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Something to put you off your dinner- woman's cockroach find sickens public


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...this psycho mentality of defending the guilty party has got to stop....


...fess up...own up....move on....


....or nothing will ever change...let alone get better.......


...seems like 200-300-400 year old savage laws prevail....




...not civilized.....barbaric......

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Buying fried bugs by the kilogram is not a problem; processed pork meat in all sorts of forms (balls, sausages, slabs and sheets) also not a problem - welcome to Thailand!

Delete the entire internet as this story might put a bad light on tourism and arrest the person reporting the story for 15'000 years. Ha ha ha ha! 

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3 hours ago, phantomfiddler said:

A smart person would have gone to the company, quietly, discussed the problem, and would have probably emerged with free pork for life :)


Maybe, maybe not might well have ended up in the next batch.....

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8 hours ago, webfact said:

Manao was later contacted by someone asking her to delete the picture as it could cause damage to the reputation of the company.

Which company? It's not been named, at least in the English translation. Suffice to say they should think themselves lucky they have the Thai version of defamation law to hide behind. Any country of first-world ranking, and they would be looking at paying substantial damages, and the distinct possibility of bankruptcy.

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1 hour ago, Jonmarleesco said:

Which company? It's not been named, at least in the English translation. Suffice to say they should think themselves lucky they have the Thai version of defamation law to hide behind. Any country of first-world ranking, and they would be looking at paying substantial damages, and the distinct possibility of bankruptcy.


This is not a first world (or second world?) country!


"Responsibility" is not in Thai language? or culture?

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On 25/10/2016 at 4:50 AM, sanemax said:

The cockroach came from Burma, no Thai cockroach would ever do such a thing 

Hi sanemax, talking about Burma have you all ever smell the fermented fish in Burma? In the market place there is big wooden tub with fermented fish in it. Go smell it then you would prefer to eat the cockroach. And when they cook it the smell linger on in the house for days on end.

No wonder they have such bad body odor. This smell came out of their sweat pores don't they?

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Next task - send the "processed pork " to a laboratory for analysis.

Interesting to see a list of the other ingredients  (apart from beetle).

My guess is the thought of that analysis being made public would have the manufacturer's on their knees.

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Normally the cockroach has already been blended into the meat , as in most food in Thailand, you just don't know what you're eating.  I found parts of a cockroach in a Big C bread a couple of years ago . 



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15 hours ago, dotpoom said:

Don't really see why you say that, if I was an owner or an employee of the company,  I too would want it taken down. No customers, no company, no company no work. I would certainly offer to compensate her to take it down as well. 


agree but if a company can continue to pursue for defamation even a human rights activist who disclosed modern day slavery what can you expect from a food company and a cockroach.

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17 hours ago, scorecard said:


<snip>....  As a high school kid I worked in a sausage factory in school holidays. Put me off such processed foods for life.


That on it's own may have added decades back to your life.  Hard to measure but my feeling is it was an excellent experience done early enough.

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