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SURVEY: Did the US elect the right person as President?


SURVEY: Is President-elect, Donald, the right person to be the next President?  

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1 hour ago, Dtrump said:

57% of visits from Thailand.  Most of those probably tourists. I'd think about 20% live in Thailand.


The numbers are irrelevant, but since we're making them up, I'd say that of the 43% NOT posting from Thailand, half are foreign residents of Thailand who are visiting their home countries. This means that 78% of posters are normally, or for significant periods resident in Thailand.


I'd also say that at least 32.36%  are sitting at their keyboards naked. I can't be the only one.



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28 minutes ago, Thakkar said:


Personally, I've never put anyone on ignore. I even adjusted my screen so that I only see the comment and not the poster because I don't want to, even subconsciously, prejudge the comment.  


LOL> said as though you expect a badge of honour. My hero!


Too many take this forum posting too seriously. I don't read all posts - it's a waste of time. There are some members you can't debate with, in a reasonable manner. They are like children, complete with the name calling and bullying. It's best not to waste time on them, and eliminating their posts makes it easier to enjoy the forum, as it removes the clutter.

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Obviously a lot of what was said on the election trail was and always is rhetoric, on both sides. The intelligent people that voted Trump always understood that. They will give him leeway, they trust in him and his objectives.


Those that took him as a joke, seem to have taken everything hes said literally. First they deride him because of what he said, now they try to deride him for not delivering what he said, before he has even taken office!


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On Sunday, November 13, 2016 at 8:46 PM, Shawn0000 said:


The only silly thing is your interpretation of the question, which is not if the vote was correct, it is if the people voted correctly, as in did they choose the best person to be the president or not.

Same answer so you say people not voted correctly they voted for trump end of story you not like tough

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15 minutes ago, tropo said:

LOL> said as though you expect a badge of honour. My hero!


Too many take this forum posting too seriously. I don't read all posts - it's a waste of time. There are some members you can't debate with, in a reasonable manner. They are like children, complete with the name calling and bullying. It's best not to waste time on them, and eliminating their posts makes it easier to enjoy the forum, as it removes the clutter.


Speaking of which, whatever happened to Pinot?  He was posting about 20-30 times per day in the World Forum.  Since the election, he appears to have disappeared entirely.  Whatever for, I wonder???

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By any measure Trump is not only the wrong person, to me it beggars belief that any sane person can say they support him or voted for him. Support what? An ignorant foolish buffoon? He has no skills for this job, he's a sociopath, perhaps even a psychopath. That doesn't mean I support Hilary. I don't. But everything I have seen in Trump: well, he's the kind of stupid lout that I would avoid from any involvement with. What about the mentality of people who support him? My goodness ..................really!!!!

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7 minutes ago, jeab1980 said:

Same answer so you say people not voted correctly they voted for trump end of story you not like tough


Nonsense, the people felt they only could chose between two people, 42% didn't bother to vote at all, how many of those millions would have voted had there of been a different person standing or had the US not gone down this ludicrous two party system?  The question is whether or not Trump really is the best person to be the next president, not whether or not people voted correctly, it's a very simple question that you seem desperate to avoid, the reasons are obvious, of course he is not the best person for the job, he is divisive to the point of being the first president elect to send the opposition to the streets in protest, cause riots, murders and mayhem, that is not what America needs, America needs someone who brings the people together not divides them, obviously.

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7 minutes ago, ianf said:

By any measure Trump is not only the wrong person, to me it beggars belief that any sane person can say they support him or voted for him. Support what? An ignorant foolish buffoon? He has no skills for this job, he's a sociopath, perhaps even a psychopath. That doesn't mean I support Hilary. I don't. But everything I have seen in Trump: well, he's the kind of stupid lout that I would avoid from any involvement with. What about the mentality of people who support him? My goodness ..................really!!!!


Therapy dogs and playdough down the hall and to the right.

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8 minutes ago, Usernames said:


Speaking of which, whatever happened to Pinot?  He was posting about 20-30 times per day in the World Forum.  Since the election, he appears to have disappeared entirely.  Whatever for, I wonder???

 These types just respawn with a new login name

one that is obvious is the ....188+ posts all on Trump

supposedly just joined in Oct 2016


Likes to claim everyone is editing his posts if you shorten as we all do the parts we are not replying too. Allows him to play the report button like a bongo 


I guess they are ashamed of their original log on for various reasons

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6 hours ago, John1012 said:

There are some reports that Trump did get the majority of votes.  Trump 62.9m Clinton 62.2 m  College votes 306 to 232. There are rumours that recounts are being made to try and eliminate illegal immigrant votes and dead people votes. That will alter the demographic as most illegals will have voted Clinton/Democrat. It might even increase the majority in the Senate and/or house. We must wait and see.



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2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

LOL. This is just a lot of spoiled babies that were never told no in their lives upset because they didn't win.

Actually it's because the media ( that they are stupid enough to believe ) has been telling them that he is evil and she is the light of the world, and they are probably scared he will put them all in concentration camps, or start a nuke war with China.

Eventually even Dem city leaders are going to have to send in the national guard to sort them, if they don't get bored and go back to learning about "media studies" or whatever irrelevant subject they are hoping to graduate in.


Civil war 5555555

Who do you think would win that? A bunch of spoiled brats that never used a gun, or the gun lovin' rural people?


Did the US elect the right candidate? Time will tell, but they didn't elect the wrong one, for sure.


"they are probably scared he will put them all in concentration camps, or start a nuke war with China."

As I said, it doesn't matter if their fears are rational or not, they fear and they are causing mayhem, this is real.


"Civil war 5555555

Who do you think would win that? A bunch of spoiled brats that never used a gun, or the gun lovin' rural people?"


Whoever the government backs, and it would never be anyone bringing their guns to a protest, if the "gun lovin' rural people" want to get involved then it will be them that will be targeted by the national guard, and then we could see the potential for civil war.


And the question was not if the US elected the right candidate, it was if they elected the right person, very different question and something many Americans, bizarrely ever accepting of their flawed two party system, can't seem to grasp.

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25 minutes ago, kevkev1888 said:

Obviously a lot of what was said on the election trail was and always is rhetoric, on both sides. The intelligent people that voted Trump always understood that. They will give him leeway, they trust in him and his objectives.


Those that took him as a joke, seem to have taken everything hes said literally. First they deride him because of what he said, now they try to deride him for not delivering what he said, before he has even taken office!



How could they possibly know his objectives if they think what he was saying was not his true feeling or intention?  Surely you are not claiming that intelligent people vote on gut instinct, that is ludicrous.

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Just now, Shawn0000 said:


How could they possibly know his objectives if they think what he was saying was not his true feeling or intention?  Surely you are not claiming that intelligent people vote on gut instinct, that is ludicrous.


He stated his objectives, he will work towards them.

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59 minutes ago, ianf said:

By any measure Trump is not only the wrong person, to me it beggars belief that any sane person can say they support him or voted for him. Support what? An ignorant foolish buffoon? He has no skills for this job, he's a sociopath, perhaps even a psychopath. That doesn't mean I support Hilary. I don't. But everything I have seen in Trump: well, he's the kind of stupid lout that I would avoid from any involvement with. What about the mentality of people who support him? My goodness ..................really!!!!


My goodness.... really!!!!....Don't you realise your mindless and rude insults make you worse than the person you're deriding?


Anyone spouting the degree of criticism you are here should spend some time looking at themselves in the mirror.


How do you get off thinking you're superior to 60 million people who voted for Trump?



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1 hour ago, kevkev1888 said:

Obviously a lot of what was said on the election trail was and always is rhetoric, on both sides. The intelligent people that voted Trump always understood that. They will give him leeway, they trust in him and his objectives.


Those that took him as a joke, seem to have taken everything hes said literally. First they deride him because of what he said, now they try to deride him for not delivering what he said, before he has even taken office!



Seems Trump has a private position and a public position on each thing he says, or virtually each thing he says, which sounds virtually not virtuous. Next thing is he might start quoting HRC who'd anyway been quoting Lincoln.


Speaking of Abe, he freed the slaves while preserving the Union. Trump is instead preserving racism while freeing the racists. Republican Party has come full circle, i.e., it is now closed up and inside itself. 


Pretzel politics and government. 

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Hmmm looking at the above survey totals as I write 262/168


Seems  Trump has won not just the TVF popular vote but the electoral also:tongue:


To top this off the results this time were open to the world not just USA citizens. So it seems the world view here matches the home choice

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2 hours ago, tropo said:


My goodness.... really!!!!....Don't you realise your mindless and rude insults make you worse than the person you're deriding?


Anyone spouting the degree of criticism you are here should spend some time looking at themselves in the mirror.


How do you get off thinking you're superior to 60 million people who voted for Trump?




Ah, the old glib look in the mirror cliche'.


Hillary Clinton is winning the Popular Vote and is only increasing her lead as the absenee and provisional ballots are being counted down to the final finish.



Clinton had 61,781,190 popular votes compared to 60,850,366 to Trump as of November 14, according to the National Popular Vote Tracker created by Dave Wasserman/Cook Political Report. 



Potus Donald Trump has zero electoral mandate from the people. Trump got votes but he is a rare instance of a Potus elected by the Electoral College who, according to AP as of November 14th, lost the Popular Vote.


Regardless, here is the tiny margin of final difference in key states: Final Counts in these particular states...


1. New Hampshire: Clinton +2,701
2. Michigan: Trump +13,080
3. Maine: Clinton +19,995
4. Nevada: Clinton +26,434
5. Wisconsin: Trump +27,257
6. Minnesota: Clinton +44,470
7. Pennsylvania: Trump +68,236
8. Arizona: Trump +92,245



Any recounts that may occur and that would be few and far between won't change a thing. If the Right Whinge wants to find dead voters they'll have to go to the cemetery cause that's where we all go sooner or later -- to stay. Dead voters voting is another political cliche' of the Right.


Undocumented (illegal persons as the Right calls 'em) residents supposedly voting is another cynical attempt to discredit the Democratic Party voters as if we were wicked and evil, deserving of being put away in a dungeon -- to of course protect and to preserve democracy. 


With Republicans in absolute power in Washington we're looking at the Trump Dictatorship of Democracy based on the sorry Putin model.




Edited by metisdead
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Surely he will weed out Clinton octopus fund raising Maffia for their supposedly initially library turned a pure corruption scandal. Why did recently the King of Morocco gave US 12 Mln for what favours in exchange he expected to have paid for ?

read www.1776coalition.com the clinton foundation is finished.

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1 hour ago, Shawn0000 said:


Well, make your mind up!  Was much of what he said just rhetoric and not to be taken literally or was it all actually his true objectives? 



You seem to know everything about the election and who should be there and who shouldn't, why don't you pass on your knowledge and wisdom to the 60 million deplorables who voted for him.  I be embarrassed if I wrote some of the things the left I going on with, the guy is not even in office yet.  Are you able to explain why the Republicans were able to in the senate and congress plus presidency, three out of three ain't bad I'd say. :wai:

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58 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:



We don't really care about your propaganda. All your cutting and pasting isn't going to change a thing so why keep wasting your time.  Tell us what you're trying to prove.:wai:


These guys keep going on about the public vote differential. It's meaningless.


The contest had rules. Trump played by the rules to ensure he won. i.e. He campaigned tirelessly where he had the most chance of winning the electoral college.


Had the popular vote been the determining factor, he would have won that too.




1. He would have done a lot more campaigning in the most populous states such as California and New York. He didn't campaign much in those states as the chances of winning them were low and it would have been a losing strategy to win the electoral college.


2. In states such as California and New York, most smart Republican supporters had better things to do with their time than queuing up to vote when they knew they would lose anyway. If the popular vote was the decider, millions more Republicans would have gone out to vote in the solid blue states.


I also believe that if another Democrat had been the nominee, Trump would have won by an even wider margin. As it was, Clinton had mindless female voters in the bag. i.e. female voters who were only interested in a female becoming president and didn't care about anything else. That Trump won about 42% of the female vote is quite incredible.

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In the Borough of Manhattan, New York City -- home of Donald Trump and the soon-to-be Trump Tower White House on 5th Avenue -- Hillary Clinton received 87.2% of the popular vote. Such a ringing endorsement of Mr. Trump from those who know him best.

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1 minute ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:

. Come back when your balls drop lad.



 Sounds like a errrr happy? Australian ?

 Geez all this time I thought you were err regular American


carry on....Pub? JT? Pinot? Ah.  No worries come out......

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17 minutes ago, tropo said:


I also believe that if another Democrat had been the nominee, Trump would have won by an even wider margin. As it was, Clinton had mindless female voters in the bag. i.e. female voters who were only interested in a female becoming president and didn't care about anything else. That Trump won about 42% of the female vote is quite incredible.


Best explanation

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In the Borough of Manhattan, New York City -- home of Donald Trump and the soon-to-be Trump Tower White House on 5th Avenue -- Hillary Clinton received 87.2% of the popular vote. Such a ringing endorsement of Mr. Trump from those who know him best.

Know him as the con man with mental illness level ego issues. Yes indeed.

He does know how to win. That might be his only core ideology. For himself.

It doesn't follow the USA and planet are winners here though.

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4 minutes ago, mania said:


Best explanation


How many females voted for Clinton just because they didn't want to end up in that special place in hell reserved for females that don't support females?

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