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As Trump rises, Clinton struggles with traditional playbook


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16 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

 No, he doesn't lead and his short "momentum" spurt is OVER. 


Come on, its close as hell. Right now there is no way to tell. Look at one poll and its Trump look at another its Hillary. 

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Been around a while, and I remember the same thing said about Reagan.  He cant win the nomination..... o0oops.  No way he can win the election .... oooops.  Trump is following the Reagan play-book, but this time I hope he goes one better and sets things up for the next POTUS to also be anti-establishment and pro-American (ideally a Republican).  Otherwise, a smarmy two-faced show pony will come along and take all the credit for what Reagan did, and then completely stuff things up before he leaves/gets out of office (hint:  husband of 'the crooked one').  




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Question:  When Trump speaks, many do not like his words, but he believes what he says.  He speaks with seriousness and conviction.  Whereas, when both Hillary and Obama speak everything is a joke.  Why is that?  It is as if they can't lie without smirking, giggling, and laughing.  They think their comedians; I guess they are. 

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2 minutes ago, 212Roger said:

Question:  When Trump speaks, many do not like his words, but he believes what he says.  He speaks with seriousness and conviction.  Whereas, when both Hillary and Obama speak everything is a joke.  Why is that?  It is as if they can't lie without smirking, giggling, and laughing.  They think their comedians; I guess they are. 


Cause they are pulling for that "Im just like you guys!" BS. 



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9 hours ago, RuamRudy said:


Now we are really getting into a subjective area. Everything about the man, in my opinion, tells me that he is dishonest, untrustworthy, and willing to lie and hurt honest people to get ahead. I appreciate that there are many people who suggest his opponent is no better, but that, although unfortunate, should not allow this man to be elevated to a position for which he has spent his entire life proving himself fundamentally unfit.


As for Brexit - that is our own shame. Brexit won by the narrowest of margins, supported in no small way by our own collection of bigots and racists. Being part of it is no badge of honour.


Now take the adjectives you apply to Trump, and see how many apply to all the other wonderful crop of leaders and senior politicians that currently plague  grace the world stage. Including your beloved Nippy.


CEO's, politicians, civil servants - take your pick. All much of a muchness.

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21 minutes ago, 212Roger said:

Question:  When Trump speaks, many do not like his words, but he believes what he says.  He speaks with seriousness and conviction.  Whereas, when both Hillary and Obama speak everything is a joke.  Why is that?  It is as if they can't lie without smirking, giggling, and laughing.  They think their comedians; I guess they are. 

Excellent point. "Working class" Obama happened to go to the finest school in Hawaii: Punahou School.

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4 hours ago, Strange said:



UK and Ireland are AWASH.... 


Has 3, THREE, urinals with his face on it. I admit it the title got me and I clicked and unfortunately contributed to the site. 


On a positive note at least we lived in countries where we can do things like this and not be arrested. 


Yes trying doing it in Russia!

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16 hours ago, RandolphGB said:


Ah, yes, the hallmark of the we know best  hard-left...  A democratic vote but it shouldn't be allowed because it's not what you agree with. Diddums


A gross misrepresentation of what I stated - a typical response of those with nothing but hot air and bile to offer. 


Why don't you look a bit deeper and ask yourself why Clinton and Trump are actually the only viable options on the docket. Question whether these two really the best that the US has to offer, then come back to me with your talk of democracy. Or just keep sipping the kool-aid.

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21 hours ago, Chicog said:


I believe it's worse than that.

Trump is an habitual and continual liar, and he does it so much that people are now immune to it.

What should be of concern is the constant failure of the so called "Left wing" media to fact check and report his lies.




Your comment wouldn't be so laughable if Clinton was not an even bigger liar in an even more underhand way and on much bigger issues than Trump. Having been exposed so many times this unprincipled wonan has cheated justice - repeatedly. Added to which are the serious questions on her involvement on various murders as well as national security matters and it is worryingly all brushed under the carpet by the media and FBI. She smells big time and I really think the US would benefit if she became unable to carry on.  I don't think Trump is much better but there you have the ludicrous system you guys call democracy when two equally unelectables are the choice for the most powerful position in the world today.

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8 minutes ago, timewilltell said:


Your comment wouldn't be so laughable if Clinton was not an even bigger liar in an even more underhand way and on much bigger issues than Trump. 


Let's compare the Truth-O-Meter scorecards of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton shall we?




Seems like most of Clinton's statements fall around the "Mostly True" mark while Trump's mostly fall around the "False" mark.

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7 minutes ago, Silurian said:


Let's compare the Truth-O-Meter scorecards of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton shall we?




Seems like most of Clinton's statements fall around the "Mostly True" mark while Trump's mostly fall around the "False" mark.


What's saddening is that the abysmal media have failed dismally to get this out there. They are long past questioning Trump's constant lies, they simply report them.



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Here are some arch-conservative Republicans giving their reasons from not voting for Trump:


Brent Scowcroft, Former national security advisor

"She understands that our leadership and engagement beyond our borders makes the world, and therefore the United States, more secure and prosperous,"


Peter Mansoor, Retired colonel, U. S. Army

"Hillary Clinton may have her faults, and supports some policies with which I do not agree, but she has the fundamental capabilities and experience to fulfill the duties of the office. Trump admits no faults and has an inability or unwillingness to listen to advice from others—a dangerous combination in a position that demands good judgment and common sense," 


Sally Bradshaw, Top advisor, Jeb 2016

"The GOP is at a crossroads and have nominated a total narcissist, misogynist, and a bigot. This is a time when country has to take priority over political parties. Donald Trump cannot be elected president," as told to CNN.


Craig Snyder, Founder, Republicans for Her 2016 Super PAC

"I first met Trump many years ago. He's always been a nutjob. There's more danger of major war in the world right now than ever since the Cuban missile crisis. I trust Hillary to keep my kids safe. I'm terrified Trump could get them killed,"


Henry Paulson, Former Treasury secretary, George W. Bush administration

"The GOP, in putting Trump at the top of the ticket, is endorsing a brand of populism rooted in ignorance, prejudice, fear, and isolationism. This troubles me deeply as a Republican, but it troubles me even more as an American. Enough is enough. It's time to put country before party and say it together: Never Trump," 


Robert Kagan, Senior fellow, the Brookings Institution

"What we have seen in the Trump campaign is not only a clever method of stirring up the anger in people. It is also a personality defect. . . . And because it is a defect and not a tactic, it would continue to affect Trump's behavior in the White House," 


SOURCE / see; bottom of page for the quotes above.

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1 hour ago, boomerangutang said:

Here are some arch-conservative Republicans giving their reasons from not voting for Trump:



I have seen many of your previous posts - and I would say you are the 'worst' pro-Hillary supporter who insults Trump.  But the reason I am writing this is not to argue - it is to try and educate you on why Trump will win - if you will listen.


Open Google and type in 'republicans supporting trump' - click on verbatim (exact words) - this is what you will get:


Which Republicans Are Against Donald Trump? A Cheat ... - The Atlantic

For Republicans and conservatives, the time for hoping Trump would simply burn ... in Cleveland, and said at a D.C. dinner that he won't be supporting Trump.

The Republicans Who Support Hillary Clinton Over Donald Trump ...

Aug 5, 2016 - Republicans who can't stand Trump face a difficult choice. ... McConnell have committed tosupporting Trump, though they have also attempted ...

Which Republicans Are Against Donald Trump? A Cheat Sheet - The ...

May 5, 2016 - Now she is one of the Republicans who has decided she can't wait any longer. ..... But then after Trump suggested not supporting NATO allies, ...

Every High-Profile Republican Who Refuses to Back Trump - Rolling ...

Aug 12, 2016 - So far 136 Republicans who've worked in government have said ... Meet the Republican Women Supporting Hillary Clinton for President.

The notable Republicans who aren't supporting Donald Trump

These high-profile GOP members aren't getting behind the presumptive Republican presidential nominee.


How can that be??   Why am I getting a list of anti-Trump listings????



Why is the system against Trump - surely a Google search result must be truthful and fair - why the bias???



What do they have to fear - surely people are entitled to hear/read the truth???



But surely there are people who support Trump, who agree with his political views - why cant I hear/see what they have to say???




You dont need to see/read Fox News to get a biased 'pro' view about Trump - nor the NY Times or Washington Times to get a negative view.  Try looking again everywhere and try to see what 'they' are trying so hard to stop you from seeing and hearing.  Listen to one of his speeches at all those rallys he holds - and note how HRC avoids the people and the press.  Then think - think for yourself - and then make up your own mind.


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1 hour ago, Bob9 said:

I have seen many of your previous posts - and I would say you are the 'worst' pro-Hillary supporter who insults Trump.  But the reason I am writing this is not to argue - it is to try and educate you on why Trump will win - if you will listen.


Open Google and type in 'republicans supporting trump' - click on verbatim (exact words) - this is what you will get:


Which Republicans Are Against Donald Trump? A Cheat ... - The Atlantic

For Republicans and conservatives, the time for hoping Trump would simply burn ... in Cleveland, and said at a D.C. dinner that he won't be supporting Trump.

The Republicans Who Support Hillary Clinton Over Donald Trump ...

Aug 5, 2016 - Republicans who can't stand Trump face a difficult choice. ... McConnell have committed tosupporting Trump, though they have also attempted ...

Which Republicans Are Against Donald Trump? A Cheat Sheet - The ...

May 5, 2016 - Now she is one of the Republicans who has decided she can't wait any longer. ..... But then after Trump suggested not supporting NATO allies, ...

Every High-Profile Republican Who Refuses to Back Trump - Rolling ...

Aug 12, 2016 - So far 136 Republicans who've worked in government have said ... Meet the Republican Women Supporting Hillary Clinton for President.

The notable Republicans who aren't supporting Donald Trump

These high-profile GOP members aren't getting behind the presumptive Republican presidential nominee.


How can that be??   Why am I getting a list of anti-Trump listings????



Why is the system against Trump - surely a Google search result must be truthful and fair - why the bias???



What do they have to fear - surely people are entitled to hear/read the truth???



But surely there are people who support Trump, who agree with his political views - why cant I hear/see what they have to say???




You dont need to see/read Fox News to get a biased 'pro' view about Trump - nor the NY Times or Washington Times to get a negative view.  Try looking again everywhere and try to see what 'they' are trying so hard to stop you from seeing and hearing.  Listen to one of his speeches at all those rallys he holds - and note how HRC avoids the people and the press.  Then think - think for yourself - and then make up your own mind.




Well Bob, I can see that Junior Investigator's badge you found in your cereal box is coming in handy. So now that your brilliant detective work has identified Google as the SYSTEM, what can we freedom loving patriots do about it.


If we elect Trump, does he have the strength to fight this nemesis. Should we enlist Microsoft and promote the use of Bing instead? Or are we doomed to be under the thrall of this evil system that somehow denied a bunch of old white men the ability to keep African Americans and other minorities from achieving the American dream; that allowed millions of brown people to cross the border and work and pay taxes and contribute to the American economy; the denies the rights of religious people to abuse LGBT people and torture gay youth in an attempt to 'covert' them; that threatens to force women to be treated as equal economic citizens. I mean this is terrible. Equality, Diversity, Inclusivity is threatening to break out everywhere until Donald and his Deplorables can stop it and turn America back to the 50's.


The fun thing about the lunatic Alt Right conspiracy nuts is that they just keep reinforcing the fact that they are Deplorable. Keep on posting. Please. Can't wait for the next installment of Bizzaro World Monthly.

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15 hours ago, Bob9 said:

Been around a while, and I remember the same thing said about Reagan.  He cant win the nomination..... o0oops.  No way he can win the election .... oooops.  Trump is following the Reagan play-book, but this time I hope he goes one better and sets things up for the next POTUS to also be anti-establishment and pro-American (ideally a Republican).  Otherwise, a smarmy two-faced show pony will come along and take all the credit for what Reagan did, and then completely stuff things up before he leaves/gets out of office (hint:  husband of 'the crooked one').  





The Reagan Coalition comprised evangelicals, Wall Street money and the so called Reagan Democrats. That was the playbook.


The evangelicals are now insignificant. Many voters are sick of them whining about religious liberty and passing laws to allow discrimination against minorities. Wall Street money is definitely against Trump. So that leaves the Reagan Democrats. Are any of them left alive? Are the angry old white Deplorables the remnants of this demographic? Perhaps, since most of them would have retired to Florida or Arizona years ago. Somehow I don't think so. The Trump Deporables would have been in their 20s and 30s when Reagan was elected in 1980. No the Trump Deplorables are the poorly educated, the ones who missed out on the American dream, the ones who think that colored people and minorities prevented them from having opportunities, the ones who don't like women because they fear them.


No ghost of Reagan here. His playbook is out of date. The Obama Coalition however is still relevant. It will be a big factor in the election. It comprises all those people that Trump insults. Which is just about everyone apart from old white men.

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I'm waiting for Obama, Clinton and other key Democratic leadership to promise to exit the country (following in the wake of prominent Hollywood actors who've sworn the oath) if Trump becomes the next president.  

Net gain for America?  :rolleyes:

Edited by Fookhaht
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17 minutes ago, PTC said:


Well Bob, I can see that Junior Investigator's badge you found in your cereal box is coming in handy. So now that your brilliant detective work has identified Google as the SYSTEM, what can we freedom loving patriots do about it.


If we elect Trump, does he have the strength to fight this nemesis. Should we enlist Microsoft and promote the use of Bing instead? Or are we doomed to be under the thrall of this evil system that somehow denied a bunch of old white men the ability to keep African Americans and other minorities from achieving the American dream; that allowed millions of brown people to cross the border and work and pay taxes and contribute to the American economy; the denies the rights of religious people to abuse LGBT people and torture gay youth in an attempt to 'covert' them; that threatens to force women to be treated as equal economic citizens. I mean this is terrible. Equality, Diversity, Inclusivity is threatening to break out everywhere until Donald and his Deplorables can stop it and turn America back to the 50's.


The fun thing about the lunatic Alt Right conspiracy nuts is that they just keep reinforcing the fact that they are Deplorable. Keep on posting. Please. Can't wait for the next installment of Bizzaro World Monthly.

Amazing how the Liberals and loony-Left people always personally insult alternative views - but then again that is their narrative.


I wont even attempt to state that the point is that the media is biased - and that my post is an example.


What I will state is that THE biggest problem with the West is that we have educated our idiots.  We used to make them plumbers and carpenters or nurses and road workers and truck drivers when they were young, but now we send them onwards and upwards - many of them get a 'degree' (sociology/basket weaving).  


The problem is that although they are educated, they are still idiots who dont know they are idiots, but think they are intelligent. The Liberals and loony-Left is full of them - savings Whales, saving the Planet, saving he Environment, stopping the Bomb, stopping Disease, saving  or stopping whatever, but never actually fixing or curing anything - an education looking for a mind.


Their idiotic left wing views are self-deluding and all-embracing, as they live in their deluded utopian worlds of peace and harmony (and inicorns). But when someone speaks out against their false idols and hypocracies, they become abusive and result to personal insults/attacks. I remember when the funeral procession of Maggie Thatcher was abused and things were thrown - that is the mentality of deluded idiot Liberals and the loony-Left - no doubt most of them with a (wasted) education.


Your 'attack' is so atypical of the vacuous mentality that spawned it - It was like being slapped with warm lettuce !!! 

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Well, Bob perhaps you can give me the recipe that uses warm lettuce. Is this some Good ol' Boy special brain food? Doesn't appear to be working though. I also like your spiel on education as a way of allowing people to avoid being plumbers, carpenters, nurses or road workers. What a fascinating world view that you have to see people who provide services or have manual skills as being lower in class than you good self. 


The pièce de résistance however is the way you are able to simultaneously whine about being called out while launching your glorious attack on we Lefty Liberal Progressive BLM Lover Looney Toonies for doing such absurd and horrible things like, let's see...protecting the environment, stopping global nuclear destruction, distributing medicine and information that prevents deaths by disease or protecting the magnificent mammals of the ocean from being eaten by the Japanese.


How dare we.


Well it is so good to welcome another member of the Deplorables UK Chapter. I see your fraternal nutter from the NZ Chapter has already made himself known. So let's get to the meat of the matter. Your Google thing is insane. Google is not the Man. Google is not the System. Google does not control the World.


Now that is clear, perhaps you might want to watch your fellow travelers from the original US Deplorables Chapter presenting their equally mis-informed conspiracy theories.



By the way, time to get over Maggie.

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6 hours ago, Bob9 said:

I have seen many of your previous posts - and I would say you are the 'worst' pro-Hillary supporter who insults Trump.  


Maybe you call me the 'worst' because I'm right on target.  P.S. I have always liked Hillary, but guess what, I'm voting for Green Party nominee Dr. Jill Stein. 

6 hours ago, Bob9 said:

How can that be??   Why am I getting a list of anti-Trump listings????



Why is the system against Trump - surely a Google search result must be truthful and fair - why the bias???


Boo Hoo.  Notice, every time there's an uptick in Trump's poll numbers, or someone says something non-offensive about him, he basks in the limelight as if he's been knighted.  Yet when people aren't praising him, he knee jerks two responses:  #1 he disses and hates the person or organization which doesn't praise him, and #2 he blames it on "The System" (conspiracy, etc).


Indeed, he's already gearing up to blame the electoral process for his inevitable loss on election day.  In typical Trump fashion, he won't say in what specific ways the process is rigged (why doesn't he try to fix it, if he thinks it's faulty?), but he's convinced it will be rigged if he loses.   Of course, he'll love the system if he wins.  


Can you see a pattern here?  The man has the emotional maturity of a naughty 7 yr old boy.  He loves you when you praise him.  He hates you when you don't.  On and On.   And btw, anyone who looks closely at his biz record can see he's clearly a failure at business.  The Thai guy selling fried chicken at the street corner near my house is smarter, savvier, more of a gentleman, and a better businessperson than Trump.  The chicken seller also pays his helper who assists.

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You are right Boomer, at least about Jill Stein, she is an interesting character, a lot more plausible than the other woman who has been busy measuring new curtains for the White House while the streets burn. Also  outspending Trump by 50 to 1 to little effect. "Why am I not up 50 points?" says she! Don't think she really gets it IMO

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Third party voters ... tsk, tsk, you're just helping elect trump!:post-4641-1156693976:



The Folly of the Protest Vote

First — and this cannot be said enough — Clinton and Trump are not equally bad candidates. One is a conventional politician who has a long record of public service full of pros and cons. The other is a demagogic bigot with a puddle-deep understanding of national and international issues, who openly courts white nationalism, is hostile to women, Mexicans and Muslims, and is callously using black people as pawns in a Donnie-come-lately kinder-gentler campaign.


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20 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Is anyone convinced by anything. Who are these bizarre undecided voters? It's really about getting out the vote now, for either Clinton or trump. 

Nate Silver went from Trump 3% a few months ago to 48% now.  I don't see how anyone can ignore that.  Riots and racial problems are the new normal under Obama/Hillary and the results are showing in the polls.  The play-book is law and order and anyone not recognizing that will be left out in the cold.   

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Law and order, constitutional support, economic growth, border security - those are the issues that most Americans will think about when they go to vote.


 I am ignoring all the loony-left narrative of some TV posters - a wise man once said 'never wrestle with pigs, all you will get is poo poo all over you, and the pig loves it.'


This is an example of the media lies and distortions that America has had a gutfull of and why Trump will win:



Posted by a black woman who supports Trump and wants someone to do something about the black thugs and criminals who are ruining her City - the 'narrative' approach has failed and the social worker mentality is only making it worse.  

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