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Thousands join anti-Trump protests around country 


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6 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Seems like he's rather thick. He depends on people he's just alienated to make his company a success- not a good strategy given there are many ways for them to ruin his company before resigning. A cockroach or three in the food delivered, or rats turned loose in the kitchen would do it.

from your link 


“We do not tolerate hateful attitudes on our team." 


yet he obviously doesn't like Trump supporters.  Hypocrite maybe?

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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I wish I hadn't watched the second VDO as it made me feel ill, but if ever there was a reason for the right to bear arms, that would be it.


The lefties have inadvertently just gave the NRA the biggest boost they have had in decades.

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3 hours ago, Dtrump said:

The left is protesting in the street and beating up people not the Republicans. 


That is the unfortunate characterisation of the Right Sector.


The same Right Sector that is posting to the threads and to the board.


The sore winners. The same people who after the election are spending their time whinging and storming same as they did before the election. Sore winners.

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19 minutes ago, tropo said:

I don't think so. It appears that university students are front and center here too.

How many new graduates/students have you met??  Many are unintelligent (or too inexperienced to 'argue' a case coherently) in my experience.


Of course the intelligent amongst university college students are tolerant - but realise that an University education does't necessarily mean an intelligent person!


Hence my point, those college students getting involved in this violence are part of the sheep pack and far from intelligent.

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On Thursday, November 10, 2016 at 4:48 AM, RickBradford said:

These silly Lefties think they are doing something noble, deluding themselves they are standing up for Good against Evil.


What has actually happened is that these snowflake people have been so spoiled and cosseted that nobody has ever said ‘No’ to them before, and they’ve been so supervised that there has always been an authority figure to help out in times of distress — either they can run to Mommy to make it better, or to the Dean of the college to make the nasty man go away.


Today, for the first time in their pampered lives, someone has said ‘No’ to them, and there is nobody to run to, to make it better. So, the toys go out of the pram.


Wonderful stuff.

I agree. Most lefties are pampered spoiled and elitist, i know i am, 555, 

BUT it's an illusion that trump will bring good to the "others", the illiterate, the obese, the plain dumb, joe sixpack beating up his unemployed white trashy wife... ???

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7 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

How many new graduates/students have you met??  Many are unintelligent (or too inexperienced to 'argue' a case coherently) in my experience.


Of course the intelligent amongst university college students are tolerant - but realise that an University education does't necessarily mean an intelligent person!


Hence my point, those college students getting involved in this violence are part of the sheep pack and far from intelligent.


My comment was mainly in response to the word "uneducated"...  but generally, they are the more intelligent among the community, and the people who will in the future hold most of the top jobs and positions.


I think you're referring to wisdom, not intelligence. That indeed is in short supply, even in the universities.




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1 hour ago, dick dasterdly said:

I wondered about that too (the police aspect) as there were police forming a line on the out-skirts.  And yet they didn't bother to intervene when people were attacked??


And no, the anti Trump rabble aren't scum - a few of them are as they worked each other up into a frenzy.


Other than that, they're just the uneducated, unintelligent people that anti-Trump supporters claim was the province of Trump supporters :lol:.

Just to be clear, I'm, not saying all Clinton supporters are scum, just the rabble causing trouble. I'm sure there were some there just to protest peacefully, as is their right, but the ones that came to make trouble seemed to outnumber them significantly.

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Just now, tropo said:

My comment was mainly in response to the word "uneducated"...  but generally, they are the more intelligent among the community, and the people who will in the future hold most of the top jobs and positions.


I think you're referring to wisdom, not intelligence. That indeed is in short supply, even in the universities.




No, there are one hell of a lot of college educated people that are far from intelligent.


The intelligent few are lacking wisdom on leaving college/university.


Meanwhile, we're watching unintelligent college students becoming sheep as they incite each other to violence.

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3 hours ago, 248900_1469958220 said:

Poor old Publicus. He was so sure that Clinton would win. What a delicious cluster f.......its become for the Democrats, rioting in the streets, just like they warned Trump fans would do. What a bunch of hypocrites! CNN and safe space promoting professors have baby sat your emotions for too long. Its time to wake up and see the way America really is. Clinton lost and she lost big........she got the popular vote though and I am sure her and Bubba Bill can take some consolation in that........The Saudis may want a refund though.....mmmmmm


Poor and old you got it  :smile:


If I were the only one your post applies to then you could carry on and I would be isolated. However, even some people at this internet domain who cast their vote for Trump at the voting thread indicated they believed HRC was going to win anyway.


So the Right Sector seems to subdivide into four groups: 1) sore winners, 2) angry winners,  3) closet fascists, 4) not so closeted fascists. Not much difference, among 'em, so it may all be a distinction without a difference. Presently however I'm evaluating others along the axis of #1 and #2 only.  All the same, the post puts you with number two.


Sore winners and angry winners alike have always been the losers. It only takes some time to develop and occur. The past is prologue.

Edited by Publicus
Add #4.
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12 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

No, there are one hell of a lot of college educated people that are far from intelligent.


The intelligent few are lacking wisdom on leaving college/university.


Meanwhile, we're watching unintelligent college students becoming sheep as they incite each other to violence.


You're just playing word games here. When group frenzy takes over, even the intelligent get swept into the current. It's peer pressure.

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16 hours ago, AmeriThai said:

You'd better read your link again. Trump is still about 200,000 below Clinton with the Popular Vote. The numbers are still changing though.

Clinton: 59,978,469

Trump: 59,724,041


The point is that Trump won by the Electoral College, not by the Popular Vote. Personally, I don't think matters who won. Neither are worthwhile.


If your choice of word is "worthwhile" then I'd note you seem to be making it worth your while. So it seems to be of some value to make the post...and to this poster. Regardless, perhaps "of any value" might be an alternative to "worthwhile," but that's only a possible and rather forward suggestion.


Real time from the AP:


The latest vote totals show Clinton with 60,274,974 votes, a razor thin lead over Trump's 59,937,338. That number will change as absentee and other ballots come in but if Clinton's lead holds, she will become the first presidential candidate since Al Gore in 2000 to win the popular vote but lose the White House.




In your update Hillary Clinton was reported as leading by approximately 200,000 in the total Popular Vote. This update puts Mrs. Clinton ahead by 237,636. Not too different but it can change, more or less.


You of course might check the link as we go along -- that is of course if you'd think it might be "worthwhile". If I have the time I might get back to you but that's not a promise. 


(Perhaps I might have to think the additional effort to be worthwhile. As it is now, I only think in terms of making a direct reply post.)

Edited by Publicus
Further update of the update
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29 minutes ago, Publicus said:


Poor and old you got it  :smile:


If I were the only one your post applies to then you could carry on and I would be isolated. However, even some people at this internet domain who cast their vote for Trump at the voting thread indicated they believed HRC was going to win anyway.


So the Right Sector seems to subdivide into four groups: 1) sore winners, 2) angry winners,  3) closet fascists, 4) not so closeted fascists. Not much difference, among 'em, so it may all be a distinction without a difference. Presently however I'm evaluating others along the axis of #1 and #2 only.  All the same, the post puts you with number two.


Sore winners and angry winners alike have always been the losers. It only takes some time to develop and occur. The past is prologue.


You forgot "gloating winners".


I try not to gloat, but it's really, really hard not to.


_ giggle.gif



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9 minutes ago, JetsetBkk said:


You forgot "gloating winners".


I try not to gloat, but it's really, really hard not to.


_ giggle.gif




There are a number of modifier words to describe the winners of any election.


Until your post at this domain I had been using the only word that had been on the mark.




So to this point, "sore" scores as the word I've used accurately in 99% of the instances. If things change I'd be sure to get back to you. Presently you constitute the entirety of the 1%.

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4 minutes ago, Publicus said:
19 minutes ago, JetsetBkk said:


You forgot "gloating winners".


I try not to gloat, but it's really, really hard not to.


_ giggle.gif




There are a number of modifier words to describe the winners of any election.


Until your post at this domain I had been using the only word that had been on the mark.




So to this point, "sore" scores as the word I've used accurately in 99% of the instances. If things change I'd be sure to get back to you. Presently you constitute the entirety of the 1%.


I wish you could write in plain English. I hardly ever understand what the heck you are saying.


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28 minutes ago, JetsetBkk said:


You forgot "gloating winners".


I try not to gloat, but it's really, really hard not to.


_ giggle.gif




18 months of "he's got no chance at all" guaranteed it... especially when certain members just can't give it a break, day after day, month after month... and insult anyone remotely supportive of Trump.


Mostly Trump supporters had a wait and see attitude. The media assured us that he couldn't win. Such a sweet victory is rare.

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23 minutes ago, JetsetBkk said:


You forgot "gloating winners".


I try not to gloat, but it's really, really hard not to.


_ giggle.gif




Didn't forget anything JSBKK.


If prior to your specifically conceived post, someone had been simply gloating, I'd simply missed it somewhere along the line. So if anyone had used the word "gloat" or made a post that we on this side could agree was a "gloat" in the ordinary election win meaning of the word, do kindly call it to my attention plse thx.


Still, before and since your post, the winners have been nothing but sore winners, soreheads or angry winners. Gloat is normal.  Gloat is good. So go for it youse guyz! It's long past time to start gloating. It's more civil and civilised than being a sore winner or a sorehead or worse, an angry winner.


Normalcy! Hooray!!

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Trump's very.first.tweet as president elect:


Donald J. Trump (‪@realDonaldTrump‬)
11/11/16, 13:19
Just had a very open and successful presidential election. Now professional protesters, incited by the media, are protesting. Very unfair!


This is exactly what Putin says about Russian protesters.

A presidential response would've been to acknowledge that passions are high, some people are unhappy, that they have a right to protest, but should do so peacefully.


But, hey, we're in Trumpland now.



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2 hours ago, CharlieK said:

from your link 


“We do not tolerate hateful attitudes on our team." 


yet he obviously doesn't like Trump supporters.  Hypocrite maybe?


Any record of bankruptcies by the guy at his company? Non payment of contractors or subcontractors. Any record of grabbing?


Inquiring minds want to know.

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38 minutes ago, JetsetBkk said:



I wish you could write in plain English. I hardly ever understand what the heck you are saying.


I think that's the point. Obviously has plenty of time to write very long replies. I have usually forgotten what he said at the beginning when I reach the end.

I won't respond to him directly as I'm trying not to feed trolls.

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22 minutes ago, Thakkar said:

Trump's very.first.tweet as president elect:


Donald J. Trump (‪@realDonaldTrump‬)
11/11/16, 13:19
Just had a very open and successful presidential election. Now professional protesters, incited by the media, are protesting. Very unfair!


This is exactly what Putin says about Russian protesters.

A presidential response would've been to acknowledge that passions are high, some people are unhappy, that they have a right to protest, but should do so peacefully.


But, hey, we're in Trumpland now.



Perhaps he meant it was very unfair for a mob of thugs to attack solitary Trump supporters.

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29 minutes ago, Thakkar said:

Trump's very.first.tweet as president elect:


Donald J. Trump (‪@realDonaldTrump‬)
11/11/16, 13:19
Just had a very open and successful presidential election. Now professional protesters, incited by the media, are protesting. Very unfair!


This is exactly what Putin says about Russian protesters.

A presidential response would've been to acknowledge that passions are high, some people are unhappy, that they have a right to protest, but should do so peacefully.


But, hey, we're in Trumpland now.



Portland say it is a riot and not political. 


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1 hour ago, Publicus said:


That is the unfortunate characterisation of the Right Sector.


The same Right Sector that is posting to the threads and to the board.


The sore winners. The same people who after the election are spending their time whinging and storming same as they did before the election. Sore winners.


The sore winners are sore at the sore losers rioting and committing acts of violence in the streets. While disappointment is understandable and protest legitimate, committing acts of mindless violence against property and innocent people without any condemnation from you typifies the double standard of LW sore losers. The same people who were quick to condemn violence at Trump rallies to prove Trump's leadership  incited a violent hegemony, all the while being an instigated plan of the Left. Fascist behavior no less.


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46 minutes ago, Publicus said:


OK, I've been back to school...  wink.gif


Publicus: "There are a number of modifier words to describe the winners"

Me: "modifier words"? You mean "adjectives"?


Publicus: "Until your post at this domain"

Me: My post at Thaivisa?


Publicus: "If prior to your specifically conceived post..."

Me: Er, you mean the post that I wrote.


Publicus: "a "gloat" in the ordinary election win meaning of the word,"

Me: Hmm, I think a "gloat" is a gloat.


Publicus: "Still, before and since your post, "

Me: Huh?


I get it now! You're an English teacher. OK, you're excused.  biggrin.gif


Edited by JetsetBkk
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3 minutes ago, Linzz said:


The sore winners are sore at the sore losers rioting and committing acts of violence in the streets. While disappointment is understandable and protest legitimate, committing acts of mindless violence against property and innocent people without any condemnation from you typifies the double standard of LW sore losers. The same people who were quick to condemn violence at Trump rallies to prove Trump's leadership  incited a violent hegemony, all the while being an instigated plan of the Left. Fascist behavior no less.



Long before this election was even beginning, many people suggested that Leftist rioters would take to the streets if they lost. And Obama would then declare martial law and never give up power. Here, is your real dictator.

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8 minutes ago, JetsetBkk said:


OK, I've been back to school...  wink.gif


Publicus: "There are a number of modifier words to describe the winners"

Me: "modifier words"? You mean "adjectives"?


Publicus: "Until your post at this domain"

Me: My post at Thaivisa?


Publicus: "If prior to your specifically conceived post..."

Me: Er, you mean the post that I wrote.


Publicus: "a "gloat" in the ordinary election win meaning of the word,"

Me: Hmm, I think a "gloat" is a gloat.


Publicus: "Still, before and since your post, "

Me: Huh?


I get it now! You're an English teacher. OK, you're excused.  biggrin.gif



See, your understood.


In your own way.


For instance, if I want to say 'Thaivisa' I will say Thaivisa.


If I want to say your post targeted at me, then I would say it in that way.


When I do say "gloat" as opposed to sore, sorehead, angry in referring to the posts by youse guyz on the winning electoral vote side, then those are the words I consciously choose to be applied.


So your sore winner personalised lecturing and scolding continues to waste bandwidth and space.


I focus on a poster's politics and attitudes derived from his politics. I rarely if ever focus on individual personalities per se. A general personality type, yes, I hit on that. A specific personality, no, I rarely if ever take that unfortunate approach.


So I will depart from my practice for a moment to focus on a particular poster and his posts -- unfortunately you don't don't have any arguments in support of Trump or to address my criticisms of sore winners, sorehead winners, angry winners. 

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18 minutes ago, Usernames said:


Long before this election was even beginning, many people suggested that Leftist rioters would take to the streets if they lost. And Obama would then declare martial law and never give up power. Here, is your real dictator.


Still waiting for OB to declare martial law, nullify the election, federalise NYC, surround Trump Tower by the 82nd Airborne Division.


I do insist that you personally advise me the moment it happens.  :laugh:




From now on you are Number Four. :clap2:

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