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Trump's shocking crude comments on women leave him reeling


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3 hours ago, boomerangutang said:


I'm not talking about Trump at a singles bar, while Melania is at their gilded home texting her mom in Serbia.  I'm referring the thousands of women who a president interacts with during the course of doing his job.   Sometimes those women may be in a room (the Oval Office) alone with Trump.  Sometimes in a room in Air Force One, or......?    A president interacts with translators, secretaries, couriers, foreigners, reporters, ......all sorts of women, many of whom are young and attractive.   Does the US want a president who is on the prowl night and day?   As for Bill, ok, we know all about the stain on Monica's blue dress, and their creative use of a cigar.  I'm not saying Bill was the Pope.   But it's a matter of degrees.   Plus, two wrongs don't make a right.  Bill may have got cozy with 4 or 5 women out of wedlock - in 40 years.   Trump appears to go through that many women in a month, and I'm not impressed.  I have personal friends who have seduced (and sometimes paid for) thousands of women over the past decades.  Does that make them super studs?  No.  If anything, it makes them opportunists and prone to getting STD's and causing unwanted pregnancies.   Same applies to Trump.  


There's also an emotional investment in the seduction game.  I was adept at it, when younger.  But I saw the emotional damage it could do to the person I seduced.  For that reason, years ago, I quit being like a horn dog on the prowl.   Has The Donald mended his ways?   You decide.



JFK was dating marylin monroe and perhaps other women and the secret service told him when his wife was approaching. 


did this make him a bad president?


imo if tapes were released with hillary bragging about how her fame and wealth made it easy to conquer bisexual or lesbian women it would not change my decision on whether or not to vote for her.

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14 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

I'm glad you've found a safe space at the Pattaya Women's Expat Club...but I think what he means is you should try to get out and socialize with men more. That way you might know what they really think and say.


That's the problem with Democrats, they don't know what REAL MEN talk about. 


Men Men Men



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4 hours ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

I hate to be the one to have to break it to these women, but 93% of men say these things about women when there're among themselves (the other 7% are gay and say the same things about men but the body parts are different). As Trump said, it was "locker room talk." Your shock and horror is misplaced, and if such talk is a real concern of yours, you need to have a talk with your own husbands, boyfriends, and sons who talk about women in the same way when you're not around.


And keep in mind,  we're electing the president of the most powerful country in the world...not a church choir director.


I marvel at your loyalty. Just a few points -- and I haven’t read through all nine and counting pages of this discussion, so apologies if I’m repeating what other people have probably already said.


1. Trump is a pig. His statements from thirty years ago, twenty years ago, ten years, and last week all demonstrate this. You may try to write it off as “locker-room banter,” but it’s clear that he sees women as the playthings of powerful men such as himself. There’s no place for that kind of cave-man attitude in American presidential politics, especially given that half the electorate is female. However, Trump might do well to put on a turban, travel to Al-Raqqa, and run for president of ISIS. Seriously. His views on women are more in line with those of ISIS, or the Taliban, than they are of mainstream America.


2. If you believe that Trump’s propensity for hurling insults and innuendos makes him some kind of alpha person and will give him a leg up in negotiations with Putin, Xi Jinping, Netanyahu, Hassan Rouhani, or Elizabeth Warren for that matter, you’re sadly mistaken. All of these people and countless others besides will play Trump for the fool he is. They will manipulate his vanity and gleefully run circles around him. The only person I can think of on the international stage whom Trump might match up with is Duterte of the Philippines; they might have a few good laughs together, some locker-room jokes perhaps.

3. Lifelong Republicans are leaving Trump (if they haven’t already left). The one Republican of the past ten years whom I have perhaps the most respect for, Jon Huntsman, has called for Trump to stand down and for Pence to lead the ticket. It’s not too late for you! Nobody would blame you if you did the same! Think about it!

4. Trump is a pig.

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7 minutes ago, SoiBiker said:


None of the men I know talk like that. 


I'm sure you'll just attempt to belittle them or claim that they're hiding their true nature, rather than admit that guys like you and the Donald are dinosaurs in a world that's moved on. 

I guess you never were in the military then. You certainly don't associate with rap artists.


I'd rather be a dinosaur than the sort of young guy I see backpacking in LOS and being bossed around by his significant other. I have no problem with equality, but many of them are openly subservient.

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1 hour ago, Chicog said:

If you think evidence that your Republican nominee thinks women are simply there to have their "pussies grabbed" is insignificant, then vote for Trump.




I bet Bill Clinton has had even worse thoughts ...................more than once:giggle:

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10 minutes ago, Cory1848 said:


I marvel at your loyalty. Just a few points -- and I haven’t read through all nine and counting pages of this discussion, so apologies if I’m repeating what other people have probably already said.



1. Trump is a pig. His statements from thirty years ago, twenty years ago, ten years, and last week all demonstrate this. You may try to write it off as “locker-room banter,” but it’s clear that he sees women as the playthings of powerful men such as himself. There’s no place for that kind of cave-man attitude in American presidential politics, especially given that half the electorate is female. However, Trump might do well to put on a turban, travel to Al-Raqqa, and run for president of ISIS. Seriously. His views on women are more in line with those of ISIS, or the Taliban, than they are of mainstream America.



2. If you believe that Trump’s propensity for hurling insults and innuendos makes him some kind of alpha person and will give him a leg up in negotiations with Putin, Xi Jinping, Netanyahu, Hassan Rouhani, or Elizabeth Warren for that matter, you’re sadly mistaken. All of these people and countless others besides will play Trump for the fool he is. They will manipulate his vanity and gleefully run circles around him. The only person I can think of on the international stage whom Trump might match up with is Duterte of the Philippines; they might have a few good laughs together, some locker-room jokes perhaps.

3. Lifelong Republicans are leaving Trump (if they haven’t already left). The one Republican of the past ten years whom I have perhaps the most respect for, Jon Huntsman, has called for Trump to stand down and for Pence to lead the ticket. It’s not too late for you! Nobody would blame you if you did the same! Think about it!

4. Trump is a pig.

Funny, if I said that about the fat lady in the loud pantsuits I'd get a forum suspension...but post it about a white male and it's all good. In any case, thank you for your keen insights on the election and enlightening contribution to the discussion.

Edited by OMGImInPattaya
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8 minutes ago, CaptHaddock said:


Apologize and move on is the best practice.  But you and I know that Trump is incapable to doing that.  What Trump is going to do now is make it worse somehow. 

You are probably right. Trump is incapable of keeping his mouth shut, or his finger off the tweets.

So all us MEN better get used to the idea of having a horrible boss ( president ) around for at least 4 years. If she only stuffed up the US I wouldn't care much, but where the US goes, the rest of us must follow. Possibly not the Phillipines though. I am waiting to see how Duterte talks to madam president.

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3 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

You are probably right. Trump is incapable of keeping his mouth shut, or his finger off the tweets.

So all us MEN better get used to the idea of having a horrible boss ( president ) around for at least 4 years. If she only stuffed up the US I wouldn't care much, but where the US goes, the rest of us must follow. Possibly not the Phillipines though. I am waiting to see how Duterte talks to madam president.


Speaking as you are for the reactionary men.  For us progressives the future is looking very bright indeed. 

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13 minutes ago, ddavidovsky said:

Here they go with the convulsive outrage.

Very worrying that society is incapable of recognising and handling a bit of male-bonding banter.

I'm now convinced that America needs someone like Trump.

  I knoowww right!


I met a guy in a bar the other day and he was telling me all about his daughter: pretty, intelligent, gentle girl with a quirky sense of humour, just started uni. He was very proud.


He told me he hoped that she would meet Donald Trump one day, and that he would find her attractive and try to grope her vagina against her will.  It would be a slap in the face for all these politically correct people he said, as well as being fun for her.



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47 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I had plenty of respect from the hundreds if not thousands of women I worked with over 26 years thanks.

However, the subject was emasculation of men, and I wouldn't have dared even compliment one of them on their appearance, as it could have been seen as attempting to move on them in a sexual way.

The only safe subjects were babies and food.

Absolutely western women are emasculating men.

Apologies. I should have said SOME western women are emasculating men. I am friends with many western women that are not attempting to emasculate men. Some even engage in a bit of banter.


Too late to edit the original reply.

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5 hours ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

And keep in mind,  we're electing the president of the most powerful country in the world...not a church choir director.

And also the country that supplies the world with a certain genre of films that do a lot more to demean women.



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8 minutes ago, CaptHaddock said:


Speaking as you are for the reactionary men.  For us progressives the future is looking very bright indeed. 

Tell me that again in 4 years :biggrin:. Young people haven't done very well the last 8 years and even HRC refers to them as basement dwellers. Does anyone think it's going to change with 4 more years of Obama policies?

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9 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

Funny, if I said that about the fat lady in the loud pantsuits I'd get a forum suspension...but post it about a white male and it's all good. In any case, thank you for your keen insights on the election and enlightening contribution to the discussion.


The "pig" comment merely imitates Trump's own preferred style of speaking. As for forum suspensions, I've never quite been able to figure that out. I was scolded once for criticizing (by name) a building company in [unnamed northern Thai city] that screwed up my house on the grounds that I would be sued for it, even if what I wrote was truthful. The company [REDACTED, REDACTED, and REDACTED]. However, it was apparently OK to post comments praising the company. Which, of course, results in a one-sided discussion. A head-scratcher for sure!

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6 minutes ago, partington said:

  I knoowww right!


I met a guy in a bar the other day and he was telling me all about his daughter: pretty, intelligent, gentle girl with a quirky sense of humour, just started uni. He was very proud.


He told me he hoped that she would meet Donald Trump one day, and that he would find her attractive and try to grope her vagina against her will.  It would be a slap in the face for all these politically correct people he said, as well as being fun for her.



If anyone gropes her against her will he didn't bring her up right, and news flash, if she is at uni she is probably getting groped and more ( consensually ) on a regular basis. She will probably be doing a bit of that herself. That's what young people do these days.

I know your reply was an attempt at satire; mine wasn't.

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Just now, ivan96822 said:

It is a town hall debate, so the audience can ask unscripted questions.

I'm pretty sure those questions are screened first by the people running the debate (not the candidates) so not purely unscripted because of that. But certainly there will be awkward and surprising questions directed at BOTH candidates, and yes, it will be fun and possibly revealing to watch them DANCE. 

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5 minutes ago, Cory1848 said:


The "pig" comment merely imitates Trump's own preferred style of speaking. As for forum suspensions, I've never quite been able to figure that out. I was scolded once for criticizing (by name) a building company in [unnamed northern Thai city] that screwed up my house on the grounds that I would be sued for it, even if what I wrote was truthful. The company [REDACTED, REDACTED, and REDACTED]. However, it was apparently OK to post comments praising the company. Which, of course, results in a one-sided discussion. A head-scratcher for sure!

A lot of laws in Thailand, and by extension, the forum, are head-scratchers.


Please stay on topic.  

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Hopefully the somebody elses wife who he tried to grope and fondle against her will will be found before Sundays debate. I guess there will be millions searching to find her and the others this moronic creature has bragged about sexual assaulting.

Simply continue to be amazed that he still retains a support base at all' what does it say about them!

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Just now, SoiBiker said:


Sorry, what?

Every parent should bring up daughters to defend themselves against unwanted sexual advances. A swift knee to the goolies usually works. Or, they can use the Japanese method of sticking a hat pin in their hand. I really like that one, but not many western women wear hats anymore.

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1 minute ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Every parent should bring up daughters to defend themselves against unwanted sexual advances. A swift knee to the goolies usually works. Or, they can use the Japanese method of sticking a hat pin in their hand. I really like that one, but not many western women wear hats anymore.


Every parent should bring up their sons to not make unwanted sexual advances. Which is exactly why this sort of comment is so abhorrent. 

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