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PM's brother: Preecha stands firm by wife and son amid controversies


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Preecha stands firm by wife and son amid controversies

The Nation


BANGKOK: -- Defence Ministry permanent secretary General Preecha Chanocha said he stands firmly behind his wife and son, saying he did not care about recent public criticism of their alleged involvement in inappropriate activities.


An activist yesterday lodged a petition with the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) against Preecha and three other high-ranking military officers over their alleged misconduct involving the public service role of Preecha's wife.


Full story: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Preecha-stands-firm-by-wife-and-son-amid-controver-30295738.html

-- © Copyright The Nation 2016-09-20
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No carefully worded statement about the situation just right in there with complete arrogance although it has to be said he's telling the truth and doesn't care, why should he consider who and what he is ?

People like this have no shame so forget all their fine words about uniting the country, improving things for everyone etc as there'a clearly defined pecking order and so on and they wouldn't have it any other way.

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"...I have not abused my power to seek any favours for my son … My son did it right following the due processes. I did not interfere or use my power for him to get the construction projects...".




"Oh! What a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive".


This classic prose from Sir Walter Scott's “Marmion” succinctly describes just how complicated life becomes when people start lying and acting inappropriately.


Even with their ubiquitous 44, it is going to be interesting to see how this plays out, and what spin is put on this web of intrigue.



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 Two choices. Punish his wife and son with the full force of the law (i'm talking here about the way they punished that poor old couple picking mushrooms for dinner), or resign because he could not even control corruption in his own household. I expect he was fully complicit in their wrong doing. Horrendous PM and government in general.

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I wonder why a person in such a lofty position even bothers saying anything at all knowing how Thailand kowtows to the hierarchy structuring. He should know he has the intimidation factor, the right name, the right connections, and the trusty defamation card firmly up his sleeve. I personally think the term "scum" is fitting for such a person. I wonder if the mods will agree


It's pretty much a cert that the good general and pseudo PM will say something to the extent that a (carefully selected) fact finding committee will determine any wrong doing, that all proper procedures were followed and that those throwing accusations better be darn sure they're right or stare down a procession of defamation suits 

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He doesn't care what the critics/reporters/people are saying.  Even if everything was above board (#*@%*#) he most certainly should care very much and give documented evidence that everything is legitimate.

But instead the arrogant nature of the man/family/position comes out and is exposed and his utter contempt for the people of the country.

His wife flying about in military planes at tax payers expense,  sitting on gold leaf chairs resembling a throne while the people grovel on the ground in front of her. Yeah many Thai people are not happy with that and are asking who does she think she is?

This not the first time the brother of the PM has been exposed to the public for all the wrong reasons, like a military budget and a bank account.

But try to get the junta fan club to honestly discuss that little nugget, no bloody way they do as all cowards do when things are not looking in their favor, RUN  IGNORE and DEFLECT...   Do your  home work guy's and justify that one...  Good luck.

So what will the lil general that fight's corruption without bias/prejudice do this time if the reporters have the stones to push him???

Same as last time me thinks, Stop digging this stuff up,   it helps no one,    it just makes trouble.  Then go after some other red and claim hero of the nation again.

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35 minutes ago, z42 said:

I wonder why a person in such a lofty position even bothers saying anything at all knowing how Thailand kowtows to the hierarchy structuring. He should know he has the intimidation factor, the right name, the right connections, and the trusty defamation card firmly up his sleeve. I personally think the term "scum" is fitting for such a person. I wonder if the mods will agree


It's pretty much a cert that the good general and pseudo PM will say something to the extent that a (carefully selected) fact finding committee will determine any wrong doing, that all proper procedures were followed and that those throwing accusations better be darn sure they're right or stare down a procession of defamation suits 

Timely you should mention defamation as the BBC is carrying a report on a case due for determination in court today and explain how defamation is used by the rich, the powerful and so on as a way of silencing critics, opponents etc.

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2 hours ago, Alive said:

This regime needs to go. It's full of cronyism, nepotism and corruption.

You haven't seen anything yet wait till after the next elections, this mob of spiffs are exactly like the Junta's of old, they answer to no one, and under section 44 are a law unto themselves, their moto,  go eat cake, and they copied that.

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From what I've heard from locals it's not what's going to happen after the next election that concerns them, they've got a fair idea who's going to win, but what's going to happen after another upcoming event that concerns them immensely, and incidents like this are just a taste of it. :sad:

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2 minutes ago, harada said:

From what I've heard from locals it's not what's going to happen after the next election that concerns them, they've got a fair idea who's going to win, but what's going to happen after another upcoming event that concerns them immensely, and incidents like this are just a taste of it. :sad:

Nail well and truly hit on the head.

There's a lot to be concerned about for all of us.

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2 hours ago, aussieinthailand said:

He doesn't care what the critics/reporters/people are saying.  Even if everything was above board (#*@%*#) he most certainly should care very much and give documented evidence that everything is legitimate.

But instead the arrogant nature of the man/family/position comes out and is exposed and his utter contempt for the people of the country.

His wife flying about in military planes at tax payers expense,  sitting on gold leaf chairs resembling a throne while the people grovel on the ground in front of her. Yeah many Thai people are not happy with that and are asking who does she think she is?

This not the first time the brother of the PM has been exposed to the public for all the wrong reasons, like a military budget and a bank account.

But try to get the junta fan club to honestly discuss that little nugget, no bloody way they do as all cowards do when things are not looking in their favor, RUN  IGNORE and DEFLECT...   Do your  home work guy's and justify that one...  Good luck.

So what will the lil general that fight's corruption without bias/prejudice do this time if the reporters have the stones to push him???

Same as last time me thinks, Stop digging this stuff up,   it helps no one,    it just makes trouble.  Then go after some other red and claim hero of the nation again.

They're got 20 years to stop the corruption,wait

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Two rather disturbing photos of people prostrating to Preecha's wife and of her on red carpet while others were standing in mud. Power has certainly corrupted the minds of these puesdo "lords" to act like this like the warloard era. Thailand is fast sliding to some sort of anarchy of this kind of gross behaviour allow to be continued. 

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4 hours ago, Alive said:

This regime needs to go. It's full of cronyism, nepotism and corruption.

To be replaced by...........another regime full of cronyism, nepotism and corruption (just like all those before it).


It's too deeply ingrained, whoever holds power in this country will use it to enrich themselves. And don't think it's just a Thai problem, it goes on everywhere, including the West (just a little more subtle and less visible).

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4 hours ago, Alive said:

This regime needs to go. It's full of cronyism, nepotism and corruption.

unlike the ptp, what a joke, the ptp was just as bad if not worse. What is needed is a law that stops any family members from getting any govt contracts etc, that is the only way this will ever be stopped.

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4 minutes ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

Where are the Thaksin obsessives?


Do they have some sort of blockage or filter that stops them commenting on threads like this?



no, they are not hypocrites like you lot trying to make out this is the only time it has happened, the thaksin/ptp govts were very big on this sort of crap but then again all of the thai govts have been. Its not a matter of who anyone favours, they are all as bad as each other. The only way to stop this sort of thing is to make it illegal for any family/close friends to even get to put in submissions for anything to do with the govt, this in itself would remove a lot of the back handers that we are constantly reminded of.

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5 minutes ago, Father Fintan Stack said:


This isn't the only time it has happened with the junta though, they appointed loads of their family and friends to positions in 2014, paying them large salaries out of the public purse.  


Jobs for the boys (and wife and siblings).

Remember there was to be an examination of the qualifications etc of all the family members and those found to be unsuitable would have to give up the job ?

After that announcement the silence on what happened has been deafening.

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46 minutes ago, Father Fintan Stack said:
27 minutes ago, Father Fintan Stack said:


This isn't the only time it has happened with the junta though, they appointed loads of their family and friends to positions in 2014, paying them large salaries out of the public purse.  


Jobs for the boys (and wife and siblings).

Never said it was, but again the ptp did the same thing as all thai govts have. You cant simply say this govt as they are just as bad as each other, if they think they can make money for family and friends they will, it needs to be outlawed so all parties/govts are not able to do it anymore. Anyone in govt that is caught out doing this sort of thing needs to suffer the consequences, lose their position and face big fines/ jail time but I doubt anyone will ever have the balls to put the law in place, this practice is too deeply set in the thai psych, in this case this man should be given the chop for allowing this to happen, he is the one that has allowed it when he should have hit it on the head before his son was even allowed to take part. 

Edited by seajae
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6 hours ago, jaidam said:

 Two choices. Punish his wife and son with the full force of the law (i'm talking here about the way they punished that poor old couple picking mushrooms for dinner), or resign because he could not even control corruption in his own household. I expect he was fully complicit in their wrong doing. Horrendous PM and government in general.


That needs to be investigated first (and we know the quality and impartiality of investigations here) and then the evidence presented.


But based on the past zilch will happen. Remember when Oak went into advertising and "won" government contracts; nothing was ever done about the impropriety suggested. And you would probably find much more of this going on in this, the last and previous governments.

Whilst there are public procurement rules, rules on promotion, recruitment and succession it's amazing how many contracts and jobs go to family members, in-laws, relations of "allies" etc. All about rewarding the loyal supporters and their families.

Anyone who has done business in Asia, especially ethnic Chinese, will know how they like to keep everything in the family and have a web like network of kickbacks to keep the chains greased.

In the West we're used to the opposite now. Strict adherence to public procurement rules - but it's not that long ago families, friends and fellow masons benefited similarly.

Edited by Baerboxer
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For those who were too lazy to read the full paper: "His remark came after Isra News Agency reported that Preecha's son had obtained business concessions for Army construction projects. Contemporary Construction Ltd Partnership, in which Pratompol Chan-o-cha is one of three partners, was involved in contracts for two Army construction projects worth Bt26.9 million "

No Comment! 

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7 hours ago, Alive said:

This regime needs to go. It's full of cronyism, nepotism and corruption.


What would you replace it with?


Any Thaksin led government is also full of full of cronyism, nepotism and corruption. (Your words, not mine.)


The Democrats are not that much better At least Suthep is no longer there, but the dinosaurs in the party committees ARE still there.


So which party do YOU think should run the country?

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3 hours ago, Father Fintan Stack said:


This isn't the only time it has happened with the junta though, they appointed loads of their family and friends to positions in 2014, paying them large salaries out of the public purse.  


Jobs for the boys (and wife and siblings).


How about Thaksin promoting his brother in law to become PM? To be fair he did have some political experience unlike Yingluck who had NO political experience at all yet still was appointed as PM.


The problem in Thailand is that ALL sides are equally guilty and politics really needs tearing down completely and the foundations torn out and then rebuilt from the very bottom up.


One of the problems with that are that no party would cut its own throat and that of every other political party by doing it, and another is where could you find a completely new and untainted source of politicians in Thailand?

Edited by billd766
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