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As Clinton cheers, Donald Trump digs in after debate


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3 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

Gentlemen,  do you really see the debate as a "win" for either side?  Both candidates were just hurling personal insults and I don't see either of them coming away victorious.

Yes, of course. Clinton won decidedly. trump is obsessed with being a winner, and believe me, people are saying, he KNOWS he lost HUGE. 

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6 hours ago, bamukloy said:


My only explanation: when he makes the 

 idiotic comments he is so stupid that he actually believes he made a clever cryptic comment,  or worded it in a way that he thinks wont be picked up on or qouted by anyone.

Then he thinks its easy to deny  the true intent, by saying "its not what i said", even though its as plain as day what he said  .


That is the first true sign of a class  idiot..thinking everyone is as stupid as he is. 


About the tax thing: Sure, he pays no tax, but everyone knows to pay no tax means (on paper) you made no money.

He does this by buying rundown properties on loan. He fixes them up using reciepts of labour/costs against the purchase price and outlay. This way it looks like he made no money on the deal.


Meanwhile, he makes up the shortfall by defaulting on loans and not paying the labourers the already receipted cost of renovating the property.

Of course, in the end he has an asset he got on the cheap, with minimal labour costs, which he can sell or rent out at profit. 


Its not even clever. Its a coward way of making money, and signifies what really stinks (the world throughout) with people like him.

Im sorry, but if America is stupid enough to vote this asshat in, there is no helping them.



"That is the first true sign of a class  idiot..thinking everyone is as stupid as he is. "


You must have been a popular kid in your class willing to take all the blame and everything.

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Day after debate, Clinton gloats and Trump fumes

"As soon as the first debate of the 2016 presidential election was over, both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton were quick to claim victory. But by the next morning, one of them had become far less cheerful." :whistling:

"To top things off, Trump unloaded on former Miss Universe Alicia Machado, who has alleged that the businessman's disparaging treatment of her had led to eating disorders and depression."
"With no apparent consideration for the political recklessness of his crude comments, Trump once again went after Machado's physical appearance, bringing her up on his own"



Just keep doin' what you're doin' Donnie... :thumbsup:


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10 hours ago, dunroaming said:

Gentlemen,  do you really see the debate as a "win" for either side?



IMO, Hillary clearly won, but, after some consideration, I realize that it was two against one. The moderator helped Hillary and hurt Trump. However, there is a good chance that she would have won anyway, but not as soundly. She had all the liberal talking points memorized and Trump obviously did not prepare enough.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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1 hour ago, Ulysses G. said:



IMO, Hillary clearly won, but, after some consideration, I realize that it was two against one. The moderator helped Hillary and hurt Trump. However, there is a good chance that she would have won anyway, but not as soundly. She had all the liberal talking points memorized and Trump obviously did not prepare enough.

After soaking up the right wing spin, more like. Sure thing, dude, make lame excuses. She creamed the orange monster fair and square. He didn't prepare. He doesn't want to do the work. He only likes the FUN part of it ... the adoration of his lunatic deplorable crowd of irrational crazies. 


Realclearpolitics has bumped up .5 (2.4 to 2.9) for Clinton since yesterday. Still on for my prediction for next Tuesday to be at about 4.5 over trump by then. It will be hard for trump to come back from that. It's not like he's willing or capable to properly prepare for any of these ONE ON ONE encounters with a real professional. 





Hillary Is Acting Like a Winner







Trump failed the commander in chief test. Badly

But he’s been a de facto nominee for six months. In less than six weeks, he could be president-elect of the United States. He’s had plenty of time to learn. He’s had access to many of his party’s experts, retired military officers and even CIA briefers who might be glad to fill him in on the nuances of world affairs.

Instead, he continues to recycle the bromides he once said he learned by watching “the shows.” He appears to have studied nothing and learned nothing.

That alone should disqualify him from the presidency.




trump is not presidential. He's dangerous actually. He just doesn't actually want to do the preparation for debates (and there is strong evidence he is not CAPABLE) for the job he supposedly wants. Many people say, believe me, that's he's a PSYCHO case. A man that's working so hard to be president, is so massively rich yet spends so little of his money on his own campaign (indeed uses his campaign to make more money and get free publicity for his business ventures), does he really even WANT the job? Like to DO the job if he tragically gets it? Yes, he wants to WIN. That's not the same thing. 



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17 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

The moderator questioned Trump about every single scandal and did not do the same to Hillary.


17 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

The moderator questioned Trump about every single scandal and did not do the same to Hillary.

That seems to have balanced out the one-sided questioning during the Matt Lauer moderated Presidential Forum. But in any event Donald told his supporters that he WON this first debate based on a Breitbart Poll 59% vs 36%.

So take heart that Donald should not prepare for the next debate - he has already won it.




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20 hours ago, KarenBravo said:

Don't like either of them, but, I'm not from the US, so, no dog in the fight.


The only thing that I learned from the debate, is that Donald really isn't intelligent enough to be president.

It's actually an election for "President of the World" so you do...but you don't get a vote  :smile:

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2 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

The moderator questioned Trump about every single scandal 


I didn't hear any questions from Holt about Trump "University".

I didn't hear any questions from Holt about Trump's connection to organized crime.

I didn't hear any questions from Holt about Trump intimidating tenants to move out of buildings in the 1980s.

I didn't hear any questions from Holt about Trump having undocumented workers at Trump Tower.

I didn't hear any questions from Holt about how Trump divorced his first wife to marry his mistress.

I didn't hear any questions from Hold about how Trump divorced his second wife to marry his other mistress.


And the list of scandals not brought up goes on and on and on.


So, do everyone a favor and at least try to stick to the truth because these blatant falsehoods are not only embarrassing but they also waste everyone's time.

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17 minutes ago, up-country_sinclair said:


And the list of scandals not brought up goes on and on and on.



Maybe I should have said important scandals - instead of petty stuff. However you still have not posted any questions about Hillary's - the ones that he purposely ignored. :rolleyes:

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5 minutes ago, up-country_sinclair said:

I didn't hear any questions from Holt about

No question about whether Donald pays any federal income taxes and what that effective tax rate is.

In response to Hillary's claim that he might not have paid any taxes, Donald quipped, "I'm smart". Which in the context of Hillary's claim was an admission by the lack of any denial that Donald truly doesn't pay any taxes. He could have interjected directly to say "I do pay taxes like every American does and like I expect illegal immigrants to do so for citizenship", something noncommittal like "I pay taxes appropriate to my income" or "I pay my legal share of taxes," etc. or something misleading such as "I am in a higher tax bracket than Hillary and Bill combined."


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     It's almost funny, that on the one hand Trump shouts long and loud about how the election will be rigged if he loses (he won't say that if he wins, of course).  Yet Trump loves the rigged internet polls which purport to show him winning the debate.  Any little kid knows it's easy-as-pie to rig internet polls.  It's as easy as refreshing the page 100 times, and therefore casting the same vote 101 times.   That's how Turkey's Ataturk won "Time's Person of the Century" ....because it was an internet poll, and millions of Turks flooded the results.


NPR's sober explanation of poll twisting by Trump fans


Scientific polls done by reputable poll-taking entities (non-internet scams) found a fat majority of respondents agreeing HRC won the debate.

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27 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

Maybe I should have said important scandals - instead of petty stuff. However you still have not posted any questions about Hillary's - the ones that he purposely ignored. :rolleyes:


Trump himself said, post debate, that he purposefully didn't mention the Monica Lewinsky thing because Chelsea was in the audience.  What a load of horse piss.  First off, Chelsea is a big girl (ambassador to Japan) and has heard everything about that tempest in a teacup for decades.  Secondly, Trump knew he'd be stepping in deep doo doo if he mentioned it.  I wish he had.  Even die-hard Trump fans might have seen what a bottom-feeding turd he really is.  Yet, by not mentioning Bill's indiscretion, Trump enabled his talking head defenders to spew it all over the news.  Gingrich, Christie and Gulliani were joyfully telling the press what Trump didn't say at the debate.  


It would be as if HRC had said, "I don't want to mention the allegations of Trump repeatedly raping a 14 year girl while hitting her and threatening to kill he parents, because some of Trump's children are in the audience.  So I won't mention it."

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1 hour ago, Ulysses G. said:

 Not according to the fact checkers. He HAS paid Federal taxes and there is a record of it.


When HRC mentioned how he never paid taxes, Trump was silent, and just made one of his Captain Kangaroo smugly grinning faces. The sort of face a naughty kid makes when caught with his hand in the cookie jar for the 20th time.  Was Trump too shy to speak up and say that was false?   He's never shy about interrupting other speakers, and shouting praises of himself at all other times.   


He didn't contest HRC's statement, because it must have been true.  And it's one of several reasons Trump won't release his tax statements for recent years.   Imagine if the shoe was on the other foot: Trump would be shouting and nagging non-stop for HRC to release her tax statements.


He's such a pompous pimple that he makes conditions for releasing his taxes. He did same, when shouting for several years about Obama's birth certificate (even upping to ante to include 'let's see the long form!').   The moderator was right to note that Trump COULD RELEASE HIS TAX FORMS ANYTIME ......which was proved by Trump's infantile taunting condition he threw out to HRC.  "I'll show you mine, if you..........."


Trump will lose the election, but even during this campaign cycle, he's tarnishing America's reputation and making Americans a laughing stock worldwide.  Thanks Trump, you <deleted>.


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1 hour ago, boomerangutang said:


It would be as if HRC had said, "I don't want to mention the allegations of Trump repeatedly raping a 14 year girl while hitting her and threatening to kill he parents, because some of Trump's children are in the audience.  So I won't mention it."


Baloney. Monica Lewinski actually happened and there is plenty of evidence of it.

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1 hour ago, Ulysses G. said:


 Not according to the fact checkers. He HAS paid Federal taxes and there is a record of it.


If he has nothing to hide, he should release his tax records.

The fact the he doesn't suggests that he has something to hide.

It's not rocket science.

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30 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:


When HRC mentioned how he never paid taxes, Trump was silent, and just made one of his Captain Kangaroo smugly grinning faces. 



Because he knows that he HAS paid them and the fact checkers have confirmed it.



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2 hours ago, Srikcir said:

No question about whether Donald pays any federal income taxes and what that effective tax rate is.

In response to Hillary's claim that he might not have paid any taxes, Donald quipped, "I'm smart". Which in the context of Hillary's claim was an admission by the lack of any denial that Donald truly doesn't pay any taxes. He could have interjected directly to say "I do pay taxes like every American does and like I expect illegal immigrants to do so for citizenship", something noncommittal like "I pay taxes appropriate to my income" or "I pay my legal share of taxes," etc. or something misleading such as "I am in a higher tax bracket than Hillary and Bill combined."


I misquoted. Should say "Makes me smart."

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