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Trump denounces 'lies and smears' as more women come forward


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11 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

List of Debunked Groper Allegations by Corrupt Media Against Donald Trump


The Democrat-media complex carpet bombed Donald Trump with several alleged groping stories this week from several women.

The media clearly did not fact check these stories. They ran the stories no matter how farfetched they were. It is clear from the number of stories dropped in the last week that this was a coordinated effort, probably from inside the Hillary Clinton campaign. The goal was not to present facts to the public. Their goal was to destroy Donald Trump.

Read the list of shame here:  http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2016/10/list-debunked-groper-allegations-corrupt-media-donald-trump/

As a non American, it seems to me that the Democrats are trying to divert attention away from Bill's sexual exploits in the White House. I take these allegations against Trump with a huge pinch of salt. Trump's allegations against Bill Clinton were factual. 

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16 hours ago, yogi100 said:


The bookies were giving 4/1 against our leaving the EU.


Our media pulled out all the stops in the Fear Campaign against Brexit and even Farage was getting set to concede defeat as the evening of the 23rd of June wore on. But in the end the hitherto great silent  majority came out and won the day.

Brexit has not happened yet, and now it seems that it will never happen. Currently folks are sobering up and learning that there need to be a parliamental vote about the brexit. This will mean eventually that the whole silly episode is going to be ignored.


The moderate voters in US has hopefully learned the lesson. Don't let the nutters decide how the country is run on your behalf. 



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1 minute ago, SaintLouisBlues said:

Heavens no! Democracy? God forbid. Every country needs its Article 44

No. Education and wider understanding does the job fairly well.

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18 hours ago, Mazungu said:


This is just more BS spread by the Trumpsters and Wingnuts. Try to be more careful before spreading falsehoods...unless you just want take after the Bloviator. 




Maybe BS, maybe not. She appears to have waited 30 years to make any mention of it, whoever and whatever she is. Hmmmm.

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17 hours ago, stevenl said:

Sure, some people will be more determined to support him, but many more will be turned against him. 


There were not enough supporters to get elected in the first place, and with more going the other way he is doomed now.

Maybe yes. They said the same about Bill. The American people still re-elected him when his admitted lies to the people and congress should have condemned him to oblivion.

Maybe Trump would do better to simply shrug and say: "Whatever!"

Edited by hugh2121
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538 has the election at 85% vs 14%. It's over. 


17 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Heh...y'all been saying that for over a year.

Why are the polls showing Trump ahead? :smile:


Consistently delusional


13 hours ago, louse1953 said:

Like all great empires the USA is slowly crumbling.Trump is a little early in the downfall but elect him and the shit will hit the fan.The quicker the US falls the quicker it can rebuild a new model.Trump is an embarressment and US citizens who were humiliated under Bush jnr will cop it 10 times worse.He will drag us all down.I predict a coup when Armed forces have to step into stop a nutter.His own party seem incapable of reining him in.


Simply the worst candidate in the history of the United States and when you consider the 17 other candidates that started out...that's saying something. Ridiculous post.  


7 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I predict a coup when Armed forces have to step into stop a nutter

Given that Trump is more popular with the troops than her that would probably not work. I also believe it is unlawful for US military to operate in the US ( correct me if I am wrong ).

Lastly, it is precisely for that reason that the constitution requires that citizens have the right to bear arms. A military coup to install her would lead to civil war, and I'm sure the pro Trumpers have more guns that the pro Clinton ones. The founding fathers foresaw such an eventuality and have tried to prevent it with armed civilians.


That's utter crazy talk. Typical of many other posts by the same author. Wishful thinking by a wingnut. Precisely the reason to bear arms? Whatever. Do dah! Do dah!


Nothing is going to happen. Hillary Clinton will become President in a landslide taking the Congress, Senate and Supreme Court for the Democrats. The wingnuts are out of their cotton pickin minds over that fact. Deal with it. They're going to lose and lose big.   


Typical posts by wingnuts. 

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1 hour ago, hugh2121 said:

Maybe yes. They said the same about Bill. The American people still re-elected him when his admitted lies to the people and congress should have condemned him to oblivion.

Maybe Trump would do better to simply shrug and say: "Whatever!"

Yes, that would be a much better reaction.

But no, the same thing was not said about Bill. Trump simply doesn't have enough supporters to walk over something like this, let alone get enough people to elect him. His base will support him no matter what, but he needs to reach out to other groups to get elected, and so far he has only been turning others off.

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21 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Really strange that there's not been one iota of sexual abuse in all these years focused at Trump until this month?

Something tells us the Clinton Corruption Camp are getting desperate? :sleep:

Oh except that his previous wife filed sexual assault charges against him!!!!

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Another interesting hypocrisy is the revelation with Hillary's secret comment about having 2 positions.  1 public.  1 private.


Donald's public position on groping hot chicks is 180 out from his private position. 


I tend to go along with the private, unfiltered ones because they are usually closer to the truth.

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What an incredible jackass Trump is. He admits to grabbing pussy because he is famous then when the victims of his assaults come forward Trump plays the victim and calls it a smear campaign.


An absolute crazy crazy narcissist and predator, but only one of a countless number of reasons why that psycho has no business being in the running for president.

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If Trump didn't have his own plane, forced to fly commercial, would he have added his voice to the chorus against TSA's physical search of passengers?  Given his wealth and celebrity status, I suspect he would be against having his own ass and balls felt up by some minimum wage peasant.  


It's an interesting role reversal.  Trump wears his wealth and celebrity like a cop wears a badge.  He boasts cavalierly that it provides him a level of power, privilege and the ability to cross normal boundaries.   He's no different than a rogue cop, acting under the color of authority, using it as leverage to exploit those in compromised positions.     A dirty cop might brag to someone he/she thinks is "on side", just like Trump did to Billy Bush.   "...and I can get away with it because I'm a cop star". 

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3 hours ago, hugh2121 said:

As a non American, it seems to me that the Democrats are trying to divert attention away from Bill's sexual exploits in the White House. I take these allegations against Trump with a huge pinch of salt. Trump's allegations against Bill Clinton were factual. 

Two witnesses for Trump have come out to say that 2 of the women are lying.

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2 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Two witnesses for Trump have come out to say that 2 of the women are lying.


Ironic that Trump's camp keep saying the Paula Jones settlement is proof of his guilt.

By that standard, Trump is certainly guilty of racial discrimination at least.



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Trump is not fit for president role. His businesses are going bad. 


Dear Trump supporters, don't worry about him. He'll be ok. There are always jobs, which value his special skills. 


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22 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Really strange that there's not been one iota of sexual abuse in all these years focused at Trump until this month?

Something tells us the Clinton Corruption Camp are getting desperate? :sleep:


Probably fear and a sense of powerlessness when faced with someone who was "too big to touch".


As was the case with Sir James Savilles myriad victims, who waited until he died before they plucked up the courage to step out of the darkness of their decades old nightmares.






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23 hours ago, Mazungu said:


This is just more BS spread by the Trumpsters and Wingnuts. Try to be more careful before spreading falsehoods...unless you just want take after the Bloviator. 





This story may or may not be factual but at the bottom of your link is a reference to the writer:


 " Kim LaCapria is a New York-based content manager and longtime snopes.com message board participant. Although she was investigated and found to be "probably false" by snopes.com in early 2002, Kim later began writing for the site due to an executive order unilaterally passed by President Obama during a secret, late-night session (without the approval of Congress). Click like and share if you think this is an egregious example of legislative overreach. "


What are we meant to make of this? A unilateral executive order by Obama? What? Please enlighten me. Snopes suggests this is legislative overreach and is asking for our opinion on it? Is Snopes saying they have to publish stories from writers that in their estimation are probably false because of a White House directive? Really?

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2 minutes ago, stander said:

The Clinton campaign has ran their fake Trump assault stories too soon. The public is already bored with them and they've been debunked. Wikileaks - drip, drip.


There are only five words most independents (especially women) are going to remember on Election Day:


"Grab them by the pussy".


And it is not going to be remembered with affection.

It's over. But keep going, it's quite amusing watching Nero play while Rome burns.





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11 minutes ago, stander said:

The Clinton campaign has ran their fake Trump assault stories too soon. The public is already bored with them and they've been debunked. Wikileaks - drip, drip.


Which is why everyone is looking forward to the release of the real "hardcore" recorded stuff.


I'm sure it will become public at an "appropriate" time.






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3 minutes ago, Enoon said:


Which is why everyone is looking forward to the release of the real "hardcore" recorded stuff.


I'm sure it will become public at an "appropriate" time.







hehe.  Negotiations over price are ongoing. That and covering legal fees to defend against Trump the perpetual plaintiff.  I think the count is at 9 women as of today.  As Trumpsters believe, every one a phony story.  :smile:

Edited by keemapoot
add legal stuff
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1 minute ago, Boon Mee said:

All these women are lying.  Only the Clinton boot-lickers believe this made-up crap.

Your post says it all, the trumpeteers only believe there master and everybody that is against him is a ennemy!

The only thing I can say is, that I feel sorry for people that cann't see the real Trump, even when it hits them in their a*s.

The one that is realy against Trump, is himself, by opening his mouth all the time.

but is he guilty about what these women claim? I don't know, because I wasn't there. And neither was you or the other trumpeteers.

Do I believe these women more than the always flip flopping lying Trump, you bet!


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Yahoo is reporting that Trump repeatedly referred to Lil John as 'Uncle Tom' during the filming of the Celebrity Apprentice, and that Arsenio Hall and Lil John had to explain to him that 'Uncle Tom' was a very derogatory term. That he wasn't aware of how offensive that term is tells you a lot about ignorant he is about African-American history and culture.


Anybody else here think Lil John ought to get to vote twice on November 8th because of this?

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3 hours ago, Gecko123 said:

Yahoo is reporting that Trump repeatedly referred to Lil John as 'Uncle Tom' during the filming of the Celebrity Apprentice, and that Arsenio Hall and Lil John had to explain to him that 'Uncle Tom' was a very derogatory term. That he wasn't aware of how offensive that term is tells you a lot about ignorant he is about African-American history and culture.


Anybody else here think Lil John ought to get to vote twice on November 8th because of this?


David Letterman, the late night entertainment host, has known Trump for many years, and had him on the show often so he and his audience could ridicule the idiot, and calls him a damaged human being. I think that is obvious to all of us.



Letterman added that Trump is a “damaged human being” for the moment in the current campaign when he mocked a New York Times reporter with a congenital disorder. “If you can do that, and not apologize,” the comedian said, “you’re a person to be shunned.”

Letterman thinks that Trump will be “crushed in the general election,” citing New York Times columnist David Brooks, who said a similar thing. “I think people just were amused enough about him to keep him afloat in the polls, because nobody wanted the circus to pull up and leave town,” Letterman said.



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