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Does anybody know a Thai who supports Donald Trump?


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I've yet to meet any Thai who isn't big-time turned off by Donald Trump.


But evidently there are plenty of Trump supporters amongst us.


Has anyone managed to actually persuade a Thai to endorse Trump?


Although I doubt it, if anyone has managed to convince their spouse, friends, or business associates into supporting Trump I'd love to hear from you. 


Am also curious to know if your support of Trump has created any tensions in your otherwise blissful domestic life? 

Edited by Gecko123
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I do my best to avoid conversations about politics, but when asked who I would be voting for, I responded "Anyone but Trump!". 


The two or three Thais I have discussed this with seem to be baffled by his popularity!


A Thai teacher, who speaks very little English, posted messages of condolence for the King's death on the message board outside his classroom.  In addition to Obama, Merkel, May, Putin and the Australian guy, he included a message from Hillary, but NOT one from Trump.  

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I work with and socialize with many successful, educated and internationally experienced Thais. They all know and follow this American election, and I have never found one who supports Trump. However, there have been some interesting conversations about the parallels between Trump and Thaksin.

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From what I have seen from the campaigning, its just two people saying how bad the other one is . I have never heard them talk about their own policies and why people should vote for them, its just them saying why they shouldnt vote for the other person

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My wife and I have several businesses and many highly educated employees who run shops for us throughout Thailand and China. They are all very aware of the US elections and none of them support the Hillary Clinton. Most hope for a real change, not hope and change.

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1 minute ago, Shot said:

My wife and I have several businesses and many highly educated employees who run shops for us throughout Thailand and China. They are all very aware of the US elections and none of them support the Hillary Clinton. Most hope for a real change, not hope and change.


Yeah?  Maybe those highly educated employees in Thailand should read the editorials and expert analysts in the many recent press articles in both English and Thai, who have uniformly said a Trump Presidency would be bad for Thailand. I suspect they already have and you are projecting what you yourself wish in misrepresenting their views. :wink:

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1 minute ago, keemapoot said:


Yeah?  Maybe those highly educated employees in Thailand should read the editorials and expert analysts in the many recent press articles in both English and Thai, who have uniformly said a Trump Presidency would be bad for Thailand. I suspect they already have and you are projecting what you yourself wish in misrepresenting their views. :wink:


You missed it. Whoosh

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Stop any Thai in the street and ask ( in perfect Thai ) ....what do you think of Donald Trump ?


You will get a much more proactive response if you ask about Donald Duck.


For the average Thai anything beyond the end of their nose is too far removed to be of significant importance to their hum drum lives.

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1 hour ago, sanemax said:

Why would Thais be interested in USA elections ?

These are USA elections, they are NOT World elections .




I have to agree with sanemax. I live with my wife in the boonies of Isaan. I would suggest that a huge percentage of people up here really don't give a shit about America full stop, let alone an election result.


Rice harvest is in full swing, people are mourning the King, fried crickets are on special at the night market, Tony the old fat farang who lives down the soi has a new 30yo girlfriend, the BIBs have changed their roadblock schedule outside the University ....


Now THESE are the important current affairs stories in Isaan  5555555


Not some old farang broad, and a weird guy with funny hair waving his hands around on TV. 


My neighbour asked me "They want job same Obama? ....... why? ..... he sick ?" 


Sorry America ........... Isaan missed the election. Who won ? Who came second ? 


Who cares. Not too many Thais in Isaan I guarantee that.



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1 hour ago, electric said:
3 hours ago, sanemax said:

Why would Thais be interested in USA elections ?

These are USA elections, they are NOT World elections .



1 hour ago, electric said:



I have to agree with sanemax. I live with my wife in the boonies of Isaan. I would suggest that a huge percentage of people up here really don't give a shit about America full stop, let alone an election result.


Rice harvest is in full swing, people are mourning the King, fried crickets are on special at the night market, Tony the old fat farang who lives down the soi has a new 30yo girlfriend, the BIBs have changed their roadblock schedule outside the University ....


Now THESE are the important current affairs stories in Isaan  5555555


Not some old farang broad, and a weird guy with funny hair waving his hands around on TV. 


My neighbour asked me "They want job same Obama? ....... why? ..... he sick ?" 


Sorry America ........... Isaan missed the election. Who won ? Who came second ? 


Who cares. Not too many Thais in Isaan I guarantee that.



I have to agree with sanemax. I live with my wife in the boonies of Isaan. I would suggest that a huge percentage of people up here really don't give a shit about America full stop, let alone an election result.


Rice harvest is in full swing, people are mourning the King, fried crickets are on special at the night market, Tony the old fat farang who lives down the soi has a new 30yo girlfriend, the BIBs have changed their roadblock schedule outside the University ....


Now THESE are the important current affairs stories in Isaan  5555555


Not some old farang broad, and a weird guy with funny hair waving his hands around on TV. 


My neighbour asked me "They want job same Obama? ....... why? ..... he sick ?" 


Sorry America ........... Isaan missed the election. Who won ? Who came second ? 


Who cares. Not too many Thais in Isaan I guarantee that.



Great 4th post.

Funny and to the point.

Who in their right mind would give a damn about the outcome of a rigged election in a dysfunctional country?

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Pattaya calling ...


Well, I think trump winning given that he would be a world destroying orange clown would be a great opportunity to sell funny trump T-shirts to tourists!


I don't see much demand for Hillary Clinton T-shirts. Too normal!


Next ... 

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I just want it to be over, make the horror stop


As for Thai's, frankly the majority that I encounter that even have a notion of who Trump is, could they care less? No

For most Thai's outside of Bangkok they don't really even care about their own politicians, so an orange haired freak like Trump barely registers on their interest dial

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1 hour ago, GinBoy2 said:

I just want it to be over, make the horror stop


As for Thai's, frankly the majority that I encounter that even have a notion of who Trump is, could they care less? No

For most Thai's outside of Bangkok they don't really even care about their own politicians, so an orange haired freak like Trump barely registers on their interest dial


Actually, it's quite funny when asking uninformed Thais what they think of Trump. If you mention his name, they have no clue, but if you say that guy who wants to be the leader of America who looks like a Rhesus monkey, they exclaim immediately "oh, yeah, ai chinid!"    True story.  Try it. Most Thais know all about him in a mocking way and if you say do you know is who ai chinid (pronounced like eye chinee), they will all laugh and say sure. :biggrin:



Edited by keemapoot
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Some here are grossly underestimating Thai awareness of the US presidential election. it has been covered daily in the Thai press, and all three presidential debates were broadcast on Thai TV channels. It may not be the hottest topic of conversation down at the market, but most people know who Obama, Clinton and Trump are. My barber and I have discussed the election for months on end now. When the topic comes up, waiting customers have shown an interest in the topic as well. If I tell someone I'm an American, fairly often the first question I get asked is if I am going to vote in the election. I've met Thais who have expressed admiration for Reagan, but every Thai I've talked to about seems to be scared of or dislike Trump. 

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Most of my staff do not even want to discuss Donald Trump. Yes, for the most part all are worldly and educated, but really do not seem inclined to discuss; however from what little has been offered, he sort of seems to them to be an "anti-Thai", given his hot headed temperament and aggressiveness and they sort of seem afraid of him. Think 'jai rawn'. 


Definitely not seen as a leader with a diplomatic disposition. 

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12 hours ago, sanemax said:

Why would Thais be interested in USA elections ?

These are USA elections, they are NOT World elections .


My thoughts exactly. . . . I asked my wife who she thinks will be the next president of America? . . . What is America? . . she asked

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The educated Thais I know are more interested in the election process itself  than the two POTUS candidates, their behavior or political platforms. Just the fact that American national elections are held every 4 years down to the lowest level of elected bureaucrats and judges without interruption or failure is somewhat mystical. Then there's the unabashed freedom of speech and news coverage where anything goes without a coup or government control of the media - the big political rallies and street protests. And yet to reflect on Thailand's current political situation they seem to have little hope of having anything as remotely democratic in the near future.

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13 hours ago, keemapoot said:

I work with and socialize with many successful, educated and internationally experienced Thais. They all know and follow this American election, and I have never found one who supports Trump. However, there have been some interesting conversations about the parallels between Trump and Thaksin.

I have been told the same , at least asked Trump same same Taksin ?

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13 hours ago, Shot said:

My wife and I have several businesses and many highly educated employees who run shops for us throughout Thailand and China. They are all very aware of the US elections and none of them support the Hillary Clinton. Most hope for a real change, not hope and change.

I dont find this the least bit credible.

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I have yet to meet any human being that would vote for Trump. I saw a funny sign the other day, it read


"America and Britain are in a race to see who can fxxck up first. Britain is in the lead, but America has a Trump card!"


Says it all for me.........

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I think most Thais are amazed by the fact that about half of the US electorate are complete idiots. Voting for change is something, like one would for Bernie, but voting for Trump is in a completely different category altogether and does not qualify as a vote for "change"......

USA would be ruled by his two sons Fuckface and <deleted>, with Ivanka as PR rep. Trump will set up office in one of his hotels and plant his family in the WH.

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My guess is that most Thais do not know that there is a presidential election in the USA and have never heard of Donald Trump or Hilary Clinton .

The US has two presidential candidates neither of whom is qualified or a suitable person to be president .

Leaving domestic politics aside , Donald Trump is by far the lesser of evils in terms of foreign policy .

Hilary Clinton is a warmonger , likely to continue Obama's disastrous foreign policies ; she could even inadvertently ignite WWIII .

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i'd imagine if informed the majority of thais would support clinton since the majority of thais see corruption ok as long as they think they benefit from it.



i never liked trump because i perceived him as an arrogant narcissistic prick based on the public persona.



i have been a democrat my entire life



the thing is i will not vote for a candidate just to follow party lines.



in my opinion hillayr placing the importance of protecting her pay to play state department(private business) above the nations security (unsecured email and email destruction) is simply unacceptable and would reasonable disqualify a person from holding a security clearance let alone that of commander and chief.



the other issue besides integrity is what seems to be parkinsons disease.




regrettably i think trump is the better candidate and he seems to be more an independent candidate and not a wall street- banker puppet.   trump may also break down the self defeating wall of political correctness




unanimity of speech and  thought counter the precepts of true democracy and quell critical thinking



the impression jfk made on me remains indelible and i guess i still associate the democratic party with him although hillary is not a jfk




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