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US Election 2016: Trump 'groped woman like an octopus'


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2 minutes ago, dcutman said:

Anybody that harms or abuses children should be in jail, including Trump if found guilty. However the only real proof to this day to the story you are talking about is that Bill Clinton and  Prince Andrew are linked to this disgusting pedophile ring with Jeffry Epstein. There are 26 flight records showing Clinton being on Epstein's Lolita express and going to his so called orgy island. Again if Trump is linked he should certainly go to Jail with Bill and the rest of these disgusting people.


So, are you privy to court documents filed by the now 20-something woman who says she was brutishly raped by The Donald?  I've heard bits of the accusations - from an earlier deposition which was not allowed to go to court (due to intense pressure by Trump's lawyers) because the woman didn't have a lawyer the first time around.   In those initial leaks, there was some evidence presented, but it was different than what you assert, above.   It was more damning and neither Clinton nor Prince Andrew were mentioned.  However, convicted pedophile Epstein was mentioned.  So you're partly right on that count.  BTW, have you seen/heard the Trump video where he says he's buddies with Epstein, ....and mentions young women in the same sentence, while grinning.



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Just now, boomerangutang said:


So, are you privy to court documents filed by the now 20-something woman who says she was brutishly raped by The Donald?  I've heard bits of the accusations - from an earlier deposition which was not allowed to go to court (due to intense pressure by Trump's lawyers) because the woman didn't have a lawyer the first time around.   In those initial leaks, there was some evidence presented, but it was different than what you assert, above.   It was more damning and neither Clinton nor Prince Andrew were mentioned.  However, convicted pedophile Epstein was mentioned.  So you're partly right on that count.  BTW, have you seen/heard the Trump video where he says he's buddies with Epstein, ....and mentions young women in the same sentence, while grinning.


Source please. Need a source for this. 

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1 hour ago, boomerangutang said:


So, are you privy to court documents filed by the now 20-something woman who says she was brutishly raped by The Donald?  I've heard bits of the accusations - from an earlier deposition which was not allowed to go to court (due to intense pressure by Trump's lawyers) because the woman didn't have a lawyer the first time around.   In those initial leaks, there was some evidence presented, but it was different than what you assert, above.   It was more damning and neither Clinton nor Prince Andrew were mentioned.  However, convicted pedophile Epstein was mentioned.  So you're partly right on that count.  BTW, have you seen/heard the Trump video where he says he's buddies with Epstein, ....and mentions young women in the same sentence, while grinning.



You are more than welcome to link anything you are bringing up.

I just wonder why you haven't.

Is it this one?


or this one?


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8 minutes ago, Strange said:

Source please. Need a source for this. 


I can't find the older source (sorry, I don't keep transcripts of the thousands of things I hear and read over the past months), ....but here's a story about the lawsuit concerning the then-13 yr old who alleges Trump roughly raped her, while slapping her and threatening harm.  There is at least one witness.   The court date is set for December.  So if Trump is elected, he will be President-Elect at that time.   Of course, as with all lawsuits against him, he will get his lawyers to submit 'continuances' one after another ad-infinitum.  Trump is as good at delaying justice as he is at slapping gag orders on everyone who knows him.   I bet he woefully regrets he didn't slap a gag order on the woman who's now bringing the rape case to court.

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Anti establishment Trump vs Establishment Hillary Clinton.

Hmmmm I wonder who wants who to win.



The Illusion of Choice: 90% of American Media Controlled by 6 Corporations

Vic Bishop, Staff
Waking Times

It is worth repeating again and again that the bulk of America’s mainline media is owned and controlled by a mere 6 corporations. This, of course, means that unless you’re already consciously avoiding these mainline media sources, then most of the news and entertainment that makes it onto your screen and into your mind comes from a small pool of corporate sources, all of which play important roles in delivering propaganda, social programming and perpetual crisis narratives to the public.


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"Anti establishment Trump vs Establishment Hillary Clinton.

Hmmmm I wonder who wants who to win."


Now its a conspiracy hteory ... :D


I wonder,  based on afriend who is a Howard Stern junkie, why this took so long to come out. Lots of people knew.  Herd mentaility of the right and the left. You are not going to go out alone. That takes too much moral courage, but once the walls start to crack it all comes out.


Now the real issue is how deep of hole Trump will dig The Republican Party. Will they split apart? This is the  logical outcome of the right wing nutters that the party has coddled since Big Bubba days of the 90's. They made it through 8 years of branding Obama the Antichrist and felt proud of themselves. Time to watch the sanctimonious hypocrites get there hind quarters nailed to the wall.

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25 minutes ago, dcutman said:

Anti establishment Trump vs Establishment Hillary Clinton.

Hmmmm I wonder who wants who to win.



The Illusion of Choice: 90% of American Media Controlled by 6 Corporations

Vic Bishop, Staff
Waking Times

It is worth repeating again and again that the bulk of America’s mainline media is owned and controlled by a mere 6 corporations. This, of course, means that unless you’re already consciously avoiding these mainline media sources, then most of the news and entertainment that makes it onto your screen and into your mind comes from a small pool of corporate sources, all of which play important roles in delivering propaganda, social programming and perpetual crisis narratives to the public.


Anti-establishment?  Trump wants to give disproportionately huge tax breaks to the wealthy and powerful.  He even has proposed a new loophole that will hugely benefit...guess who?  If you guessed real estate developers you get 10 points. And he also wants to deregulate hedge funds and banks.  This is your idea of anti-establishment?

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6 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Anti-establishment?  Trump wants to give disproportionately huge tax breaks to the wealthy and powerful.  He even has proposed a new loophole that will hugely benefit...guess who?  If you guessed real estate developers you get 10 points. And he also wants to deregulate hedge funds and banks.  This is your idea of anti-establishment?


No. Just stop. 


You clearly have no clue what you are talking about. 


Just go to "Hills" website and "Trumps" website and compare whats going on. 


Unbelievable you are even saying what you are saying. 

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Reporter accuses Donald Trump of forcing himself on her


"She alleged the assault took place in December 2005, in the middle of an interview and photoshoot with Trump and his third wife, Melania, for their first wedding anniversary."


“When we took a break for the then very-pregnant Melania to go upstairs and change wardrobe for more photos, Donald wanted to show me around the mansion,” she wrote. "


"“There was one ‘tremendous' room in particular … We walked into that room alone, and Trump shut the door behind us. I turned around, and within seconds, he was pushing me against the wall, and forcing his tongue down my throat.”





Dunning Kruger.

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1 minute ago, Strange said:


No. Just stop. 


You clearly have no clue what you are talking about. 


Just go to "Hills" website and "Trumps" website and compare whats going on. 


Unbelievable you are even saying what you are saying. 


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2 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:


1 minute ago, ilostmypassword said:


Use words not links. I have read everything there is to read on the topic. 


Trump position reduces taxes for EVERYONE not just the rich. Not only that but low income pay NO taxes. 





Individual Income Tax

Tax rates

The Trump Plan will collapse the current seven tax brackets to three brackets. The rates and breakpoints are as shown below. Low-income Americans will have an effective income tax rate of 0. The tax brackets are similar to those in the House GOP tax blueprint.

Brackets & Rates for Married-Joint filers:
Less than $75,000: 12%
More than $75,000 but less than $225,000: 25%
More than $225,000: 33%
*Brackets for single filers are ½ of these amounts

The Trump Plan will retain the existing capital gains rate structure (maximum rate of 20 percent) with tax brackets shown above. Carried interest will be taxed as ordinary income.

The 3.8 percent Obamacare tax on investment income will be repealed, as will the alternative minimum tax.


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2 hours ago, Silurian said:

Wow, these are bleeding through the wood work aren't they? It is going to be hard to sort fact from fiction here since it will be a lot of "he said, she said" statements. 

Polygraph tests

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1 hour ago, Strange said:


Yep, and its naive to believe that there is not more going on in the background as well but people will run with it regardless. Whatever they can do to deflect from their own shortcomings (Corruption, lying, misleading, adultery...)




But hey, what difference at this point does it make?


no difference at all....clinton,trump,obama....one of them will be in the white house come jan.I feel sorry for the electorate,such poor choices.But does it really matter.I think the US is in deep shit regardless and nothing less than a mega financial crash that can sweep the debris away to start again with proper money supply,proper interest rates to better reflect the economic activity.

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Just now, samuibeachcomber said:

no difference at all....clinton,trump,obama....one of them will be in the white house come jan.I feel sorry for the electorate,such poor choices.But does it really matter.I think the US is in deep shit regardless and nothing less than a mega financial crash that can sweep the debris away to start again with proper money supply,proper interest rates to better reflect the economic activity.


In case you have been glued to the computer you might have noticed something in the last three days. It will effect you far more than this generic rightist conspiracy mambo jambo of doom a la Rand Paul . That is if you live here and not part of our Professional Troll Team and just making time on the boards ... Heh  . 

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4 minutes ago, Strange said:



Use words not links. I have read everything there is to read on the topic. 


Trump position reduces taxes for EVERYONE not just the rich. Not only that but low income pay NO taxes. 





90% of real dollar savings will go to the rich. The country will also head for bankruptcy just like what's going on in Kansas with  Brownback. Then they can say there needs to be reductions in  Medicaid, Social Security, Military Pensions and other programs. 

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1 minute ago, pegman said:

90% of real dollar savings will go to the rich. The country will also head for bankruptcy just like what's going on in Kansas with  Brownback. Then they can say there needs to be reductions in  Medicaid, Social Security, Military Pensions and other programs. 


Riiiiight 90% of real dollar savings go to the rich..... 


So just choke the holy hell out of everyone right? 


Where is innovation supposed to come from? The government? 


Let go of the people and reduce bureaucracy so america can get back to basics. Why anyone would want to have the government dictate everything is beyond me.  

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12 minutes ago, pegman said:
2 hours ago, Silurian said:

Wow, these are bleeding through the wood work aren't they? It is going to be hard to sort fact from fiction here since it will be a lot of "he said, she said" statements. 

Polygraph tests


Polygraph tests are notably unreliable. I think this will come done to number of harassment complaints and collaborating witnesses.

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Former Miss Arizona: Trump ‘just came strolling right in’ on naked contestants


"On an April 11, 2005, airing of “The Howard Stern Show,” Donald Trump bragged about some of the special perks he enjoyed while he was owner of the Miss USA pageant. They came not in a locker room but a dressing room."

“I’ll go backstage before a show, and everyone’s getting dressed and ready and everything else,” he said. “And you know, no men are anywhere. And I’m allowed to go in because I’m the owner of the pageant. And therefore I’m inspecting it.”

"Stern replied, “You’re like a doctor.” Trump responded: “Is everyone okay? You know they’re standing there with no clothes. And you see these incredible-looking women. And so I sort of get away with things like that.”


Right around the time his third wife was in her third month of pregnancy...


The hits just keep on coming from this crass, cheap hack.

The Bloviator.

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28 minutes ago, Strange said:


No. Just stop. 


You clearly have no clue what you are talking about. 


Just go to "Hills" website and "Trumps" website and compare whats going on. 


Unbelievable you are even saying what you are saying. 


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Palm Beach Post exclusive: Local woman says Trump groped her


"For more than 10 years, it was something Mindy McGillivray said she shared only with a close circle of family and friends."


"That changed Sunday night. Donald Trump was asked during the presidential debate about when he bragged that he kissed women without their consent and grabbed their genitals – remarks captured on audio that surfaced last week."


"Watching at home in Palm Springs, McGillivray said she rose from her couch and yelled at the TV screen: “‘You liar!’’’

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