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Clinton, Trump warn of dire consequences if rival wins


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Clinton, Trump warn of dire consequences if rival wins



DADE CITY, Fla. (AP) — Donald Trump could draw the United States into nuclear war, Hillary Clinton warns. Clinton would plunge the country into a constitutional crisis, he says.


As the caustic presidential race lurches toward the finish line, each candidate is aggressively casting the other as a catastrophic choice for the White House. Making an affirmative case about their own qualifications and vision has become a secondary priority.


It's an ugly conclusion to a contest featuring two of the most unpopular presidential candidates in modern American politics. The sexual assault accusations that have trailed Trump in the race's closing weeks and a new FBI review into Clinton's email habits seem likely to only reinforce the public's negative perceptions, leaving the candidates to essentially argue to voters that they're the best of two unappealing options.


"I would rather be here talking about nearly anything else," Clinton said Tuesday during a rally in Florida where she leveled a series of attacks on Trump's character and preparedness for the White House. "But I can't just talk about all of the good things we want to do."


Indeed, Clinton's speeches in this final full week of campaigning have overwhelmingly focused on Trump. On Monday, she warned against giving Trump the authority to order a nuclear attack, bringing along a former nuclear launch officer to bolster her point.


"Imagine his advisers afraid to tell him what he doesn't want to hear, racing against his legendarily short attention span to lay out life-and-death choices too complex to be reduced to a single tweet," Clinton said Monday in Ohio. "Then imagine him plunging us into a war because somebody got under his very thin skin."


After spending much of the summer and fall tearing Trump down, Clinton had planned to close the campaign on a more positive note. She talked about giving Americans something to vote for, not just against. And with public opinion polls showing her with solid leads in most battleground states, she started talking about healing divisions and unifying the country after the election.


But her advisers say they saw polls tighten even before the FBI launched its new email review. The campaign now believes she needs to make a last push to define Trump as an unacceptable choice in order to seal the deal with persuadable voters.


On Tuesday, Clinton focused on Trump's demeaning and predatory comments about women, calling him a "bully." This time she brought with her former Miss Universe Alicia Machado. Trump criticized Machado for gaining weight after winning the 1996 contest.


Trump's campaign rhetoric has always been dark, full of searing depictions of a crumbling nation, and he has not been shy about going negative on Clinton. He routinely calls her "Crooked Hillary" and "the most corrupt person ever to run for the White House."


But Trump, too, has stepped up his broadsides after the last weeks of October handed him a pair of potentially potent political gifts: the projected "Obamacare" premium rate hike and FBI Director James Comey's letter revealing that agents are reviewing emails that may be connected to Clinton's private server.


His campaign sees the latter in particular as an opportunity to reinforce questions about Clinton's trustworthiness and remind voters that sending Clinton to the White House could lead to the return of the scandals that trailed Bill Clinton's presidency in the 1990s.


"She would be under protracted criminal investigation and probably a criminal trial, I would say," Trump said during a rally in Michigan on Monday. "So we'd have a criminal trial of a sitting president."


Campaigning Tuesday in Pennsylvania, a state in which Trump has directed an abundance of time and resources, he and his running mate Mike Pence delivered their most full-throated takedown yet of President Barack Obama's health care law.


Though barely mentioning Clinton's name, the typically fiery Republican somberly warned that electing Clinton would "destroy American health care forever."


Clinton's and Trump's closing campaign advertisements reiterate the race's sharply negative tone.


Her campaign has several commercials out that directly question whether Trump would launch a nuclear attack. The ads feature clips of him saying he likes to be unpredictable and would "bomb the (expletive) out of them."


She's also doubled down on her argument that Trump's offensive comments about women, as well as his boasts about touching women without their permission, disqualify him from the White House. A 60-second ad that features Trump in his own words over the years concludes: "Anyone who believes, anyone who says, anyone who does what he does, is unfit to be president."


Meanwhile, Trump's ads reinforce his message that the country risks doom if it doesn't change directions by electing him. "Hillary Clinton will keep us on the road to stagnation," a narrator says in one of his latest ads.


Lemire reported from Philadelphia. AP writer Julie Bykowicz in Washington contributed to this report.

-- © Associated Press 2016-11-02
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25 minutes ago, Jack Mountain said:

I am not a righty but in this election i would vote for Trump if i was american. Ah that hurts saying that, but that's what needed to stop H. Clinton which is a very dangerous, rancunous, raging 'woman'. Jmo.

And that looks increasingly like why Trump is going to win......anything but Hillary!

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I wouldn't vote for Trump if he was the last man on Earth. If elected this man will cause a Worldwide recession taking down all stock markets as well as the Dollar. He will get America into a war with Iran and cause the deaths of thousands of people-and to what end. As much as I do not think Hillary is the best choice to lead the country- in this case- she is the only choice.

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My two cents:


One of the scarier endgame scenarios is that during the period before the inauguration, faced with an ever-widening polarization in America's society. the president could declare a national emergency as the POTUS, requiring no congressional approval.  He could them rule the nation under martial law as he deems fit until the various options available under his authority as well as the Constitution, particularly Article 12, could be examined and decisions reached on how to proceed with a successor. 


While this is unlikely, the specter of a lame duck president who refuses to relinquish the reins, especially to his political and personal anthithesis, could emerge as a real possibility. Trump has made it potently clear that he supports indicting Obama and Clinton and pressing for jail terms without parole. It would be foolhardy for these two left-leaning Democratic liberals to ignore that threat. 

Edited by Fore Man
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2 minutes ago, huanga said:

Love how USA is preaching democracy to the rest of the world and now itself needs to choose between doggie poop or buffalo dong!


A country in decline, sad! 


It's not the dog poop or the buffalo dung that's the issue. Shitty candidates come and go. The spectacle is the militant defense by either side for eating the dog poop or the buffalo dung. They just lap it up. Honest Abe was right. Some people you can fool ALL the time.

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6 hours ago, AYJAYDEE said:

so where is the claim these things went on while she was still secretary of state?


Just now, mike324 said:

Credit Suisse, my investment bank sent out a weekly email last week outlining that if Trump wins, Asia economy may be down...that says a lot about how people view Trump around the world.


Could be, but check this out:




I would not have guessed it.

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4 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:



Could be, but check this out:




I would not have guessed it.

The dangerous thing is that people will likely vote on the basis of the devil they can clearly see without concern, since neither should be as difficult to impeach as their predecessors.  

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4 minutes ago, silent said:

The dangerous thing is that people will likely vote on the basis of the devil they can clearly see without concern, since neither should be as difficult to impeach as their predecessors.  


I would be very much surprised if whomever wins the presidency is still president in 18 months time. Clinton's a "dead man walking" and Trump is, you know, Trump.

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12 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:



Could be, but check this out:




I would not have guessed it.


There are all sorts of different groups supporting both candidates. This article was highlighting that Chinese do support trump. So not surprise by the article at all. I think its words coming out of Trumps mouth such has imposing heavier taxes,etc thats why the overall Asian market do not react favorably to him.

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This is what you can expect with a Trump victory: Within six months, Trump will be required to give testimony to a Republican HR investigator. He will, of course, perjure himself believing that the Republicans will cover for him. However, this will delight the GOP and they will impeach him for perjury. With support of the Democrats, he will be easily convicted and removed from office turning the presidency over to a darling of the conservatives, Mike Pence. Within three more years, Scotus will be 6-3 conservative, capital gains will be taxed at 5 %, and Roe v. Wade will be a footnote in American History. The MIC will be resurrected to its Vietnam Era glory, the national debt will be at 21 $tn, 40% higher than it is today, U.S.'s S&P rating will be at A+, down from AAA, and the American dollar in Thailand will fluctuate monthly between 20 and 22 baht. No one is voting for Trump. People are actually voting for Pence. They just don't know that yet. 

I am not voting. I expect to be dead before all of this really comes to fruition and I don't interfere in a fight I won't have a dog in. I have worked in political elections since 1952 when I and my friend climbed on each others' shoulders tacking up "I Like Ike" posters in South Jersey. In the '56 election, I was promoted to the thug squad,  tearing down Stevenson/Kefauver signs at ten cents a sign. As an adult, I worked on four campaigns and some of the things I saw then far overshadow this one in terms of evil. Nixon's first was the worst. I left the state to avoid working his second. Goldwater and Carver ran decent campaigns. But Johnson, Nixon, Ford, and especially Reagan hired campaign managers who ran campaigns that used extortion, blackmail, libel, larceny,  murder, and any tactics necessary to win. How did they get away with it? People cherish their freedom to vote. Politicians make sure of that. They just don't care to take responsibility for really learning what they are voting for. Politicans also make sure of that. But, in this age of social media, there is no excuse for it. However, there is justice in this system: the people will seldom get the government they want, but they will always get the government they deserve.

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I would expect much the same if Trump wins. I doubt he could survive 4 years as President and if elected there will be a Worldwide recession and the dollar will collapse. He will undoubtedly push America into a large war- either with Iran or one of its surrogates.  He will increase the already World's highest defense budget to a further  high which is beyond anyone's reason and of course this will reignite the military industrial complex that President Eisenhower warned Americans about.


If he attempts to actually build his wall between the US and Mexico and start deporting 11 million people it will ignite chaos in America. Huge amounts of needed public monies (some estimate up to $1 Trillion) will be diverted to this nonsense which will leave America as a violator of civil and human rights and if carried out to its end will cause huge losses in the American economy and cause civil strife within American streets to which American cities will be patrolled y the US military.  America will end up fighting a war abroad and one on its own soil.


I have voted and it is for Clinton.  Trump must be stopped- He is a clear and present danger to America. Clinton's emails and her possible corruption are small potatoes compared to the horror Trump will bring to America.


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To me it is so obvious that Trump does not care about America or the middle class or poor. He knows nothing about the suffering of people and how to assist them. He has lived his whole life in privilege- never walking the streets but riding in chauffeur driven limousines.

His popularity is based upon a desperate populace who has been beaten down by lack of education and lack of hope that their lives will be better. They actually believe that Trump the Demagogue who is feeding them snake oil will fix their lives. They don't realize that even if he wanted or cared, he has neither the will or ability to do anything that comes remotely near making America great again.

Trumps supporters actually believe they don't have a job or a low paying job because all the good jobs have been taken over by illegal immigrants. What Trump isn't telling people is that when all the illegals are deported what is left will be jobs paying the minimum wage-working in the fields or picking fruit; working in chicken process plants or slaughterhouses. None of his supporters will do this work. America will be left without labor and business will decline or cease to exist.

Trump says he is going to tear up all the trade deals signed by foreign governments and 'renegotiate' them.  And of course- these governments, many allies and friends to America will just sit back and accept this bombastic and mostly illegal approach. Trump's approaches don't make America great- they make America look foolish and will cause loss of business and loss of jobs.

Go ahead vote for him- you are voting for disaster!!




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2 hours ago, lannarebirth said:


I would be very much surprised if whomever wins the presidency is still president in 18 months time. Clinton's a "dead man walking" and Trump is, you know, Trump.

Exactly, but what happens in the event of a tie? A fight to the finish at Madison Square Gardens?

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7 hours ago, Jack Mountain said:

I am not a righty but in this election i would vote for Trump if i was american. Ah that hurts saying that, but that's what needed to stop H. Clinton which is a very dangerous, rancunous, raging 'woman'. Jmo.

Have you seen Trumpland by Michael Moore. I think you mean rancuneus and the term does suit her to a point. When comparing the two its a 50 shades of black comparison. Trump comes with the handcuffs toys and whips that we know but watch Trumpland it may give you a better idea of how to define Hillary. 

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...this thread demonstrates just how polarized and galvanized  people are against their political foes running for POTUS. Everyone, and I mean everyone has his or her well-meaning theory on why so-and-so if elected will destroy America. Guess what, folks?  It's all out of your hands now. Half of the populace will be dismayed and shocked on Election Day. And thereafter we can spin up new threads damning the new president and his or her actions. Trust me, even if your beloved favorite wins office, you'll still bellyache later on that you got cheated.  There are no upsides to this election and all Americans will be affected in negative ways...some more than others. 

Edited by Fore Man
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6 hours ago, Fore Man said:

My two cents:


One of the scarier endgame scenarios is that during the period before the inauguration, faced with an ever-widening polarization in America's society. the president could declare a national emergency as the POTUS, requiring no congressional approval.  He could them rule the nation under martial law as he deems fit until the various options available under his authority as well as the Constitution, particularly Article 12, could be examined and decisions reached on how to proceed with a successor. 


While this is unlikely, the specter of a lame duck president who refuses to relinquish the reins, especially to his political and personal anthithesis, could emerge as a real possibility. Trump has made it potently clear that he supports indicting Obama and Clinton and pressing for jail terms without parole. It would be foolhardy for these two left-leaning Democratic liberals to ignore that threat. 



If Potus has this authority, or if Potus usurped the authority, then imagine a President Donald Trump and His Army of Deplorables seizing on both the authority and securing absolute state power...to for instance deport 11 million people they don't like and to arrest under martial law any American citizens who act or speak in opposition to it.


When a 21st century American right extremist speaks like this, one has to think of their hero a President Donald Trump with a Martial Law Declaration being pronounced and declared from the Oval Office. Media facilities seized throughout the nation and nice music on all the channels instead.


And so forth.     135px-Fascist_symbol.svg.png


Edited by Publicus
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6 hours ago, Fore Man said:

My two cents:


One of the scarier endgame scenarios is that during the period before the inauguration, faced with an ever-widening polarization in America's society. the president could declare a national emergency as the POTUS, requiring no congressional approval.  He could them rule the nation under martial law as he deems fit until the various options available under his authority as well as the Constitution, particularly Article 12, could be examined and decisions reached on how to proceed with a successor. 


While this is unlikely, the specter of a lame duck president who refuses to relinquish the reins, especially to his political and personal anthithesis, could emerge as a real possibility. Trump has made it potently clear that he supports indicting Obama and Clinton and pressing for jail terms without parole. It would be foolhardy for these two left-leaning Democratic liberals to ignore that threat. 




There is no reasonable or rational 21st century uniquely American fascism.


Donald Trump and His Deplorable are it.

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The facts as they are.  If Clinton wins then it's pretty much more of the same.  If Trump wins then it is completely unknown as to which way he will jump.  The other aspect is just what effect would a Trump win have on the wider world. The moment Trump was shown with a lead the Asian stock market dropped by 2% as a consequence of that.  I think it is fair to say that the world is holding it's breath.



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How much power and money do the Clintons think they are entitled to?  They have never held a real job or ran a business their entire lives.  All they have ever done is cash in on political influence.  Bill and Hillary Clinton are simply greedy psychopaths who will say and do anything to hold to gain power, get more hundreds of millions of dollars, and use the levers of government to punish their perceived enemies.  Something is wrong with them.  They already have one foot in the grave, but want more and more and more for themselves.  These in fact are the type of people who could check out of life by pushing the button that takes us all down with them. 

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