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Five foreigners arrested after shooting of tourist cop in Sukhumvit as cut up body is found in their freezer

Jonathan Fairfield

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8 minutes ago, jippytum said:

well the passport had 46 stamps and was used to enter Thailand  so your eyes must be better than Immigration control at many locations


Well, it was my job for 12 years, so it's not actually anything to do with my eyes. Some errors are easy to spot. Others take a little more examination (as detailed in an earlier post about check digits).   I don't think the passports were used to enter Thailand (with the current details), as the computer (when the passport is scanned) throws up a red light to say that the MRZ details don't match the rest of the bio data.  It may, of course, have been used with the original details, before the bio data page was substituted with a fake page.

Edited by Tee2008
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16 hours ago, Pib said:

An article in the Bangkok Post newspaper said when one of the suspects mentioned fake passports were in a safe in the room and the police asked him to open it, upon opening the safe the suspect reached in grabbing a pistol and then fired three shots at a policeman wounding him.  Me thinks that suspect will be spending a lot of time in prison if true.


But that firing three shots without the suspect getting cut down in a hail of returning gunfire don't sound right.

Open the safe door and step back please. Poor police work. 

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14 hours ago, SoFarAndNear said:


What is wrong with them? Too much Channel 3 gossip propaganda? Just because there are a few bad guys out of a hundred thousands does not mean that foreigners in general are bad. Like you hear every day a story like this. Things like this happens almost daily in Thailand but every few months or years foreigners are involved and then its big headline for a few weeks. Of course this would not happen if you just kickout every foreigner of the country but this is called globalization. And same as every Thai can settle down in foreign countries if they follow the rules you should be able to settle in Thailand if you follow the rules.  

unfortunately the "rules" are  very "flexible" and the more money you have the more "flexible" they become!

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7 hours ago, lemonjelly said:

That freezer is going to end up in a police auction one day........

Looking at the size of it it seems they intended to put more bodies in. Yes I am sure the maid made a good witness. One thing I have found here is that Thai's know more about your business than you do. Nothing was said about why the BIB obtained the warrant in the first place. 

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16 minutes ago, Tee2008 said:


Well, it was my job for 12 years, so it's not actually anything to do with my eyes. Some errors are easy to spot. Others take a little more examination (as detailed in an earlier post about check digits).   I don't think the passports were used to enter Thailand (with the current details), as the computer (when the passport is scanned) throws up a red light to say that the MRZ details don't match the rest of the bio data.  It may, of course, have been used with the original details, before the bio data page was substituted with a fake page.


Or the stamps are also fake or it is a very good fake, so good that it had the details entered onto the system for them as was the case with a ring in London not so long ago.

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13 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

It all sounds very weird.  It's possible not all the farang on the scene are baddies.  One guy shoots a cop. However lamentable, they didn't all grab guns and shoot people.  For some of the farang, it could have been: being at the wrong place at the wrong time.  Generally, it puts an ugly spin on farang in Thailand - along with the farang bikers pummeling a Thai in Pattaya a couple of days ago.  


I live in a neighborhood, where everyone knows me and we exchange friendly greetings daily.  Then a shitstorm (like the OP article) happens, and it makes all (most or many) Thais take a step back and wonder, "how sick-minded are farang?"


As for Tarantino: yea, he could probably make a movie out of it.  Shots fired every minute, as well as blood in every frame, and hundreds of cuss words tossed to and fro.

If your neighbors are such small minded people that would stop talking to you simply. E wise of an incident involing foreigners, them speaking to you in the first place should mean very little and show just how fake their greetings are/were in the first place. If we all took up this attitude, non of us would ever speak to another Thai again simply because of all of the things that 'some' Thais do/have done.

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6 minutes ago, Johnniey said:

Can't buy your way out of murdering a Thai. 

Don't talk so rediculous! Everything here has a price and the police have no loyalty to one another where money is concerned. If this was the case, the Red Bull guy who killed the police officer by knocking him down and dragging his body along the road wouldn't still be walking around free! Seems some people really do still have their 'rose coloured glasses on'!!!

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Just now, Falcon said:

Don't talk so rediculous! Everything here has a price and the police have no loyalty to one another where money is concerned. If this was the case, the Red Bull guy who killed the police officer by knocking him down and dragging his body along the road wouldn't still be walking around free! Seems some people really do still have their 'rose coloured glasses on'!!!

I suggest you put your reading glasses on. I was talking about a farang killing a Thai.


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1 hour ago, Scouse123 said:

Hardly underway with any kind of investigation and the TV Sherlock Holmes of this world are already telling us their amazing theories of what went on instead of just waiting a day or so as evidence comes to light. Never let the truth get in the way of a good story, ,eh?


The most neurotic posts on here are by those who seem to imply that they have some kind of magical or psychic abilities as to what the Thais are now thinking about foreigners because of this incident and a few Hells angel bikers in Pattaya, giving some Thai a kicking.


Well firstly, evidence has come to light that the bikers had retaliated after a young group of Thai males had attacked the pick up following a minor collision not knowing that it contained four burly Hells angels; the Thais were using  machetes and sticks. True to form there was a young mob of them not caught on the CCTV as it happened prior to what was shown, no doubt " cameras weren't working " in the aforementioned attack  will be their answer. They get their ass kicked, then like the cowards they are, go running to the police. The Hells angels will be offering compensation merely to avoid a court case, bail, lawyers rip off charges and bail monies meaning an extended stay in Thailand.


Next, too early to comment on the latest " body in the fridge, police shooting, and copied passports "  I will await further information coming to light.


Moving on to the " We are all bad foreigners " and what will the Thais think of us,written by some obsequious Thai ass crawling posters. They won't think much is the answer, because few of them actually take time out to use their grey matter!!! Even the xenophobic Thais cannot class all the millions of foreigners that pass through these lands yearly as all the same or they are even more stupid than we give them credit for.


What about atrocities committed by Thais?


1. Recent murder of an elderly Japanese by a woman and her " brother " aka husband. It then comes to light there have been others, murdered, dismembered and thrown in the Chao Phra river, all for insurance money.

2. The murders in Chiang Mai of Kirsty Jones, attempts by police to masturbate and plant DNA on a foreigners and forensics proving the perpretator was an Asian.

3.The disgusting attacks in Hua Hin at Songkran on a grandmother and her husband and son.

4. The Koh Tao fit up of the Burmese boys.

5.The daily attacks by motorbike taxi gangs in Pattaya on foreigners who have had too much to drink.

6.Recent murders of two Lao women in Kalasin by three Thai males, bodies raped, murdered and dumped in a rubber plantation.


These are not even the tip of the iceberg as to violence committed by Thais against foreigners and their own people on a REGULAR basis and some of the reasons given are just impossible to comprehend.


We hear daily of sex attacks and murders carried out by Thai Paedophiles and Yaa. Baa addicts, so please the do gooders on here; do not attempt to suggest foreigners are the root of the problem in Thailand's messed up society nor will many be shocked by recent events. They may pretend to be shocked and horrified because it involves foreigners, but is nothing more than a whitewash to cover up the misdeeds of Thais in general,

Be that as it may -  this thread is about five foreigners being arrested for the possession of guns/false passports and a dismembered body in their freezer.


Assuming its true (and there is no reason to suspect that it may not be true) they are the lowest of the low - and I'm glad that they've been caught and will hopefully be put away for life.

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26 minutes ago, Johnniey said:

Can't buy your way out of murdering a Thai. 


Has been done plenty of times before. Even while high on ICE with hookers in the car.. see below:



He was out of the legal system in a matter of days. Just google his name. 

Edited by JerryinTH
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1 hour ago, Father Fintan Stack said:


Using your rationale, should we hate all Thais for their criminal activities?


1 hour ago, Father Fintan Stack said:


Using your rationale, should we hate all Thais for their criminal activities?


An where does it say in my post I hate all foreigners??  U need to brush up on ur English reading skills.

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2 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

Torture is a foul thing. 


Anyone one being tortured will eventually say what the the torturer wants them to say. 


If you want the truth it's useless. 

yes and no......i think you will find they will all spill the beans (which is checkable to be true or not)and if they dont know the truth(like scapegoats,which they obviously are not) then yes they will say what BIB want in that case as they dont know the truth!  They are quite adept in there methods here to get the truth which obviously would not be allowed in the real world but i would say they have a 99.9% success rate generally in getting truth out of people involved for real.I bet in next few days we will get the full story(unless someone has super deep pockets and big connections down the line but i dont think so in this case.

By the way the shooter (older guy) didnt even looked like he was handcuffed when brought out......he just shot someone and still not handcuffed.......whats to stop him grabbing there gun and trying again..hes got nothing to lose..............very professional BIB?





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Between the guns on show, the body, and the saw used to cut him up, and the passports, and the printing equipment......these look like the real deal, scumbags. When will find out what the police arrived at the house for....that will explain a lot. If the guys had all this stuff it wasn't for visits to Big C. Bad guys out!

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16 hours ago, lostinisaan said:



       When I arrived in Thailand and settled down, I was warmly welcome by my neighbors and we're still good friends. But regarding them they don't want to meet any new foreigners just because foreigners' reputation has dropped that much that it's a shame.


   Sorry, but trying to kill a cop and having a dead body, cut in pieces in a fridge is way too much to comprehend after a rough day at school.  


I agree.  Criminals in Thailand can do some difficult to comprehend things.  However, their worst actions pale in comparison to is regularly served up in places like the US and Russia.  

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6 minutes ago, tattoodrob said:

yes and no......i think you will find they will all spill the beans (which is checkable to be true or not)and if they dont know the truth(like scapegoats,which they obviously are not) then yes they will say what BIB want in that case as they dont know the truth!  They are quite adept in there methods here to get the truth which obviously would not be allowed in the real world but i would say they have a 99.9% success rate generally in getting truth out of people involved for real.I bet in next few days we will get the full story(unless someone has super deep pockets and big connections down the line but i dont think so in this case.

By the way the shooter (older guy) didnt even looked like he was handcuffed when brought out......he just shot someone and still not handcuffed.......whats to stop him grabbing there gun and trying again..hes got nothing to lose..............very professional BIB?



For me torture gets nothing except that what the torturer wants to hear. 

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1 hour ago, Father Fintan Stack said:


Using your rationale, should we hate all Thais for their criminal activities?


1 hour ago, Father Fintan Stack said:


Using your rationale, should we hate all Thais for their criminal activities?


An where does it say in my post I hate all foreigners??  U need to brush up on ur English reading skills.

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3 hours ago, Father Fintan Stack said:


I cannot post what I know at this stage due to an ongoing Police investigation. 


Suffice to say the three initially arrested are all US citizens and one has dual nationality which is British, so a minor error in the reports so far.


Two more gang members arrested last night, and their apartments searched, just been posted up in the news forum.

You must be part of that investigation, then, otherwise it would make no difference to you as you're anonymous here.  But you're not involved, if you were you wouldn't be commenting.  Beer bar hearsay, I reckon.

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2 hours ago, HoboKay said:

Just curious, anyone with enlightened thoughts to why the Tourist Police are involved in executing search warrants?

Is it the need for English proficient officers, because they were given advance knowledge there will be foreigners in a tip-off hence the search warrant?

Tourist Police are a division of RTP, why shouldn't they be involved?

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Freakshow. With anything less than a Sawzall, I wouldn't volunteer for the chopping up the body job. Still, it's got to be a really messy and disgustingly gruesome way to spend an evening. And then five parts? So that's two arms two legs and a torso.

Head stays on?


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