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The walking contradiction thread.


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So it has been slow with all the threads we can't respond to. So I have decided to add this gem of a thread to the crown jewel that is TV. Don't worry JJ I could never even aspire to fill your shoes. This thread is nothing more than entertainment and filler in a time that has been a little slow lately. 


So you read through threads and notice things people say that are contradictions. This occurs so many times I noticed when people talk about their Thai boyfriends or girlfriends, wives, etc. Hopefully I have covered the entire straight and LGBTQ community here so the thread is inclusive. So somebody will say something like "My wife is so good at getting bargains she never spends a Baht too much" Which is then a little later often in the same paragraph followed by something like "She drives 20 kilometers to buy petrol for half a satang less" 


It doesn't necessarily have to be about your wife or partner but it would be fun to keep it Thailand related. It is sort of similar to the popular "what lies do we tell ourselves" thread but with a little bit of a twist. The premise of the thread is somebody makes a one liner that could be anything and the next person makes a line that completely contradicts it hopefully in a humorous manner. 


So if I start out with


"My boyfriend makes the best Thai food" 


Somebody could counter with something like


"But we eat at western restaurants 5 times a week, because I prefer it" 




"I don't like the nightlife anymore I am simply too old for that these days" 


followed by


"I drink at home because I prefer my own company and it is much cheaper  but find myself getting rather depressed lately since I moved to Issan" 


In the second case it isn't exactly opposite but the second sentence in a round about nature does contradict the first.





You can reply with anything you want and it is cool however I will demand this is closed if the thread doesn't go the way I intended it to.  (i am joking here in the spirit of the thread. 


I will start the first line and somebody else can contradict it. I am not sure if this thread will work out but could be pretty humorous if it does. Hopefully one line can lead into the next. It should lead to back and forth banter as every view will or should be somewhat the opposite of which came before it. Yes, I obviously have had too much time on my hands the past 4 or 5 days. Just edited to add I think the thread will be better if only one line is used and no further explanation is ever offered. Please keep it simple.


Here goes...


I live in Thailand and spend less than 10,000 Baht a month and never find myself lacking for anything. 



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I would have thought you could at least have cited one real example.


Do keep trying however - you could just become the inspirstion for the thaivisa version of alanis morrisettes isnt it ironic.

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16 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Gimme a Big Mac, large fries, and a DIET coke, please ... :sorry:


You of all people should understand the value of a completely contrived thread with all the conditions and disclaimers written in the OP. The fact you supposedly have me on ignore makes this a great post in a thread of contradictions. lol 


Oh the contradiction is the diet coke. You are supposed to jusy give a line and let the next person contradict it.  please read the op lol

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15 hours ago, bannork said:

The walls of his house are papered with collected past lottery tickets, hundreds of them that never won a single baht.


Which is okay it is only my money he is spending anyway. I am just happy that he is doing what he enjoys and blessed to be surrounded by people who love me.

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This seems a little complicated for TVF. But for me the biggest contradiction I see in Thailand is the way the women cheat on their boyfriend or husband with you and then think you'll ever trust em to be your loyal girlfriend or wife.


Conversely, I've known several farangs who go to great lengths to make a certified whore their girlfriend and don't give her a baht outside of cab fair- citing the excuse "you make more money than I do". Then, while she's working at the bar, they turn around and use all their disposable income at fishbowls, spas, and go gos.

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10 minutes ago, eldragon said:

This seems a little complicated for TVF. But for me the biggest contradiction I see in Thailand is the way the women cheat on their boyfriend or husband with you and then think you'll ever trust em to be your loyal girlfriend or wife.


Conversely, I've known several farangs who go to great lengths to make a certified whore their girlfriend and don't give her a baht outside of cab fair- citing the excuse "you make more money than I do". Then, while she's working at the bar, they turn around and use all their disposable income at fishbowls, spas, and go gos.


You could be right. Thought I would give it a try but the one line and add one line concept seems to be lost. Some of the replies are confirming the one  before it rather than contradicting it. Denim had the right idea, I laughed at his post. Too bad the momentum can't be kept. I will make another attempt to kick start it. Iv anybody wants to see a humorous thread develop stick to one liners if you can....



I speak Thai pretty well and as such I am a well respected pillar of my community. 



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10 hours ago, anotheruser said:


You could be right. Thought I would give it a try but the one line and add one line concept seems to be lost. Some of the replies are confirming the one  before it rather than contradicting it. Denim had the right idea, I laughed at his post. Too bad the momentum can't be kept. I will make another attempt to kick start it. Iv anybody wants to see a humorous thread develop stick to one liners if you can....



I speak Thai pretty well and as such I am a well respected pillar of my community. 




...yet no one knows who I really am or where I came from, nor do they care.

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3 minutes ago, anotheruser said:

Altho i em de main englisch teecher on de one scool in the lokal vilage.


Altho i em de main englisch teecher on de one scool in the lokal vilage... and I make more money than your average Thai, I'm still seen as the kie nieow farang.

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Just now, eldragon said:


Altho i em de main englisch teecher on de one scool in the lokal vilage... and I make more money than your average Thai, I'm still seen as the kie nieow farang.


That is just because they are jealous of me and have no idea how much of my salary goes to taking care of my bar girl wife in the past 6 weeks we have been married.

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On ‎18‎/‎10‎/‎2016 at 11:51 PM, anotheruser said:


You of all people should understand the value of a completely contrived thread with all the conditions and disclaimers written in the OP. The fact you supposedly have me on ignore makes this a great post in a thread of contradictions. lol 


Oh the contradiction is the diet coke. You are supposed to jusy give a line and let the next person contradict it.  please read the op lol

The thread might last longer if we were allowed to give an opinion & also the contradiction.

Something like:

I respect Thai culture very much, but I come from a developed nation, so......

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yeah sure thats true. some of it was getting comical. I don't own the thread so people can do whatever they want. The only thing that differentiates it from the lies we tell ourselves thread is the interaction and relation between one post the next. So it is a mix of the lies we tell ourself thread with sort of the word association thread going together. The idea is to somehow get it going in verses. at the end the whole thread would make for an amusing thread that would come off like one guy rambling on continously about his life in Thailand.





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3 minutes ago, anotheruser said:

yeah sure thats true. some of it was getting comical. I don't own the thread so people can do whatever they want. The only thing that differentiates it from the lies we tell ourselves thread is the interaction and relation between one post the next. So it is a mix of the lies we tell ourself thread with sort of the word association thread going together. The idea is to somehow get it going in verses. at the end the whole thread would make for an amusing thread that would come off like one guy rambling on continously about his life in Thailand.





I agree 100% with you.



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The last reply that made sense was this one... 


That is just because they are jealous of me and have no idea how much of my salary goes to taking care of my bar girl wife in the past 6 weeks we have been married.

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2 hours ago, oldhippy said:

This is sooooooooo difficult.

But wait.

What the OP wants is what in soccer terms is called an "assist"?



you contradict the line above you. not add a new contradiction. lol yes it is sort of an assist. Denim and eldragon seemed to understand what I mean. 

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