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SURVEY: Did the US elect the right person as President?


SURVEY: Is President-elect, Donald, the right person to be the next President?  

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32 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

The people who voted Trump are those that believe he will make changes that will benefit them and their families. Trump's economic philosophy is similar to Reagan with lower business taxes and looser regulation that will pump up business and the money will trickle down to the lowest paid.-. In theory- Trump is correct. However, business is much different now then when Reagan was in power.  CEO's are paid huge salaries- much more than they are worth- and they are mostly selfish people who will not share any success with their workers. This is what has caused a huge shift of income to the 1% and why the 99% are getting poorer.


Health care is a good point. Insurance companies and Pharmaceutical companies make huge profits. Why should they?  Healthcare must be considered a human right. One has a right to life and healthcare is what controls a person's life. Without medical care- a person can die. In fact, people in America die regularly from lack of money to obtain healthcare. How can this exist in a country as rich as America?  Quite simple- pure greed by insurance companies; pharama and all those associated with the industry to include politicians. The solution is simple- expand the US Government medicare program to the whole population. This immediately provides universal health coverage; caps costs of  healthcare and takes the insurance industry out of the picture.

The politicians will never let this happen because they get huge benefits from Insurance companies and Big Pharma.  If Donald Trump wants to be the revolutionary President he claims he is- let him replace Obama Care with a single payer system- medicare.

Duck incoming. Great piece. Makes to much sense. Big pharma does not wish to share or shrink their profits. Its the nature of the beast. 

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On 11/12/2016 at 10:00 AM, zydeco said:

Was this same survey question asked on Thaivisa after Obama won the last two elections?  Would like to see the results, if so.

Nope, Obama was given the benefit of a doubt. Everyone said give the guy a chance because if you didn't you were automatically a racist. But Trump, well that is a horse of a different color.

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17 minutes ago, Shawn0000 said:


Even?  Has there ever been a forum with a more right leaning membership than ThaiVisa?  I am surprised he didn't win on here by more!


And of course the way Trump did not trump Clinton was in the popular vote totals, where Clinton did actually get a lot more votes, about 400,000 more!


Who cares, she didn't win despite her trying every underhanded trick in the book.  What a shame she misjudged the whole situation yet now she is blaming everyman and his dog for her loss. It was a democratic election, the American way and she came in second and you lot can't handle it.  :wai: 

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7 minutes ago, IAMHERE said:

Nope, Obama was given the benefit of a doubt. Everyone said give the guy a chance because if you didn't you were automatically a racist. But Trump, well that is a horse of a different color.


I think he was given the benefit of the doubt because Romney was so obviously a far inferior candidate and there wasn't much by way of a defence anyone could offer.


And in the previous campaign: Sarah Palin. Need I say more?


The next one will be even more fun: Chachi vs Kanye.



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Just now, Si Thea01 said:


Who cares, she didn't win despite her trying every underhanded trick in the book.  What a shame she misjudged the whole situation yet now she is blaming everyman and his dog for her loss. It was a democratic election, the American way and she came in second and you lot can't handle it.  :wai: 


You assume that I am a Clinton supporter, I am not, I was just countering their claim that Trump trumped Clinton in every way, which he did in every way except in numbers of people voting for him.

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5 hours ago, DavoTheGun said:

You are Quite obviously an ardent socialist!

Not really. I'm for socialist programs for certain functions that make the most practical sense. For example roads, education, and health care. Within liberal capitalist societies.

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6 hours ago, Grubster said:

If I was handicapped I would not want to coddled because of it.


Really sensitive post, Grubster -- but -- If you are not now handicapped, how can you possibly know what you would want as a handicapped person,


(I have decided to collect some of the truly inane posts about the U.S. Elections. I will post it at some point -- please feel free to PM your recommendations.)

Edited by klikster
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Obama was the right person at the time. He had the whole nation behind him as well as a Democratic Congress. He failed to push through his agenda becaue he caved into the wall street interests; banks and the wealthy. He could have changed America radically by taking money out of politics. Why he didn't do it and caved in- will be something Historians will have to discover.He talked a good game- but he didn't deliver.

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23 minutes ago, Publicus said:

The clear point is that Trump won the Electoral College Vote.

Nuff said.


I would encourage all the sore losers to write their congressional representatives  to amend the constitution to change the election laws.

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33 minutes ago, Publicus said:

The numbers that came out on Election Night were enough to secure Trump the presidency, but they weren’t complete. State officials are still counting millions of provisional and absentee ballots, and within two weeks, Clinton will likely have another few million votes in the bank.


Of course only Hilary votes still remain uncounted. :whistling:

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23 minutes ago, Publicus said:

Clinton has consistently been winning the Popular Vote. With 7 million absentee and provisional ballots remaining to be counted, Hillary Clinton is projected to win the popular vote by upwards of 2 million votes.


Hilary was projected to win the presidential election

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23 hours ago, ttthailand said:

Clinton would have been business as usual. She would have been building her billion dollar corrupt retirement fund, being the Clinton foundation. Providing favors to all the countries who are in direct conflict with everything we as American have put down our lives to protect.
Trump is change which we desperately needed. Just look at the "Stars" that Clinton had rapping hate. Look at the people in the streets chatting curse words and disrespecting our president elect. Children live in these areas where these filthy mouth low lifes are shouting their F words for everyone to hear. They talked about trump saying something in a private conversation .... unbelievable how these people act and how dare they criticize Trump.
I was a Bernie supporter but after the DNCs corrupt, dishonest actions and all the scandals involving the Clintons how could I support anyone but Trump. How others can support Clinton is beyond my comprehension.
God Bless America and our new President !!!

You are a Bernie supporter who voted Trump? I find you illogic baffling.


Hillary publicly adopted 80% of Bernie's platform after which Bernie supported Hillary in the general election and campaigned on her behalf.

While Trump's platform included some of the same proposals as Bernie's, his other

promises were directly incompatible with the very same Bernie platform. For example, massive spending on infrastructure while at the same time, tax cuts for the wealthy. This would create higher deficits and stoke inflation. 


Unlike Trump, Bernie did not speak of repealing Obamacare. He wanted to improve it so that it became single payer universal healthcare. That would take time, and in the meantime he accepted Obamacare as the next best thing.

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On ‎11‎/‎11‎/‎2016 at 11:08 PM, lopburi3 said:

Amazing that pointing out the obvious - and what was pointed out often by Donald - causes a panic attack.  We are not a democracy in that all votes count the same and we were not designed to be so.  That was all I was stating - not bashing anyone.


yes the USA is not a democracy its a republic (pledge allegiance to the republic. etc etc) and thats how the founding fathers wanted it so that one state could not control the outcome as it was designed so each state was and indvidual entity, together making up a new country of the people for  the people and by the people.. and regardless of its ups and downs it has been a great asset to the world,  


now that being said what i believe is most importatnt to me as a US citizen,, are the girls here, and thank god for them

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Why Mr tTrump has been elected end of question regarding who had most personal votes it does not matter. The US have there system all US citizens know how it works. They voted knowing how it works. So why have a vote to ask if vote was correct very silly.

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23 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

How quickly Trump supporters conveniently forget promises Trump repeated during the campaign.  Here are some:


>>>  "I will build a beautiful wall."   "The wall just got twice as high, believe me."  "....and I'll get Mexico to pay for it."  Already, the wall has digressed to a fence, maybe.  And not even the most brain-addled right wingers can see any way that Mexico will pay for any wall/fence on the border.


>>>   "I will appoint appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Hillary's emails."   "She should be locked up."


>>>   "I will abolish the Dept. of Education and the IRS."


>>>   "I will ban all Muslims from entering the US....."


>>>   re; ISIS:   "bomb the hell out of 'em."


>>>    "women seeking abortions should be punished."


>>>   "I would love to release my tax forms.  I will do it as soon as the audit is done."


How soon will The Divider act on those promises?   Reality check:  most of those promises were just hot air.  He lied during the campaign to get votes, and he'll continue to lie.   That's what he's good at.




Trump voters might want to bookmark this site that will track the Implementation/non-implementation of the promises you voted for (unless all you really voted for was racism and misogyny, in which case: SUCCESS!)




Remember, unlike Obama who faced a hostile house and senate, Trump has both House and Senate, but will also have a majority on the Supreme Court.


He has no excuses, unless you count the clear violation of the constitution that some of his promises entail.



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6 minutes ago, SimpleChap said:


Hilary was projected to win the presidential election


Get back to me after the final real count of the real Popular Votes cast.


Former SecState Clinton has had a consistent lead in the count and continues to increase the lead. Unless Putin and Wikileaks finally do send some cyber votes over from Russia.

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22 hours ago, Dtrump said:

Henry Ford made cars affordable for everyone by inventing the assembly line.  The University of Arkansas and many other places are making mechanized harvesting machines and systems that will replace cheap stoop labor and provide crops for the same price.   Below is a strawberry picker



If mechanisation and robotics will be doing much of the work, and I agree with you they will, how will bringing manufacturing and other jobs back appreciably improve employment, as Trump has promised?


Meanwhile, the cost of stuff Americans pay for will increase, as automation still costs more than cheap Asian labor. Also, don't forget the extra localized pollution those factories will bring to the (still) unemployed schmos living in Michigan.



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14 minutes ago, Publicus said:


Get back to me after the final real count of the real Popular Votes cast.


Former SecState Clinton has had a consistent lead in the count and continues to increase the lead. Unless Putin and Wikileaks finally do send some cyber votes over from Russia.


I'm sure get back to me after the election is also what you said when someone told you that Trump would win the election.


In fact those post are easily to find in your post history.


Crooked Hilary has lost for the obvious reasons, learn to live with it for at least the next 4 years.

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Just now, SimpleChap said:


I'm sure get back to me after the election is also what you said when someone told you that Trump would win the election.


In fact those post are easily to find in your post history.


Crooked Hilary has lost for the obvious reasons, learn to live with it for at least the next 4 years.


I acknowledged the Trump win election night.


Continued posting then, Trump is Potus-Elect, and I'm still here. Amidst a bunch of angry soreheads, but I and others are still here posting away.


Do try to keep up plse thx.


With reality. Being behind in reality and attitude is a minus two-fer.

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On 11/12/2016 at 10:33 AM, lopburi3 said:

Regardless of our opinion on who should win; this was actually not democracy as the person with the most votes did not get elected.   That our way - and believe was justified at the time - but today it becomes a liability IMHO as just too hard to try and justify anymore.

"...this was actually not democracy as the person with the most votes did not get elected."


The US is not a democracy, it's a Constitutional Republic with a defined procedure to elect the president.  This is the fifth time in US history that the president elect did not receive the popular vote, but did win the Electoral College.  Trump's win via electoral vote did not set a precedent as the precedent was already set four times before:

  • George Bush (electoral vote winner) vs. Al Gore in 2000
  • Benjamin Harrison (electoral vote winner) vs. Grover Cleveland in 1888
  • Rutherford B. Hayes (electoral vote winner) vs. Samuel J. Tilden in 1876
  • John Quincy Adams (electoral vote winner) vs Andrew Jackson in 1824

This could have been changed in 1824, 1876, 1888, or 2000 - but it wasn't.  So this is the established process to elect the US president.  If the American people wish to change that system by all means change it.  But changing how the US president is elected, post election, will not affect the outcome of the 2016 election.

Edited by connda
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12 minutes ago, Thakkar said:


If mechanisation and robotics will be doing much of the work, and I agree with you they will, how will bringing manufacturing and other jobs back appreciably improve employment, as Trump has promised?


Meanwhile, the cost of stuff Americans pay for will increase, as automation still costs more than cheap Asian labor. Also, don't forget the extra localized pollution those factories will bring to the (still) unemployed schmos living in Michigan.



Robotics lower the cost of labor so America can compete with China and Thailand.  The jobs will come back if tax incentives are given to labor saving devices like worker assistant robots. 

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1 minute ago, Publicus said:


I acknowledged the Trump win election night.


Continued posting then, Trump is Potus-Elect, and I'm still here. Amidst a bunch of angry soreheads, but I and others are still here posting away.


Do try to keep up plse thx.


With reality. Being behind in reality and attitude is a minus two-fer.



Should read like this "I acknowledged the Trump win AFTER election night".


I have seen your posts before the election, and untill the last minute you simply ridiculed everyone who disagreed with you about Hilary's victory.


I could dig them up, but would be seen as stalking I'm afraid.


Goodbye, my discussion with you has ended here.

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26 minutes ago, Publicus said:


Get back to me after the final real count of the real Popular Votes cast.


Former SecState Clinton has had a consistent lead in the count and continues to increase the lead. Unless Putin and Wikileaks finally do send some cyber votes over from Russia.

Even you posting in big type not allowed on Thai Visa will not change the rule of law in the USA.  You better come to Thailand.  They handle elected people like you would like to.

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You can beat this drum until you are blue in the face, but the fact remains, your argument and your facts are totally irrelevant as the constitution is written in its present form.

I agree the popular vote would ideal to a true democracy, however, I also believe the people (city dwellers) that make up a huge portion of the electorate, represent a minuscule part of the country and have little to no care/understanding of those in of the rest of the rural country, AKA, SHITKICKERS as you so insultingly describe them.

I can only recommend you, and those that believe the electoral college is unfair, write your representatives to amend the constitution and hope for a better outcome in the next election.



10 minutes ago, Publicus said:


This poster is dealing in facts.


Trump won the Electoral College Vote and thus the presidency.


Clinton has consistently been winning the Popular Vote. With 7 million absentee and provisional ballots remaining to be counted, Hillary Clinton is projected to win the popular vote by upwards of 2 million votes.


Trump will get some of these votes. However, the huge bulk of the votes outstanding and still being counted are decidedly in Blue states, specifically California, Washington state, New York state.





Do get back to me on this plse thx. 


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6 minutes ago, dcutman said:

You can beat this drum until you are blue in the face, but the fact remains, your argument and your facts are totally irrelevant as the constitution is written in its present form.

I agree the popular vote would ideal to a true democracy, however, I also believe the people (city dwellers) that make up a huge portion of the electorate, represent a minuscule part of the country and have little to no care/understanding of those in of the rest of the rural country, AKA, SHITKICKERS as you so insultingly describe them.

I can only recommend you, and those that believe the electoral college is unfair, write your representatives to amend the constitution and hope for a better outcome in the next election.





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