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Trump denounces 'lies and smears' as more women come forward


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2 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:


Republicans are redefining what it means to be a poor loser.  When I was a schoolboy, I participated in sports.  Sometimes I won, sometimes I lost, but I always took it well, and often shook hands with the ref of the particular activity.   Sometimes I would go to opponents and shake their hands and tell them, sincerely; 'good game' even if my team (or I individually) lost.  


Trump has no sense of that.  He cheats to win, and he's an ugly loser.


So you deny the media is overall liberally biased? This has now changed from a matter of elections being rigged to a matter of basic honesty and powers of observation.

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5 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:





Media bias is real, finds UCLA political scientist


While the editorial page of The Wall Street Journal is conservative, the newspaper's news pages are liberal, even more liberal than the New York Times. The Drudge Report may have a right-wing reputation, but it leans left. Coverage by public television and radio is conservative compared to the rest of the mainstream media. Meanwhile, almost all major media outlets tilt to the left.

These are just a few of the surprising findings from a UCLA-led study, which is believed to be the first successful attempt at objectively quantifying bias in a range of media outlets and ranking them accordingly.

"I suspected that many media outlets would tilt to the left because surveys have shown that reporters tend to vote more Democrat than Republican," said Tim Groseclose, a UCLA political scientist and the study's lead author. "But I was surprised at just how pronounced the distinctions are."



Examples of Liberal Media Bias


Suddenly a journalist’s work was divorced from the trade in local news and became a profession increasingly assuming a national and ideological agenda, one fueled by journalism schools and professors that began to disgorge university trained “journalists” with a left-wing agenda. These people then went forth to replace the grizzled local reporters that were wedded to their local political culture. This new wave of “journalists” did not want to report what was going on in their local news as much as they wanted to “save the world.”

In pursuit of that left-wing national agenda — if not a leftist world agenda — “reporters” began to spin all news stories, from the most mundane stories to the hottest national news, toward a left-wing agenda. These “journalists” slipped in bias in every way they could to push the leftist’s meme.



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7 hours ago, MajarTheLion said:

So you deny the media is overall liberally biased? This has now changed from a matter of elections being rigged to a matter of basic honesty and powers of observation.


I honestly think the media has been too restrained.  One of several examples: the mainstream media, when they're having a televised debate, always try to have one or two Trump supporters involved.  Unfortunately, Trump spokespeople are employing scorched-earth tactics, which skew the debates and make it very uncomfortable to watch.   Here are the tactics I've observed lately by Trump defenders/excusers;  They. . . . . . . . 


>>>  lie.  But we've already known that for many moons.  How can a Trump support NOT LIE when the person they're trying to justify is a habitual liar?


>>>  don't answer questions, and continually divert. Moderators and audience can't help but laugh sometimes, when that happens.  All of them do it to ridiculous degrees.


>>>  incessantly interrupt and talk loudly in run-on non-sensical sentences.  TV interviews have a time limit.  Trump supporters know this.  So if they hog all the minutes alloted for a discussion, then sensible people commenting on Trump don't get any/much time to speak.   Interruptions serve the same purpose.


The white haired Trump supporter (sorry, I don't have his name on hand) takes it to ridiculous levels.  There was a TV debate with 3 liberal commentators and 3 Trump supporters.  Anderson Cooper was the moderator.  The white-haired man kept loudly shouting "But Anderson, .......!!!" Even when the moderator tried engaging others in the debate, the white haired guy would keep shouting louder than anyone else, and interrupting non-stop.  It was like a horribly un-funny SNL skit.  Even if a person were trying to understand what the immensely rude man was saying, he/she would see it was utter nonsense.   IT DIDN'T MATTER WHAT THE MAN SHOUTED.  The important part, for him, and Trump supporters, was: HE WAS COMMANDEERING ALL THE DISCUSSION TIME, and not allowing anyone else to say anything for the allotted time.


In contrast, here is a discussion where the participants are being decent and thoughtful.  It's entirely different than the shoutfest 20-lies-a-minute we're seeing when Trump supporters are involved.





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8 hours ago, boomerangutang said:


Republicans are redefining what it means to be a poor loser.  When I was a schoolboy, I participated in sports.  Sometimes I won, sometimes I lost, but I always took it well, and often shook hands with the ref of the particular activity.   Sometimes I would go to opponents and shake their hands and tell them, sincerely; 'good game' even if my team (or I individually) lost.  


Trump has no sense of that.  He cheats to win, and he's an ugly loser.

The problem with Trump is not so much his positions (even though I have a feeling he has given little if any thought to many of his policy statements). The problem with Trump is that he is a spoiled little rich kid who is used to getting his way. never having to have fought for anything in life (yes....he inherited 250 mil from daddy and further dad loaned him 1 million while he worked for him so he could seed his own ventures). With that background it's no wonder he is surprisingly privileged in his approach to life...he has never had to lose before, and the few times he did, foolish bankers let him do it with their (and investor's) money so he really did not experience any pain except to his ego. I wonder what he will do when and if he loses...I think he may become completely unhinged.

Edited by tonray
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8 hours ago, MajarTheLion said:


So you deny the media is overall liberally biased? This has now changed from a matter of elections being rigged to a matter of basic honesty and powers of observation.

The media is not liberal biased but mainstream. You thinking they're biased shows you're not main stream but part of a decreasing group of right wingers.

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36 minutes ago, stevenl said:

The media is not liberal biased but mainstream. You thinking they're biased shows you're not main stream but part of a decreasing group of right wingers.

Of course the mainstream media is totally biased against Trump.  It's plain as the nose on your face:

The media bias is so bad this year that even China’s state media says the US mainstream media is totally biased against Trump.




In an editorial, the Global Times criticized the “ugly unity” of the US mainstream media, which it said had “heavily hyped up Trump’s insulting comments against women, while only scratching the surface of Clinton’s e-mail scandals.” Citing “statistics from the US,” it also said that 30 out of the top 100 US dailies backed Clinton, while none were on Trump’s side.

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1 hour ago, Boon Mee said:

Eyewitness Anthony Gilberthorpe Challenges Trump Plane Accuser’s ‘Wild Allegations’ of Sexual Assault




Typical dumb-ass ridiculous.  Google Gilberthorpe and you'll find he's a nutcase.  That's the best Trump can do to refute a report of sexual predation?  Trump is a sadder specimen of humankind than his life-sized cardboard cut-out used in photo-opps for Trump U graduates.  

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TRUMP BOUNCES BACK AFTER MEDIA ASSAULT=> Builds Lead on Hillary Clinton in LA Times-USC Dornsife Poll



After the corrupt media’s latest onslaught of attacks — Donald Trump is bouncing back.

Trump leads Hillary Clinton in the latest LA Times-USC Dornsife poll and is building on his lead.


This comes after the media blasted Donald Trump on unsubstantiated allegations of sexual abuse while ignoring the explosive Podesta Wikileaks scandal.



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1 hour ago, Boon Mee said:

Of course the mainstream media is totally biased against Trump.  It's plain as the nose on your face:

The media bias is so bad this year that even China’s state media says the US mainstream media is totally biased against Trump.




In an editorial, the Global Times criticized the “ugly unity” of the US mainstream media, which it said had “heavily hyped up Trump’s insulting comments against women, while only scratching the surface of Clinton’s e-mail scandals.” Citing “statistics from the US,” it also said that 30 out of the top 100 US dailies backed Clinton, while none were on Trump’s side.

So you're totally biased but able to judge the bias of the media.


I would say, leave that up to the people in the US, to who the main stream media are catering.

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Just now, stevenl said:

So you're totally biased but able to judge the bias of the media.


I would say, leave that up to the people in the US, to who the main stream media are catering.

Yes, unfortunately, the USA has a significant low information voter population cue Peggy Joseph who actually believed in the last election that Obama was going to pay her mortgage and put gas in her car.

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The wingnuts are polishing the old MSM is biased turd. He's getting crushed in the election, so they've made up a reason why. Trump is in deep denial, and laying the ground work to explain the looming disaster. It will be, of course, everyone's fault but his. Donald Trump never accepts personal responsibility for anything.


 In the year that this circus has been playing have Trump or his surrogates ever proven any of their claims? Even one? I mean other than the one is father wasn't an  orangutan?


Closer and closer to single digits at 538 - 88% vs. 11%. Ouch! Statistical tie :clap2:


The only way we'll ever be sure that the election is rigged is if Trump wins. 


Wingnuts grasping at straws. 


The Democratic election tsunami is coming. 









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2 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Eyewitness Anthony Gilberthorpe Challenges Trump Plane Accuser’s ‘Wild Allegations’ of Sexual Assault






You can sure pick your links Boon. This one is a beauty. Excellent choice of Trump defenders.


Anthony Gilberthorpe has admitted procuring underage boys for sex parties with British politicians.


Really, stop linking anything from Breitbart. It's worse than Fox News if that is possible. 


Jake Tapper shot down former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani on Sunday for citing a "former pimp" as proof that a woman who accused Donald Trump of sexual assault was not telling the truth. Tapper noted that nine women came forward last week to dispute Trump's claim that he had never groped or kissed a woman without her permission.


"Do you believe every one of these women is lying?" Tapper asked.

"No, I believe my friend Donald Trump when he tells me he didn't do it," Giuliani insisted. "I've never seen him do anything like that."


Just as a side note - Giuliani's political career is also over after this election. What an idiot.  


Keep doing what you're doing Trump

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11 hours ago, MajarTheLion said:


It's rigged no matter what. The Republican candidate always has to overcome liberal media bias and Democrat voter fraud. If this is news to you.... well, let's leave it at that.


Come on here, the biggest news network in US is FOX News, as if they are not bias at all and the DEMs don't have to overcome the biggest and most watch bias news coverage daily. I'm not saying the other news networks are not bias, just challenging your false assertions. Fox news has one of the highest false / bias reporting compare to the other news networks.

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27 minutes ago, mike324 said:


Come on here, the biggest news network in US is FOX News


Wrong. It is the biggest on cable only. The left-wing networks are much bigger over all and seen by many more of the public. The MSM dominates the news and TV in general.

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1 hour ago, Ulysses G. said:


Wrong. It is the biggest on cable only. The left-wing networks are much bigger over all and seen by many more of the public. The MSM dominates the news and TV in general.


True that it is only cable, but research shows that majority people get news from cable even though local news penetration reaches more Americans. And the fact that around 80% of US household subscribes to cable/satellite. Cable news influences voters more than network news, as people spend more time watching cable news. So cable news still has the biggest influence on viewers and voters.

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Just now, Boon Mee said:

Of course the mainstream media is totally biased against Trump.  It's plain as the nose on your face:


Good job!  :thumbsup:


Just now, Boon Mee said:

The media bias is so bad this year that even China’s state media says the US mainstream media is totally biased against Trump.



As it should be.

The Bloviator is an incompetent, unqualified, ignorant, dangerous, racist Buffoon.

Good on them for calling out the Bloviator for what he is.


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Just now, Boon Mee said:

TRUMP BOUNCES BACK AFTER MEDIA ASSAULT=> Builds Lead on Hillary Clinton in LA Times-USC Dornsife Poll



After the corrupt media’s latest onslaught of attacks — Donald Trump is bouncing back.

Trump leads Hillary Clinton in the latest LA Times-USC Dornsife poll and is building on his lead.


This comes after the media blasted Donald Trump on unsubstantiated allegations of sexual abuse while ignoring the explosive Podesta Wikileaks scandal.







Screen Shot 2016-10-18 at 1.32.07 AM.png

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hypothetical:      There are used tissue all over Donald's bathroom, and strewn on the floor on his side of the bed. 

Melania asks her husband who used all that tissue, and why they didn't put them in the waste can.  Her husband replies, "It must be the liberal media"  Melania must agree.  

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People magazine puts forth six accounts to corroborate reporter's assault claims


"On Tuesday, five people went on the record with the magazine to say that Natasha Stoynoff, the reporter who says Trump 

forced himself on her in 2005, contemporaneously told them about the alleged assault."


"Two of those people are People editors — deputy East Coast news editor Mary Green, and East Coast editor Liz McNeil."


"Another person went on the record to corroborate Stoynoff's claim that she ran into Melania Trump, Donald Trump's third wife,

months after the alleged assault"


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