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FBI reopens probe into Hillary Clinton's emails


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3 hours ago, Bob9 said:

You havent met many people have you?  Many people like me are pro-life but against the death penalty. So lets assume we meet and I tell you why.  


Pro-life (to me) means that after 3 months a woman should not be able to abort without a medical or legal reason (eg. raped). If before the trimester a woman decides not to go ahead, that is her choice and I agree. But after the first trimester, I believe that there are two people involved - the Mother and the unborn Child. Some people draw that line at conception, some people draw that line at the first heartbeat, and some draw that line later. But to me that is the issue - there is a line and it needs to be drawn and agreed (legally). A person killing an unborn Child can be charged with murder or manslaughter - there are two lives involved - the issue is when.


Anti-execution. The reason is simple and clear and compelling IMO. I believe that anyone found guilty of a serious crime should never be sentenced to death, because it is possible that the decision is wrong. People and systems make mistakes, and even if it is 1 in a 1,000,000 that is 1 too many. Taking a person's life cannot be reversed later - it should never be used.  An innocent person in jail at least has a life and the chance they may be found innocent later - an innocent executed does not have that chance. It only takes a mistake and a person loses all they ever had and all they will ever have - and that is unacceptable.  Having said that, if a person is found guilty of a serious crime accepts the death penalty as they dont want a life in jail - I would accept that and be happy for the system to comply.



Most republicans object to taxpayer paid abortions.

Here's a quote from Trump;

Donald Trump said Thursday he would change the Republican Party platform's position on abortion to include exceptions for rape, incest and the life of the mother.

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1 hour ago, Gary A said:


Most republicans object to taxpayer paid abortions.

Here's a quote from Trump;

Donald Trump said Thursday he would change the Republican Party platform's position on abortion to include exceptions for rape, incest and the life of the mother.


But the problem is he will say anything.

And if it turns on him, deny he ever said it.



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3 minutes ago, Chicog said:


But the problem is he will say anything.

And if it turns on him, deny he ever said it.



Yes finally, the only warranty Trump's voters have is to vote for the Platform " Let's Trump be Trump "

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7 hours ago, Steely Dan said:

I wonder whether the bookmakers are taking odds as to the probability of an indictment, and if so which separate FBI investigation will result in it.


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The first line of the link reads: Fox News Channel's Bret Baier reports...


See where I'm going here? :cheesy:

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3 hours ago, Linzz said:


Well since you seem to want to carry on in this vein I will comment that your post is typical for you to start off reasonably, build to a crescendo and end up being unreasonable, viz " It are the right who pander to the useful idiot rednecks". (sic)


I think you misread me with regards to the merits of education in that you think I do not disrespect honorable achievement, on the contrary all your references to personal improvement and contribution are laudable in themselves. But they stand alone not coloured by the politics of left or right so you're confusing issues.


My objections are about your tendency not to use your position in a positive way but more to name call denigrate deride and insult (as highlighted). We have discussed your use of inflammatory language before being largely counterproductive but enjoyable for you alone. Conclusively unbecoming of the educated stature you wish to project.


 "All of this simply because the person's politics are opposite to yours" ....

" reveals a serious cultural deficit and in itself reveals also a compound intellectual deficiency." Permit me to re quote you but you have perfectly self described and summarized what I think about you and your compatriots. I couldn't put it better myself. It has puzzled me often why yours is a shared and common theme on the Left and whether it's because of, or in spite of your education.


Nothing personal you understand, I'm sure if we met we would get along just fine. I do have left leaning friends and they tolerate me!


When the writer throws back the terms tailored to him in the same facile manner as Donald Trump tosses the toys out of the tram then the show has gone off the road.


Carry on.

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21 hours ago, SheungWan said:



But the pro-life position is that there are no exceptions even for the less than 1%.

I am not pro-life; I believe that having a abortion is Metaphysically O.K.  But I don't think it should be used as a form of birth control nor having others pay for it via social services/taxpayers.  People who have a job and work pay for those who don't have a job and don't work.  That is morally, philosophically, and Metaphysically wrong. 

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5 minutes ago, 212Roger said:

I am not pro-life; I believe that having a abortion is Metaphysically O.K.  But I don't think it should be used as a form of birth control nor having others pay for it via social services/taxpayers.  People who have a job and work pay for those who don't have a job and don't work.  That is morally, philosophically, and Metaphysically wrong. 


I think you are trying to say 'metaphorically', not 'metaphysically' ?

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I meant what I said.  I've studied Metaphysics since the age of twelve.  I learned this subset of philosophy from my great-grandmother and my grandmother.  It is the esoteric form of philosophy.  Literally translates to "after physics."  I'm a philosophy major by the way.

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18 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

A reporter with a spine needs to ask Obama right now if he's going to take a pardon off the table for Crooked Hillary...:sleep:


Latest indication in that regard is that Hillary will be pardoned at Thanksgiving in the same ceremony where he pardons the turkey.

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The Politico reported:

The ad jumps on the news that the FBI is reviewing emails that it recently uncovered and seem to be relevant to its previous investigation into Clinton’s private server set up when she was secretary of state. Agents found emails belonging to Huma Abedin, Clinton’s longtime aide, that were found on the laptop of her now-estranged husband Weiner as they were investigating him in the wake of allegations that he sent lewd messages to a 15-year-old.

“Decades of lies, cover-ups and scandal have finally caught up with Hillary Clinton,” the ad’s voice-over begins.

Great video! :shock1:

Edited by Boon Mee
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It gets worse if you can believe it:


FBI finds emails related to Hillary Clinton's State Department tenure


The FBI has found emails related to Hillary Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state on the laptop belonging to the estranged husband of Huma Abedin, Anthony Weiner, according to a U.S. official.

These emails, CBS News’ Andres Triay reports, are not duplicates of emails found on Secretary Clinton’s private server. At this point, however, it remains to be seen whether these emails are significant to the FBI’s investigation into Clinton



Perhaps now we'll definitely learn the actual fate of Ambassador Stevens? :ph34r:

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8 hours ago, Publicus said:


When the writer throws back the terms tailored to him in the same facile manner as Donald Trump tosses the toys out of the tram then the show has gone off the road.


Carry on.


OK you have it both ways then, and carry on missing the point

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Law enforcement agencies local, state, federal, are dominated by right wing segments of the society.


Time now as of this election to face the fact and the reality of it. Get the Republican Party and its Right Sector of U.S. society back in to their proper Constitutional place. That means being professional, not political-professional.


FBI for instance has as a part of its force of agents a bunch of constant leakers to Breitbart, Faux and all the rest of the mass of highly financed and well funded rightwhinge media.... 



“The F.B.I. and Justice Department faced a hard decision in two investigations this past summer that had the potential to rock the presidential election. The first case involved Donald J. Trump’s campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, and secretive business dealings in Ukraine. The second focused on Hillary Clinton’s relationships with donors to her family foundation,” the New York Times reports.


“At the urging of the Justice Department, the F.B.I. agreed not to actively pursue either case so close to the election.”


“Against this backdrop, the decision of the F.B.I. director, James Comey, to send a letter to Congress last week about a renewed inquiry concerning Mrs. Clinton’s emails is not just a departure from longstanding policy; it has plunged the F.B.I. and the Justice Department directly into the election, precisely what Justice officials were trying to avoid.”




The Justice Department being of course AG Loretta Lynch...and her direct boss, President Obama. 


Here's one way to state it while the election campaign is still underway....


Office Of Personnel Management Publicly Warns FBI About Violating The Hatch Act


The Wall Street Journal reported on Wednesday that FBI investigators had based a probe of the Clinton Foundation on a discredited book written by a fringe conservative author. And then, the investigators disobeyed instructions from their superiors to drop the case.


All of this had some people wondering if FBI officials were violating the Hatch Act, a 1939 law that prevents federal employees from abusing their positions to support candidates.


The suggestion came from the Office of Personnel Management on Thursday that some federal employees might be crossing the line.







“Secret recordings of a suspect talking about the Clinton Foundation fueled an internal battle between FBI agents who wanted to pursue the case and corruption prosecutors who viewed the statements as worthless hearsay,” the Wall Street Journal reports.


“Agents, using informants and recordings from unrelated corruption investigations, thought they had found enough material to merit aggressively pursuing the investigation into the foundation that started in summer 2015 based on claims made in a book by a conservative author called Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich.





Republican FBI Director James Comey advised the Obama administration not to publicly accuse Russia of hacking the DNC and more “on the grounds that it would make the administration appear unduly partisan too close to the Nov. 8 election,” officials “familiar with the deliberations” told the Washington Post.

There are a few reasons why Comey might want to keep his agency’s investigation of Russian interference under the radar, but given his choice to publicly suggest that his agency might be re-opening its exhaustive investigation of Clinton’s emails, which resulted from a Republican-led, bogus, overreaching and seemingly endless Benghazi investigation that also cleared Clinton, it seems odd that Comey was going to stay silent on the Russia matter.


Comey’s decisions is especially odd given the reports that the Russians have been communicating and coordinating with Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump to the point that he is already “compromised.”





Sen. Chuck Schumer of New York state will be the leader of the Democrats in the Senate come January.....


Senate Democratic leader-in-waiting Chuck Schumer told Bloomberg he’s lost confidence in FBI Director James Comey over his handling of the most recent disclosure in the Hillary Clinton e-mail investigation — a tough rebuke to a man Schumer has long admired.


Said Schumer: “I do not have confidence in him any longer. To restore my faith, I am going to have to sit down and talk to him and get an explanation for why he did this.”




This is the proverbial calm before the coming storm. After Tuesday Comey and a number of his most deeply enmeshed Right Sector and actively Republican agents are sooner or later going to face a severe political event otherwise known as a shitstorm.

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Here is a good article showing how members of the FBI are currently using their powers to try to get Trump elected. As stated in the article "The FBI is Trumpland".


Donald Trump’s FBI: James Comey’s department is filled with pro-Trump, anti-Hillary Clinton partisans



The bureau seems to be filled with partisan hacks hell-bent on investigating Hillary Clinton

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5 days till the election, but the e mail investigations, the Clinton foundation investigation, the Weiner computer investigation will keep us all endlessly amused for many months ( ?years ) to come.

Even if HRC is elected, the investigations should continue, and will contaminate everything she tries to do. Even if she becomes president and fires Comey and every FBI agent she thinks is trying to get her, half the country believe she is corrupt and everything she tries to do will be toxic.

She may be elected, but that doesn't mean it's over. The people that hate her aren't going to leave the country. However, given the number of Dems that have sworn to leave the USA if the Donald is elected we might get a welcome reduction of population post November 6 :biggrin:.


Be scared, be very scared.

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10 minutes ago, Silurian said:

Here is a good article showing how members of the FBI are currently using their powers to try to get Trump elected. As stated in the article "The FBI is Trumpland".


Donald Trump’s FBI: James Comey’s department is filled with pro-Trump, anti-Hillary Clinton partisans



The bureau seems to be filled with partisan hacks hell-bent on investigating Hillary Clinton

Salon.com is only a Hillary lapdog.

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10 minutes ago, Silurian said:

Here is a good article showing how members of the FBI are currently using their powers to try to get Trump elected. As stated in the article "The FBI is Trumpland".


Donald Trump’s FBI: James Comey’s department is filled with pro-Trump, anti-Hillary Clinton partisans



The bureau seems to be filled with partisan hacks hell-bent on investigating Hillary Clinton

I'll give you that if you agree that the Justice Department seems to be filled with partisan hacks hell bent on NOT investigating HRC.


BTW, trying to cover up something most people in the FBI knew was never going to work.

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26 minutes ago, Publicus said:





This is the proverbial calm before the coming storm. After Tuesday Comey and a number of his most deeply enmeshed Right Sector and actively Republican agents are sooner or later going to face a severe political event otherwise known as a shitstorm.

quote modified to save millions of pixels.


Whoever wins Comey was probably going down anyway. He probably chose the option least likely to see him doing jail time.

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Here further below is an FBI as Trumpville one from the Guardian the day before, that is referenced in the Salon piece.


FBI is mostly Trumpville yes, but, moreover, FBI are Rightwing America Central.


FBI has always been dominated historically by conservatives. Most recently, the Cold War having been won, FBI have become intimately affiliated with the 2016 Republican Party of Donald Trump and His Deplorables. They and James Comey are the grand children of J. Edgar Hoover.


The right wing nuts in and outside of FBI are looking at the imminent prospect of a Potus Hillary Clinton. Consequently, in their howling minds, they will destroy the Office of Potus in order to try to destroy the person in it.




Here anyway is the item that leads in to the Guardian article about all this right whinge nut mayhem centered now by and around James Comey....



“Deep antipathy to Hillary Clinton exists within the FBI, multiple bureau sources have told the  Guardian, spurring a rapid series of leaks damaging to her campaign just days before the election.”


“Current and former FBI officials, none of whom were willing or cleared to speak on the record, have described a chaotic internal climate that resulted from outrage over director James Comey’s July decision not to recommend an indictment over Clinton’s maintenance of a private email server on which classified information transited.”



Comey had been secure in his ten-year term that would expire in 2023. However, now that Comey has lost it in being willingly driven by extremist militant right wing agents that dominate FBI, Comey will be put packing by President Obama between Tuesday next and Inauguration Day, January 20th. Potus Obama can thus save Republicans cooking up one more of their schemed impeachment articles against Potus Clinton after January 20th.


Tuesday will also inform us as to which party will have majority control of the Senate come January 3rd when the new Congress convenes. One might expect the news to be satisfactory on this front.

Edited by Publicus
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Here further below is an FBI as Trumpville one from the Guardian the day before, that is referenced in the Salon piece.


FBI is mostly Trumpville yes, but, moreover, FBI are Rightwing America Central.


FBI has always been dominated historically by conservatives. Most recently, the Cold War having been won, FBI have become intimately affiliated with the 2016 Republican Party of Donald Trump and His Deplorables. They and James Comey are the grand children of J. Edgar Hoover.


The right wing nuts in and outside of FBI are looking at the imminent prospect of a Potus Hillary Clinton. Consequently, in their howling minds, they will destroy the Office of Potus in order to try to destroy the person in it.




Here anyway is the item that leads in to the Guardian article about all this right whinge nut mayhem centered now by and around James Comey....



“Deep antipathy to Hillary Clinton exists within the FBI, multiple bureau sources have told the  Guardian, spurring a rapid series of leaks damaging to her campaign just days before the election.”


“Current and former FBI officials, none of whom were willing or cleared to speak on the record, have described a chaotic internal climate that resulted from outrage over director James Comey’s July decision not to recommend an indictment over Clinton’s maintenance of a private email server on which classified information transited.”



Comey had been secure in his ten-year term that would expire in 2023. However, now that Comey has lost it in being willingly driven by extremist militant right wing agents that dominate FBI, Comey will be put packing by President Obama between Tuesday next and Inauguration Day, January 20th. Potus Obama can thus save Republicans cooking up one more of their schemed impeachment articles against Potus Clinton after January 20th.


Tuesday will also inform us as to which party will have majority control of the Senate come January 3rd when the new Congress convenes. One might expect the news to be satisfactory on this front.

Will you walk back your long winded blaming of the FBI should it transpire that Hillary is convicted of a felony?

Incidentally, ever heard of spirit cooking?

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1 hour ago, Pimay1 said:

Salon.com is only a Hillary lapdog.


Here it is, in print and spoken, by Rude Rudy Gonzo Guiliani on the advanced knowledge of the Comey letter....



Two days before Comey released his October surprise, former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani (who has very close connections to the FBI) told Fox, “I think [Donald Trump’s] got a surprise or two that you’re going to hear about in the next few days. I mean, I’m talking about some pretty big surprises.” When asked what he meant by that, he said, “We’ve got a couple of things up our sleeve that should turn this thing around.”


After Comey released his letter last Friday, Giuliani appeared on radio saying that many FBI agents believed that not charging Clinton was “completely unjustified and almost a slap in the face to the FBI’s integrity. I know that from former agents. I know that even from a few active agents.”





The Trump campaign has since taken Rude Rudy most.y off the air, sending him instead on  some highly unpublicised and obscure bus tour of several states to speak to small audiences.


Rudy the New York Mouth. Off the deep end Rudy.

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4 minutes ago, Steely Dan said:


Will you walk back your long winded blaming of the FBI should it transpire that Hillary is convicted of a felony?

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Seen the same question over 21 months or more at a couple of dozen threads on the indictments coming for sure due to emails, about Whitewater which came of nothing, on whether anyone can defend Hillary's clever murder of Vince Foster to make his death appear natural......................


.......up to the present............and going forward..................and so on..............




Right wing political pulp.

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I really don't understand how the rabid democrats can completely ignore the facts that Hillary is absolutely corrupt. She finds it impossible to tell the truth about anything. Her instinct is to lie without even thinking about telling the truth. She is not as competent of a liar as Slick Willy. Willy at least gave some thought about telling the truth before telling lies.

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