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Trump refuses to say he will accept election results


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I did say before that they should give the third debate a miss unless there was something new.  Well there was one new thing and that was that Trump wouldn't commit to accept the result of the voting if he lost.  This has clearly not helped his credibility at all.  Apart from that it was just more bickering and mud slinging.


Not expecting much response from the pro Trump brigade, not much they can say except parroting their boy.

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1 hour ago, JustNo said:

I am surprised at how many people are still falling for the electoral system there; it is not an election but a selection. Trump is another level of a tool being used by the elites in this side-show and illusion of choice. Hillary and Trump are 2 parts of the same system and the same thing, and people need to wake up and realise just how corrupt evil and crooked their 'government' actually is. 


Wingnuts are off their rockers. Yeah, everything sucks. Too bad for you. 


The electoral system works just fine. Remember it's Madam President

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15 minutes ago, Pinot said:


Wingnuts are off their rockers. Yeah, everything sucks. Too bad for you. 


The electoral system works just fine. Remember it's Madam President

Madam President...sounds good. Is Bill now First gentleman?


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2 hours ago, Pimay1 said:

You believe who you choose, I'll believe who I choose and we'll both be happy.


You can believe whoever you want to believe but you look like a lost soul posting wingnut websites as proof of what you believe. 


I'm using the phrase "lost soul" generously. 


This is the way the  low-information Trump voter thinks. They get their koolaid from the wingnut sites and then troll the boards and arguing this nonsense. That's life in wingnuttia. Conspiracies are everywhere. Everyone is against them. The main street media is all owned by the jews and the end of the world is just around the corner. 


Yeah, by all means, rise up and go to war. Take back your wingnut government. Shoot to kill. Let's see how long you and Bundy last. A couple hours? 


America should be concerned with the unhinged, paranoid, low-info Trumpeteers far more than radical Muslims. 


If Trump calls out his lemmings after the election, he'll be thrown in jail and tried and hung for treason. Som nom na. 

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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Doesn't matter what he says now. I saw Kellyanne Conway on tv and even she accepts defeat. She didn't say it, but it was in her face and the way she was speaking.

Barring a huge upset, HRC has won, IMO.


For Trump, either he is setting up in the hope of impeachment post becoming POTUS, or he intends sniping at her ad infinitum.

OR, he could just go back to making billions of $. He is quite safe on that, as she isn't going to do anything that affects rich people. She owes too much to Wall St. to upset the 1%.


I REALLY hope that for the next election debates they put switches controlled by the moderator on the mikes. Having all 3 talking at the same was very annoying.

I am pretty sure in case of impeachment he would not be in the line of succession.....5555

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8 minutes ago, Pinot said:


You can believe whoever you want to believe but you look like a lost soul posting wingnut websites as proof of what you believe. 


I'm using the phrase "lost soul" generously. 


This is the way the  low-information Trump voter thinks. They get their koolaid from the wingnut sites and then troll the boards and arguing this nonsense. That's life in wingnuttia. Conspiracies are everywhere. Everyone is against them. The main street media is all owned by the jews and the end of the world is just around the corner. 


Yeah, by all means, rise up and go to war. Take back your wingnut government. Shoot to kill. Let's see how long you and Bundy last. A couple hours? 


America should be concerned with the unhinged, paranoid, low-info Trumpeteers far more than radical Muslims. 


If Trump calls out his lemmings after the election, he'll be thrown in jail and tried and hung for treason. Som nom na. 


If this crap continues post-election, a boycott of all things Trump should be a very effective muzzle. And that goes for you too, Ivanka.

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5 hours ago, Silurian said:


Let's not lose sight of why Trump won the Republican nomination. How did he traverse the establishment  minefield by defeating in - house favourites like Rubio, Cruz, Jeb Bush and Kasich? One can say he's had a far harder path towards the White House than Clinton, who basically had to overcome a 75 year old Bernie Sanders. And there was a bit of arse'ole twitching on her part before she got the nod.

Trump gained the nomination because, using Jose Mourinho's terminology, 'He's not one of the bottle'. He's not part of the establishment. And that tells you more about the average American's present attitude on their domestic politics and politicians in particular. They're sick to death of being lied to, hoodwinked and cheated by decades of  the establishment elite.

These television debates were a waste of time, as far as Trump is concerned, because he was never going to overcome a slick, mealy mouthed establishment operator like Clinton with her teams of advisors. He's not an orator and couldn't win an argument with me, let alone Clinton. He was on a hiding to nothing.

Why Trump has got this far is that he shoots from the hip and says it as it is. It get's him into trouble sometimes,  but isn't that part of his attraction to ordinary folk? For instance, he spoke of Putin outmanoevring Obama and Clinton in the Middle East. Was he wrong? He spoke of his admiration of Putin's positive mindset against the indecisiveness of Obama, Was he wrong? He spoke of having a better relationship with Putin. Was he wrong? He spoke of the folly of the US administration shouting from the rooftops, that they would make a push for ISIS held Mosul weeks before it happened. Was he wrong?  The Democrat establishment would like to think that there already over the winning line, after the mauling Trump took on television, but Clinton's smooth, silky, mocking demenour might just work against her on November 8th.

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17 minutes ago, Pinot said:


You can believe whoever you want to believe but you look like a lost soul posting wingnut websites as proof of what you believe. 


I'm using the phrase "lost soul" generously. 


This is the way the  low-information Trump voter thinks. They get their koolaid from the wingnut sites and then troll the boards and arguing this nonsense. That's life in wingnuttia. Conspiracies are everywhere. Everyone is against them. The main street media is all owned by the jews and the end of the world is just around the corner. 


Yeah, by all means, rise up and go to war. Take back your wingnut government. Shoot to kill. Let's see how long you and Bundy last. A couple hours? 


America should be concerned with the unhinged, paranoid, low-info Trumpeteers far more than radical Muslims. 


If Trump calls out his lemmings after the election, he'll be thrown in jail and tried and hung for treason. Som nom na. 

Two things I like about each of your posts. You are always complementary and never condescending.

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5 hours ago, HooHaa said:

the world is becoming a scary place.

someone is working very hard to destabilize pretty much everything everywhere,.


Neither Trump nor Clinton are of any real importance, what rises from the vacuum they leave behind when it all implodes is the stuff of real nightmares.


And sadly that is true for most governments around the world right now.


we are all on shaky ground.



You don't have to look very far when someone comes out with statements like this...........................


I fancied myself as some kind of god ”   “If truth be known, I carried some rather potent messianic fantasies with me from childhood, which I felt I had to control, otherwise they might get me in trouble.


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4 hours ago, Thakkar said:

Agreed. This third debate performance by Trump was the final self-administered nail on his presidential bid coffin. It seems like the suitable time for something akin to a postmortem.


I've been collecting Trump quotes for a few months:


"Why can’t we use nuclear weapons?"


"They don’t write good. They have people over there, like Maggie Haberman and others, they don’t — they don’t write good. They don’t know how to write good."


"I alone can fix it." –Donald Trump in his self-aggrandizing acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention.


"Let me tell you, I'm a really smart guy.


"My fingers are long and beautiful, as, it has been well been documented, are various other parts of my body." 


"Sorry losers and haters, but my I.Q. is one of the highest -and you all know it! Please don't feel so stupid or insecure,it's not your fault."


"I think I am, actually humble. I think I'm much more humble than you would understand."


"We won with poorly educated. I love the poorly educated."


"I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, okay? It's, like, incredible."


"I'm good at war. I've had a lot of wars of my own. I'm really good at war. I love war in a certain way. But only when we win."


"When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're sending people that have lots of problems...they're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime. They're rapists."


"Happy Cinco de Mayo! The best taco bowls are made in Trump Tower Grill. I love Hispanics!"


"These people – I'd like to use really foul language. I won't do it. I was going to say they're really full of s**t, but I won't say that."


“I’m speaking with myself, number one, because I have a very good brain and I’ve said a lot of things." –when asked who he talks with about foreign policy.


"If Hillary Clinton can't satisfy her husband what makes her think she can satisfy America."

"Such a nasty woman"

"I was on her like a bitch"

"Grab 'em by the pussy"

"I mean, I'd look her right in that fat, ugly face of hers, I'd say, "Rosie, you're fired."

"Blood coming out of her wherever"

"She really has become a monster ... I mean monster in the most positive way." - on his pregnant wife Melania


"Nobody respects women more than I do."


When he said "I have the best words" he was being modest. He has the best sentences too.



Excellent and comprehensive postmortem. 


Cremation is Tuesday, November 8th.


In the public square.

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1 hour ago, tonray said:

Bill (and I loved him as President) was never a gentleman.


I listened to Bill's audio book auto-bio.  Interesting.  I liked him before, and I liked him after I heard his story.  

As for sexual escapades:  50 years in the public arena, 8 of those as prez, and less poking around than you can count on one hand?  I'd say that was mighty restrained.  I mess around more in one average month, than Bill did in his entire public career.   I also admire his wife for sticking with him, and sticking with her marriage vows; "....for better or for worse."   


Note; Bill Clinton is genuinely liked by foreign dignitaries.  The same folks who are breathing a collective sigh of relief, now that it's clear; Trump won't be top honcho. 



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4 hours ago, silent said:

You normally find it about 6 feet underground


Seriously? Find the 'free world' six feet underground??


Missing the whole picture you are.


The emperors of WW One.


Nazis & Fascists of Japan 1920-45.


Stalin and Putin in their USSR.


All of 'em dead and buried and Putin dead on his feet.


Neither are we finished yet, necessarily so. So which dark planet does the post come from...

Edited by Publicus
Extend text.
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2 hours ago, lvr181 said:

Wow, he keeps digging the hole deeper and deeper for himself. He must be a legend (but only in his own mind) full of bulls hit and hot air!


How could anyone believe what he says? One of his first "claims" was to build a wall between Mexico and the U.S.A. and the Mexicans were going to pay for it! Huh? How was he going to enforce that?


Therein lays a clue to his twisted thinking. No wonder so many Republicans want to distance themselves from him. He is going to lose the House of Reps and the Senate for them, just to satisfy his bloated ego? Megalomania come to mind.


Gutter politics, when countries need the leadership of statesmen (or women - for those who worship PC). 



While it is off topic, Trump has said many times how he will make Mexico pay for the wall. Just because you were sleeping doesn't change that.

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6 hours ago, HooHaa said:

the world is becoming a scary place.

someone is working very hard to destabilize pretty much everything everywhere,.


Neither Trump nor Clinton are of any real importance, what rises from the vacuum they leave behind when it all implodes is the stuff of real nightmares.


And sadly that is true for most governments around the world right now.


we are all on shaky ground.

People should be asking themselves which country stands to benefit from the collapse of the western world, and it's not a country starting with R.

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1 hour ago, oldgit said:

Let's not lose sight of why Trump won the Republican nomination. How did he traverse the establishment  minefield by defeating in - house favourites like Rubio, Cruz, Jeb Bush and Kasich? One can say he's had a far harder path towards the White House than Clinton, who basically had to overcome a 75 year old Bernie Sanders. And there was a bit of arse'ole twitching on her part before she got the nod.

Trump gained the nomination because, using Jose Mourinho's terminology, 'He's not one of the bottle'. He's not part of the establishment. And that tells you more about the average American's present attitude on their domestic politics and politicians in particular. They're sick to death of being lied to, hoodwinked and cheated by decades of  the establishment elite.

These television debates were a waste of time, as far as Trump is concerned, because he was never going to overcome a slick, mealy mouthed establishment operator like Clinton with her teams of advisors. He's not an orator and couldn't win an argument with me, let alone Clinton. He was on a hiding to nothing.

Why Trump has got this far is that he shoots from the hip and says it as it is. It get's him into trouble sometimes,  but isn't that part of his attraction to ordinary folk? For instance, he spoke of Putin outmanoevring Obama and Clinton in the Middle East. Was he wrong? He spoke of his admiration of Putin's positive mindset against the indecisiveness of Obama, Was he wrong? He spoke of having a better relationship with Putin. Was he wrong? He spoke of the folly of the US administration shouting from the rooftops, that they would make a push for ISIS held Mosul weeks before it happened. Was he wrong?  The Democrat establishment would like to think that there already over the winning line, after the mauling Trump took on television, but Clinton's smooth, silky, mocking demenour might just work against her on November 8th.

You are correct, but most Americans gain their information from pro establishment sources and never hear anything but anti Trump propaganda. If I lived in my home country and watched the local news I'd be anti Trump too. The media there presents nothing but half truths and anti Trump propaganda.

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32 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

While it is off topic, Trump has said many times how he will make Mexico pay for the wall. Just because you were sleeping doesn't change that.

He said he would cut off transfer payments to Mexico that come from immigrants to the US until Mexico agrees to pay for the wall.  Good luck with that.  

Edited by ilostmypassword
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9 hours ago, DM07 said:

There will be blood!


I don't know if you're posting in jest, but Trump is setting the stage for confrontations at polling stations.


8 hours ago, Pinot said:


Trump is simply aberrant and dangerous.


The peaceful transfer of power is one of the fundamental tenants of the American form of Democracy for the last 240 years.  Trump is putting all of that at risk in order to try and save a small modicum of face.


7 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Dunno what the other anti Clintonites think, but this morning I'm feeling depressed. Unless something huge happens in the next few days she is POTUS.



This morning?

Welcome to the reality I've been living through for the last 5 months.



3 hours ago, Steely Dan said:


Quit the psyops it's been rumbled. The poll putting Hillary 11 points ahead is fraudulent, same applies to other polls but less so. There are a couple of polls that have Trump in the lead.


The reason for trying to manipulate the polls is precisely to make it seem less suspicious if election fraud on a massive scale benefits Clinton. 



1.  The NBC/Wall St. Journal poll has Secretary Clinton up by 10

      The Monmouth poll has Secretary Clinton up by 12.

      The CBS News poll has Secretary Clinton up by 11.


Take off the tinfoil hat a walk back from the ledge towards reality.  Trump is going to lose badly because he's a horrible candidate.  End of.


2.  Not a single national poll has Trump in the lead.  Only the highly suspect LA Times poll has the race as a tie.



3. More Americans have been struck by lightning than have committed voter fraud at a polling station.  That is not hyperbole, that is a fact. 



Voter fraud is an urban myth promulgated by sore losers who need to think more clearly about the candidates they support in the primaries.  Supporting a know-nothing, raging id because you like how he "tells it like it is" will only end in general elections defeat.



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15 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Good grief, do you think I don't know that? Far as I know though, if she is impeached there would have to be a new election. Tell me if I'm wrong.


The whiff of impeachment even before the election has occurred is like the smell of napalm in the morning over there on the blundering and desperate right.


Impeachment is the realm of the House of Representatives so let's hold our horses till some numbers come in the night of November 8th. 


After Trump gets the Bum's Rush by the voters, he's going after Paul Ryan with a meat axe. Ryan loses his House majority and he's a goner. Ryan loses most of his House majority and he's a goner.


Trump the grim reaper is going to unshackle himself against the existing Republican establishment after the axe falls on he himself on polling day. Youse guyz over there gotta be loving it.


We are too. So take no prisoners over there. Don't let none of those Washington Republicans get away with nuthin.

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3 hours ago, Steely Dan said:


Quit the psyops it's been rumbled. The poll putting Hillary 11 points ahead is fraudulent, same applies to other polls but less so. There are a couple of polls that have Trump in the lead.


The reason for trying to manipulate the polls is precisely to make it seem less suspicious if election fraud on a massive scale benefits Clinton. George Soros owns the voting machines in sixteen states, he is a massive Clinton foundation donor.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect


This particular piece of right wing lunacy about George Soros owning a voting machine company goes all the way back to 2012 before the last presidential race. It began with an email claiming that Obama was selling the right to a company owned by Soros that processed the voting in 16 states. Of course, it's nonsense. But some people just never learn

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2 hours ago, oldgit said:

Let's not lose sight of why Trump won the Republican nomination. How did he traverse the establishment  minefield by defeating in - house favourites like Rubio, Cruz, Jeb Bush and Kasich?


Simple: He beat an incredibly weak field of establishment Republicans.  And he didn't even win a majority of GOP voters, but a plurality.  The General is a whole new ballgame.  The majority of Americans aren't stupid...which is why Trump is going to get annihilated. 

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