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Analysis: Trump 'rigged' vote claim may leave lasting damage


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14 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


I cannot fathom how the US elite affects a Brit who may or may not be in Thailand. It seems around half of the fringe Right posters that remain on these threads are non Americans. It is very difficult to see the connection beyond the old white man mentality and, of course, the overt and extreme racism and misogyny.


Oh well. The mysteries of life I guess.


It would be useful to see some actual evidence of the various claims. Come on, you've got thousands of emails helpfully manufactured by the Putin Internet Trolls to draw from to attack Clinton. There must be some policy papers on the alleged open borders that can be cited and analyzed?


Got anything real to offer the American voter?

Of course the American president affects the rest of the world. Look at what the Obama/ Clinton team did to the middle east and tell us it doesn't affect all of us.

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23 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


A friend of a friend told me...


Right. Sure.


Thing is that many of these Trump supporters can't even tie their own shoe laces. Have to wear velcro sneakers. So not being able to sign their own name is not surprising. Now every time the Trump base stuffs up their ballots, we are going to get these posts about rigged elections and the dastardly Democrats scaring innocent little Trumplings in their homes.


The Alt Right machine is getting pretty good at separating money from the Rubes.

You don't do your case much good by insulting people in general because they don't support her.

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On ‎23‎.‎10‎.‎2016 at 0:58 PM, Thakkar said:



It seems to me that what you're saying is that if Hillary wins, then that is proof that the "fix is in"


Where was this "fix" when she was younger and running against an unknown, inexperienced, half black, son of a Muslim with a name that sounds like "Osama" in 2007? Where was the "fix" in her favour when she tried unsuccessfully to introduce universal healthcare in the '90s?


There was no fix when Trump legitimately won the Republican primary against a slew of weak candidates with the overwhelming and enthusiastic support of GOP primary voters who, after years of wallowing in a right wing marinade of hate, fear, suspicion and false memes had finally found their hero.


Is it really a fix when Trump's hateful, misogyny-laden, racist, idiotic, false, bombastic, assholery rhetoric is rejected by a plurality of decent Americans?


if I were a 100-year-old overweight, diabetic with a penchant for unfiltered cigarettes who died soon after eating a cookie, would you bother to test the cookie for poison?



is rejected by a plurality of decent Americans?

Not much of a plurality. She has never been able to get significantly ahead of him. People just don't like her, and they certainly don't trust her, by a significant margin.

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2 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Of course the American president affects the rest of the world. Look at what the Obama/ Clinton team did to the middle east and tell us it doesn't affect all of us.


Who ever said that the American President does not have impact on the rest of the World? I certainly didn't.


My observations are about how right wing non Americans are buying into the Culture Wars. We get all these comments on race from the non American racists who don't really get that American racism is different from British or other culturally defined racism. Similarly we get all this nonsense about nationalistic responses to EU issues thrown into discussions about what is happening in America.


Neither am I saying that non Americans should not be posting on these issues. However, many of them post as if they have a stake in the game that is clearly different from their actual stake as non Americans. These right wing fringe dwellers, most of them little Englanders and UKIP'ers merely act to fan the flames of division not realizing that like one of their old Kings, Canute, they cannot stop the transfer of power from the old guard to the new generation with new ideas.


I suspect that this applies in your case. Time to get over Thatcher and move on.

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1 minute ago, thaibeachlovers said:

is rejected by a plurality of decent Americans?

Not much of a plurality. She has never been able to get significantly ahead of him. People just don't like her, and they certainly don't trust her, by a significant margin.


he said DECENT Americans


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8 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

You don't do your case much good by insulting people in general because they don't support her.


What case? I have no mission. I am not endlessly plagiarizing Alt Right websites to try and deny reality about the election.


I am insulting people who are claiming the election is rigged and using evidence that clearly shows their own stupidity and inability to fill in a ballot. That these people tend to be Trump supporters is not my fault. Don't shoot the messenger.


My case!

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13 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


What case? I have no mission. I am not endlessly plagiarizing Alt Right websites to try and deny reality about the election.


I am insulting people who are claiming the election is rigged and using evidence that clearly shows their own stupidity and inability to fill in a ballot. That these people tend to be Trump supporters is not my fault. Don't shoot the messenger.


My case!

Intentionally insulting people on a forum is flaming and that is against TV rules.

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Just now, thaibeachlovers said:

I rilly, rilly hope Trump wins just to know that people that make comments like that are screaming in horror.

It seems that Clinton supporters are incapable of having a debate without insulting people with whom they disagree.




2 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I rilly, rilly hope Trump wins just to know that people that make comments like that are screaming in horror.

It seems that Clinton supporters are incapable of having a debate without insulting people with whom they disagree.


won't happen

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       Studies of voter fraud, in past decades in the US, have shown; out of a billion votes cast, less than 40 were questionable.  Where fraud was found, it was more likely to be Republicans than Dems.

       The Republican Party was successfully fined and slapped with a desist order, in the case of proven voter fraud in New Jersey 8 years ago.  That legal order (against Republican Party) is still applicable, and it is precisely what Trump and his campaign are doing right now in about 14 eastern US cities and Las Vegas.  There was a lawsuit filed yesterday, and Republican Party execs responded by saying they were not connected to Trump, therefore not guilty of anything.  huh?   
       The cities which Trump has been pointing out for voter fraud, recently, are the same cities his campaign is targeting. His campaign is giving away free official-looking badges to Trump fans, for them to wear when they go to inner-city (which are nearly all black and minorities) polling places on election day - expressly to intimidate voters to stay away and not vote.  Trump staffers are actively trying to get anyone who is allowed to carry a gun (ex-law enforcement, etc) to stand near voting places with their badges showing, in order to further intimidate minority voters.   As so often has happened:  Trump is chiding the Democrats with doing things (which, btw they're not doing) which are actually dirty tricks his own campaign is actively engaged in.  

       It's happened with his comments on many different topics:  taxes, charities, sexual deviancy, etc. ad nauseum. 
It's yet more proof, if any were needed; of Trump's extreme hypocrisy. 




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On 10/19/2016 at 6:23 AM, Boon Mee said:

Rigging the Vote is the Topic and no matter how much y'all try to spin this subject, the feces has met with the rotating blades and we''re seeing proof of Democrat corruption before our very eyes - going back 50 years! :shock1:


There has been very little proof of vote rigging, and the majority of rigging that's surfaced, has been by Republicans.  Look in the mirror, if you dare.

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40 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


What case? I have no mission. I am not endlessly plagiarizing Alt Right websites to try and deny reality about the election.


I am insulting people who are claiming the election is rigged and using evidence that clearly shows their own stupidity and inability to fill in a ballot. That these people tend to be Trump supporters is not my fault. Don't shoot the messenger.


My case!

So you cannot enter into a debate without insulting people? You speak an infinite deal of nothing - William Shakespeare.

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Just now, jaidam said:

That open borders is not necessarily an amazingly good idea.

The left just don't get it at all - cheating, threatening and generally bullying anyone that has the stones to disagree with them.

Cheating in this election is a given and if Clinton wins there will never be an investigation.

All the more reason to vote for Trump and against the bigoted establishment and elites.



Alex Jones much?


And you didn't even even mention the "Muzzies".

Actually, kinda surprised...

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38 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Intentionally insulting people on a forum is flaming and that is against TV rules.


Yep. The Alt Right Trumpanzees. Whiny...


Bill Maher Rips On Every ‘Whiny Little Bitch’ Supporting Donald Trump




I really can't believe that someone is citing forum rules in a discussion about the stupidity of Trump supporters for not being able to fill in a ballot and then claiming that the election is rigged.


Get over it. Dude. Really.

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Just now, thaibeachlovers said:

You posted stuff 2 minutes after I edited it out. Are you keeping a file on me?




Jeez, really?

Got news for ya bubba, stuff posted on an open internet forum is perennial. :laugh:


Somethin' to think about...


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I'd never heard of this consent decree or the GOP's shameful actions in New Jersey.

However, if the Federal (or even Supreme) Court find them guilty of breaching it, what are the possible sanctions and who will face them (other than extending it - it was due to expire next year).

The GOP are already trying to argue that Trump is nothing to do with them. Be interesting to see how the courts view it.



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Just now, Pimay1 said:

So you cannot enter into a debate without insulting people? You speak an infinite deal of nothing - William Shakespeare.


Are you refering to your Glorious Leader?

The King of Insults?

The King of meaningless babble?

The King of Crass/Trash Talk?


The Bloviator?


The Buffoon?

The Text Book Racist, Draft Dodging, alleged Tax Dodging, peodophile, nationwide fraudster/con-man/huckster?

(The latter two to be determined come the New Year). :laugh:


The embarrssment to America known as Donald Trump?


Edited by iReason
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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Congratulations on not using half a page to say that. :smile:


Pressed for time all morning today  :thumbsup:


Normally when pressed for time I can put out a third of a page in three minutes, no sweat. :biggrin:  Five minutes counting the cleanup editing.


Now that the kid is off to enjoy his lunch, allow him to compensate for the otherwise paltry post you've noted....




A must-read Businessweek piece explains how Donald Trump’s campaign has “three major voter suppression operations under way” aimed at three groups: idealistic white liberals, young women, and African Americans.


Rick Hasen“But the Trump campaign also has promoted ‘poll watching’ and other operations which many see as a sign of voter intimidation. Trump has engaged in so much of this activity, that the DNC is trying to use it to extend the [U.S. District Court] consent decree against the RNC for voter intimidation activity for up to 8 more years. These brazen statements from the Trump campaign marginally increase the chances of success of that effort, because they confirm that the campaign has an interest in making it harder for likely Democratic voters, including minority voters, to come out to the polls and vote.”



Here's from the order and consent decree of the U.S. District Court in 1982 against the Republican National Commitee, a decree that continues to be active and in effect. DNC is in the District Court now seeking to extend the order and decree an additional eight years from the present time and circumstance of the 2016 Republican Party of Donald Trump and His Deplorables.


That, because of evidence presented to the Court, the Republican National Committee must...


(e) refrain from undertaking any ballot security activities in polling places or election districts where the racial or ethnic composition of such districts is a factor in the decision to conduct, or the actual conduct of, such activities there and where a purpose or significant effect of such activities is to deter qualified voters from voting;




The bottom line is that the contemporary Republican Party continues to be exclusionary, closed, self-isolating, while the Democratic Party continues to be inclusionary, expanding, open and forward looking. Republicans make laws to prevent voting, Democrats have to oppose this in the federal courts because no one else will. In fact, we're more than cheerful about helping youse guyz to marginalise yourselves -- forever.

Edited by Publicus
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6 minutes ago, Chicog said:

never heard of this consent decree

See pdf attachment.

  • The RNC’s support of Trump’s efforts to recruit “watchers” who are intended to intimidate voters at their polling places violates this Court’s Consent Decree as modified in 2009, which explicitly forbid the RNC from engaging in so-called “ballot security” measures directly, indirectly, or through its agents or employees.


  • Appeal filed Dec. 13, 2010 and decision issued March 8, 2012


  • The Supreme Court has refused to lift a 30-year consent decree that bars the Republican National Committee from targeting racial and ethnic minorities in its efforts to end fraudulent voting.   An appeal from RNC lawyers who said the decree has become “antiquated” and is “increasingly used as political weapon” by Democrats during national campaigns.




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2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Hmmmm. Show us a liberal media outlet that gives as much air time to the e mail leaks as to bashing Trump and I'll agree with you. No chance that that will happen though, as there is no significant liberal coverage of the e mails.


I'm not a fan of websites leaning to the other extreme, and no problems with treating them in a similar way. That said, it seems any venue not obsessed with OTT Democrat/HRC bashing is considered "liberal". 


The emails do get covered, if less than some would wish. I'd say its more to do with the issues brought up by the emails publication being less clear cut, and less accessible for debate. On the other hand, Trump's issues are pretty much obvious and more easily understandable as outrageous. People have an easier time following the obvious. 


IMO, if one actually reads the emails (can't say I've read all, of course) not everything that's published is quite as dire as presented. There is a generous helping of interpretation and insinuation, which is to be expected.

Edited by Morch
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47 minutes ago, Chicog said:

I'd never heard of this consent decree or the GOP's shameful actions in New Jersey.

However, if the Federal (or even Supreme) Court find them guilty of breaching it, what are the possible sanctions and who will face them (other than extending it - it was due to expire next year).

The GOP are already trying to argue that Trump is nothing to do with them. Be interesting to see how the courts view it.



I doubt something like this would end up with the Supreme Court.  I suspect that any attempts at voter fraud has more to do with swaying a local election.   The kind of rigging that would be required to swing a national election would be enormous and would require the coordinated effort of a huge number of people from a large number of states.   



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1 hour ago, iReason said:




Jeez, really?

Got news for ya bubba, stuff posted on an open internet forum is perennial. :laugh:


Somethin' to think about...


I want to know how he can post something that no longer exists on an open forum. I do realise it is still somewhere in cyberspace but it's not where you can see it now, except on his quote.

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15 minutes ago, Morch said:


I'm not a fan of websites leaning to the other extreme, and no problems with treating them in a similar way. That said, it seems any venue not obsessed with OTT Democrat/HRC bashing is considered "liberal". 


The emails do get covered, if less than some would wish. I'd say its more to do with the issues brought up by the emails publication being less clear cut, and less accessible for debate. On the other hand, Trump's issues are pretty much obvious and more easily understandable as outrageous. People have an easier time following the obvious. 


IMO, if one actually reads the emails (can't say I've read all, of course) not everything that's published is quite as dire as presented. There is a generous helping of interpretation and insinuation, which is to be expected.

Hmmmm I'd say that information implying the FBI was in the tank for HRC is pretty significant, and would at least require an independent investigation. Of course that isn't going to happen when the head honcho of the Justice Department is having cosy chats with the suspect's husband during the ongoing FBI non independent investigation.

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1 minute ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Hmmmm I'd say that information implying the FBI was in the tank for HRC is pretty significant, and would at least require an independent investigation. Of course that isn't going to happen when the head honcho of the Justice Department is having cosy chats with the suspect's husband during the ongoing FBI non independent investigation.


And I'd say you better delve into the raw emails, rather than relying on commentary presented on partisan websites.

Not that it resolves the question of the emails authenticity, or the moral issues of publishing them.

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