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Thai govt blocks and closes 700 improper URLs in October


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Government blocks and closes 700 improper URLs in October




BANGKOK: -- Cyber detectives have managed to block 200 URLs which are deemed insulting to the monarchy with the orders of the military junta and closed down 700 URLs with court orders throughout October, Deputy Prime Minister Prajin Juntong disclosed Wednesday.


He said that YouTube had the biggest number of URLs deemed insulting to the monarchy and, at the same time, had the highest number of URLs closed down.


ACM Prajin insisted that the government had tried all possible means to prevent and reduce online messages or images deemed insulting or critical to the revered institution and, in so doing, it had received cooperation from several parties.


He asked netizens to exercise caution before pressing share or like of texts or images which are improper. He said that the best thing for them to do is to avoid or delete those improper texts or images.


Full story: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/government-blocks-and-closes-700-improper-urls-in-october/

-- © Copyright Thai PBS 2016-11-03
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To breach these rules may result in immediate ban.


Linking to external sites which break these rules will be treated as if you yourself posted them.


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It seems like nothing is banned in Thailand. It depends on who is providing your Internet service. I wonder if these people blocking things are only considering the screen in front of them? "Look it's gone!" Yes, from your computer but what about the millions of others. Whatever the case, Thais love gossip so ban it and more will try to find it. If it has been banned, it obviously is 'real'.

Edited by Alive
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YouTube is dangerous and vile. Anyone can upload any kind of video propaganda and anything goes on that not monitored for inappropriate or offensive content site. The comments section is full of angry, politically bias, racist, and homophobic trolls. There is something specifically about that website that attracts this kind of ignorance and intolerance.


I would like to see YouTube completely closed down because I categorise it as the dark side of the Internet.

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21 minutes ago, cyberfarang said:

YouTube is dangerous and vile. Anyone can upload any kind of video propaganda and anything goes on that not monitored for inappropriate or offensive content site. The comments section is full of angry, politically bias, racist, and homophobic trolls. There is something specifically about that website that attracts this kind of ignorance and intolerance.


I would like to see YouTube completely closed down because I categorise it as the dark side of the Internet.

If the YTube comments disturb you so much, don't scroll down to read them.

If you really believe that YouTube is the Dark Side of the internet, don't visit that "vile" site (oh, and I suspect that you have been living a very sheltered life).

I was once a Luddite.

I found that the faster I adapt to reality & to the 21st century, the more serene I become. 

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45 minutes ago, cyberfarang said:

YouTube is dangerous and vile. Anyone can upload any kind of video propaganda and anything goes on that not monitored for inappropriate or offensive content site. The comments section is full of angry, politically bias, racist, and homophobic trolls. There is something specifically about that website that attracts this kind of ignorance and intolerance.


I would like to see YouTube completely closed down because I categorise it as the dark side of the Internet.

Seems you have issues, and a very narrow minded view, best you ban yourself from using the internet. If you seek, you will find.... the hint for you is, DON'T seek.

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The junta supposedly has two letters from Facebook executives in which they express ' readiness to co-operate ' which could mean anything and not necessarily the inference of junta officials who are all too ready to put words in peoples' mouths.

Will the letters be made public, in part of in whole, or will Facebook do it to limit damage to their brand name ?


Looks like the junta is upping and fine tuning their control intentions and the current situation is playing into their hands as anything can be declared improper etc. as they see fit.

Edited by NongKhaiKid
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8 minutes ago, tx22cb said:

If the YTube comments disturb you so much, don't scroll down to read them.

If you really believe that YouTube is the Dark Side of the internet, don't visit that "vile" site (oh, and I suspect that you have been living a very sheltered life).

I was once a Luddite.

I found that the faster I adapt to reality & to the 21st century, the more serene I become. 

I do believe in free speech and free expressive, but there is a cross over line as to what is free speech and expression and then what becomes darn right offensive, racist, extremist material, that is of access to everyone including children that you consider as reality. 


How can it be right that a company such as YouTube can be given a licence for an anything goes policy where the laws of censorship do not apply to them?



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1 hour ago, cyberfarang said:

I would like to see YouTube completely closed down because I categorise it as the dark side of the Internet.


Move to China and you can get your wish.


Edit:  BTW, I agree that a lot of what's on Youtube is pretty despicable, and quite a bit is blatant posting of other people's filched work for clicks and $$$.


But I don't believe banning it is the answer.  Holding posters legally and civilly responsible for the trash and the stolen intellectual property they post up would be a good start though.

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19 minutes ago, cyberfarang said:

I do believe in free speech and free expressive, but there is a cross over line as to what is free speech and expression and then what becomes darn right offensive, racist, extremist material, that is of access to everyone including children that you consider as reality. 


How can it be right that a company such as YouTube can be given a licence for an anything goes policy where the laws of censorship do not apply to them?




Perhaps you should explain exactly what "laws of censorship" you believe should be Internationally applied?


Also I'm not at all sure how anyone - or any Government - can "close" a URL unless it's locally Hosted; it also amuses me that the Government proudly announces it has blocked so many Websites when any computer competent 10 year old can easily bypass such attempts at censorship.






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"...Cyber detectives have managed to block 200 URLs...and closed down 700 URLs..."


With so many different types of gadgets available for people to access the internet, the military junta are going to need a really special type of detective if they're to get on top of this !!!


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37 minutes ago, cyberfarang said:

I do believe in free speech and free expressive, but there is a cross over line as to what is free speech and expression and then what becomes darn right offensive, racist, extremist material, that is of access to everyone including children that you consider as reality. 


How can it be right that a company such as YouTube can be given a licence for an anything goes policy where the laws of censorship do not apply to them?



Au contraire,  YTube do not have a licence to break laws.

I use YouTube a lot, and YT actively monitor the video uploads for inappropriate and illegal content - if they find any, that video will be removed. 

"Illegal" is more easily defined.

"Inappropriate" is more subjective and open to debate, but ultimately this is decided by the website owners (see the YT Terms & C).

I agree with you that some comments are offensive, but YT do not screen the comments - YT focus on the videos.

If you see a video and think that it contains illegal or inappropriate content, click the Report button, which will alert YT.

If you see a comment with which you vehemently disagree, click the Dislike button. 

Market forces apply, so if there is a market for a sanitized video-hosting website, something like "CleanTube" could be started. 

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All I will say is that when you highlight something then the curiosity of people, will then start to look. As an example when Youtube was banned and WikiLeaks before, I know of many people who then searched and sought out this information via VPN's just to see what all the fuss was about. Obviously I wouldn't do that.:smile:

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2 hours ago, p_brownstone said:


Perhaps you should explain exactly what "laws of censorship" you believe should be Internationally applied?


Also I'm not at all sure how anyone - or any Government - can "close" a URL unless it's locally Hosted; it also amuses me that the Government proudly announces it has blocked so many Websites when any computer competent 10 year old can easily bypass such attempts at censorship.






the answer is in your statement (ie) 10yr olds or mental age of 10 yr old doing the alleged blocking and declaring url's blocked 

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3 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

YouTube is dangerous and vile. Anyone can upload any kind of video propaganda and anything goes on that not monitored for inappropriate or offensive content site. The comments section is full of angry, politically bias, racist, and homophobic trolls. There is something specifically about that website that attracts this kind of ignorance and intolerance.


I would like to see YouTube completely closed down because I categorise it as the dark side of the Internet.

Maybe you should stop searching for dangerous and vile content. I personally find youtube to be a brilliant platform for educational purposes. And don't get me started on "intolerance"...

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The Internet Police is so clever that using the IP instead of the url or using the mobile version of the website work most of the time for the banned websites here....it says a lot about their capacity of censorship

Edited by ElPatron
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Strong, revered institutions including the current government and the military enjoy near universal love, understanding and acceptance, or sow e're told.


Surely these strong institutions can withstand a few silly YouTube videos?


The need to completely stifle and suppress alternative views almost always leads to negative results.


"If people feel that they are criticised and show that they are upset for being criticised, there will be damage and there will be turmoil in society." 


His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej, Birthday Address, 2005.


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Thank you for protecting our frail little souls from offensive internet- content!

Please go forward on your path for moral and justice and ethics, which you are on!

Please show me the way to the light, away from such horrible deeds like "smoking cigarettes", "drinking alcohol", "showing cleavage", "using weapons", "naked, fornicating folk" and -most of all- please protect me from free thinking, criticizem of the "good people" or building and voicing an own opinion!


I bet, one of the persons, who's honor you are trying so hard to protect would be very proud of you and extremely thankful...


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4 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

YouTube is dangerous and vile. Anyone can upload any kind of video propaganda and anything goes on that not monitored for inappropriate or offensive content site. The comments section is full of angry, politically bias, racist, and homophobic trolls. There is something specifically about that website that attracts this kind of ignorance and intolerance.


I would like to see YouTube completely closed down because I categorise it as the dark side of the Internet.


What, no more vids of cats attacking dogs or teenagers jumping off walls into dustbins?


Yep, real "dark side".

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4 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

YouTube is dangerous and vile. Anyone can upload any kind of video propaganda and anything goes on that not monitored for inappropriate or offensive content site. The comments section is full of angry, politically bias, racist, and homophobic trolls. There is something specifically about that website that attracts this kind of ignorance and intolerance.


I would like to see YouTube completely closed down because I categorise it as the dark side of the Internet.

Youtube does not force people to view its content.  If you do not like it, use your right of free will.  For others, it offers income and entertainment.  The Internet should be a place of free speech and you can freely ignore it as well.  Close down Youtube, how silly.  

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4 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

YouTube is dangerous and vile. Anyone can upload any kind of video propaganda and anything goes on that not monitored for inappropriate or offensive content site. The comments section is full of angry, politically bias, racist, and homophobic trolls. There is something specifically about that website that attracts this kind of ignorance and intolerance.


I would like to see YouTube completely closed down because I categorise it as the dark side of the Internet.

At great risk of upsetting, I kind of think it's one of the greatest advancements for people that can't remember, or don't know everything. Do you fix anything yourself. If you like to, try it sometime. Maybe your water pump's giving a problem and you can't find an answer on TV. Just punch in Mitsubishi 205 q, or if you're having a problem diagnosing a problem with a car, refrigerator, lawnmower or anything at all you can see if you can learn anything, from somebody else (like I do).

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4 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

YouTube is dangerous and vile. Anyone can upload any kind of video propaganda and anything goes on that not monitored for inappropriate or offensive content site. The comments section is full of angry, politically bias, racist, and homophobic trolls. There is something specifically about that website that attracts this kind of ignorance and intolerance.


I would like to see YouTube completely closed down because I categorise it as the dark side of the Internet.

 And what about the dozens of other sites that basicly have the same content?

No i do not agree with you at all!Youtube is a great source of information about a lot of different subjects,you do not have to watch what you find offensive.

Internet,a step towards heaven and a step towards hell,you decide which way you go.

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1 minute ago, jvs said:

 And what about the dozens of other sites that basicly have the same content?

No i do not agree with you at all!Youtube is a great source of information about a lot of different subjects,you do not have to watch what you find offensive.

Internet,a step towards heaven and a step towards hell,you decide which way you go.

Yes. Youtube is like life: it contains the good, bad and the indifferent. We must choose. I cherish that freedom - which some would like to take away!

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Let's see this from the junta's point of view in respect of control.

They can't take the chance people won't read or choose not to read etc. items that the junta doesn't like, approve of or it's criticism and so on, accordingly they're doing their best to make sure it isn't available and only approved material is.


It's a sad state of affairs when even Liking something can get you into trouble but it's just how it is these days and is going to get worse especially if they fear they're losing control.


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5 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

YouTube is dangerous and vile. Anyone can upload any kind of video propaganda and anything goes on that not monitored for inappropriate or offensive content site. The comments section is full of angry, politically bias, racist, and homophobic trolls. There is something specifically about that website that attracts this kind of ignorance and intolerance.


I would like to see YouTube completely closed down because I categorise it as the dark side of the Internet.


Don't say that too loud, or they might really do it AGAIN, like a few years ago...... remember?

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