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Leaks show Clinton inner circle grappling with email issue


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Leaks show Clinton inner circle grappling with email issue



WASHINGTON (AP) — Hacked emails show that Hillary Clinton's campaign was slow to grasp the seriousness of the controversy over her use of a homebrew email server and believed it might blow over after one weekend.


Two days after The Associated Press was first to report in March 2015 that Clinton had been running a private server in her home in New York to send and receive messages when she was secretary of state, her advisers were shaping their strategy to respond to the revelation.


Among the emails made public Tuesday by WikiLeaks was one from Clinton campaign spokesman Nick Merrill, who optimistically suggested that the issue might quickly blow over.


"Goal would be to cauterize this just enough so it plays out over the weekend and dies in the short term," Merrill wrote on March 6, 2015.


It did not, and became the leading example of Clinton's penchant for secrecy, which has persisted as a theme among her campaign critics and rivals throughout her election season. Clinton did not publicly confirm or discuss her use of the email server until March 10 in a speech at the United Nations, nearly one week after AP revealed the server's existence.


WikiLeaks began releasing on Friday what it said were years of messages from accounts used by Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta. He has acknowledged his emails were hacked. Podesta warned that messages may have been altered or edited to inflict political damage but has not pointed to any specific case of this.


Months after Merrill's message, the campaign was still preoccupied with emails. In May 2015, Clinton spokesman Brian Fallon alerted other staffers that the Justice Department was proposing to publish Clinton's work-related emails by January in response to requests by news organizations. Fallon, a former Justice Department spokesman, wrote that unspecified "DOJ folks" told him there was a court hearing planned soon in the case. The name and email address of the person who shared the information with Fallon had been deleted.


Donald Trump on Tuesday called Fallon's email "unbelievable," and his supporters said it showed collusion between the Obama administration and Clinton's campaign.


The dates of court hearings would have been publicly posted in advance on the court's docket. Fallon did not respond to a request for comment from AP. The Justice Department declined to discuss Fallon's email.


It wasn't immediately clear who hacked Podesta's emails, though U.S. intelligence officials last week blamed the Russian government for a series of breaches intended to influence the presidential election.


On Tuesday, Russian Ambassador to the U.S. Sergey Kislyak dismissed the accusations as untrue.


"We are watching very carefully the election campaign in this country," Kislyak said at a discussion of bilateral affairs at Johns Hopkins University's campus in Washington. "We don't interfere (in) the internal affairs of the United States, neither by my statements nor by electronic or other means."


The messages stolen from Podesta's account describe how Clinton's closest advisers considered responding to key events during the campaign, including the discovery of her email server and her congressional testimony over the deadly 2012 attacks on a U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya.


In emails from March 2015, Merrill suggested a strategy — ultimately nixed by Clinton herself — of having comedian Larry Wilmore and Bill Clinton joke during an event for the Clinton Global Initiative charity in Coral Gables, Florida, before having Clinton join them on stage.


Merrill laid out the scenario in emails to Podesta and other aides: "Wilmore could sit down with WJC and Chelsea and say something like 'Thanks for having me here, it's a pleasure. And I should tell you, I just emailed HRC (I hear she's a big emailer), and asked if she'd join as well. (Laughter).'" He added that Hillary Clinton could then walk out "to applause."


"It would be just light-hearted enough while giving her the opportunity to address this seriously, be a little conciliatory as discussed, and then get back to a discussion about CGI etc.," Merrill wrote in the email.


In the end, Hillary Clinton's team drafted talking points Clinton used at the news conference at the United Nations.


Clinton said she "fully complied with every rule that I was governed by" and that "there is no classified material" among her work-related emails.

Both of those statements were later proved false.


The State Department's internal watchdog concluded in an audit released that Clinton ignored clear written guidance that her email setup broke federal record-keeping rules and could leave sensitive material vulnerable to hackers. The FBI's recently closed investigation concluded that more than 100 emails exchanged through Clinton's private server contained information that was later determined to be classified.


As the email controversy escalated in the summer of 2015, Clinton herself seemed slow to grasp the continuing political damage. Communications director Jennifer Palmieri in August expressed concerns that Clinton "wasn't in the same place" on the issue as some on her campaign staff.


At the time, the political aides were working out details of revealing that Clinton had directed her staff to hand over her server and a thumb drive with copies of her emails to the Justice Department. Palmieri was writing other campaign aides to arrange for a Univision reporter to ask "a few questions on emails" during an interview that would otherwise focus on college affordability.


"As you all know, I had hoped that we could use the 'server moment' as an opportunity for her to be viewed as having take a big step to deal with the email problem that would best position us for what is ahead," Palmieri wrote. "It is clear that she is not in same place."


Clinton's email practices were not the only controversy her campaign's brain trust was addressing.


On October 2015, speechwriter Dan Schwerin circulated among top Clinton advisers a draft of her opening statement to the House Select Committee on Benghazi, to be delivered the following week.


The draft itself wasn't attached in the emails published Tuesday, but other messages showed how it was shaped, including a section referring to Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, who was killed in the Sept. 11, 2012, attack.


"We might consider softening the 'Chris did not believe retreat was an option — and neither do I' line," wrote Katherine Turner, a law partner of Clinton's personal attorney David Kendall. "I don't think we want to suggest that there was a commitment to be there at any and all costs."


Following Clinton's tense Oct. 22 testimony, Podesta proposed in an email that she could publicly joke, "I used to be obsessed with Donald Trump's hair, that was until I got to spend 11 hours staring at the top of Trey Gowdy's head," a reference to the slicked-back white coif of the South Carolina Republican who chairs the committee.


Other Clinton aides shot down the idea.


"I love the joke too but I think HRC should stay above the committee," adviser Jake Sullivan replied, "and especially above personal insults about it. She's got every inch of the high ground right now."


Palmieri replied: "Wow. You people are a bunch of ninnies."


Associated Press writers Tami Abdollah, Lisa Lerer, Eileen Sullivan, Alicia A. Caldwell, Eric Tucker, Maria Danilova and Jack Gillum contributed.

-- © Associated Press 2016-10-12
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Very Damaging News Regarding Hillary Clinton’s Emails

It also begs the question: Who is being told the truth? Is her private position the one that she will institute in the Oval Office or will she stick with the public position? How can we trust anything she says?



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You cant trust anything she says - she is a serial liar - and it has worked so far.  Trump called her crooked Hillary a long time ago - he knows what they know - and now we all know. Crooked Hillary and Slick Willy - what a pair.


There is only going to be more between now and Nov8 - I am loving every minute of it (watching and hearing the lying liberals disintegrate).


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1 hour ago, Ulic said:

It is not the home servers I am concerned about it is the 30,000 deleted e-mails. :coffee1:


I'm afraid that the next POTUS is likely to be someone everyone knows to be a serial liar, and who will do anything to forward her agenda, family and friends.

The trouble with liars is you never know when they are telling the truth. 

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34 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


I'm afraid that the next POTUS is likely to be someone everyone knows to be a serial liar, and who will do anything to forward her agenda, family and friends.

The trouble with liars is you never know when they are telling the truth. 

Watching CNN is like watching a Crooked Hillary campaign ad!! :sad:

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I'm surprised hillary hasn't gone suck'n'see obama, and get him to giddy up a Section 44 all of his own.


- the only other known example working model of it, seems to be doing rather well,

- with all it's designed for, to decoy truth

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The Dems, liberals, globalist are very worried.

Here is my list of the dumps to date...


16 March 2016
Hillary Clinton Email Archive
A searchable archive for
30,322 emails & email attachments sent to and from
Hillary Clinton’s private email server while she was Secretary of State.


22 July 2016
DNC Email Archive
This releases contains 19,252 emails and 8,034 attachments
from the top of the US Democratic National Committee (DNC)
and is part of our Hillary Leaks series.


4 October 2016
Guccifer 2.0 Drops Clinton Foundation Documents
Hacker claims to have "hundreds of thousands" of documents
after alleged breach of foundation servers
Leak has 1.1 GB, 2,085 files, 235 folders


4 October 2016
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange pledged Tuesday
to publish “significant” new material on the US election
before the November 8 vote.
He also said that “we hope to be publishing every week for the next 10 weeks,”
promising documents on the subjects of war, arms, oil, Google and mass surveillance.
Julian Assange claims to have 50,000+ documents to release.


7 October 2016
Wikileaks releases over 2,000 emails from Clinton campaign chair John Podesta
The Podesta Emails WikiLeaks series involving
Hillary Clinton campaign Chairman John Podesta,
who is a long-term associate of the Clintons
and was President Bill Clinton’s Chief of Staff.
The release comes the same day the State Department
published 350 emails previously deleted from Clinton's private server,  
following a court order to release 360 pages per month.


10 October 2016
Wikileaks 2nd Data Dump Releases Another 2,086 John Podesta emails on Monday morning


11 October 2016
Wikileaks 3rd Data Dump Releases Another 1,100 John Podesta emails on Tuesday morning


Note that on 7 October 2016

scant hours after the email dump,

is when the washington post released the

Trump hit piece of 'locker room' talk.

They had it lined up and waiting.

They and every other disingeous MSM

covered the Trump hit piece,

and ignored the email dump.

They are colluding, they have their marching orders.


More is coming.

Go Trump!

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Oh My Goodness...

12 October 2016
Wikileaks 4th Data Dump Releases Another 1,193 John Podesta emails on Wednesday morning There are as many as 1,193 new emails in the latest release, bringing the total to 6,526. Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has claimed he is sitting on as much as 50,000 messages. Meanwhile, it may be time for the Clinton campaign to release another tape.   The impact of Friday's "Trump Tape" is dissipating and at this rate, the media may find it difficult to keep the audience's attention redirected exlusively to Trump.
Podesta told journalists aboard a campaign plane traveling from Miami to New York.
Padesta added: “We can’t confirm the  accuracy of those leaks,  we know that the Russians might have passed on doctored documents.”  “I would say that the Russian interference in this election and their apparent attempt to influence it on behalf of Mr Trump should be of utmost concern to all Americans.”  Translation: the leaks were correct, and while we have no idea who is behind them, we will just blame the Russians
- after all, how can they possibly retaliate with diplomatic conditions already dreadful.
Meanwhile, the infamous FBI is now also involved:  according to Bloomberg, the FBI told Podesta on Sunday that it is investigating a hack of his Gmail account in connection with the broader hacking probe.



what happend to the anti-Trump lovefest here on TVF.  errr, they have nothing to say, except...

yeah - let's wait till the next hit piece comes out,

we don't care if it's true or not.

Shills, trolls, tools, cucks. The lot of you.


More is coming, a lot more. Bet on it!

Go Wikileaks and Julian Assange!

Go Trump!


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The 'Stronger together' campaign slogan is looking funnier by the day. Blacks, Latinos, Sanders supporters, Catholics. The list of deplorables lengthens by the day. Meanwhile those who tried to paint accusations of press bias as conspiracy theories are looking very stupid. Meanwhile the deluge of leaked e-mails most not contested for authenticity paint Clinton to be a career criminal. One wonders if Nixon would have continued as if nothing happened if he had the press in his pocket back then.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

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Oh My Goodness...

13 October 2016
Wikileaks 5th AND 6th Data Dump back-to-back
Releases Another 2,000+ emails

Just hours after wikileaks released the 5th part of the Podesta emails dump
which in turn came shortly after part 4 which together
amounted to some 1,866 new email,
Wikileaks has unveiled the latest, 6th part in what now is a daily event,
which released another 2,000 emails,
bringing the total number of emails released to over 9,000
and assuring that at least one part of the media
will be busy digging through hundreds of emails more,
while much of the remaining part of the media will be doing all it can
to ignore the latest release and instead focusing on
the latest sexual allegations against Donald Trump.



what happend to the anti-Trump lovefest here on TVF.

errr, they have nothing to say, except...

yeah - let's wait till the next hit piece comes out,

we don't care if it's true or not.


now suddenly there are multiple accusations from women.

From the usual lying MSM sources.

And no proof, just their say so.


Shills, trolls, tools, cucks. The lot of you.


More is coming, a lot more. Bet on it!

Go Wikileaks and Julian Assange!

Go Trump!


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8 hours ago, howto said:

Oh My Goodness...

13 October 2016
Wikileaks 5th AND 6th Data Dump back-to-back
Releases Another 2,000+ emails

Just hours after wikileaks released the 5th part of the Podesta emails dump
which in turn came shortly after part 4 which together
amounted to some 1,866 new email,
Wikileaks has unveiled the latest, 6th part in what now is a daily event,
which released another 2,000 emails,
bringing the total number of emails released to over 9,000
and assuring that at least one part of the media
will be busy digging through hundreds of emails more,
while much of the remaining part of the media will be doing all it can
to ignore the latest release and instead focusing on
the latest sexual allegations against Donald Trump.



what happend to the anti-Trump lovefest here on TVF.

errr, they have nothing to say, except...

yeah - let's wait till the next hit piece comes out,

we don't care if it's true or not.


now suddenly there are multiple accusations from women.

From the usual lying MSM sources.

And no proof, just their say so.


Shills, trolls, tools, cucks. The lot of you.


More is coming, a lot more. Bet on it!

Go Wikileaks and Julian Assange!

Go Trump!


Every time WikiLeaks dumps more Hillary emails, more women come forward to say Trump groped them. Coincidence?

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11 hours ago, Jingthing said:

The election is over. Hillary Clinton has already won. Anything else is just noise and chatter now. Enjoy your noise and chatter. 

If the election is over, why are Clinton's people trying to dig so much dirt?

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3 minutes ago, stander said:

If the election is over, why are Clinton's people trying to dig so much dirt?

It fills in the day, while waiting for the official count. Remember, kicking someone when they're down is much safer because they can't retailate

Edited by SaintLouisBlues
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The U.S is visibly rotting from the top down. A mediocre compulsive liar and career criminal in cahoots with the press and DOJ. Hillary hates just about everyone, her campaign team collectively facepalm as to what a liability and wrecking ball she is. To read the Wikileaks files on Clinton makes one feel physically sick at how debased and disgusting her campaign is.

I have l little doubt many democrats will totally ignore the emails dismissing them as a Russian plot, as if it changes the material facts disclosed. What gratitude considering Hillary twice helped the Russians strengthen their military as well as facilitating the sale of 20% of U.S uranium reserves to the Russians, all for a fee to the Clinton foundation. So go ahead vote for a globalist who wishes for the end of all nation states, even her own. Social justice warriors forget the fact she despises your cherished interest area but by her own admission will pay you empty platitudes in public, but in private hold entirely different views.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

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Just because there are thousands and thousands of leaked email doesn't mean there is anything really damning in them. From what I have seen so far, there is no fire much less any smoke. Maybe a few smoldering embers that people point to a say "see, see that!" "See what?", I say. Most of the emails are about Hillary's campaign direction and the messages she wants to get across. Oh, how exciting.


So go ahead people. Waste your time frantically searching for that one golden egg in thousands and thousands of banal email message. We won't wait for you. Follow Julian while he frantically tries to show how powerful he thinks he is. Better yet, go back to his "October Surprise"  infomercial and be amazed at how great a guy he is (oh, and make sure to buy his book).



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Oh My Goodness...

14 October 2016
Wikileaks 7th Data Dump
Releases Another 1,150 Podesta Emails

Total Is Now 10,169


On 10/13/2016 at 9:16 AM, thaibeachlovers said:

Wow, not a single Clinton supporter coming on to divert us from the truth with personal attacks on him.

I suppose it won't be long before they do.


No doubt we will be hearing much, much more about the Russians.

The Shills, trolls, tools, cucks have noticed this thread.


7 hours ago, Silurian said:

Just because there are thousands and thousands of leaked email doesn't mean there is anything really damning in them. From what I have seen so far, there is no fire much less any smoke. Maybe a few smoldering embers that people point to a say "see, see that!" "See what?", I say. Most of the emails are about Hillary's campaign direction and the messages she wants to get across. Oh, how exciting.


So go ahead people. Waste your time frantically searching for that one golden egg in thousands and thousands of banal email message. We won't wait for you. Follow Julian while he frantically tries to show how powerful he thinks he is. Better yet, go back to his "October Surprise"  infomercial and be amazed at how great a guy he is (oh, and make sure to buy his book).



You keep telling yo po self that.

We do understand your mindset, lame as it is.

Do you have problems playin 'checkers'?

Yes? Then don't try 'chess'.

You likely believe the lying MSM polls too.

As well as your CTR friends.

CTR = Correct The Record

Google 'may' be your friend.



'Every time WikiLeaks dumps more Hillary emails, more women come forward to say Trump groped them. Coincidence? '

No, the Dems continue to follow their script, that is

1- deflection

2- stop Trump from getting more of the 'woman' vote.


Don't believe the lying MSM polls.

They oversample Dems, undersample Repubs.

Their method is flawed. They have already been caught doing it.


The Dems 'might' win, giving

- voter fraud

- election fraud

- dead people (zombies) voting

Has happened in past elections.

Lot's of evidence they will do it in this election.

Reckon Bernie would know.

BTW, did anyone notice Bernie bought a

very nice 'summer home', within 2 weeks of

caving to HRC?



More is coming, a lot more. Bet on it!

Go Wikileaks and Julian Assange!

Go Trump!

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Yawn, more and more useless email dumps. If you can't wow them with facts just dump tons of worthless emails! Keep going with your searches. It is a good misdirection of energy. Heck, maybe you can find some discount coupons in the mix.


Julian has got nothing. Just infomercials and hawking books.

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Oh boy, more emails! Yippee Skippee! Let's all do the email shuffle. Shuffle emails left, shuffle emails right.


Keep on keeping on, Julian. Dump thousands and thousands of worthless emails on the fanatics. Make them dance with delight that there are soooo many! Woohoo! Make them wade fruitlessly through them all.

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1 hour ago, Steely Dan said:

Looks like Julian Assange has had his internet connection cut. Just goes to show the leaks are all fabrications or don't contain any important information.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

The Obama administration thinks cutting a cord will make the leaks go away, all that has happened is they have made the public more mad, they have stopped nothing

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