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Trump takes aim at the press as White House campaign struggles


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Trump takes aim at the press as White House campaign struggles




Die-hard supporters are standing by their man but Donald Trump’s road to the White House is looking rockier than ever.


Up to his neck in sexual misconduct scandals, the embattled Republican has stepped up his attacks on a favourite target – journalists.


‘‘The chaos surrounding Donald Trump’s campaign has unleashed the candidate further,” Euronews correspondent Stefan Grobe reports from Washington.


“Following the most recent reports of women being sexually assaulted by Trump, he has resorted to more extreme denunciations of the press in general. Not only has he threatened the New York Times to sue for libel, he also accused reporters of participating in a vast global conspiracy.


“At a rally in Florida yesterday, he kept lashing out at journalists to the point that an angry crowd turned against the people in the press pen, calling them all kinds of insulting names.


“Trump’s vilification of the media prompted the Committee to Protect Journalists to issue a warning that Trump is a threat to the freedom of the press, unknown in modern history. Meanwhile, Trump has already identified a culprit should he lose the election: a rigged system – and the media.”


Trump’s presidential campaign has been scrambling to recover from the release a week ago of a 2005 video in which he bragged about groping women and making unwanted sexual advances. While Trump said the video was just talk and he had never behaved in this way, multiple women subsequently went public with allegations of sexual misconduct against the New York real estate magnate going back three decades.


Trump has furiously denied the allegations, saying that The New York Times, which published two women’s claims, and other media, along with his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton, are engaged in a vicious campaign to stop him from winning the Nov. 8 election.


He also accuses the media of not giving enough coverage to the WikiLeaks scandal surrounding the Clinton campaign.


The allegations of sexual misconduct have been a turning point for some in the party who were already uneasy about Trump’s unorthodox campaign, and a string of Republican officials have distanced themselves from him since the lewd video emerged.


The most senior of them, House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan, angered Trump when he announced this week he would no longer campaign for Trump or defend him but would focus on trying to preserve the Republican majorities in Congress in next month’s election.


Trump has slipped further back from Clinton in national opinion polls in the past week. A Reuters/Ipsos survey this week showed him 8 percentage points behind Clinton among likely voters.


-- © Copyright Euronews 2016-10-15


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It's good to see that he has finally found a red line issue. No experience of public office?....no problem.  Racism?....ok  Misogyny?...never mind. Inciting violence?....meh. Sexual assault?....no way josé. FINALLY a no-no has been found, and not before time.


Clinton is no Angel, by any means, but even she is better than this POS.

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4 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Trump does have his ownself to blame for a lot of his troubles although its a sign of weakness on Clinton's part to attempt a plan that trots out these so-called 'groped women' of dozens of years ago. :sleep:

And not a weakness on Trump's part for dragging Bill's infidelity, all those years ago, into it and keep banging on and on about it?


Trump should realise that it's the press that reports the news and revelations, they don't actually create the scenarios.  They are certainly biased on both sides although I am sure that Trump doesn't see that at the moment as all the bad stuff is about him.

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This man is a saucer-full of contradictions. Plenty of people are discussing his outbursts, his so-called locker-room talk and the allegations of his assaults on women. None of that is pretty but as I say, plenty of people are talking about it and so I thought I would look at the evolution of his political views over the past few months.


In the past, Trump could be seen at least as someone who could be shoe-horned into the Republican party - a kind of conservative who would lower your taxes but certainly not too socially conservative, in favour of strong policing and a big critic of the liberal bias in the media. So far so good.


But over time, Trump has morphed into something else. First, went for the media, not just the "liberal biased" media but all the media. All reporters/writers are liars and corrupt. Hmmmm.


Then he asserted his undying fellow-feeling for the working man, and not just the working man but the coal miners and steel workers, those people disadvantaged by globalised trade systems.


Then he went after American foreign policy - we should make friends with Putin, for instance.


But now, in his more recent speech in Florida, he seems to have gone further, railing against the conspiracy between large corporations, politicians and the media. Sounding like something between Noam Chomsky and those rabid marxists of the 1960s, he outlined his apocalyptic view of America in the grip of this conspiracy, where large corporations rape cities such as Flint, Chicago and Detroit, how the Clintons and the democrats have pretended to fight the war on poverty while benefiting from their secret arrangements with the media and the large corporations.


You see, there is now only one person who can save us, who has been inside the exclusive club but has exited it so as to descent, christlike, to liberate the majority from their enslavement by the media and the large corporations.




Yes, I cannot stand Trump and I don't believe a word of his sudden conversion to the role of liberator class-warrior (not that I have much time for class warriors anyway). I don't like his bullying character and I certainly do not like what I hear about his attitudes to women, minorities, the disabled and others. And yet, and yet, there is something truly watchable about his speeches - it is a bit like watching a monkey who has his hand stuck in the jar because his fist is clenched around some cookies.


Unless Clinton dies or commits a capital crime between now and the end of the election, Trump is never going to make it to the White House (and even if he did, he would be impeached within weeks anyway). Yet there is he, slogging away, throwing dirt, waging a media war with the very people he decries, preaching to the large army of converts - you wonder, has be begun to believe in his own propaganda?


It is the best entertainment that has come out of American television since the Sopranos hit our screens all those years ago (OK, Breaking Bad is also up there too).


But what is it doing for the system that rightly or wrongly gave us JFK, Reagan, Bush senior ? In recent times, the electoral system has never dealt with the race issues in the USA. The tax system is now so terribly skewed that even the billionaires are embarrassed they do not have to pay tax. Infrastructure has fallen on hard times. American is no better liked abroad.


But worst of all, the best that the electoral system can come up with for the presidential election is Trump and Clinton (plus about 20 others we have never heard of). As the protestor wrote on his placard outside one or other of the mass gatherings, "Trump? Clinton? America, is that all you got?"

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The truth starts to come out about the Trump accusers and alleged “gropees”



TruthFeed  Jessica Leads, who claims Trump “groped” her on an airplane is coming under a great deal of well-earned scrutiny and is being outed as a  liar and a Clinton operative.

 Firstly, she claims that Trump LIFTED the “arm” on in first class seat and groped her. The problem with that story is that the armrests in First Class in 1980’s planes do not “lift,” they are stationary consoles.


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31 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

The truth starts to come out about the Trump accusers and alleged “gropees”



TruthFeed  Jessica Leads, who claims Trump “groped” her on an airplane is coming under a great deal of well-earned scrutiny and is being outed as a  liar and a Clinton operative.

 Firstly, she claims that Trump LIFTED the “arm” on in first class seat and groped her. The problem with that story is that the armrests in First Class in 1980’s planes do not “lift,” they are stationary consoles.



Yes, well done hat clears up everything then.  It was all just a big misunderstanding.  Trump is the man.

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54 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

The truth starts to come out about the Trump accusers and alleged “gropees”



TruthFeed  Jessica Leads, who claims Trump “groped” her on an airplane is coming under a great deal of well-earned scrutiny and is being outed as a  liar and a Clinton operative.

 Firstly, she claims that Trump LIFTED the “arm” on in first class seat and groped her. The problem with that story is that the armrests in First Class in 1980’s planes do not “lift,” they are stationary consoles.



You actively participate in the organized harassment of a sexual assault victim.


It plays to the grubby old men on social media but merely reinforces the message about Trump and his Deplorables to the key voting block of educated women.


The attempt to divert into endless details about flight schedules, arm rests and other minutiae does not obscure the key story here - Trump is branded with this and it has killed his Candidacy.


Keep on collecting those Roubles though. Money for jam reposting Breitbart, Alex Jones, Gatewaypundit, Rush Limbaugh and the rest.


My strongest admiration to those brave women who have come forward to tell their story of sexual abuse knowing the response from the rabid gutter dwellers that are the Deplorables.

Edited by Tawan Dok Krating Daeng
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16 minutes ago, keemapoot said:

TVF has always had its own mini basket of deplorables. Even if they do go silent on occasion, we can always depend on them carrying the flag for their spiritual and inspirational leader.

As opposed to the Clinton apologists?

Let's get real, boys...:sleep:

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1 hour ago, humqdpf said:

This man is a saucer-full of contradictions. Plenty of people are discussing his outbursts, his so-called locker-room talk and the allegations of his assaults on women. None of that is pretty but as I say, plenty of people are talking about it and so I thought I would look at the evolution of his political views over the past few months.


In the past, Trump could be seen at least as someone who could be shoe-horned into the Republican party - a kind of conservative who would lower your taxes but certainly not too socially conservative, in favour of strong policing and a big critic of the liberal bias in the media. So far so good.


But over time, Trump has morphed into something else. First, went for the media, not just the "liberal biased" media but all the media. All reporters/writers are liars and corrupt. Hmmmm.


Then he asserted his undying fellow-feeling for the working man, and not just the working man but the coal miners and steel workers, those people disadvantaged by globalised trade systems.


Then he went after American foreign policy - we should make friends with Putin, for instance.


But now, in his more recent speech in Florida, he seems to have gone further, railing against the conspiracy between large corporations, politicians and the media. Sounding like something between Noam Chomsky and those rabid marxists of the 1960s, he outlined his apocalyptic view of America in the grip of this conspiracy, where large corporations rape cities such as Flint, Chicago and Detroit, how the Clintons and the democrats have pretended to fight the war on poverty while benefiting from their secret arrangements with the media and the large corporations.


You see, there is now only one person who can save us, who has been inside the exclusive club but has exited it so as to descent, christlike, to liberate the majority from their enslavement by the media and the large corporations.




Yes, I cannot stand Trump and I don't believe a word of his sudden conversion to the role of liberator class-warrior (not that I have much time for class warriors anyway). I don't like his bullying character and I certainly do not like what I hear about his attitudes to women, minorities, the disabled and others. And yet, and yet, there is something truly watchable about his speeches - it is a bit like watching a monkey who has his hand stuck in the jar because his fist is clenched around some cookies.


Unless Clinton dies or commits a capital crime between now and the end of the election, Trump is never going to make it to the White House (and even if he did, he would be impeached within weeks anyway). Yet there is he, slogging away, throwing dirt, waging a media war with the very people he decries, preaching to the large army of converts - you wonder, has be begun to believe in his own propaganda?


It is the best entertainment that has come out of American television since the Sopranos hit our screens all those years ago (OK, Breaking Bad is also up there too).


But what is it doing for the system that rightly or wrongly gave us JFK, Reagan, Bush senior ? In recent times, the electoral system has never dealt with the race issues in the USA. The tax system is now so terribly skewed that even the billionaires are embarrassed they do not have to pay tax. Infrastructure has fallen on hard times. American is no better liked abroad.


But worst of all, the best that the electoral system can come up with for the presidential election is Trump and Clinton (plus about 20 others we have never heard of). As the protestor wrote on his placard outside one or other of the mass gatherings, "Trump? Clinton? America, is that all you got?"


Very astute post that I completely agree with.   Unfortunately the apologists on both sides carry on believing that these two are right for the USA.  Can the bar get any lower?

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2 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

50/50 choice and you picked wrong!  :smile:

Yes, trump works for his hard core base -- racists, xenophobes, Islamophobes, KKK/white supremacists, homophobes, right wing conspiracy theory fanatics, isolationist war mongers (a contradiction but it works in absurd trumplandia),  people finding comfort in a Big Daddy DICTATOR type, etc. ... 

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Just now, Jingthing said:

Yes, trump works for his hard core base -- racists, xenophobes, Islamophobes, KKK/white supremacists, homophobes, right wing conspiracy theory fanatics, isolationist war mongers (a contradiction but it works in absurd trumplandia) ... 

Heh...as opposed to the Soros One World people and the special intrests?

Which one is on the working man's side?

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1 hour ago, keemapoot said:

TVF has always had its own mini basket of deplorables. Even if they do go silent on occasion, we can always depend on them carrying the flag for their spiritual and inspirational leader.


Now, now, those posters have every right to support Hilary and carry her flag if they so wish!

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14 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Wow. Someone actually believes trump is on the side of the working man. Suckers born every minute. 


Trump is on the side of ................... well, Trump.


Clinton is on the side of ................ those venerable institutions who've poured money into Clinton & Clinton Inc.


What a wonderful choice.

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3 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


Now, now, those posters have every right to support Hilary and carry her flag if they so wish!


Being deplorable is more a way of life, a deeply objectionable outlook on life and more. Clinton supporters are too boringly normal to be such people.

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1 minute ago, keemapoot said:


Being deplorable is more a way of life, a deeply objectionable outlook on life and more. Clinton supporters are too boringly normal to be such people.


The Clinton's normal - yeah right. 


I guess it's the least exciting choice, as you know exactly what you'll get as you've had it before.

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1 minute ago, Baerboxer said:


The Clinton's normal - yeah right. 


I guess it's the least exciting choice, as you know exactly what you'll get as you've had it before.


You're right in one respect. It's predictable, and not exciting, but government will be run as usual, institutions will have integrity, stock markets will be assured, and global trade and foreign relations will continue as normal.


It would have been very seat of the pants exciting with the mad hatter in as President, and nobody can tell what might have been...except that we would have had an incompetent as President.

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58 minutes ago, dunroaming said:


Very astute post that I completely agree with.   Unfortunately the apologists on both sides carry on believing that these two are right for the USA.  Can the bar get any lower?

So in stead of defending him, Trump supporters are now pointing out both candidates are flawed. I guess that's progress?

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12 minutes ago, stevenl said:

So in stead of defending him, Trump supporters are now pointing out both candidates are flawed. I guess that's progress?


On this forum, we have those Trump supporters who are doing as you say, and that's some progress, we have those who have gone into silent mourning, and not sure what that is, and we have those die-hard deplorables supporters who are still swinging, though swinging at nothing but air now. Those die hards will go to the wall with their hero, and they will re-emerge after the election with the new Trump alt right or deplorables party, or whatever they name it after the GOP retakes control of what is left standing of the GOP after the holocaust.

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8 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Trump does have his ownself to blame for a lot of his troubles although its a sign of weakness on Clinton's part to attempt a plan that trots out these so-called 'groped women' of dozens of years ago. :sleep:

Yes, it was all a Clinton plan for Scumbag Billionaire to destroy his own campaign. And these 'so called groped women' didn't appear until Scumbag denied on national television he hadn't done these things, and these women were enraged at this groping liar. They would have probably stepped forward years ago but knew that people like you would brand them as liars. How do you prove somebody groped you without witnesses? And the Scumbag probably made sure nobody else saw it. He shouldn't be running for POTUS, he should be in prison with the rest of the molesters.

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2 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

That is one downside.  With Trump failing we will never be able to see the chaos that would be caused.  Of course that also means that the Trumpsters have four years accusing Clinton of failing on everything.  My god it's going to get boring!


It will be entirely predictable and unfold exactly as the past 8 years have done. They will start in relentlessly at Fox News and other places with continual and unrelenting dirt, which they will see will have the same result in 4 years from now.  16 years of Dems as President.

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