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Lashing back, Trump calls accusers 'horrible horrible liars'


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2 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

trump-gropes.jpgAnd the re-hits just keep on coming!






Here is the Twitter source:

Jessica Leads, who is accusing Trump of rape, has the same phone number as the Clinton Foundation… that's curious https://t.co/m3FJIqJM8epic.twitter.com/ZzQgzu9yKO

— ProudBoy MAGAzine

An added bit of damning evidence against Jessica Leads: Trump accuser Jessica Leeds claims Trump lifted the armrest and groped her. But armrests in all 80’s planes don’t lift.



There is actually reasonable doubt as to whether, way back in the 1980's, there were even such things as "airplanes"



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1 hour ago, impulse said:

$$ millions in consultants to prevent them falling in the same trap.

Trump on the other hand repeatedly shut down efforts by his own highly paid campaign staff, including the usually Corey Lewandowski and Paul Manafort, to conduct the self-research necessary to plan for incoming fire.



Seems Trump is concerned what his own campaign might find that hasn't yet surfaced by the news media.

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Fascinating about Trump's hands btw.


Image result for trump dirty hands  wash


While they've been to every crack and crevass he can find, Trump hardly ever shakes hands.


Trump has always considered the hands to be the dirtiest and most germ infested part of the body. Yet little if anything has been said during the campaign about this long time and very well known Donald Trump idiocentricity.  


Donald Trump Is a Germaphobe


Trump has a known distaste for pressing the flesh — a lingering feature of the modern campaign.


“One of the curses of American society is the simple act of shaking hands, and the more successful and famous one becomes the worse this terrible custom seems to get,” Trump wrote in his book, “The Art of the Comeback,” in a quote unearthed by New York Magazine during the last election cycle.

Trump continued: “I happen to be a clean hands freak. I feel much better after I thoroughly wash my hands, which I do as much as possible."







We recall in the second debate Trump and HRC didn't shake hands. Trump's statement was that they entered the stage and stopped too far apart for him to have extended his (bacteria infested) hand. They did shake hands at the conclusion of the debate. Couldn't escape it. 

Edited by Publicus
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1 hour ago, Pinot said:


"These wenches are phoneys"


Another wonderful campaign slogan for the Trump campaign. 


I don't think I've ever used the word "wenches" to refer to women. It is consistent for how the trumpeteers think of women. :thumbsup:


It's a little hard to believe just what a pathetic candidate Trump has become. Completely in keeping with how I thought things would play out, but to see the game plan come together like this...I'm so pleased. Hooray for the good guys!


Just keep doing what you're doing Trump. Holding steady at 14% vs 85% for chances of winning at 538. Another great week for Democrats chances of taking the House and Senate. :clap2:


The Trump campaign is a train wreck. The clock is ticking on its final demise...tic-tac, tic-tac.



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2 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


Something like Hillary's numerous crimes and deciepts. Wiki leaks is going to ruin that plan.:smile:


Sorry, off topic, but I'm stealing this word, "deceipts" for when Washington Post next has a competition for made up words with made up meaning. My definition for "deceipts" is: "fake receipts" —ideal for tax dodging!





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43 minutes ago, Thakkar said:


There is actually reasonable doubt as to whether, way back in the 1980's, there were even such things as "airplanes"




The bit about the armrests not lifting is also nonsense. Just a simple Google search will reveal numerous photos showing seat configurations of that period in 1st class doing just that.

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3 minutes ago, pitrevie said:


The bit about the armrests not lifting is also nonsense. Just a simple Google search will reveal numerous photos showing seat configurations of that period in 1st class doing just that.

But not on the plane that woman claimed Trump made advances on her...:sleep:

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1 hour ago, Ulysses G. said:


Nope. Your dyslexia is kicking up again.


Well Donald Junior maybe people with autism will be the next target of uncivilised attacks by the Trump fantoyz. 


Maybe it's most important to some people that the Supreme Court have justices that will overturn the Americans With Disabilities Act.


Carry on.

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36 minutes ago, Publicus said:



Donald Trump Is a Germaphobe

We recall in the second debate Trump and HRC didn't shake hands. Trump's statement was that they entered the stage and stopped too far apart for him to have extended his (bacteria infested) hand. They did shake hands at the conclusion of the debate. Couldn't escape it. 


The second debate took place after the release of the pussygate tape. I suspect it was Hillary that didn't want to shake *his* hand because she knew where that hand had been!



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I have been horrified by Donald Trump's willingness to make factually untrue comments, and equally appalled by his supporters willingness to tolerate this behavior. The below quote has come to mind quite often during this presidential election season:


“Above all, don't lie to yourself. The man who lies to himself and listens to his own lie comes to a point that he cannot distinguish the truth within him, or around him, and so loses all respect for himself and for others. And having no respect he ceases to love.” 
― Fyodor DostoyevskyThe Brothers Karamazov



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Hmm... Schilling the 'creationist' and bankrupt video game company exec (which by the way burned through a 75 million government loan taxpayer funded loan...so much for the right's personal responsibility platform). If Trump is relying on this kind of guy to defend him...oh boy.

Edited by tonray
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Just now, Gecko123 said:

I have been horrified by Donald Trump's willingness to make factually untrue comments, and equally appalled by his supporters willingness to tolerate this behavior. The below quote has come to mind quite often during this presidential election season:


“Above all, don't lie to yourself. The man who lies to himself and listens to his own lie comes to a point that he cannot distinguish the truth within him, or around him, and so loses all respect for himself and for others. And having no respect he ceases to love.” 
― Fyodor DostoyevskyThe Brothers Karamazov




Excellent post of a valuable perspective.


However, now you'll have the Trump Fanboyz attacking Dostoyevsky as a flasher to little children or some such inane garbage of moral swill. 


Election Day can't come quickly enough or soon enough so the decisive majority of the American electorate can give Donald Trump his due and deserved Bum's Rush. Force him to back under his rock.

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I can distinctly remember significant occurrences or conversations on the hundreds of flights I have ever taken, but for a million dollars I could not tell you the type of aircraft I was flying on with any degree of certainty and over 5 years ago not at all. I remember well the discussion I had sitting next to Richard Branson 16 years ago but there is no way I can tell you the aircraft type we were on.


I have also been flying business and 'first' around the world and often when you take domestic flights first/business is no different to coach. It is just a separate seating area with nicer covers on the back of the chair and a better meal, but on flights of 45 mins-1 hr there is often no difference. I imagine 30 years ago it was the same. For members to commence arguing that a woman testimony is false because they believe the arm rests of a particular chair would not fold up is plain stupid.

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5 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

I can distinctly remember significant occurrences or conversations on the hundreds of flights I have ever taken, but for a million dollars I could not tell you the type of aircraft I was flying on with any degree of certainty and over 5 years ago not at all. I remember well the discussion I had sitting next to Richard Branson 16 years ago but there is no way I can tell you the aircraft type we were on.


I have also been flying business and 'first' around the world and often when you take domestic flights first/business is no different to coach. It is just a separate seating area with nicer covers on the back of the chair and a better meal, but on flights of 45 mins-1 hr there is often no difference. I imagine 30 years ago it was the same. For members to commence arguing that a woman testimony is false because they believe the arm rests of a particular chair would not fold up is plain stupid.

"Wait (said the Trumpsters) clear evidence of a billionaire sitting next to a regular guy and he did not try to grope him". 

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10 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

I can distinctly remember significant occurrences or conversations on the hundreds of flights I have ever taken, but for a million dollars I could not tell you the type of aircraft I was flying on with any degree of certainty and over 5 years ago not at all. I remember well the discussion I had sitting next to Richard Branson 16 years ago but there is no way I can tell you the aircraft type we were on.


I have also been flying business and 'first' around the world and often when you take domestic flights first/business is no different to coach. It is just a separate seating area with nicer covers on the back of the chair and a better meal, but on flights of 45 mins-1 hr there is often no difference. I imagine 30 years ago it was the same. For members to commence arguing that a woman testimony is false because they believe the arm rests of a particular chair would not fold up is plain stupid.


You are quite right and I would think the story a little odd if she could name the plane, what next the seat number. However it is perfectly normal to recall some incident on a plane which sticks in your mind. I recall flying from Milan to Bangkok many years ago and a fight breaking out further back, I cannot remember the plane I was on or even the name of the carrier although it was probably Thai Inter quite apart from where I was sitting. I went to Zurich in August with Swiss and I would have to look up what plane I was flying on.

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1 hour ago, amykat said:


You are really reaching here to find excuses for Trump ....I'm sure an orangutan could throw Trump off his game given 5 minutes.


I'm not excusing the guy.  I am not a Trump fan.  In this arena, he's his own worst enemy. 


But I am a huge fan of what he's doing, which is to try to break the stranglehold of the entrenched, corrupt political machines.


I wish it were Bill Gates, Warren Buffet or any number of people other than Trump.  But Trump's what we've got right now.  And I have no doubt that both sides of the aisle will pull out their entire bag of dirty tricks, if only to warn off any other outsider that may be considering a run for office.  It's an existential threat to them if Trump opens the door to a Bill Gates or an Elon Musk or a ??? run in the next election.


And next time, it's just as likely they'd displace an anointed  Dem as an entitled Repub again.  Man, that's got to sting for all the Repubs who thought it was their turn.

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6 hours ago, Boon Mee said:


Unsubstantiated.  More fake dirt to attempt focus away from the Clinton Scandals...:saai:

The whole and only reason the Dems are pushing this woman thing, where a lot of women make unprovable claims, is to divert attention from all the very damaging stuff on WikiLeaks that is being released.

They also know that there is no time for Trump to prove otherwise before the election.


I'm sure Trump will retaliate against them after the election though, and they will be sorry as he destroys them in court.

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4 hours ago, Publicus said:


Seventeen times over the Democratic party.


Republican party put 17 of 'em out there while the most the Democrats could field was three, which quickly became two who had a good slugfest while the Republican party nominee from out of the the 17 was never really in doubt.    


 It's a major reason why the Republican party has gone into the tank. Republicans had 17 of 'em yet gave us the turkey we have. Of the 17 there wasn't a single good one.  


                      Donald Trump Stupid Quote Bumper Bumper Bumper Sticker                                                            Image result for bumper sticker vote trump the ignoramus   Image result for bumper sticker vote trump the ignoramus

Republican Party kaput.


Of all the 17 Republican Party governors, senators, crackpot missionaries of the Bible, a fired ceo, a brain surgeon politically-culturally out of his mind and so on, there wasn't a one of 'em worth his salt. Eighteen counting Pence.


Instead the Party chose the notorious sex maniac and predator who had anyway and always been The Ignoramus of the United States. You sure know how to pick 'em. Anyone but Hillary eh.

Well at least Kaisitch was viable. and someone who can work with others.

Too right for me of course. But at least and adult in the room. 

But the base was not looking for an adult, they did sure love the demagogue. 


Kaisich just got caught up running in times that he couldn't deal with,

ie so far right there is nothing rational to say that they will hang on to.

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4 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

The whole and only reason the Dems are pushing this woman thing, where a lot of women make unprovable claims, is to divert attention from all the very damaging stuff on WikiLeaks that is being released.

They also know that there is no time for Trump to prove otherwise before the election.


I'm sure Trump will retaliate against them after the election though, and they will be sorry as he destroys them in court.


I'm trying to visualize 'Trump the destroyer' 'Trump the Punisher,' and it's really hard to do when you think of that little thing he has.  :cheesy:

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23 minutes ago, impulse said:


I'm not excusing the guy.  I am not a Trump fan.  In this arena, he's his own worst enemy. 


But I am a huge fan of what he's doing, which is to try to break the stranglehold of the entrenched, corrupt political machines.



But Trump has no interest in this, he is only interested in himself and promoting himself.  He has been flying by the seat of his pants this whole time.  This is just an illusion.

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3 hours ago, keemapoot said:

Seems to me the Trumpsters are falling right down the same black hole of nonstop conspiracy mongering Trump is in. This media conspiracy is just the latest, preceded by the false claims of women conspiracy, going all the way back to Islamist Kenyan fake birth certificate. 




This Trump conspiracy has now gone GLOBAL and is reaching epic proportions - not only the media in on it, but it's not an international political AND media plot to destroy him.




What's next??  




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33 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

I can distinctly remember significant occurrences or conversations on the hundreds of flights I have ever taken, but for a million dollars I could not tell you the type of aircraft I was flying on with any degree of certainty and over 5 years ago not at all. I remember well the discussion I had sitting next to Richard Branson 16 years ago but there is no way I can tell you the aircraft type we were on.


I have also been flying business and 'first' around the world and often when you take domestic flights first/business is no different to coach. It is just a separate seating area with nicer covers on the back of the chair and a better meal, but on flights of 45 mins-1 hr there is often no difference. I imagine 30 years ago it was the same. For members to commence arguing that a woman testimony is false because they believe the arm rests of a particular chair would not fold up is plain stupid.

Well you must be a really seasoned air traveler to have flown so many flights that you don't remember the type of plane you flew on 5 years ago.

I can tell you exactly the type of plane I flew on 20 years ago, and if I was in first class I'd certainly remember that.


I don't believe her because I think it's all a scurrilous Dems plot to divert attention from WikiLeaks and I hope he destroys them for being willing to be used as pawns.


What I do know though, is if Trump can't come up with the promised proof that they are lying before the election he is toast, because Pence would no doubt denounce him personally, given that he has committed to the Trump version in public. I just hope he saw the evidence himself, and didn't just trust Donald's word.

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6 minutes ago, amykat said:

But Trump has no interest in this, he is only interested in himself and promoting himself.  He has been flying by the seat of his pants this whole time.  This is just an illusion.


Maybe narcissism, a huge ego and a refusal to admit the possibility of defeat is what it takes to blaze a trail for others to follow.  Who else is going first?


They pretty much destroyed Perot's reputation when he ran.  And it's taken 30 years for the next one to make a credible effort.

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It is sickening to see to what extent the leftist/socialist, marxists will do to keep power. They want to get control of the US Supreme Court so they can continue their assault on the traditional values and institutions that have made the US great. Hillary Clinton gets a free pass from the left-wing media and the FBI is complicit in not going after her for her illegal and dangerous usage of her private email server while Sec'y of State. It shows you how far reaching the corruption goes in the Federal Govt.  The left wing ideologues have done irreparable damage to the economy with deficits as high as 20 trillion dollars and the Federal Reserve is doing their best to take down the US. People are starting to wake up but I wonder if it is too late to take back their country from those forces who want to continue to weaken and ultimately destroy it. The left will resort to any and all tactics including class warfare and race wars to foment dissent and upheaval in society. Through chaos they can continue their agenda of weakening the US and bringing about their agenda of complete and total control. When one turns its back on God, He fades away and the end result is chaos and corruption and immorality.

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4 minutes ago, impulse said:


Maybe narcissism, a huge ego and a refusal to admit the possibility of defeat is what it takes to blaze a trail for others to follow.  Who else is going first?


They pretty much destroyed Perot's reputation when he ran.  And it's taken 30 years for the next one to make a credible effort.

I don't recall that Perot was INSANE. trump if he didn't have money would be in a padded room. 



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10 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Well you must be a really seasoned air traveler to have flown so many flights that you don't remember the type of plane you flew on 5 years ago.

I can tell you exactly the type of plane I flew on 20 years ago, and if I was in first class I'd certainly remember that.


I don't believe her because I think it's all a scurrilous Dems plot to divert attention from WikiLeaks and I hope he destroys them for being willing to be used as pawns.


What I do know though, is if Trump can't come up with the promised proof that they are lying before the election he is toast, because Pence would no doubt denounce him personally, given that he has committed to the Trump version in public. I just hope he saw the evidence himself, and didn't just trust Donald's word.

Yes I am, but what has that got to do with it. For two years at least, I flew two flights a week minimum, it was simply climbing on and off an intercontinental bus. What was important was getting from A to B not the bus I was riding in. And when all the flights were business or first, the same thing comes in to play - boring routine. Why would i possibly (or want to) remember the aircraft I was on. The only difference is on the Airbus 380 - now that I can remember because it is the EXPERIENCE in itself that was different in business and first but that is only in the last few years. 


In the womans case, for a sales rep traveling back and forth all over at a time on domestic flights when 'first' would just have been better food and a flexible ticket (needed for a sales work schedule) how can she remember the type of aircraft she was on 30 years ago? But she WOULD remember somebody sticking their hand up her skirt as that is not exactly routine is it?


You are trying to use semantics to disprove a claim of sexual assault. If it were a one off your argument may have merit, but there are more and more women coming out, this is a pattern. It has all been started by Trump himself saying in the debate that he never did anything to women without consent. THAT is why this is happening 3 weeks from an election. The women coming out now are doing so at considerable risk to themselves. They can see Trump lashing back at them


Trump wants us to attack Hillary because she attacked the accusers of her husband, calling them bimbo's and threatening them, yet here we have Trump HIMSELF as the accused and HE is attacking the accusers calling them fat, ugly and threatening to sue and destroy them..

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26 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I'm sure Trump will retaliate against them after the election though, and they will be sorry as he destroys them in court.

Unfortunately The Donald's has pisspoor record in lawsuits that actually get to court, his success in this regard is in the threats against less lawyered-up/capitalled-up parties.

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