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Forget playing bridge - now Thai soldiers round up pensioners for dominos!


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1 hour ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

Gambling (except horse racing and the government lottery) is illegal in Thailand. 'Nuff said.

Only a game - no money changing hands....No money on the table......


Unless they had a pad for points & were playing baht per point....


But a pretty useless waste of time for law enforcement....

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51 minutes ago, robsamui said:

When the Thai police arrest people for gambling they are duty bound to report that they also impounded the money that was in evidence too. There was no mention of this in the report or evidence of it in the photos. These were farangs they arrested, not Thais.

Better look a little closers...they were Thai ? I don't know many 60-70 year old farangs who trope on down to Pathuwan for game of mahjong .

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1 hour ago, OMGImInPattaya said:


7 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

Better look a little closers...they were Thai ? I don't know many 60-70 year old farangs who trope on down to Pathuwan for game of mahjong .

The faces were blanked out so it's not possible one way or the other, although the way they are dressed, particularly the guy with the white hair, look far more Euro than Thai. Pathuwan is central BKK, so that's no decider. I think what makes me now agree with you is that I've never met or heard of any OAP farangs who have settled in BKK. Also, the media usually shouts about it when farangs are involved. So, yes, I think you're right. And yes, that therefore means they were gambling!

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I remember playing cards with some Thai university students. We weren't playing for money - we were just playing for fun. One of the girls said "Oh, no! This is not good. I can't play" I asked her why and she said "Gambling is not allowed in Thailand". Okay, I said. That might be, but we're not gambling. We are playing for fun. I saw the cogs turning in her head. Unfortunately, just before the cogs had turned to the point of enlightenment, the cogs stopped. I could see the whole process in her eyes. Then, she just said "Cannot".


That spark is definitely missing. 

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2 hours ago, DLang said:

Please respect the laws of Thailand.


That's the spirit! If we get this message out there more, we might get the number of people respecting Thai law into double figures.


Or, a better message is 'Understand the Laws of Thailand!'. Only problem is it seems to be made up as it goes along. 

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56 minutes ago, robsamui said:

The faces were blanked out so it's not possible one way or the other, although the way they are dressed, particularly the guy with the white hair, look far more Euro than Thai. Pathuwan is central BKK, so that's no decider. I think what makes me now agree with you is that I've never met or heard of any OAP farangs who have settled in BKK. Also, the media usually shouts about it when farangs are involved. So, yes, I think you're right. And yes, that therefore means they were gambling!

The law is what it is...but enforcement of it like this makes the law look like an ass. However, just can't say the fuzz did anything wrong (as seem to be prevelent here) when they enforced a well know law.

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"Taken into evidence were two sets of dominos, playing cards, mahjong sets and some dice."


Perhaps not the domino was the problem but , like in Pattaya, the playing cards had no Thai tax stickers on them. Give the soldiers time and they will come up with a face-saving excuse.

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3 hours ago, taichiplanet said:

You may well say what is the problem with these Bridge and Domino clubs. At first it is just some fun but next thing you know you are addicted to heroin, Yaba and opium. :stoner:

and don't forget the sins of the flesh - bloody hell the place is going downhill at a great rate.


And luckily school kids don't play marbles of else they would be on the list for a raid or 2 

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4 hours ago, jaltsc said:

"Eight pensioners have been arrested in Bangkok for playing dominos. "


Well, that's the right thing to do when you have pensioners squandering their extremely generous 600 Baht monthly pension. 


I'm certain the government would rather have them spend all that money it on rent, utilities, food, clothing, supporting spouses, transportation and clean entertainment.

Its only clean entertainment if your wearing a raincoat. Were any farang in this dynamic domino disaster. Must have been someone upset with their job again and blew things out of proportion and then blew the whistle. Is true actual crime here at such a low level that the army must stoop this low to occupy their time. As one poster stated I guess they have rounded up all the "militant" students and rice riggers. Were they playing for matchsticks again with assigned monetary value. 

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2 hours ago, robsamui said:

When the Thai police arrest people for gambling they are duty bound to report that they also impounded the money that was in evidence too. There was no mention of this in the report or evidence of it in the photos. These were farangs they arrested, not Thais.

impounding money? Now that would be a new wrinkle. 

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This is beyond insanity .  There has just got to be something of greater importance for the authorities to take care of than busting a bunch of old people playing dominoes.  Arresting street racing thugs comes to mind.  I guess that we all can rest easier tonight because the felonious pensioners are behind bars.

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Just now, Navalator said:

This is beyond insanity .  There has just got to be something of greater importance for the authorities to take care of than busting a bunch of old people playing dominoes.  Arresting street racing thugs comes to mind.  I guess that we all can rest easier tonight because the felonious pensioners are behind bars.

Yes they can arrest scores of street racers right outside my condo door but that would require work. 

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3 hours ago, DLang said:

Please respect the laws of Thailand.

Yeah sure, ok, but let's see that applied to all, including the rich, powerful and gun hugging folks playing at being either military or politicians...it's not clear which.

Then let's see some sensible laws. I mean, really... dominoes!?


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