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Thousands join anti-Trump protests around country 


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2 minutes ago, Publicus said:


See, your understood.


In your own way.


For instance, if I want to say 'Thaivisa' I will say Thaivisa.


If I want to say your post targeted at me, then I would say it in that way.


When I do say "gloat" as opposed to sore, sorehead, angry in referring to the posts by youse guyz on the winning electoral vote side, then those are the words I consciously choose to be applied.


So your sore winner personalised lecturing and scolding continues to waste bandwidth and space.


I focus on a poster's politics and attitudes derived from his politics. I rarely if ever focus on individual personalities per se. A general personality type, yes, I hit on that. A specific personality, no, I rarely if ever take that unfortunate approach.


So I will depart from my practice for a moment to focus on a particular poster and his posts -- unfortunately you don't don't have any arguments in support of Trump or to address my criticisms of sore winners, sorehead winners, angry winners. 

If you were a real American you would not say, "on the winning electoral vote side" there is no winning electoral side.  Any American would know there is only a winning side and a losing side.

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1 hour ago, Thakkar said:


A presidential response would've been to acknowledge that passions are high, some people are unhappy, that they have a right to protest, but should do so peacefully.


But, hey, we're in Trumpland now.




Then you would have said that he simply cut and pasted obama's response when the riots broke out couple of months ago.


Not fit to lead etc...


Nothing unpresidential about what he said btw.


These protesters aren't going to stop no matter what magical words he drops….they are like kids and excited dogs…they just need to tire themselves out….when there are no more tears to shed, they will shut up.


Right now, they are planning how to disrupt his inauguration….to embarrass america before the entire world. It is not going to be the kind of crowd that greeted obama's first inauguration….there is gong to be a high chance of carnage.


Big payday fr CNN etc.

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11 minutes ago, Publicus said:


Still waiting for OB to declare martial law, nullify the election, federalise NYC, surround Trump Tower by the 82nd Airborne Division.


I do insist that you personally advise me the moment it happens.  :laugh:




From now on you are Number Four. :clap2:


Hey, and I'm still waiting for Clinton to win, the world financial system to collapse because of Trump, for college educated men and women to vote for Clinton and all the other things you were 100 percent wrong about. As for Obama declaring martial law and instituting a coup, I would not put it past him.

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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I think that's the point. Obviously has plenty of time to write very long replies. I have usually forgotten what he said at the beginning when I reach the end.

I won't respond to him directly as I'm trying not to feed trolls.


He's on my ignore list. You should try that.

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10 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

Then you would have said that he simply cut and pasted obama's response when the riots broke out couple of months ago.


Not fit to lead etc...


Nothing unpresidential about what he said btw.


Then you would've said you agreed that Trump is a vile, blathering narcissistic con man.


Hey, as long as we're speculating on what the other would've said.


As for what's presidential, I guess we may be able to agree that we have different definitions of what that it.



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1 minute ago, Thakkar said:


Then you would've said you agreed that Trump is a vile, blathering narcissistic con man.


Hey, as long as we're speculating on what the other would've said.


As for what's presidential, I guess we may be able to agree that we have different definitions of what that it.




No I wouldn't have….and theres no sign of that on his tweet.


My comment was not about what sounds presidential…

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Just now, JHolmesJr said:

Ive never blocked anyone ever.


Even though Im in mr trumps corner, I firmly support the notion that even out of touch dimwits need to make themselves heard.


Besides, even when they block you, you can still reply to their posts and skewer people for their stupidity and cowardice.

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14 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

Ive never blocked anyone ever.




Up to you... if you prefer to waste your time replying to retards, it's your life. I lot of "non-blockers" do waste a lot of energy complaining too.

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3 minutes ago, tropo said:

Up to you... if you prefer to waste your time replying to retards, it's your life. I lot of "non-blockers" do waste a lot of energy complaining too.


I guess you do have a point. But then just coming to Thaivisa is basically a waste of energy. This forum is basically one hate Trump topic after another. That is why I and so many others rarely contribute here anymore. Speaking of which, I think it's time to bail out again.  Maybe I'll check back in in a month or two.

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4 hours ago, Thakkar said:

Trump's very.first.tweet as president elect:


Donald J. Trump (‪@realDonaldTrump‬)
11/11/16, 13:19
Just had a very open and successful presidential election. Now professional protesters, incited by the media, are protesting. Very unfair!


This is exactly what Putin says about Russian protesters.

A presidential response would've been to acknowledge that passions are high, some people are unhappy, that they have a right to protest, but should do so peacefully.


But, hey, we're in Trumpland now.




Nine hours later, Trump walks back his earlier tweet:


Donald J. Trump (‪@realDonaldTrump‬)

11/11/16, 22:14

Love the fact that the small groups of protesters last night have passion for our great country. We will all come together and be proud!



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6 minutes ago, Thakkar said:


Nine hours later, Trump walks back his earlier tweet:


Donald J. Trump (‪@realDonaldTrump‬)

11/11/16, 22:14

Love the fact that the small groups of protesters last night have passion for our great country. We will all come together and be proud!



See? He's learning how to be a politician.  smile.gif


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It appears the vast majority of these protesters are in their early to mid 20's. It also appears these young people are having the same reaction as a 5 year old not getting his/her own way.  

Does this reaction reflect on the way these young people were raised by their parents and the politically correct social values being taught in our schools?

In other words, instead of discipline, were these kids given what ever they wanted when they threw a temper tantrum, just to shut them up? They were given trophy's for losing the game so their fragile feelings and ego's would not be hurt and falsely give them the idea they will always win without doing the work.


I think this is exactly what we are seeing today, these young adults are lashing out just as they did when they were children, they are feeling cheated and angry because they did not not bother to vote and their parents let them down because they didnt vote they way they should have to get Hillary elected. Their fragile ego's have now been destroyed because the trophy they are looking for just gave her concession speech.

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5 hours ago, Dtrump said:

If you were a real American you would not say, "on the winning electoral vote side" there is no winning electoral side.  Any American would know there is only a winning side and a losing side.


If I were a real American   :ermm:


So you say.    :clap2:


Revealing post indeed.

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5 hours ago, zydeco said:


Hey, and I'm still waiting for Clinton to win, the world financial system to collapse because of Trump, for college educated men and women to vote for Clinton and all the other things you were 100 percent wrong about. As for Obama declaring martial law and instituting a coup, I would not put it past him.


Of course you wouldn't.


It's a given among the Fanboyz over there.

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5 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:


Then you would have said that he simply cut and pasted obama's response when the riots broke out couple of months ago.


Not fit to lead etc...


Nothing unpresidential about what he said btw.


These protesters aren't going to stop no matter what magical words he drops….they are like kids and excited dogs…they just need to tire themselves out….when there are no more tears to shed, they will shut up.


Right now, they are planning how to disrupt his inauguration….to embarrass america before the entire world. It is not going to be the kind of crowd that greeted obama's first inauguration….there is gong to be a high chance of carnage.


Big payday fr CNN etc.

America has ALREADY embarrassed itself deeply to the DECENT world by electing the demagogic baby man clown with ZERO experience who has no business in the white house except to be roasted by a REAL president.


Making a stink at the inauguration would give us more respect in the eyes of the world unless you seek the kind of "respect":sick: that North Korea gets for having no visible dissent against their horror show boy God. Don't ever let people forget that trump got fewer votes. NO MANDATE! 

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21 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

America has ALREADY embarrassed itself deeply to the DECENT world by electing the demagogic baby man clown with ZERO experience who has no business in the white house except to be roasted by a REAL president.


Making a stink at the inauguration would give us more respect in the eyes of the world unless you seek the kind of "respect":sick: that North Korea gets for having no visible dissent against their horror show boy God. Don't ever let people forget that trump got fewer votes. NO MANDATE! 


Stop your hissy fits!


he won by the rules. 


And thats that. 


Youre upset. 


Go to bed. 

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7 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:


Stop your hissy fits!


he won by the rules. 


And thats that. 


Youre upset. 


Go to bed. 

Don't want to waste my time here with off topic personal stuff like that.

Welcome to my ignore list.

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2 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Welcome to my ignore list.




Welcome and come on in. As you can see the JT Ignore List is quite large and filled with a bunch of good natured posters you no doubt recognize.


Theres a cold one in the frig and some wings are just about done on the grill. 



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6 hours ago, Linzz said:


The sore winners are sore at the sore losers rioting and committing acts of violence in the streets. While disappointment is understandable and protest legitimate, committing acts of mindless violence against property and innocent people without any condemnation from you typifies the double standard of LW sore losers. The same people who were quick to condemn violence at Trump rallies to prove Trump's leadership  incited a violent hegemony, all the while being an instigated plan of the Left. Fascist behavior no less.



Not everyone who plunked for Trump on election day is necessarily or even suspected of being a sore winner -- or a sorehead, or an angry winner. Some of 'em aren't sore or angry at all.


They just want the rest of us to quit our values and beliefs of a lifetime and to stay home out of the way of the Trump Train lest we get run over.


While some of us may appreciate the concern for our well being some of the Trump Troopers may have, the Troopers would be a bit overbearing in their consistent insistence that we silence ourselves to submit and thereby clear the decks for 'em (youse).


The sustained insistence that we suddenly cancel our world view can begin to sound like a political last call. Or like notice number 3 with more but finite notices to come, followed by seizure of the furniture.


Here meantime is Potus-Elect Trump on the demonstrators...


“Love the fact that the small groups of protesters last night have passion for our great country,” Trump wrote on Twitter early Friday morning.


The president-elect added: “We will all come together and be proud!”



So it could be suggested there isn't any need over there to insist on driving a stake through the heart of the creature. Further, here I'd thought as a result of our exchanges of posts that you'd recognised the old saying of once bitten twice shy. Apparently you like being bitten.

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48 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:




Welcome and come on in. As you can see the JT Ignore List is quite large and filled with a bunch of good natured posters you no doubt recognize.


Theres a cold one in the frig and some wings are just about done on the grill. 




LOL> I've been on that list for nearly a decade. Life goes on, you won't miss him.:D 


He likes to publically announce when you are added - as though it's punishment. A more childish member you will not find.

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3 hours ago, Publicus said:

Apparently you like being bitten.


Lol! apparently you like to bite which is trolling. 

Actually that said, you are still here even though many of your compatriots have run for the hills. Too many false predictions means your neck is in danger if you stick it out too much. Note not many on this side made any predictions at all which is much wiser than youze over there on the far out lunar left where the air is thin.

But do carry on. We don't want to just talk to ourselves

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