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Stay where you have registered - or face 4,000 baht fine, warns Immigration

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19 minutes ago, jerojero said:

30,000,000 tourists a year and all are filing TM30's?

Did you get to the part where they fined a guesthouse manageress for not reporting a guest? Hotels, resorts, guesthouses, and flophouses are responsible for reporting tourists staying at their


PS: [Don't blame me...blame the f'ed-up forum "upgrade."]

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8 minutes ago, siam2007 said:

I went to the Tesco food court for lunch and they properly registered me at the KHAO KHAA MOO food stall. But then when I went on to have my "Blizzard Choco chip lek" dessert at the Dairy Queen on the first floor, they refused to register me, and immigration was already waiting for them to get their 1.600 Baht share of the action

You should start eating at Central...Immigration don't dare hassle us hi-so's eating there  :sleepy:


How does this even work ?  Occasionally would end up passing out at friend's or stranger's home after a long night of intoxication.  Would this be considered in violation of the revered 1977 1998 edict ?  Your car breaks down and you do not get back to your hotel room that night ?  Seems like over control from those with nothing better to do. 

2 minutes ago, yellowboat said:

How does this even work ?  Occasionally would end up passing out at friend's or stranger's home after a long night of intoxication.  Would this be considered in violation of the revered 1977 1998 edict ?  Your car breaks down and you do not get back to your hotel room that night ?  Seems like over control from those with nothing better to do. 

"Over control," it seems more like farangs over thinking to me.

1 hour ago, transam said:

Been in my house 9 years, have a yellow book, all my in and out cards have the same address......Mrs.Trans was fined cos SHE never went to immigration to tell them l lived there...

Same for me after 12 years fined 1600 Baht !!!!!!! we find out while extending of stay spouse visa now another piece of paper stapled in  my pasport.

1 hour ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

What's confusing you...if you're a genuine tourist, the hotels, guesthouses, landlords, and flop-house managers/owners are responsible for doing the reports. It has nothing to do with your arrival card. If you're here long-term, it means be at the address you used on your visa extension application and/or most recent 90-day Report.

When I do my 90 day at Jomtien all they do is scan the form in the back of my passport. They are not interested in my address, I moved and showed them my new hire contract and they just waved it away. 


I just have to assume my landlord has registered my address. How do I know they have? 

3 hours ago, ChrisY1 said:

Simply another way of extorting money from foreigners.....

Less tourists to be fooled, extort the farangs living here.

2 hours ago, RedQualia said:


Needs clarification from several different standpoints, with regard to owner-occupiers. I have multiple homes, so of course, there's that. But even traveling to stay in a hotel somewhere is a bit confusing. General consensus among those dealing with this that I've talked to or seen discussions of here on TV seems to be that a new TM30 is only required when one leaves the country and returns, and they appear to be operating on that assumption. OK... I assume that the at least most of the various hotels will notify immigration when you're staying in their facilities. Does it then just somehow "default" to the TM30 one files on behalf of oneself? So then what if I go visit family out in the hinterlands for a few days? Notify immigration/local police department, or not? New TM30? Does it replace the previous TM30 in that case? Must I race around to submit yet another TM30 upon returning to my home? And/or, if I/we have to do all this, how about making the tools to do it all available online?

Much confusion going on- situation normal.

A TM 30 has to be filed when you move into a different residence within 24 hours, EVERY TIME you move, by the owner/ manager of the residence. It is NOT the guest's responsibility.

Theoretically, the TM 28 is filed by the guest if moving RESIDENCE, not just going on holiday. Ie moving permanently from one city to another.

Imagine if every tourist had to go to immigration every time they moved somewhere!

Seems there is more to the OP than we are being told


what if I go visit family out in the hinterlands for a few days? Notify immigration/local police department, or not? New TM30? Does it replace the previous TM30 in that case?

Yes and yes.


Must I race around to submit yet another TM30 upon returning to my home?

Theoretically no. As long as it is your registered address.


Whether I am correct or not is up to the immigration officer at the time, as they seem to make things up to suit themselves. It's well past time for a national standard to be drawn up that is the same in every office.


Perhaps they are referring to people that are registered to live at an address, but in fact live permanently at another address. I can't believe it is referring to people that are merely on holiday, or just visiting family/ friends, though in that case the TM 30 still has to be filed.



3 hours ago, daveAustin said:

I think I will forward this idea onto UK immigration so they could consider chasing and fining all Thai nationals not staying at their registered UK address. They would brush it off without thought, however, as they have more pressing things to do, like catch REAL criminals, chase down drug hoards and not being a pithy annoying big brother, but I feel compelled to nonetheless. 

Eh Actually many EU countries require NON EU Nationals to inform the immigration authorities if they move address. My wife and I received  a dressing down once for moving across the road without informing the immigration bureau. We weren't fined though! I assume the UK has similar methods to track NON EU citizens...


Don't panic, those fines are for the people who gave an adress where they NEVER live !

That's quite normal: I knew one people who were working at home, didn't have a buisness VISA and used to give a different adress because he didn't want an inspection of the immigration.

People who give their main adress and move sometimes a few days in the kingdom are not concerned :)

12 minutes ago, nakhonandy said:

When I do my 90 day at Jomtien all they do is scan the form in the back of my passport. They are not interested in my address, I moved and showed them my new hire contract and they just waved it away. 


I just have to assume my landlord has registered my address. How do I know they have? 

Ask them?

2 minutes ago, arithai12 said:

Suddenly, the prospect of being tracked by SIM card seems almost desirable.

Good point. I'd prefer that to needing to worry about reporting. We already know we're here at the mercy of immigration. 


1) this is old news (at least 4-5 days old) and
2) I wouldn't worry so much about everything. I spend most of my time between 2 addresses, both of which I have reported to immigration. For some reason they only keep my Chiang Mai address in the system, despite having used my Khon Kaen address with immigration on all my entries over the last 2 years. Also in Khon Kaen, the police asked me for a copy my pp because they wanted to keep track of all foreigners. If they want, I'm sure they find something I haven't done 100% correctly. Worst case I pay a fine and move on.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

1 hour ago, Psimbo said:

Yep, enforcing the law tends to do that, doesn't it!

Oh please. You can't hide behind this if you want to. Here is the reality,, it is just a cash building exercise, nothing more.


You should ask yourself, "what has happened where the Thai immigration now feel the need (just in Chonburi) to vigourously check this?"


I suspect absolutely nothing. It is an exercise to get cash from foreigners, nothing more. Everyone has to do a 90 day check in, at this point people can register an address change. What really is the problem with that? I mean this is what the 90 days is for to confirm that everything is still the same right?


It's yet more unwelcome nonsense. More "we don't want you here" attitude. I'm out of Thailand at the moment investigating Vietnam and the Philippines to move and do business there instead, seems easier and cheaper in both places. Vietnam has arms wide open and the Philippines is easy because of my Philippine (soon to be) wife. Thailand is just becoming a terrible place to be, to do business and to navigate the bureaucracy and corruption, it's getting worse and shows no signs of suddenly making foreigners welcome so it's time to get out, at least for me.


To me Thailand can go forth and multiply, there are other, better places to live and work nowadays.




I am going to travel 8km to my friends house tonight...we will drink far too many beers and I definitely will stay the night at his house to sober up and then travel back to my own apartment in the morning.


Does he need to fill out a TM30 and lodge it (where?) before we get too pissed.....and.......when I return to my apartment in the morning...do I need to get the one and only office/lobby person (who cannot understand or speak a word of English) to "sign" me back in by way of another TM30 form....????

How about checking up on  their own populations whereabouts......many more Thais "on the run"...or not residing at their homes addresses as per their ID card info......


This is just another money gathering exercise at the expense of foreigners


What about people who arrive and plan to book a room on arrival? What happens if you are touring and moving from place to place.

as always in the LoS, nothing is every clear or well thought through. However this sounds like a good gouging opportunity for Thai  immigration.

2 minutes ago, scotchonrocks said:

What about people who arrive and plan to book a room on arrival? What happens if you are touring and moving from place to place.

as always in the LoS, nothing is every clear or well thought through. However this sounds like a good gouging opportunity for Thai  immigration.

If you are moving from place to place you are a target for cash for immigrations weekend beer fund, thats what it means, simple as that.

1 minute ago, scotchonrocks said:

What about people who arrive and plan to book a room on arrival? What happens if you are touring and moving from place to place.

as always in the LoS, nothing is every clear or well thought through. However this sounds like a good gouging opportunity for Thai  immigration.

Where an on arrival stays is reported to immigration....Or SHOULD be reported to immigration by the the guest house.....


It's all about Money, Money, Money in this country.

They just never stop trying  to bleed us Law Abiding Farangs Dry. 

By the way that woz a little joke when I said law abiding farang.  ??


So I have 2 homes. I stay at one week days and go to the other at weekends and sometimes even week days. That means i will have to report may be 2 or 3 times every week. Then sometimes i go to my parent in laws for a few days. Can i register my address at the imm office as i would be there more than anywhere else? This is really getting silly.



So if you go visit a friend for the weekend in another city you must re-register at his address,

and then back to your home afterwards? The absurdity of that speaks volumes.

 Out of control control-freaks flailing at a solution.

4 hours ago, ChrisY1 said:

Simply another way of extorting money from foreigners.....


We Farangs need stay subservient with a big wide grin 'ear to ear' whenever were charged more money for living in Thailand. It's why we live here to help keep the money hitting the coffers feeling proud with a skip in our step each and every time us cash cows are hit with fresh demands. 


Dont dare  scowl otherwise you'll be accused of - WHINGING  :coffee1:


It does seem that they are creating a rule and then red taping the ability for many to comply with it.


The tm30 looks like it is completed those owning the accommodation and not the individuals. How can you fine individuals if its not there responsibility?


People will often move around, stay at multiple locations and crash at friends houses.


As others have said, say you crash at your GF's who is staying at her sisters rented house in Bangkok for a few nights, she herself is not registered there but at her own house elsewhere.


Should she then  contact her sister to contact the landlord to fill a form every night someone new stays over? Who's not been to a house party where 30 people crashed overnight.


So to make this semi-workable though equally absurd the individual should be able to fill in a five minute form online.


Build them a single click check-in app or would that highlight the absurdness of the whole thing.

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