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                  she has 25 odd baht worth of gold clearly there in her house for all to see,                   thing is i bought her near all of it and she is in uk  with many people coming in and out of her house, she has son 16 yrs old and he has friends come to her house,               who would steal it surely if they saw it,  ok its in  her bedroom but its on top of a table in a box .              we are now split up but  this was all for my daughters investment and now this idiot is making a very bad decision leaving it open for anyone to take.            she had gold stolen before by a friend in bkk when she shared a room with her many years ago  so she knows what " friends " can be like especially " thai friends "  who just love gold.   one young guy in particular there in house all the time with her son,  he is 23 yrs old and seems allways drunk,  i do not trust this person in my daughters house but we are seperated so what can i do. he more or less lives there and my 6 yr old daughter told me she does not want him staying over as she cannot sleep well and he plays loud music etc and makes house untidy . 


what can i do to get it into her thick head that someone will steal it if seen .    was going to nick a peice myself but keep it and give her it back in a few months just to teach her a valuable lesson to take more care. 


what would you do . 

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I work as a security consultant and if you give me your address I can have it safely relocated. 


Seriously though, I don't have any advice for you on this one.... Must be kicking yourself (or the wife) for leaving this stuff unsecured. 


Her gold and she can do what she wishes with it. 


If you want to be helpful buy her a safe to store her gold in otherwise butt out -- not your business.

Just now, Fithman said:

Her gold and she can do what she wishes with it. 


If you want to be helpful by her a safe to store her gold in otherwise butt out -- not your business.


butt out of the thread with your negitive BS  if you havent anything constructive to say .


good old tv, going downhill already 2 minutes in.  

1 minute ago, Fithman said:

Her gold and she can do what she wishes with it. 


If you want to be helpful by her a safe to store her gold in otherwise butt out -- not your business.


You want advice? Get on a plane and secure your 25 baht of gold. 

2 minutes ago, Strange said:


You want advice? Get on a plane and secure your 25 baht of gold. 


Was that directed at me ?  Did I claim to have 25Bht of gold needing to be secured ? 

8 minutes ago, Fithman said:


Was that directed at me ?  Did I claim to have 25Bht of gold needing to be secured ? 


no avi similar stats easy mistake chill out




Sorry and I agree with your post. 

9 minutes ago, pumpjack said:


butt out of the thread with your negitive BS  if you havent anything constructive to say .


good old tv, going downhill already 2 minutes in.  


Its true though, I mean you guys are split up and its her house and kids and stuff. I would be furious beyond belief but what can you do really? 

The only constructive thing I have for you is to let it go, no amount of money is going to be worth the hassle of trying to right this wrong. 


People will chime in with "Get a hitman" or "Poo Yai" or "Police" or "HAHA Dont ever buy the wife...."


Best thing to do is move on. 


I thought buy her a safe was a pretty good suggestion... 


I have an ex wife back home and she surely did not take any of my investment advice after we split up. And things did not work out well for her either. It is tough to sit back and watch but what else can you do? If you want, try the small safe idea... it might work or it might be throwing good money after bad... 



wife's sister was on the phone to the missus last week.

SIL and her hubby had just got back to OZ, from a month in LOS. Whist away

(and every time both of them are out of the house, they padlock their room.


anyhow, the SIL has lost ALL of her jewellery, a mobile, and stacks of cash.


I said to missus 'lucky if her hubby hasn't been robbed too'

Missus replied that his watch and cash were all gone too...


I gave realistic response - "he's a Turk, so the (thai)kid ( a nephew of theirs) is dead-meat if he's caught up with"


It was a strange and long weaving web, that led to working out the culprit...

Last year my missus and I were visiting them from interstate, and some money+wallet disappeared while we were there.

2+2= the kid at the time. But SIL let her nephew stay (supposed to be here for college)

SIL is too kind, even though she knows better, that Thai blood is not thicker than water


SIL was in her bar, talking with a girl she works with.

The girl had earlier heard of SIL's loss, and had, out of nowhere, exclaimed how she had been shown some particular jewellery by a third girl earlier in the week.


The story from the third girl (who has since gone back to the UK), was she was approached by a particular young thai in another hotel.

He has for sale, a diamond ring worth AU$20000, selling now for 200, and she took it.


The young thai's description fitted him perfectly.

He disappeared from the house the day before SIL and hubby returned to OZ


SIL goes to cops, but they won't do anything,'

as it wasn't a proven theft, not proven to be on-sold via a pawnshop or a jeweller, but

they would be able to act, if someone could locate the kid


SIL goes to Immigration, to report him - as it turned out his student visa was already expired, and he's suspected not enough money to have flown out of the country.

Family betrayal, both ways - it's a fair cop!!


Thai blood is not thicker than water



you cannot trust anyone in, nor thought to be, part of your thai family


We have ascertaind the nephew could only have made a key impression, whilst one of them was showering.

(and that could only have happened before they had even left for that trip away)



you idea of holding a piece yourself, pumpjack,

 is the only way 100% certain for your own piece of mind,

that at least that one piece won't also go the way of the rest...








1 hour ago, Anythingleft? said:

Is the jewellery insured? if not then that would be a starter option surely


If he only bought her gold costing 25 baht it must have been a long ago. :laugh:

3 hours ago, pumpjack said:


butt out of the thread with your negitive BS  if you havent anything constructive to say .


good old tv, going downhill already 2 minutes in.  

You seem like a very angry man,she must be a  lot happier now?


I wall papered my gf's bedroom with 100 dollar bills......  Once I even bought her a car registered in her name.

Does anybody know where I can buy bleach. And extend my tourist visa based on  stupidly. 

5 hours ago, pumpjack said:


                  she has 25 odd baht worth of gold clearly there in her house for all to see



unless you dropped 4 or 5 zeroes there's nothing there to worry about.

4 minutes ago, Mekong Thunder said:

Surely you know that 'Baht' is a weight of pure Thai Gold as well as a currency?


I didn't know that. How much does a baht weigh?

8 hours ago, pumpjack said:


butt out of the thread with your negitive BS  if you havent anything constructive to say .


good old tv, going downhill already 2 minutes in.  



If your Thai wife is living in the UK, then that means she`s under the UK legal system that strongly goes against the guys in divorce cases. It means she has full control over the house, the kids, all valuables in the house and you have no say in it whatsoever.


Sorry to be negative regarding your situation, but there is nothing you can do except give your ex some advice, even if you were actually in the UK yourself.


The wife's 16 year old son has a 23 year drunk as a mate who stays in the house with them (also in the house is your young daughter who complains about him). I can understand your concern.

The suggestion of a Safe for the gold is a good one if your wife would use it.

I would be suspect about what the arrangement is with this 23 year old.

16 hours ago, pumpjack said:


butt out of the thread with your negitive BS  if you havent anything constructive to say .


good old tv, going downhill already 2 minutes in.  


I agree with him whole heartedly. 


It's not your call to make, you clearly state that you are separated.


Simple really.

On 12/10/2016 at 1:28 PM, pumpjack said:


butt out of the thread with your negitive BS  if you havent anything constructive to say .


good old tv, going downhill already 2 minutes in.  

Steady on mate where is the negativity there? All seems to be coming from you. First part is spot on second bit is reasonable advice. Thais can be pretty ruthless when it comes to things material especially things they haven't paid for. Get prepared for a mai ba lai or I'm not care if it goes walkabout. Some love flaunting there goods for all to see.

17 hours ago, Rob13 said:


I didn't know that. How much does a baht weigh?


Baht is a unit of weight measurement for Gold in Thailand where 1 Baht is equal to 15.244 grams in raw bullion form or 15.16 grams when it sold as jewellery. Thai Gold is also measured in "Salung" which is a smaller unit when compared with Baht, where 1 salung is a quarter baht (0.25 baht) or 3.81 grams.

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