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May ready for tough talks over Brexit


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9 minutes ago, aright said:

These typical holiday makers you talk about . Are they the ones which rumour says have Samurai swords hung over their fireplaces in case of a return to Bushido Law, a dog named after a sportsman, televisions in the ratio of 1.2 per room, both colours of sauce, a Dyson kept openly in the hall because there's no shame in being clean, ashtrays and an Android smartphone with a Greggs rewards app on the home page.

If yes then I apologise I had completely forgotten them. I will get a letter off to Hammond this afternoon insisting that when he sets up our  Great Nations Fiscal and Monetary policy the needs of these people must be taken into account.

Hello! Its the sneery lower middle classes making superior over the lower orders. PS That Greggs rewards app an excellent idea for office workers regularly buying their lunches from Greggs.

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16 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

Hello! Its the sneery lower middle classes making superior over the lower orders. PS That Greggs rewards app an excellent idea for office workers regularly buying their lunches from Greggs.

It was an attempt at humour. I have obviously failed.  :smile:

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6 hours ago, melvinmelvin said:


Today's Bangkok Post contains an OK article re May and Brexit.


dunno, but I find these so called negotiations are getting weirder and weirder


I can understand the border up north being a stumbling block.

The UK people in EU and EU people in UK issue I think to a large extent would solve itself without

negotiating very much.

Casting the payment in concrete in advance of any other negotiations?  UK coming up with the figures

without any invoice/demands? Give me a break.


I've read many articles in the B/P regarding Brexit, everyone of those articles were anti- Brexit. Therefore I take it with a pinch of salt. Though I do agree with you, it's very weird that a person who voted to remain in this so-called Union, is now the head of government,leading the negotiations while delaying them.

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55 minutes ago, nontabury said:

I've read many articles in the B/P regarding Brexit, everyone of those articles were anti- Brexit. Therefore I take it with a pinch of salt. Though I do agree with you, it's very weird that a person who voted to remain in this so-called Union, is now the head of government,leading the negotiations while delaying them.

You think you can find any intelligent person who REALLY thinks Brexit is a good idea? There is nobody I promise you.

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33 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

Who wants an egg that is good in parts?


The odd thing about the curate's egg allegory is that it doesn't accurately represent the original cartoon, the moral of which was that the pastor was too timid to admit that the egg was inedible.

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1 hour ago, Grouse said:

You think you can find any intelligent person who REALLY thinks Brexit is a good idea? There is nobody I promise you.

I think that it is the hissy fits and rages from the likes of Clegg and Geldof that indicate the lower level of intelligence of the remainers. 

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3 hours ago, Jip99 said:
4 hours ago, Grouse said:

You think you can find any intelligent person who REALLY thinks Brexit is a good idea? There is nobody I promise you.



I believe that I am intelligent and I believe in Brexit.


Somebody gets involved in an internet debate and their entire argument revolves around telling their debating opponents that they are stupid. Isn't there a label for such a person? I believe it begins with 'T'.

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27 minutes ago, Khun Han said:


Somebody gets involved in an internet debate and their entire argument revolves around telling their debating opponents that they are stupid. Isn't there a label for such a person? I believe it begins with 'T'.

I thought it began with S...........Solipsists

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23 minutes ago, aright said:

I thought it began with S...........Solipsists


Crikey, the inevitable seniority must be kicking in for me! I did an extensive investigation into philosophy in my early twenties, but I've just had to google that S word!

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4 hours ago, oilinki said:

Some humour to the discussions. 


Here's a hint for you: the best humour is self-depreciating. Trying to make direct fun of people is inane at best and bullying at worst (but I'll grant the former to you. You come across as quite young).

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46 minutes ago, Khun Han said:


Crikey, the inevitable seniority must be kicking in for me! I did an extensive investigation into philosophy in my early twenties, but I've just had to google that S word!

You have to watch the S words.

Try googling Sesquipedalian because like Jacob Rees-Mogg that's what I am.

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19 minutes ago, SheungWan said:
6 hours ago, Jip99 said:

I believe that I am intelligent and I believe in Brexit.

Yes, well.....


Shouldn't there be an inane putdown accompanying the troll comment "yes well"? I mean, only "yes well" leaves you wide open to pertinent comments that you are too thick to do anything other than innuendo.

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