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Which 'farangs' Are The Most Violent?


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My two'pence worth:

After 17 years in various countries in SE Asia:

1) Scandanavians have a severe problem with cheap drink.

2) English people do also.

3) So do Americans.

No's 1 & 2 try to get a barney going.

No 3 after telling every person that they are, either Green Beret, Marine Recon, Ranger Recon or involved in "Special Forces" tend to run away into the paintwork very quickly.

Why is every US male a member of 'special forces' or ex member in Thailand?.

No wonder they can never win any wars, they are all in Thailand telling everyone how tough they are.

Brit Paras rule!.

Leave the English and the Vikings to fight it out-after all, the are all from the same families in a historicall sense!.

Speaking as a Scot...... " Dun eastin"


Couthy. :o

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According to a survey, 35 % of British males aged between 25 and 35 years old travel abroad to fight with locals. I guess they hold the world record.

Oh I have gotta see this source...

Is it the same one that says that all blacks are murderers and if you wear glasses you have hairy palms?

PLEASE give us the source for this spurious information... it's gotta be worth a laugh!

As a British Male between 25 and 35 I can honestly say that I have only travelled with one thing in mind..... WOMEN!

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What about Canadians and Irish - they are farang too - and isn't Calgary one of the most violent cities in Northern America?

Calgary's my home town, it's never been known for violence in the way that other Canadian cities like Winnipeg, Vancouver, or even Edmonton are. I just checked the statistics Calgary is 5th out the ten largest Canadian cities for crime. Muder rate is 1/3 of Winnipeg's.

Canada is right now at a 25 year low in crime stats. Low meaning less.

Violent crime rates in Canada are substatially lower than US or Mexico. Canucks save their fighting skills for hockey.

Edited by canuckamuck
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If we Americans didn't fight with the Brits, our country would still be under the Queen's rule. And SE Asia would still under French rule if they didn't get kicked out of Vietnam. So it's a toss-up. My Brit friends are pretty calm now...unless you challenge them to a game of wits. Yeah, I'm talkin' about you, Vinny! Ha!

Edited by johnnymoretti
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It should be read as such:

From this survey (as of now), Thai respondees are the most violent, with 100% of respondents having been in a fight (8 of 8).

In second place, Australians/NZers, with 47.6% having been in a fight (10 out of 21).

In third place, British with 45.45% (45 out of 99)

In fourth place, other with 35.48% (11 out of 31)

The most non-violent of respondees are North Americans, with only 21.62% having been in a fight (8 out of 37).

Of those who fight, which group of respondees is the most violent?

Thai, with 37.5% having been in more than five fights. Australian/NZ with 19%, British with 15%, North American with 10.8%, and other with 9.6%

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It should also be noted that different nationalities may have differing opinions on what constitutes a 'fight'.

A "fight" to me (being from the most peaceful USA group of peaceful states with peace-loving peoples) may be just a minor altercation to that country with all those violent football hooligans. Maybe the food and sex are very bad, so the frustration has to come out somehow? (mostly kidding)

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I once viciously pruned a rose because it kept getting my face.

I've regretted this violent act ever since and I now stalk and kill - humanely of course - anyone I see selling cut flowers.

Edited by qwertz
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My two'pence worth:

After 17 years in various countries in SE Asia:

1) Scandanavians have a severe problem with cheap drink.

2) English people do also.

3) So do Americans.

No's 1 & 2 try to get a barney going.

No 3 after telling every person that they are, either Green Beret, Marine Recon, Ranger Recon or involved in "Special Forces" tend to run away into the paintwork very quickly.

Why is every US male a member of 'special forces' or ex member in Thailand?.

No wonder they can never win any wars, they are all in Thailand telling everyone how tough they are.

Brit Paras rule!.

Leave the English and the Vikings to fight it out-after all, the are all from the same families in a historicall sense!.

Speaking as a Scot...... " Dun eastin"


Couthy. :o

people who post crap like this are usaully the ones who had there arse handed to the by a Yank and are bitter about it.


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My two'pence worth:

After 17 years in various countries in SE Asia:

1) Scandanavians have a severe problem with cheap drink.

2) English people do also.

3) So do Americans.

No's 1 & 2 try to get a barney going.

No 3 after telling every person that they are, either Green Beret, Marine Recon, Ranger Recon or involved in "Special Forces" tend to run away into the paintwork very quickly.

Why is every US male a member of 'special forces' or ex member in Thailand?.

No wonder they can never win any wars, they are all in Thailand telling everyone how tough they are.

Brit Paras rule!.

Leave the English and the Vikings to fight it out-after all, the are all from the same families in a historicall sense!.

Speaking as a Scot...... " Dun eastin"


Couthy. :o

people who post crap like this are usaully the ones who had there arse handed to the by a Yank and are bitter about it.


You've obviously never seen members of the Swedish Merchant Marine on a run ashore :D

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Here in Pattaya the 25-35+ crowd of English (generally drunken, shirtless and tattoed) seem to be a growing headache (pattaya-chat anyone?).

Hate to say it, as I have mostly Brittish friends - but they agree and are embarrassed.

Padkapow: I am American and loathe military. You make some sweeping conclusions although I have honestly been taken for CIA contractor by co-workers in Indonesia and a for a spy by Viet police on Phu Quoc island.

Edited by theseveredhead
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I dont drink but would seriously like to get into a fight on many an occasion. Maybe its all about control or lack of in which Im sure alcohol can contribute greatly. Maybe I should start drinking ??????

Whilst sitting quietly on the beach in Pattya yesterday a nice farang sat closeby, started burping as loud as he could drank 3 beers and threw the cans down the beach before leaving. He was alone not with any friends. It times like this etc etc ................................

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What about Canadians and Irish - they are farang too - and isn't Calgary one of the most violent cities in Northern America?

is it? i thought it was in eastern europe somewhere

A city in eastern europe is one of the most violent cities in Northern America?

yeah thats right.

sorry what i meant to say is

who gives a crap about calgary


This exchange really gave me a good laugh.

I also enjoyed this post.

Came close in Pattaya once, but when the brit who looked high on Yabba, flashed the gun in in waist band. You know I immeditely thought you know this is the smartest guy I have met and decided that his thoughts were actually very correct biggrin.gif As matter of fact I decided that the only proper couse of action in the first place was for him to kick me, at our introduction.

I'm sorry to hear that this happened to you ray23, but thanks for humorous anecdote. It provided me with a good laugh on my sunday. :o

This thread is kind of silly, but I got a couple of laughs out of it.

By the way, I'm American, but haven't gotten into a scrap for around 20 years. It only happened in my early 20's when I got into a couple when I was young and feeling my oats.

Edited by vermin on arrival
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The worst or best, depending on your thinking I have been exposed to are defined by occupation, loggers, miners,cowboys, and oiles from various countries, you know who you are. I dont care what branch of the military you were in, the aforementioned suckers more than hold their own and they give a sh.t less what the head count is when it starts. Just a observation in my limited experience,lumps, marks, and waking up the next day, asking what train hit me. This was a long time ago and you can take it as an old man remembering or go give it a go. Good luck. I did notice that these groups did not appear to require whiskey to get started. Pay day, lets go f..k fight and eat and not in any order seemed to be the mood.

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