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Trump rejects 'phony' polls, insists 'we are winning'


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21 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

It's pretty obvious

Really suggest you look to balance your perspective with other sources of information.

  • Smartmatic is 100% privately owned. 
  • Smartmatic has no ties to political parties or groups in any country and abides by a stringent code of ethics that forbids the company to ever donate to any political campaigns of any kind. 
  • The company’s headquarters moved to London to service its global client base.
  • George Soros does not have and has never had any ownership stake in Smartmatic. 
  •   Arizona lists Sequoia voting equipment being used in 1 county. 
  • Illinois, Michigan and Missouri do not list voting equipment made by Sequoia or Dominion on their official sites.


But I respect your right to have some fun in the forum.

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20 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Times too numerous to count now you allege a link says something that it turns out not to say at all.

Just one example of why you're wrong:


Giving a speech at George Mason University, MILO argued that pollsters are part of the process of rigging elections.

While the media works night and day to prop up Hillary Clinton’s candidacy, pollsters are doing their best to portray the race that the Democrats and the media want you to believe exists,” he said


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50 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:


Try reading some of the revelations posted there for some objectivity! :smile:


Woah, Wikileaks. Okay here are some STUNNERS!


Risotto recipe email controversy:



Paypal attempt to bribe Podesta with $15 sign up offer



Communist leaning poetry



Man, so many of these types of revelations. When does it stop!


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1 hour ago, Boon Mee said:


Try reading some of the revelations posted there for some objectivity! :smile:

So you can't identify any of the 1% polls that you consider not to be "phoney"?

Wikileaks is not a poll.

Objectivity requires one to be on topic. That I have done.


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I always try to see both sides of an issue. The only explanation that comes close to why this is happening comes from the unlikely source of "cracked.com". However it in no ways excuses people not digging a little deeper to see how Donald is completely out of his depth and is basically the black light for the worst of America and similar minded people of any nation.



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Lovely Freudian slip from Pence.... or maybe he was just telling the truth.


“It’s truly remarkable to me that unsubstantiated allegations against my opponent have gotten so much media attention.”





Edited by Chicog
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2 hours ago, ncc1701d said:

I always try to see both sides of an issue. The only explanation that comes close to why this is happening comes from the unlikely source of "cracked.com". However it in no ways excuses people not digging a little deeper to see how Donald is completely out of his depth and is basically the black light for the worst of America and similar minded people of any nation.




Interesting.  It's almost like the red and yellow shirt thing in Thailand.  But I will say this, Trump ain't no Ironman.  I can root for a Tony Stark.  Not so much for the Trumpster. 

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Proof that those phony polls don't mean squat:smile:


Texas Official: We Are Seeing RECORD BREAKING Voter Turnout in Texas… And It’s ALL For TRUMP


Sid Miller: We have a record number of people registered to vote in Texas. We’re having record turnouts, the first day, the second day of voting. And it’s not Bernie Sanders supporters coming out to support Hillary. It’s not Barack Obama supporters coming out to support Hillary. It’s a new surge of Trump voters, many who have never registered to vote. Many who have not voted in eight or ten elections so they’re not reported in the polls…

…I know for a fact that the polls are off because they oversample Democrats by eight sometimes up to sixteen percent oversampling Democrats. They’re oversampling women by five to eight percent. So the Republican vote is underreported. Plus there is no way to sample this extra twenty to twenty-five percent of new voters that are Trump voters. They’re not Republican, they’re not Democrats, they’re pragmatists. They’re tired of the status quo and they want change."



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3 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

They’re tired of the status quo and they want change

Or because they FEAR a Trump presidency?

For the first time since 1940, the Dallas Morning News has endorsed a Democrat (Clinton) for president:

" There is only one serious candidate on the presidential ballot in November ... Donald Trump is not qualified to serve as president and does not deserve your vote."


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The reliable and respected polling organisations have been consistent in the state races. They show in contests for the Senate -- at the same time they poll in the contest for Potus -- close races in the states where the Republican incumbent is under a serious challenge by a Democrat.


For clarity in the state races for Senate and House and for Potus, we need to follow the money. The Republican money in particular....


Politico: “Republicans, on the verge of losing the Senate, are plowing a mammoth $25 million into six races in a last-ditch attempt to stop Donald Trump from dragging the entire GOP down with him. The investment from Senate Leadership Fund, a powerful super PAC with ties to Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, comes as Democrats shift resources from Hillary Clinton’s now almost certain victory to down-ballot contests in hopes of delivering her a congressional majority.”



I'd reiterate that the polling organisations that are accurately and consistently showing tight Congressional races in numerous states are concomitantly showing HRC leading by double digits in blue states and leading in several red states, such as Arizona and North Carolina. HRC is in fact opening her new leads in AZ and in NC.



So let's look at the state polls out today...


Minnesota: Clinton 47%, Trump 39%, Johnson 6% (Mason Dixon)

MN is a long time solid blue state. 10 Electoral College Votes.


North Carolina: Clinton 46%, Trump 39%, Johnson 8% (NYT/Siena)  

NC is a red state. HRC not only has had a consistent lead, but she is now opening the lead to a wide and solid one. Color NC blue. The D for governor is running ahead and the D for Senate is running ahead. 15 Electoral College Votes.


Michigan: Clinton 49%, Trump 41%, Johnson 3% (Mitchell Research) MI is a long time blue state. 18 Electoral College Votes.


Arizona: Trump 46%, Clinton 45%, Johnson 1% (Monmouth)  AZ is a deeply red state although Bill and Hillary won it in 1996. AZ has 11 ECV's.


South Dakota: Trump 44%, Clinton 37%, Johnson 7% (Keloland)  SD is a solid red state. It has 3 ECV's.


Florida: Clinton 48%, Trump 45%, Johnson 2% (SurveyUSA)

Florida: Clinton 44%, Trump 41%, Johnson 4% (Associated Industries)

Florida: Trump 45%, Clinton 43%, Johnson 4% (Bloomberg) The Bloomberg model has consistently leaned toward Trump. Pushed actually. Same as the IBT polling.

Florida: Clinton 46%, Trump 43%, Johnson 3% (Florida Atlantic University)  The accuracy of the in-state polling organisations is the most respected, in each state.

So, FL is historically a swing or 'battleground' state. FL has 29 ECV's.


New Hampshire: Clinton 46%, Trump 42%, Johnson 7% (Monmouth)

New Hampshire: Clinton 45%, Trump 36%, Johnson 10% (NBC/WSJ/Marist)

NH is a blue state that has 4 ECV's.


Utah: Trump 33%, McMullin 29%, Clinton 27%, Johnson 7% (SurveyMonkey)

Utah: Trump 32%, McMullin 29%, Clinton 28%, Johnson 4% (Rasmussen)  If Raz sez it then it must be so.

UT is solidly red and has 6 ECV's.


Nevada: Clinton 43%, Trump 43%, Johnson 10% (NBC/WSJ/Marist)

NV is a swing state that has 6 ECV's.




This is yet another instance of the consistency of it the state polling and the Potus race...


The latest ABC News daily tracking poll shows Hillary Clinton leading Donald Trump by nine points, 49% to 40%, followed by Gary Johnson at 5% and Jill Stein at 2%.


However, likely voters divide essentially evenly, 47% to 46%, between the Democratic and Republican candidates in their congressional district.   (emphasis added)




And here's another reason Republicans are panicked about control of the Senate and the House....


Cook Political Report: “History shows that races in the Toss Up column never split down the middle; one party tends to win the lion’s share of them. Since 1998, no party has won less than 67 percent of the seats in Toss Up. While the 2016 election has broken every political science rule and trend, we’d be surprised if this becomes one of them.”


“As such, we are increasing the range of expected Democratic pick ups to five to seven seats. This means that we feel that the prospect that Democrats will have at least 51 seats is greater than the odds of a tied Senate, or of Republicans somehow holding their majority.”   (emphasis added)



A new NBC News-Survey Monkey poll finds Hillary Clinton leading Donald Trump by five points, 46% to 41%, with Gary Johnson at 7% and Jill Stein at 3%.


Key findings: 57% of Republican voters see a lasting fracture in the Republican Party and 63% of Republicans trust Trump more than Speaker Paul Ryan to lead their party.


(After the election Trump will go at Paul Ryan with a meat axe. Anyone who might want to suggest a particularly good meat axe kindly PM to me and I'll forward it to the Trump camp.)




The ABC News tracking poll shows Clinton leading by 12-points, 50% to 38%.




A new AP-GfK poll shows Hillary Clinton leading Donald Trump by 14 points nationally, 51% to 37%, followed by Gary Johnson at 6% and Jill Stein at 2%.




A new USA Today/Suffolk University poll finds Hillary Clinton leads Donald Trump by 9 points nationwide, 47% to 38%, with Gary Johnson at 4%.


Said pollster David Paleologos: “Hillary Clinton is favored by both men and women, in most age categories, and in every region of the country. Fifteen percent of voters remain persuadable—those who chose third-party candidates and the undecided voters, but Donald Trump would have to win them over by a four-to-one margin to catch the front-runner. It’s not impossible but highly improbable.”





A new Democracy Corps (D) survey shows Hillary Clinton leading Donald Trump, 50% to 38%, with Gary Johnson at 5%.


Key finding: “There is a chance to translate Clinton’s emerging landslide into a wave down ballot. In a simulated contest where the Republican congressional candidate argues they are needed as an independent check on Clinton, the Democrats move into a 9-point lead in the congressional match-up after the Republican is attacked.”



Youse guyz can deny deny deny all you like. Fact remains, the Clinton name on a November ballot means a win. And you guys are staring November in the face. What I see and hear over there are the panicked actions of people currently experiencing the cold sweats. 

Edited by Publicus
Additions to text and spacing.
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On 25/10/2016 at 3:34 AM, yardrunner said:

so they know who the democrats are before they start polling and target them, what planet are you from


Must be Planet LaLa???


Either that or he is smoking something he should not be...

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6 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Even that fat lump of lard MM sees the Donald Trump win. :smile:



Michael Moore Explains Why TRUMP Will Win



I like Moore and he has a fair point about globalisation generally. BUT, I wouldn't take all the other Trump buffoonery just to fix that single, albeit major, problem.

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I liked him until he went crazy. He loved the polls and constantly quoted them but now these same polls are rigged. Scaring his own supporters from voting. Btw oversampling is a commonly used practice

Sent from my XT1572 using Tapatalk

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