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Trump refuses to say he will accept election results


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5 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Well, Gore refused to concede so what's the big deal?



False equivalency is rampant on these threads, but this is ridiculous.


There were 6,000,000 votes cast in Florida in 2000.  The difference on election day was 537 votes, or .009%   Vice President Gore didn't immediately concede because he had concerns about the counting of ballots.  Unlike Trump, he was not stating that the election itself was fixed.  And let's try to remember that the election hasn't even happened yet, and Trump is already crying.  



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5 hours ago, John1012 said:

As a non US citizen who cannot vote, unless I illegally enter the USA and live in California,  I watch the débâcle of the US election destroying the credibility of democracy in the US.  On one side we have the established,paid for political machines of the GOP & DNC, on the other we have a loose cannon, who is not bought and paid for by national and international organisations, but who seems truly to be an American patriot, Trump. (Who has never done anything to harm the national interests of the USA and who , when younger had a big ego and mouth and liked pussy, so what).The Mainstream media is heavily biased towards the status quo, the existing POTUS and family are  the worst the US has ever had, and he is an Islamist to boot. Race relations, black versus white is worse than in the pre MLK era, the theocracy of Islam is slowly spreading it's cancer in the cities. BLM and Black Panthers should be classed as internal terrorist organisations, they are threatening national security,they are not addressing the differences between the races but  are so confrontational that they are forcing the non Black communities  consider reacting against the violent threat that they offer. Where are the Hispnanic live matter group and  the Asian live matter group, they are probably too busy trying to make a living and improve themselves.The DOJ and the FBI are now looked upon as unable to uphold the law properly and treat all crimes, whomsoever committed them, as punishable by law,HRC has proven beyond doubt that she and her organisation is corrupt. deceitful and not competent to represent the USA both nationally or internationally. The system is broken, it needs to be refurbished with honesty and patriotism. All we see in Washington is a parasitic structure built around long serving politicians, lobbyist groups and self interest. The Constitution was put in place  both as a set of rules to live by and to protect the people from despotic government. To remove the 2nd amendment rights, so disarming the populace, is the start of  self interested despotic central government control, this would not even be a benevolent dictatorship as it seemingly is not governed by decent moral ethics but by a preferential leaning towards Islam, BHO is supporter of Islam , HRC is bought and paid for by Islamic governments, Keane is a supporter of Islam. If the election is stolen from the American people by the corruption of HRC ,her supporters, the DNC & GOP, then the USA is finished , both as an international player lead by people that are recognised as corrupt  and will be  internationally despised, as Obama is now, and internally as sovereign states decide to secede from the corruptness of the Washington lead cabal of elitists who would represent the status quo. The only option is Trump, if HRC and Keane are elected then you will NOT have another chance as by the time the next election date comes around it will probably irrelevant as the Constitution will have been circumvented by a packed supreme court,executive orders and the rise of Islam.In order for the USA and the Constitution to survive the 'swamp must be drained'.




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6 hours ago, LannaGuy said:


I don't like some of what trump says but he's gone through the election process and received MILLIONS of votes and beaten a field of 17. Van Jones is just a loud mouthed hack who thinks he's a MLK and speaks for all the 'repressed' folk 'of colour' and personifies the PC i loath.  Maybe you support Clinton and respect she destroyed 33,000 emails so they can't be read?  where was CNN in focussing on that? No they'd rather forget that and concentrate on a 10 year old secretly taped sentence in a  bus. 


Indeed, Trump legitimately won the Republican Primaries fair and square. Now the same people who were screaming to the wavering Republican Establishment that they must accept the people's verdict seem a-ok with Trump's non commitment to accept the people's verdict on Nov 9.


Incidentally, these are the people who've spent the last several years fear mongering about the imagined horrors of Obama refusing to leave office at the end of his term. Yet they are surprisingly sanguine about Trump's assertion that he may not accept the election results unless he wins.


So...tyranny is bad unless your guy is the tyrant? Got it.



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When even the Breitbart snap poll shows Clinton winning the debate by a large margin the party is over for Donald Trump.  Keep in mind, the vast majority of people who read Breitbart are people whose world vision mirrors Breitbart (think wingnut conservatism) and are, therefore, the primary contingent voting in that poll. For Donnie to lose that poll it just shows how out of control his campaign has become. Now even his most rabid supporters are starting to wake up and realize that it's the morning after and that hottie that looked so good at last call is really just a smelly, fat pig.

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3 hours ago, jcsmith said:

Huge difference between Al Gore asking for a recount and Tump refusing to accept the results. Gore himself was ready to concede, he was pushed into the recount because it was so close. Originally it was announced that Gore had won Florida, then it turned out that Bush won it by less than 2000 votes. A vote that close triggers an automatic recount in Florida. Because the whole election then hinged on that state though, it went under the microscope and put the election in a holding pattern with both sides vollying to try to win that state bringing into question things like absentee votes, ineligible voters, etc by the various political parties. 

That is completely different than someone losing an election and then questioning the whole electoral process. Especially when the person making the threats to do so is behind in all the polls and will very likely actually lose the election. This will only lead to a larger divide between Trump's band of deplorables (and by that I am referring to the hardline right wing of his supporters, the guys who want to kick out the immigrants and muslims) and the rest of the country.


Another thing is that Trump does not say "lets scrap the elections because they are rigged". Seems they are "rigged" only if he losses. Otherwise, all is well.

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4 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

Among other things, my system of government wouldn't offer carte blance to hedge funds and big banks to tank the economy.  Given that Trump wants to massively deregulate them, I'd say that he doesn't fit into my system of government.  


But that is what happened in 2008 the banks tanked the economy! You only ever get a chance to vote for a leader you never get a chance to vote on the system of government. Why? Because politicians will change the system if it gets them what they want. 

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35 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

OK so even the Trumpsters know that the games up now and are desperately clutching at straws.  Trump was never going to win but he came closer than anyone imagined.  This is very disturbing and reflects badly on the USA as one of the world leaders.


Hold yer horses there until the votes are counted and we see what we have to enter into the History books after November 8th. 


Donald Trump ain't gonna look pretty. The uglier Donald Trump comes out the better for the USA. Trump is in fact ugly by any standard or measurement.


Goldwater in 1964 got 38% of the popular vote; McGovern in 1972 got 37% in his getting wiped out. That's the real baseline that no one's been alarmed about. No cause for alarm if Trump as expected comes out in the same close range.


In USA nobody gets elected Potus with those percentages or the concomitant raw numbers of votes. The crazies have a U.S. Senator here and there, a klatch of U.S. House members, but the Constitution doesn't let any of 'em into the White House except as guests of Potus. Major party nominee notwithstanding.  

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12 minutes ago, CharlieK said:


But that is what happened in 2008 the banks tanked the economy! You only ever get a chance to vote for a leader you never get a chance to vote on the system of government. Why? Because politicians will change the system if it gets them what they want. 

And because we had a Democratic House and Senate and a Democratic President, the Dodd-Frank law was passed. And a consumer protections bureay was passed. And the hedge funds, and the banks, and the credit card people really, really dislike it.

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<I post this with caution... Gambling is illegal in Thailand... (But not in the UK, Ireland or the States)>.


As far as one of the major bookmakers in the UK is concerned the race is won and are already paying out on a Clinton win.


Paddy Power, an Irish betting market with a large presence in the UK, has already declared a winner of the US presidential election.

The market said Tuesday that it is paying out more than $1 million worth of bets on the Democratic nominee because it looks as though Clinton has sealed a win over Republican nominee Donald Trump.

"With national polls showing a healthy lead for the Democratic candidate and Donald Trump's campaign running into scandal after scandal, Paddy Powerbelieves it's a done deal and that Hillary is a nailed-on certainty to occupy the Oval Office,"Paddy Power said in a statement.



They must certainly know something I do not know,  I for one know it is more than two week left, and anything can happen, maybe Donald may have some real dirt on Hillary, though I doubt it, he has only blanks left in his ammo box... if there is a knock out blow it will come from the Democrats.




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23 hours ago, Pinot said:


I don't know which one I like better:

"Clinton's smooth, silky, mocking demeanor might just work against her on November 8th."


"Trump was never going to overcome a slick, mealy mouthed establishment operator like Clinton with her teams of advisors. He's not an orator and couldn't win an argument with me, let alone Clinton. He was on a hiding to nothing."


Clinton is a smooth, silky slick, mealy mouthed, establishment operator...who'll be President in a few weeks.  



I'm a giver. 



Anybody? Not a country starting with R...ummm, Romania? No that starts with R. Ummm...



Thank sweet jesus for Fox News, Breitbart and Drudge! 


And may I just add...duh

How about liking both in equal measure? I'm always eager to bring some light relief into someone's existence. Incidentally Pinot, have you forgotten the question mark and was asking my opinion on who'll be President or do you believe that you can predict the future?

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4 hours ago, Basil B said:

<I post this with caution... Gambling is illegal in Thailand... (But not in the UK, Ireland or the States)>.


As far as one of the major bookmakers in the UK is concerned the race is won and are already paying out on a Clinton win.



They must certainly know something I do not know,  I for one know it is more than two week left, and anything can happen, maybe Donald may have some real dirt on Hillary, though I doubt it, he has only blanks left in his ammo box... if there is a knock out blow it will come from the Democrats.




Paddy Power have paid out, before the event, a couple of times and come unstuck. They do it purely for the publicity it get's them.

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14 minutes ago, oldgit said:

Paddy Power have paid out, before the event, a couple of times and come unstuck. They do it purely for the publicity it get's them.

Yes, they do it for publicity, but only when they believe the odds are easily in their favour.

Looking forward to substantiation of your claim that they have became unstuck with this a couple of times earlier.

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On 10/20/2016 at 10:18 AM, mcfish said:

Trump wants lose.. That's the only rational explanation there is


I don't think so.  He's a horse's ass, easily baited, quick-to-anger and vindictiveness, and ill-informed on important issues.  He's doing everything he can, much of it dirty, to try and win.  For him, winning is more of an ego-trip and maintaining-his-brand-for-income, ....than it is to try and do something worthwhile for Americans.  

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remember the faction, at the very start of the RNC, who were staging a protest to have a state-by-state roll call?   I bet they're steaming under their red-white-and-blue bowler hats.  Too bad they didn't have a replacement candidate to put forth.  It's a sad commentary on the Republican Party when a faction wanted to dump Trump, but couldn't come up with any candidate who is less abysmal.    


Another big loser is Cruz.   What a dolt, for voicing support for Trump, just days before the Hollywood tape was released.   Have you seen the photo of dog-faced Cruz manning a phone in a Trump phone bank?   He looks like a man who is phoning his wife to tell her he has an STD.  ha ha ha, he deserves all the crap he gets in his doggy bowl for supper that night.

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8 hours ago, Basil B said:

<I post this with caution... Gambling is illegal in Thailand... (But not in the UK, Ireland or the States)>.   




Betting on any election in the United States is a serious violation of serious federal laws. Do not attempt to bet on an election of any kind in the USA in the United States itself. You will go directly to the Big House if you do.


Federal law severely restricts any betting on an election of any kind in the USA for any office in every state and jurisdiction. Only six states have some exceptional latitude in betting on elections in USA, Nevada being one of them. However, even in Las Vegas betting on any election to any office anywhere in the USA is strictly prohibited or controlled by federal law.


Don't do it.


Las Vegas oddsmakers offer odds they devise by standard means and practices. They do not place or accept wagers or bets. We're talking serious prison time.


Anyone interested in wagering money on an election in the USA, such as the current general election, needs to place the wager outside of the United States. London or Dublin would be the most reliable and legal locations.


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1 hour ago, Publicus said:


Betting on any election in the United States is a serious violation of serious federal laws. Do not attempt to bet on an election of any kind in the USA in the United States itself. You will go directly to the Big House if you do.


Federal law severely restricts any betting on an election of any kind in the USA for any office in every state and jurisdiction. Only six states have some exceptional latitude in betting on elections in USA, Nevada being one of them. However, even in Las Vegas betting on any election to any office anywhere in the USA is strictly prohibited or controlled by federal law.


Don't do it.


Las Vegas oddsmakers offer odds they devise by standard means and practices. They do not place or accept wagers or bets. We're talking serious prison time.


Anyone interested in wagering money on an election in the USA, such as the current general election, needs to place the wager outside of the United States. London or Dublin would be the most reliable and legal locations.


Ops, I did not know that...


But it may be OK to place a bet online to any off shore bookies...  but in Thailand one can not even place a bet to any offshore bookies...

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12 hours ago, stevenl said:

Yes, they do it for publicity, but only when they believe the odds are easily in their favour.

Looking forward to substantiation of your claim that they have became unstuck with this a couple of times earlier.

No problem. They paid out early on Arsenal winning the Premier League in 2003, until Man. Utd. came from 12 points behind to do 'em. Then there's the Greek austerity vote, where they were sure the Greek public would vote for the austerity package but didn't.

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