons !

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7 hours ago, Rancid said:

Black vote sliding is it? Mind you her and "change you can believe in" hubby have achieved what again?


" U.S. Household Incomes: A 49-Year Perspective. Earlier this week the Census Bureau released its annual report on household income data for 2015. Last year the median (middle) household income rose to$56,516, a 5.3% increase over 2014 and a record high. "


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8 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

Why is Mrs Obama wasting her time?  In four years time if she stands (and she probably will) then she will walk it, no contest.  Seems odd that she should come down to Clintons level at all.

is she wasting her time?

If you look at my post reply# 12 in the graph you would notice all the arrows pointing up. can we afford four years of this psychopath?Can we reverse the gains we have made?

I have no love lost for HRC but at this point I would vote for Donald Duck if it meant it would keep Donald Fraud out of the oval office. and I am sure Mrs Obama feels the same.

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11 hours ago, Rancid said:

Black vote sliding is it? Mind you her and "change you can believe in" hubby have achieved what again?




If you read the article it says:


"One recent poll has shown Clinton as having more support from people under 30 than Trump – but well below the levels Barack Obama achieved"


The article is about a possible diminution of the Youth Vote.


It was there in the article for all to see, and yet three people actually "liked" your post.


Do you people actually read the words, or do you just see the picture and start barking and drooling like one of Pavlovs dogs?


Edited by Enoon
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1 hour ago, sirineou said:

is she wasting her time?

If you look at my post reply# 12 in the graph you would notice all the arrows pointing up. can we afford four years of this psychopath?Can we reverse the gains we have made?

I have no love lost for HRC but at this point I would vote for Donald Duck if it meant it would keep Donald Fraud out of the oval office. and I am sure Mrs Obama feels the same.


I agree and worry not, Trump won't get the Presidency.  I just think that Michelle Obama should take the moral high ground and stay above the dogfight by the two inadequate candidates

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35 minutes ago, dunroaming said:


I agree and worry not, Trump won't get the Presidency.  I just think that Michelle Obama should take the moral high ground and stay above the dogfight by the two inadequate candidates

Worry I must, Trump understands one thing, anger is a great motivator that causes people , often good people, to do bad things.I believe that's part of the reason that he fans the flames of hatred.

Angry people show up to vote, where others who might not even like HRC and are not as motivated , and might stay home.

Michelle Obama and her husband understand this, and want to create a certain amount of motivation on HRC's side. Even I have being wavering and was considering voting for Gary Johnson and  Bill Weld, but they have being excluded from the first debate, and as of now have no chance, but if thing were to change where they have a reasonable chance, I am willing to reconsider. 

Anyway , I do hope you are right, otherwise , aside from the inherent dangers of a Trump presidency, we will be the laughing stock of the world.

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On 9/18/2016 at 1:05 PM, lifeincnx said:

I guess you don't get out much. So, for your complete enjoyment here are a just handful of President Obama's accomplishments:

Biggest job growth in manufacturing since the '90s
Unemployment cut in half
Longest streak of private-sector job creation in history with more than 14 million new jobs
Auto industry bailout, which revitalized (saved) the industry and making it profitable again
Stock market tripled
Clean energy production doubled
Affordable Care Act - more Americans getting health insurance coverage

Legalization of same-sex marriage

U.S. - Cuba relations

...and he did it all of it while facing EIGHT dragging YEARS of 'Just Say No'  Republican obstructionism.

Heck, I didn't even bring up First Lady Michelle Obama's  accomplishments, but she is not in an official capacity.

Now, that your current affairs interest has been piqued, here is a list of 396 accomplishments to date (WITH CITATIONS - never see those on Breitbart or Infowars, right?). Just imagine, what great things he can do in the next two months.


Two Middle east countries still have American soldiers dying ?  More Terrorist events then any other US president ever. Eight so far. 

Strange that with a Black president; more Black people murdered every day in America; then any President. I can write another 397 accomplishments with Death cert.  Nothing else matters.

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Its a bit different in Mr Trumps case innit? He's running against her now….he's assessed her performance since the time of that video and noted the incompetence and corruption she has shown.


Michelle O is not running against Trump….her change of position has no solid basis…...

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56 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

Its a bit different in Mr Trumps case innit? He's running against her now….he's assessed her performance since the time of that video and noted the incompetence and corruption she has shown.


Michelle O is not running against Trump….her change of position has no solid basis…...


Oh I see now. Trump just changed his point of view while Michelle did a flip-flop. Whatever...

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