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SURVEY: Should Donald Trump drop out of the Presidential Race?


SURVEY: Should Donald Trump drop out of the Presidential race?  

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6 minutes ago, thaihome said:

I can't keep up with you moving the goal posts as you continue to maintain that sexual assaults are only valid if a police report and now a conviction?


As I well know, I can't have a rational discussion with somebody that is determinedly disgenous. 





Which means that you have lost the argument. Enjoy your day. 

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2 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Whether trump is charged and convicted or not isn't so relevant here. The sexual assault bragging tape CONFIRMED to so many what they already thought about trump's attitude towards women, and anyone that didn't already realize that is intentionally self blinding. It won't wash. He won't win. He's from another ERA in his extreme misogyny and it was NOT great then, and we don't want to go back. Rapey donald. No thanks. 


Rapey Donald? Man..... You guys sure go to the extreme. 


I watched and listened to the video/tape about 100 times and didn't hear anything Rapey 


What sexual assault? Where did this happen? 

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9 minutes ago, thaihome said:

I can't keep up with you moving the goal posts as you continue to maintain that sexual assaults are only valid if a police report and now a conviction?


As I well know, I can't have a rational discussion with somebody that is determinedly disgenous. 






What sexual assault? Where?


What are you guys on about?

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43 minutes ago, dbrenn said:


Sure this man is boorish, brash and rude. But did he break any laws, and if so why didn't these women go to the cops at the time? Does he have any criminal convictions for sexual assault? Or, could it be that these people are just making noise, to get some kind of compensation to shut up. He's a rich man, right?


In England too, there is this wave of historic sex abuse cases against most well known celebrities of the time. Very few have actually gone to court, and many of the accusers turned out to be fantasists or people looking to make a buck. Times change - also in England we had comedians such as Benny Hill, who made a career out of bawdy humour, such as slapping women's bottoms in his comedy show. Unthinkable now in these politically correct times of the liberal left, of course.


I agree, but that's what we all said about our dear Bill Cosby at first.  What?  No way!  That's Mr. Huxtable and the Jell-O Pudding guy from when I was a kid.  Even after a few "copy cats" came out, many were still in denial, figured they were climbing on for a potential pay day. 


And then more, and more, and finally, he admitted to it.  Damn! 


Trump's not even denying it this latest thing.  Best he could do was say he's not quite as bad as the guy he says is a sexual predator and a rapist - Bill Clinton.    Gotta hold our tongues on this one, I feel like the "next" thing is right around the corner.  Maybe not.  We'll see. 

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1 minute ago, dunroaming said:

I voted to stay in.  He wouldn't leave without being dragged out kicking and screaming anyway.  It is too late to replace him and he shouldn't just hand it to Hillary uncontested.


He's been gutted by Hillary already at this point. Slogging it out until the end for show will be painful for him, excruciatingly painful for the GOP, and delightful for us to watch, but yeah it looks like that's in the cards.

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3 hours ago, Publicus said:


Trump has brought in many people that might not normally vote GOP


So-called Reagan Democrats have been voting for Reagan's Republican successors all along and they are voting for Trump too. They're already baked into Trump's voter max and ceiling of 40% at the most.


Trump has also brought back as voters extremist nutcases who'd quit voting because they considered they had no actual (radical) choice. These are not young or first time registered voters. They are the same old tired rightwhinge hacks we know and experience each day. They are also included in Trump's ceiling of 40% of the general electorate.


Their establishment and 'business as usual' is their margin not the middle, the fringe not the center, eccentric extremism not the continuum of moderate and temperate citizens and leaders.


It's the hate of Barack Obama that drives the whole lot of 'em. And of Hillary to include Michelle. The whole of the Trump madness starts with being a Birther. And it ends with a Potus Hillary Clinton.


I see you have a great liking for the other side, given what you are calling those who elect to vote for Trump.  Sounds like a hate rant, something you are accusing others of in relation to the current president, Michelle and Hilary.  I haven't seen anything directed toward Michelle, maybe you could provide some facts in that regard.

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So, Trump talks about it, Bill Clinton actually does it many times (and as President in the White House no less) and Hilary tries to crucify the women involved, despite supposedly being an ardent supporter of women.  As far as policies are concerned, Hilary undoubtedly means more of the same, whereas we do not really know what Trump would do on many important issues.  Neither candidate is an angel but I think many people are ready for a change and might just take a chance with Donald.  Yes, of course he is now an outsider in the race for POTUS, but he did not do too badly in the second debate, so he is clearly learning to be as devious as Hilary and all the other politicians.   You have to remember the shock of the BREXIT referendum. Perhaps, Hilary is not there yet!

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6 hours ago, neeray said:

Why not enjoy this very real reality show? It is riveting. To watch this mouth piece idiot implode and take the GOP with him is the epitome of entertainment media for many. 


6 hours ago, neeray said:

Why not enjoy this very real reality show? It is riveting. To watch this mouth piece idiot implode and take the GOP with him is the epitome of entertainment media for many. 

Then you will enjoy the next riveting show when all your freedoms in Canada, which is in the N. America Union, are taken from you and you are financially destroyed!  Wait and see...

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8 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

It might be too late, but Trump won the second debate. Of course, low expectations pushed him over the top. :smile:


Interesting.  Also, I watched 'The Young Turks' live feed on Youtube right after the debate (I watched the entire debate also).  TYT are left leaning, as I am, and they thought Trump won, which surprised me.  I guess when the bar is set so low for Trump, just not sniveling too much and not saying idiotic things is (for him) considered presidential.  


I thought HRC won on several counts, not least was how she kept her cool demeanor when Trump kept spouting his trademark sweeping statements (most of which untrue) about how America is in horrible shape, everything now is bad in the US, and he's the only one who can make it much much better.  Those aren't his exact words, but that's his standard message.  Anyone who knows anything about him, knows he will be awful for America.  Much of what happens in the US (and decisions from the WH), affect the world.  

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4 hours ago, Strange said:

What sexual assault? Where?  What are you guys on about?


Ok, what if D's boasting and perversion was directed at young boys as well as young women?  Would that change your view on it?   Or perhaps it's ok (with you) if he grabs women's pussies, but not men's crotches.  Either way, I wouldn't want that man alone with any attractive young woman or young man.  He may not get lewd with unwanted advances toward the man (sticking his tongue in the man's mouth with no forewarning, for example), but just Trump's gross influence is enough for me to want to keep both my sons and daughters far away from him.

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1 hour ago, stander said:

Tonight's presidential debate will forever be known as the Missouri Massacre. Trump's dismemberment of Hillary Clinton is awe-inspiring.


And here the history books tell us the Missouri Massacre occurred against the Mormons in 1838 at Haunt's Hill immediately after which the Mormons were outlawed in the Show Me State.


Mormons went basically next door (though not literally) to Illinois where founder Joseph Smith and his brother Hyram were killed in yet another attack. (Their religious beliefs while Christian might be unusual ones but then isn't all religion simply stuff out of the blue.)


Just about all the leaders of Utah have now cast out Donald Trump and for good reason. They know what it means and they know when it is deserving so they do not expel people lightly. 


I've been to Missouri btw to include up in the Arch in St. Louis (the wagon train gateway to the West) so I saw first hand why settlers went straight on through it to other places, such as California. 


I like their Democratic party U.S. Senator Clair McCaskill who is a HRC supporter from the get-go and is herself a big vote getter in the red state. 



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11 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:


Ok, what if D's boasting and perversion was directed at young boys as well as young women?  Would that change your view on it?   Or perhaps it's ok (with you) if he grabs women's pussies, but not men's crotches.  Either way, I wouldn't want that man alone with any attractive young woman or young man.  He may not get lewd with unwanted advances toward the man (sticking his tongue in the man's mouth with no forewarning, for example), but just Trump's gross influence is enough for me to want to keep both my sons and daughters far away from him.


Well, the so called perversion wasn't directed at young boys, what in the hell are you suggesting?  I would say that someone with such thoughts should take a long hard look at themselves for expressing such perverse thoughts.  You would let your daughters hang around with the Clintons.  Lots of luck.  Trump has talked the talked, Clinton has walked the walked (Action man) Hilary was an enabler and here you are denigrating Trump.  

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9 hours ago, boomerangutang said:


I know a tramp named Vic who walks city streets aimlessly in soiled clothes, and shouts obscenities at tall buildings.  He's a controversial character. Vic could shake things up if he were prez.  Is that the sort of person you want as US prez?




I don't see the connection. Are you saying that Trump walks city streets aimlessly in soiled clothes, and shouts obscenities at tall buildings?

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3 hours ago, Si Thea01 said:


I see you have a great liking for the other side, given what you are calling those who elect to vote for Trump.  Sounds like a hate rant, something you are accusing others of in relation to the current president, Michelle and Hilary.  I haven't seen anything directed toward Michelle, maybe you could provide some facts in that regard.

Ah, Michelle Obama standing for President - now there's an idea, (especially if you're taste runs to attractive mature women)!


The mention of it should lead to spontaneous explosion of assorted bearded heavily armed  lumberjack shirt clad individuals in various fortified log cabins scattered about the wildernesses of North America!


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He won't drop out. 

But the value of his BRAND will.




The irony of ironies: Trump destroys the brand

Not only will Trump lose the 2016 election, but also his brand” — such as it is now — is that of a creepy old man, a bigot, a misogynist
...the country’s most infamous sleazebag ..



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5 hours ago, boomerangutang said:


Ok, what if D's boasting and perversion was directed at young boys as well as young women?  Would that change your view on it?   Or perhaps it's ok (with you) if he grabs women's pussies, but not men's crotches.  Either way, I wouldn't want that man alone with any attractive young woman or young man.  He may not get lewd with unwanted advances toward the man (sticking his tongue in the man's mouth with no forewarning, for example), but just Trump's gross influence is enough for me to want to keep both my sons and daughters far away from him.


What if


What if


What if


..........And where is the assault? 

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2 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Very true - Link worth reading - thank you Jingthing for sharing!


trump-family-3 The irony of ironies: Trump destroys the brand - by Jennifer Rubin


"Think about this. Who would want a “degree” from Trump University? Who thinks he will seem classy and sophisticated staying in a Trump hotel? What developer is going to want to put Trump’s name on his building?"

" Trump always had a chip on his shoulder. The boy from Queens never had the respect of the Manhattan society crowd. But he’d show them! They’d have to do business with him because he was Donald Trump and the Trump brand was irresistible. Now it’s toxic, and he’s a leper in polite society. The fortune — or appearance of a fortune — he accumulated and which his adult children depended upon (without her last name, Ivanka was never going to have a vanity brand) may be so diminished that not even he can sustain the image of a multibillionaire. He’ll try, of course. He’ll insist that he made money on the race."


And same will go with America brand , if D. Trump gets elected.  

There will be a " before" and an " after" Trump running for President.  

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7 hours ago, JAG said:

Ah, Michelle Obama standing for President - now there's an idea, (especially if you're taste runs to attractive mature women)!


The mention of it should lead to spontaneous explosion of assorted bearded heavily armed  lumberjack shirt clad individuals in various fortified log cabins scattered about the wildernesses of North America!



That woman's "can" could run for President on its own.



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Today Paul Ryan just finally shoved a stake into Dracula's heart by essentially dumping Trump. He said he won't defend Trump, won't campaign with Trump, basically rejecting Trump - but NOT un-endorsing him.  Talk about mamby pamby.


This WIMP will eventually be yet another casualty of Trumpism as people see his duplicity. 



Effectively conceding defeat for his party in the presidential race, Mr. Ryan said his most urgent task was ensuring that Hillary Clinton did not enter the White House with Democratic control of the House and Senate, two lawmakers said.




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2 minutes ago, keemapoot said:

Today Paul Ryan just finally shoved a stake into Dracula's heart by essentially dumping Trump. He said he won't defend Trump, won't campaign with Trump, basically rejecting Trump - but NOT un-endorsing him.  Talk about mamby pamby.


This WIMP will eventually be yet another casualty of Trumpism as people see his duplicity. 






Ryan is a  nice clean cut kid and smart but suffers from underdeveloped testicles.


But lets be honest, he worked hard to get his spot at the trough and Donald threatened to end Ryans bright future of corrupt practices the Congress has actually made legal over the years.


These guys changed the law so they no longer have to vote for pay increases because tax payers scoffed so the lawmakers passed a bill that their annual raises would be automatic and not require attention getting votes.



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On 10/9/2016 at 11:04 PM, Si Thea01 said:

If half of the males on here, complaining about Trump said, were honest, then I would find it hard to believe that many haven't spoken like this.  It is common locker room banter and someone skiting, although foolishly.  The only crime he is guilty of is saying something that was recorded.


He does say some really dumb things but the Clinton camp must be really scared when considering they have 90 percent of the media crucifying him everyday, and apparently one reporter from the Hew York Times and others searching daily for things to bring him undone, yet, to date, have not been able to do so. 


Actually I've always been repulsed by this kind of male behaviour and I haven't any friends who talk like this. But it is a matter of degrees. Some men would never think or say, some would think but never say, some will say but not act, some will say  and act, some will act with compliant women and some will rape. Trump is a braggart who has acted with silly compliant women bedazzled by his celebrity which is what he said. Looks like Bill took advantage many times and even settled out of court and has admitted as much but is still very popular amongst women because he is a charmer even though there are claims of rape.

Hopefully if Trump becomes Pres, he will elevate himself and be elevated to a higher standard than celebrity potty mouth. 

His words of 11 years ago are really between him and Melania, who expressed upset but has forgiven him. Time to move on.

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On 10/10/2016 at 2:35 AM, Grouse said:

The man is clearly no Gentleman. I'm sorry if that sounds strangely old fashioned.


I am obviously not American but I do know that courtesy, good manners and gentlemanly behaviour are still frequently observed.


Americans can not possibly elect someone so obviously unsuitable, so unstatesmanlike. The shame would be immense.


I believe you are British. I am kiwi. Generally it should not be regional but I have heard worse salacious talk from British males than any other national I have met.  I haven't them all of course, there may be other nationals who might take out a contest. 

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15 minutes ago, Linzz said:


I believe you are British. I am kiwi. Generally it should not be regional but I have heard worse salacious talk from British males than any other national I have met.  I haven't them all of course, there may be other nationals who might take out a contest. 

Just wait till you meet a British female, you have some shocks in life ahead. 

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19 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

I was afraid that he would refuse to say anything complimentary aboutClinton when asked to. He came through like a champ.


I thought he may just compliment Chelsey as it was all Hillary did on Trump's children, but he went a lot further than I expected. He even initiated the closing handshake. But he was angry and agitated throughout. I kept telling him to stand still, it was quite distracting, others have said intimidating.

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