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Trump's shocking crude comments on women leave him reeling


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2 minutes ago, Mekong Thunder said:

Can you imagine having a guy run for President that...well,talks like a guy just shocking?
I think that underestimating and insulting the electorate's overall intelligence which Hilary has already done once,with nonsense like this is the same game the UK's privately-educated elitists Cameron,Osborne and the BBC thought would win them the Brexit vote.

Can someone remind me how that went please? :whistling:

You forget that Americans seem to be much more knicker twisting about sex than the British were about the EU. They get that way about things. Remember when the Beatles were despised and sent home in disgrace because of a stupid comment John made? The Brits would have laughed about that.

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14 minutes ago, Mekong Thunder said:

Can you imagine having a guy run for President that...well,talks like a guy just shocking?
I think that underestimating and insulting the electorate's overall intelligence which Hilary has already done once,with nonsense like this is the same game the UK's privately-educated elitists Cameron,Osborne and the BBC thought would win them the Brexit vote.

Can someone remind me how that went please? :whistling:


Maybe you should look at this. Apparently they called Brexit within a fraction of a percentage point.




They seem to have a great track record in Presidential elections, too.


Edited by Chicog
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I've heard NOTHING about any policies of Hillary's,just ad-hominem attacks on Donald Trump.Say what you like but 'Let's build a wall' and 'Let's stop a certain type of immigration' are massive vote winners across the World today and ever the showman Trump knows this only too well!
Anyone who thinks Hillary's childish,elitist,finger-wagging tripe is winning her this election please tell me what colour the moons are on your planet?
That's before anyone talks about the missing 33,000 classified emails or her husband's Bubba's famous misogyny and outright sexual assaults on many an intern,do-as-I-say-not-as-I-do just doesn't cut it anymore in the modern World I'm afraid!

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Just now, Mekong Thunder said:

I've heard NOTHING about any policies of Hillary's,just ad-hominem attacks on Donald Trump.Say what you like but 'Let's build a wall' and 'Let's stop a certain type of immigration' are massive vote winners across the World today and ever the showman Trump knows this only too well!
Anyone who thinks Hillary's childish,elitist,finger-wagging tripe is winning her this election please tell me what colour the moons are on your planet?
That's before anyone talks about the missing 33,000 classified emails or her husband's Bubba's famous misogyny and outright sexual assaults on many an intern,do-as-I-say-not-as-I-do just doesn't cut it anymore in the modern World I'm afraid!


You don't read a lot, do you?

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16 minutes ago, stander said:

All he has to do is stick with policy and let her own the gutter.

Sorry, but he's been opened up to ridicule now. Everytime he goes anywhere, the matrons will be thinking about what he said and not listening to what he's saying. The evangelicals may desert him now, though I can't see them voting for her. Same result.


As I said before, unless the FBI finally do their job and arrest her, he's history, IMO. I could be wrong, but I fear he was never popular enough before to overcome it now. The undecideds will probably be either voting her or Johnson.

I always said he wasn't the best candidate, but I support him to keep HRC out, but let's be realistic.

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1 minute ago, Mekong Thunder said:

I've heard NOTHING about any policies of Hillary's,just ad-hominem attacks on Donald Trump.Say what you like but 'Let's build a wall' and 'Let's stop a certain type of immigration' are massive vote winners across the World today and ever the showman Trump knows this only too well!


Probably because the media are forever covering Trump's rallies and not Clinton's.

However, all of her policies are well documented and quite specific.

You can read them here:


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2 minutes ago, Chicog said:


Probably because the media are forever covering Trump's rallies and not Clinton's.

However, all of her policies are well documented and quite specific.

You can read them here:


Yes, the liberal, anti Trump media gave Trump millions of dollars of free coverage, and people say he's stupid. 555555555555555

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4 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Sorry, but he's been opened up to ridicule now. Everytime he goes anywhere, the matrons will be thinking about what he said and not listening to what he's saying. The evangelicals may desert him now, though I can't see them voting for her. Same result.


As I said before, unless the FBI finally do their job and arrest her, he's history, IMO. I could be wrong, but I fear he was never popular enough before to overcome it now. The undecideds will probably be either voting her or Johnson.

I always said he wasn't the best candidate, but I support him to keep HRC out, but let's be realistic.

I don't think anyone ever claimed that he wasn't the best of a bad bunch but the rotten,corrupt Clinton bunch again?

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1 hour ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

It's very simple...in evolutionary terms, to protect the tribe. Mothers, as opposed to young women and childless older women, aren't stupid and we're only a few hundreds of thousands of years from living in the trees, so mother's instinctly know what they're doing.


Evolution is just a theory:



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4 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

The kaka is really going to hit the fan in the coming debate….Crooked is obviously going to trot this incident out and Mr Trump will retaliate with full force.


HRC is too savvy to bring it up.  She doesn't need to.  Trump is crapping in his own pants and holding them up for all to see.  HRC will sit back and let The Divider keep soiling himself.  Most of her campaign ads are select video clips of Trump and Pence.  No commentary needed.  They do it to themselves.



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4 minutes ago, Mekong Thunder said:

I don't think anyone ever claimed that he wasn't the best of a bad bunch but the rotten,corrupt Clinton bunch again?

Unfortunately once sex gets into it reason goes out the window. IMO no politician will support him over this because it's toxic in US politics, and they all want to get re elected. Just look what happened to Weiner.

I am now afraid that the rotten,corrupt Clinton bunch will get in again because no one in politics will support him anymore.

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11 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Yes, the liberal, anti Trump media gave Trump millions of dollars of free coverage, and people say he's stupid. 555555555555555

Yes, he has used the media very, very well. So why the complaining about the media?

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1 hour ago, stander said:

Washington GOP official: Trump's remarks were made when he was a Democrat

Washington State GOP Party Chairwoman Susan Hutchison is defending Donald Trump's controversial comments about going after women. Hutchison said the 2005 remarks were made when Trump was a Democrat,


That is about the lamest excuse. I had to laugh out loud when I read it.  And when Trump violently raped his first wife, was he a card-carrying member of the Bronx Library?  Maybe we can then blame the library for his sexual aggression towards women.


The few Trump fans who are left, are trying to paint this 'pussygate' thing as being his only transgression.  That's like saying Hitler's only transgression was kicking his dog once in anger.  Sorry folks, Trump has a long sordid history of screw-ups.  If in doubt, do some research - it's all over the web like a broken gallon bottle of molasses on the bathroom floor.

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13 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:


HRC is too savvy to bring it up.  She doesn't need to.  Trump is crapping in his own pants and holding them up for all to see.  HRC will sit back and let The Divider keep soiling himself.  Most of her campaign ads are select video clips of Trump and Pence.  No commentary needed.  They do it to themselves.




She doesn't have to bring it up - the next debate is a town hall, after all, so the public can bring it up for her. 

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1 hour ago, tonray said:

I'm waiting for Ivanka to come out with the "I am so proud of my dad" statement. Ivanka ? Where are you ?


Already fat-boy lawn ornament (holding a ring for his master) Christie has spoken up.  The Fox interviewer repeatedly tried getting an answer for questions about Trump, and each time, Christie went directly to diversionary drivel about how awful Bill and Hillary are.  

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Bill Clinton has said far worse to me on the golf course —


Well if Bill denied this I know who I would believe.


This is the guy who only a few days ago was saying a woman should not be elected president because her husband was unfaithful...  :cheesy:


Hillary has stood by he her husband... 


And Donald? how many wives? 

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1 hour ago, stander said:

Sunday's debate between Trump and Bill’s enabler will be interesting. Trump knows a lot about Hillary's past.


I agree Trump will be in attack dog mode.  But too much spitting phlegm can be a turn off.  Most Americans aren't dumb.  Most have already made their choices, and many (including myself) have already voted. The few who are truly 'undecided' are not likely to be impressed by a red-faced overweight man shouting accusations at a cool calm and collected woman.  I'd venture they want to see which candidate is presidential, which knows about issues, which has experience in the halls of power (domestic and international), and which candidate can control their temper.  Trump scores and F- on all those.

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11 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:


That is about the lamest excuse. I had to laugh out loud when I read it.  And when Trump violently raped his first wife, was he a card-carrying member of the Bronx Library?  Maybe we can then blame the library for his sexual aggression towards women.


The few Trump fans who are left, are trying to paint this 'pussygate' thing as being his only transgression.  That's like saying Hitler's only transgression was kicking his dog once in anger.  Sorry folks, Trump has a long sordid history of screw-ups.  If in doubt, do some research - it's all over the web like a broken gallon bottle of molasses on the bathroom floor.


Holy smokes! "Like a broken gallon bottle of molasses on the bathroom floor"! That's fantastic, man! Been reading your Faulkner, or something -- cheers!

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1 hour ago, Chicog said:


I daresay she had some choice words for her husband behind closed doors.

What's your point?

The point is that she didn't see such a serial sexual predator unfit for the presidency and insist he resign forthwith...but says someone who called a woman "fat" 20 years ago is unfit for the same office.

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Sorry to be repetitive, but mark my words:  HRC won't get dragged down to wrestle in the mud pit with Trump, as much as he'll try to lure her in.  She's much to savvy for that.   Like all of us who aren't Trump fans, we can see he's fallen off the Titanic (the Republican Party) and is grasping at soda straws which some Republicans (the rare few still thinking he'll win) are throwing down at him.  He's drowning in his and Pence's offal.  A NY Billionaire today predicted; in 5 years Trump will be broke.  His greatest asset: renting out his name, won't be worth $5/month when his name becomes synonymous with world class losing.    



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In pretty much the most Republican state in the union, Utah, just about every politician, from governor, former governor Hunstman, Senator Mike Lee, and almost all except Orrin Hatch (yet), have denounced Trump and said they would support Pence for President. 


A groundswell against Trump is starting in the GOP.



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2 hours ago, Prbkk said:

Fuss about nothing as CNN goess into full-on shrieking , hysterical breaking 'news' mode. 

There is much to dislike about Trump but these comments, distasteful though they are, are hardly relevant to the election . 

So it goes for the Clinton New Network...desperate for views and clicks. Fox has got more babes on one show then they've got on the whole network.

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Yikes; the thought of Pence as prez?!   Better than always-vindictive Trump, but jeezo, he's still anti-science.  Thank Bob he wouldn't have a chance.  Ok maybe he'd get Wyoming and Montana.   I bet Kasich and Cruz are banging their fists against walls, wishing this Pussygate story had come out in November. 

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Obviously the Dems were holding on to this, with the plan to release it when some bad news about Hillary came to light, or just before the election. That Wikileaks did not 'leak' and maybe actually have nothing, and that Trump was starting to win in the polls, means they jumped and released this now. Maybe too early?


Trump will take a hit but with nearly a month to go, he can recover, starting in the next debate. Has crooked Hillary got the timing wrong - I certainly hope so.  The next debate will be very 'entertaining' indeed - all viewing records will be broken.


I am still wondering - what has wikileaks got on Hillary??  Will they release it when she has no time to recover? Maybe just before the last debate?



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2 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

Yikes; the thought of Pence as prez?!   Better than always-vindictive Trump, but jeezo, he's still anti-science.  Thank Bob he wouldn't have a chance.  Ok maybe he'd get Wyoming and Montana.   I bet Kasich and Cruz are banging their fists against walls, wishing this Pussygate story had come out in November. 


Yeah, I wouldn't be concerned about Pence getting elected. That's like sending in a temp from Manpower to be the CEO of Microsoft or Apple.

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2 hours ago, amykat said:


This is one of the saddest things you said today.  Very pertinent to a Presidential race as if speaking like a rap artists is normal? 


Misogyny in hip hop culture refers to lyrics, videos or other aspects of hip hop culture that support, glorify, justify, or normalize the objectification, exploitation, or victimization of women. It can range from innuendoes to stereotypical characterizations and defamation.

Common misogynistic themes include the use of derogatory names such as "bitch" and "ho", sexual objectification of women, legitimization of violence against women, distrust of women, and the glorification of prostitution and pimping.

African-American art form...African Americans solid base of the Democratic Party...anyone else see any congnitive dissonance going on here?

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