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Pleasure derived from the misfortune of other Expats


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6 hours ago, JJGreen said:

Are people this bitter and petty back in our home countries?



In terms of relationship breakdown, loss of wealth / property etc i would suggest they are not. I think generally a guy suffering a domestic breakdown in the West would be more likely to get sympathy than be labelled stupid. In reality i suspect the 'stupidity tag' could have in many cases been equally applied.

Edited by rogeroc
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Motorcycle accidents, broken hips, severed spinal cords, botched surgeries, undiagnosable tropical diseases, flesh eating parasites, incontinence, erectile dysfunction; snake bites, monkey bites, soi dog attacks, tiger maulings; stories about how the wife can’t cook, refuses to have sex, is unfaithful; knuckle headed business ventures going belly up, feuds with neighbors ending in violence, bankruptcies, stolen money, mysterious disappearance of expensive hand tools, crop failure, lost pets, emptied bank accounts, and above all...crushed dreams. 


Wipe that ghoulish grin off your face right this minute, you hear me boy!!! default_smile.png

That post did give me a chuckle
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8 hours ago, Strange said:




People use other peoples misfortune as a way to propel them selves into a feeling of superiority. They think its a good way to improve their image and the way other people view them. The reality is people see it for what it is - bottom of the barrel, scum of the earth douchebaggery. 


Norman Person - "Oh man my wife cheated and stole all my money"


Weirdos in Thailand - "Haha lololol I don't know what kind of woman you married, but mine would never do that!! You must be a real piece of work!"


Normal Person - "What?"

Its like wanting to know what everybody earns, if less than he, he feels superior.

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I would get no pleasure in somebody who has suffered misfortune with their business or their wife and would probably sympathise with them even if they are the root of their problems.

However in a slapstick type comedic affair where for example someone walked into something when not looking but wasn't hurt in anyway I would probably laugh.

I have all my Dads old Laurel and Hardy dvds that I will be bringing with me when we move to Thailand and I think that the thai family will probably love to watch them, the language isn't that important as it is mainly visual slapstick type comedy.

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4 hours ago, Agent Sumo said:


OK your first point, that was aimed at those who actually voted for Brexit. Furthermore, as a Brit myself, it also affects me


I never suggested that there weren't instances where that combination works out. This thread, however, isn't about that is it? It's about "misfortune" or in the case of those who do end up falling for the oldest one in the book even with the surfeit of warnings out there, "stupidity".

Since there is no correlation between age at marriage and divorce statistics you are just as likely to end up had by a partner as anyone else of any age. You are just a nasty piece of work who likes to try and make people who are older than you feel bad.  


You are the stupid one for thinking you have as good a chance of a happy relationship in Thailand as an older guy with a good income.  Go home get a job and bank some cash and come back to Thailand when you retire and have a chance at a good life here and get your jollies from life instead of from trying to dis others on a anonymous forum.  

Edited by Scotwight
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1 hour ago, sandgroper2 said:

Its like wanting to know what everybody earns, if less than he, he feels superior.

We seem to have the urge to establish a preliminary socio-economical "pecking-order" as soon as we meet someone new. The magic question is:

- WHAT DO YOU DO FOR A LIVING? = We can lie about this.

It was somewhat easier, when we used to live on trees: A quick glance around to assess who has the larges penis made it clear instantly.

Ahhhh! Those were the good old days!


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1 minute ago, swissie said:

We seem to have the urge to establish a preliminary socio-economical "pecking-order" as soon as we meet someone new. The magic question is:

- WHAT DO YOU DO FOR A LIVING? = We can lie about this.

It was somewhat easier, when we used to live on trees: A quick glance around to assess who has the larges penis made it clear instantly.

Ahhhh! Those were the good old days!


You only have to look for the folks who don't like nudist resorts and you know why.555.

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1 hour ago, Scotwight said:

Since there is no correlation between age at marriage and divorce statistics you are just as likely to end up had by a partner as anyone else of any age. You are just a nasty piece of work who likes to try and make people who are older than you feel bad.  




I think there is a bit of an ageist thing going on in many threads as well, and presumably comng from the younger generation. Young pouring scorn on older. Look at a recent thread called drunk old men where it was suggested that it was ok to be young and drunk but not old and drunk. In terms of relationships anybody who is in their 30's and 40's  and thinks they have been successful doesn't know that yet. Get to 55 plus and i will believe you, if you can still say with hand on heart, you did not make stupid domestic mistakes.

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10 hours ago, Henryford said:


Have you been to London lately, i think that takes the prize for the world's trash.



Different kind of Trash here, it's Chav Trash that come to Thailand....


as for London ?? Depends where you are, fortunately for me,  it's not where I frequent.....

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I think there is a bit of an ageist thing going on in many threads as well, and presumably comng from the younger generation. Young pouring scorn on older. Look at a recent thread called drunk old men where it was suggested that it was ok to be young and drunk but not old and drunk. In terms of relationships anybody who is in their 30's and 40's  and thinks they have been successful doesn't know that yet. Get to 55 plus and i will believe you, if you can still say with hand on heart, you did not make stupid domestic mistakes.

Thats a thought provoking point. Got to be mindful who you take what advice from
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Two comments that rather show disdain toward other 'foreigners' in this very thread!


"much of the crap is from non Thailand residents or people that simply visit only and think they know everything"


"combination of drunkenness and stupidity that induces the kind of poor decision making that has lead to the woes of many here."


To be honest If these arrogant type of guys fall on hard times, I feel yes, I would let them dig their own way out, and smile. Most others I would help to pick up, and where possible, send on their way hopefully in better shape. I'd do the same for my Thai friends too.



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2 hours ago, robertthebruce said:



Different kind of Trash here, it's Chav Trash that come to Thailand....


as for London ?? Depends where you are, fortunately for me,  it's not where I frequent.....


2 hours ago, robertthebruce said:



Different kind of Trash here, it's Chav Trash that come to Thailand....


as for London ?? Depends where you are, fortunately for me,  it's not where I frequent.....

English is the universal language, unfortunately containing 199 different dialects and depending on region, 4639 special words that are unique and not being understood by the rest of the world.


- What means "Chav-Trash" for example ?

Thx & Cheers.

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Things have probably sunk to this level by the way farangs treat eachr other here. 

If you have ever had any type of work here you will notice it.

A'holes jealous at your work or relationship with Thais will try everything they can to sabotage you.

Trying to discredit you at every chance, or otherwise make you look second rate, so it somehow makes them better by default.

They are usually know-alls who like to give the same old Thailand history/language/culture lesson to all and sundry..

Of course, before they could even be bothered to find out the person they are preaching to has been here 5 years longer than them.

Then you hear some of them saying the most idiotic of statements but if you should question it you are met with hostility and threats. 

They are usually all from the same country to.

I've left good jobs here to get away from those A'holes and one instance cost me quite a bit, just out of others jealousy.

Needless to say, i will never have anything to do with that industry again.


It would be very hard for me to have any sympathy for the certain p#ick mentioned above..no matter what bad thing happened to him.

And it will someday..loudmouths will always come to grips.


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8 hours ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:

Amen. I said it before we should be like Thais who stick together in foreign countries. I have never seen Thais behave like this towards each other. That's why falang in Thailand will always lose. Personally, I find it revolting and see this and "the other forum" as something I read before I take a dump.... Save for the moderators who do give good advice and that's the only reason I keep my membership here.

My girlfriend and I stayed in the UK for a while and we witnessed exactly the same attitudes between the UK Thai communities and the expats here in Thailand.


Although the expat Thais would congregate socially and some connect to become friends, many still believed they were somehow superior to all the other Thais living in Britain and even blank each other as do expats in Thailand. I`m sure if there was a Thai version of TV in Britain the attitudes and bitchiness towards each other would be exactly the same.


Why the expats of the same nationalities living in other countries have such disdain for their fellow peers goes beyond me, it`s a phenomenon I fail to understand.

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1 hour ago, swissie said:


English is the universal language, unfortunately containing 199 different dialects and depending on region, 4639 special words that are unique and not being understood by the rest of the world.


- What means "Chav-Trash" for example ?

Thx & Cheers.



Ask Vicky Pollard.....She will reveal all.....


or can't you be bovered......

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10 hours ago, SoiBiker said:

I think laughing at other's misfortune is often unpleasant. But 'misfortune' implies bad luck, rather than the combination of drunkenness and stupidity that induces the kind of poor decision making that has lead to the woes of many here.


I just don't get where you are coming from. Why don't you at least occasionally try and substantiate your sweeping generalisations or give some examples of what you are trying to put across. How about just one example of an expat you know who has made a serious stupid mistake (and what it was} whilst they were drunk.

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3 hours ago, rogeroc said:


I just don't get where you are coming from. Why don't you at least occasionally try and substantiate your sweeping generalisations or give some examples of what you are trying to put across. How about just one example of an expat you know who has made a serious stupid mistake (and what it was} whilst they were drunk.


Give it a rest, dude. I don't have to justify what I post to you. 

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21 hours ago, Strange said:




People use other peoples misfortune as a way to propel them selves into a feeling of superiority. They think its a good way to improve their image and the way other people view them. The reality is people see it for what it is - bottom of the barrel, scum of the earth douchebaggery. 


Norman Person - "Oh man my wife cheated and stole all my money"


Weirdos in Thailand - "Haha lololol I don't know what kind of woman you married, but mine would never do that!! You must be a real piece of work!"


Normal Person - "What?"

your 100% right mate that why there are so many lairs in Thailand. they all lie, reinvent their selves to feel better about their selves. 

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19 hours ago, Bob9 said:

You are correct - and there are a few of them here on TV.  We all can occasionally 'debate' with others perhaps a little too strongly.  But there are some TV members who do nothing much other than argue/abuse/debate/criticise.


One of the best improvements in the new TV system is that it is so easy to ignore these TV members.  This is what you do:


Hold mouse over their name - a pop-up screen will offer three options: message;  ignore;  content.


Before you shut someone out (ignore) take a look at their content. The new TV system shows all of a members posts - in summary (4-6 lines) . Have a read through and see if they are just having a bad day and said something stupid/mean/abusive, but they otherwise offer reasonable opinion and debate and provide advice to others asking questions.  If after looking through a few you see nothing but argument and abuse and criticism (and no advice), then add them to your ignore list. by clicking on ignore - easy peasy. :D





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16 hours ago, Gecko123 said:

Earlier another poster pointed out that many languages have words with similar meanings to schadenfreude which predate the German word.


It is curious that so many languages have words to describe this human emotion, and yet so few here are willing to admit to experiencing such emotions.


A statistical anomaly, or evidence of denying emotional reality? :whistling:


Interesting point - it surely is not a Thai Expat thing alone... personally, I keep it limited to obnoxious sports stars and celebrities... sure, political figures too - anyone w/out of control ego.. I guess.

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18 hours ago, Gulfsailor said:

<deleted>? Doesn't start with an F though. I can't think of any other German word that describes it better. 


It is quite over the top to delete a single word.


Edited by hansnl
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21 hours ago, 4evermaat said:

Mostly on ThaiVisa.com.  On an anonymous forum, religious fanatics, feminists, and bitter grumpies can troll their hidden agendas like there is no tomorrow if it is not checked by moderators.


Once you interact with actual expats on the ground, you see the majority attitude towards living thailand is usually much more positive and/or constructive.  They tend to focus more on workarounds and tradeoffs to their problems rather than passing judgement with hindsight.




+1. It goes further than taking pleasure in others' misfortunes, too. Those aren't enough. It's also hoping for others' misfortunes and just punishment, the motivation behind all the schoolmarm warnings, dire predictions, and phony handwringing.

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17 hours ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:

Amen. I said it before we should be like Thais who stick together in foreign countries. I have never seen Thais behave like this towards each other.



No. Thais are notorious for envy, backbiting, and attempting to take advantage of one another in foreign countries.



That's why falang in Thailand will always lose.


Maybe they were losers before they came here. ;) But most expats are doing better than most Thais, all considered.

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