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Outrage and fear fuel continuing anti-Trump protests


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19 minutes ago, Morch said:



Do you suppose people, allegedly with some experience in this sort of thing, will be as amateur as to publish themselves on craigslist?

There are political activist jobs that are totally legitimate. So they might be. I've seen such ads for various political goals. The mistake is assuming there is something implicitly wrong with such activism. For example, paying people to register voters in heavily democratic or republican areas. What's wrong with that? It's all part of the free marketplace of ideas and real world money is part of that marketplace on all sides of the political spectrum. 

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1 minute ago, Jingthing said:

The Soros demonization is an alt-right tool. It's useful to have a boogeyman. 

Mee shy.  Soros has been funding all sorts of lovely groups like BLM and others of that ilk.

All totally left/radical anarchists.  Jing, jing, my go hok! :smile:

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1 minute ago, Boon Mee said:

Heh...about as legal as the Clinton Foundation we suspect.

NAMBLA is legal too.  What's your point.

What's your point? 

I get it that you hate Soros and hate the Clintons. 

Beyond that, I see nothing. 

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Just now, Jingthing said:

My point is you're baiting. 

The last vestige of the radical left aboard here.  Call any Conservative (plus report it right away) a troll or baiting.

Can't y'all debate w/out these low-brow tactics? :post-4641-1156694083:

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Just now, Boon Mee said:

The last vestige of the radical left aboard here.  Call any Conservative (plus report it right away) a troll or baiting.

Can't y'all debate w/out these low-brow tactics? :post-4641-1156694083:

My low brow tactics? You're joking right.:whistling:

In fairness to readers (this is BORING and REPETITIVE) and to avoid a regrettable flare up, I think it's time after all these years, BM, to induct you into my ignore list. Congrats!

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You have to wonder what sort of mind-set these people have?

Distorted beyond all measure of sanity!:


davidthompson: If You Film Us Being Violent, Violence Will Happen To You

A warning from anti-Trump protestors to Portland’s local press Or, “Do as we say and no-one gets hurt. Apart from the people we’re going to hurt while you’re not filming us, obviously.”

This one's a doozie!:  

1) "Do not help the police in identifying persons engaged in illegal activity... Consider this a warning."

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Good riddance.  I don't mind an intellectual debate, but when some smug, self-infatuated pedant can't be 'agreeable in his disagreement' (as a professor once admonished my grad class), it's time to yank him off the dais. Can't we at least be gentlemen?  After all, we...collectively, those who are Americans or supporters from afar...are all lumped into these difficult times together.  It was a huge stretch for many to vote for DJT, but let the man prove himself.  He won this fair and square. If he can't pull it off, public opinion or impeachment will surely follow. That's the way we do things in a democratic republic. 

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2 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

It's not outrage and fear that's fueling the protests boys...George Soros' dirty money is behind the mayhem...:shock1:


Give the conspiracy theories a break.  Why would Soros spend money to fund a bunch of youngsters venting anger in the streets?  You, I and Soros know the protests won't accomplish anything - except maybe show others how pissed off many folks are - that a dangerous pervert will soon be in charge of the US.

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1 hour ago, Fore Man said:

Good riddance.  I don't mind an intellectual debate, but when some smug, self-infatuated pedant can't be 'agreeable in his disagreement' (as a professor once admonished my grad class), it's time to yank him off the dais. Can't we at least be gentlemen?  After all, we...collectively, those who are Americans or supporters from afar...are all lumped into these difficult times together.  It was a huge stretch for many to vote for DJT, but let the man prove himself.  He won this fair and square. If he can't pull it off, public opinion or impeachment will surely follow. That's the way we do things in a democratic republic. 

"....but let the man prove himself.  He won this fair and square."


I won't sit idly by while Trump trashes the US on many levels.  Granted, there's nearly nothing I, as an individual, can do - except support those in the US who resist the Orange Menace.


....and he didn't win it 'fair and square.'  He squeaked by with less than the popular vote, based on his incessant fear-mongering lies.  Most Trump voters knew he was lying and vindictive throughout, but still voted for him because they felt 'an outsider billionaire' would fix things.  He's not an outsider nor a billionaire, and he'll fix America's problems like a pyromaniac with a blowtorch will fix shelving at a fireworks warehouse.

Edited by boomerangutang
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I might need some surgery.

I'm looking for an outsider. Can't trust surgeons or that swamp at the hospitals.

Infection theory is a plot by the Chinese! Don't need to clean those scalpels! 

That laundry lady said she dissected a frog once.

What do I have to lose? 


Credit to John Oliver.

trump recently announced we have to nothing to fear from his presidency.

What incoming president ever said such a thing?

Yes, the groups his movement including the alt right movement has targeted are fearful. 

It's like a woman going home with a strange man, and feeling DANGER in her gut, and the man says, I'm not a rapist or murderer.

Very reassuring. 

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Very, very naive.
He needs to make deals now with Ryan and what Ryan wants in return is to completely dismantle the New Deal (social security and Medicare). 
Don't people realize that trump lies more than any other presidential candidate in history? Now elected, people are dim enough to believe anything out of his mouth? He changes what he says constantly. Now you assume he's going to remain moderating because of what he says on one day that totally contradicts what he's said other days? Based on what? Wishful thinking is all. It's a TACTIC to put people to sleep.
This new government needs to be watched closely and proactively more than ever. Don't give a destructive force like trumpism any kind of "give him a chance" honeymoon. He does NOT deserve it. 
What power do people have when they see what's going down? Not much anymore but one thing they do have is the power of protest and public disapproval. trump craves people to like him. He knows he's the most unpopular president to ever be elected in American history. But he still has plenty of people. Imagine how that plenty of people will be degraded when more of those people realize what's really happening that is actually going to hurt them and their families. 
Naive people say, don't worry, there is a limit to how bad this can be. There are always checks and balances. Uh oh. Not so much. Here's your checks and balances with trump:
"How Bannon flattered and coaxed Trump on policies key to the alt-right"

You could be right or you could be wrong... Only time will tell

I in no way think everyone should close there eyes or follow along with everything and anything Trump thinks up...

All I am saying is that if he moves in that direction it is a good thing

We will just need to watch his actions once he gets into office

If bad, then the minority should be vocal and active .. But if he does propose any things that are good and most can agree on or if he does make some compromises then that is a good thing

I am willing to wait and see what he does and then judge him on his actions rather than just his words

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It's a long segment, but (if you don't want to watch the whole 17 minutes) check it out at 11 minutes.  Cenk lays out the infighting groups which is already coalescing within the Trump transition.  I think he articulates it rather well by putting Trump's inner circle into four categories, and cautions which groups are bad and which are dangerous.



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Seems to me that some time back the world said give the man some time and see how he does. Hmmm, now how did that turn out? Oh yea, WWII.


How in hell would a sociopath fascist that has no morals know right from wrong? Oh wait, I forgot, right wing is wrong wing and that is what he is.


While some of you might thing the Daily Beast is left, it is center, the country has moved right. The subject certainly is right wing.  FP most certainly is not left.


I've got better things to do than try to reason with a bunch of racist fascist brown shirts making fools out of themselves.
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There was nothing in that ad to say there were paying demonstrators, read into what the right wing always does, what's in it's pointy little head.

And here's one just for the orange monster voters: http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/politics/2016/11/there_is_no_such_thing_as_a_good_trump_voter.html

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Here's another one to help those that refuse to inform themselves but have such a short attention span they fall asleep sleep. It is one thing to be ignorant but another to purposely keep one in a state of ignorance is well, rather stupid. Oh I forgot. that is the right wingnuts. Maybe the Psilocybin growing on the cow pasture manure helps between rounds of playing with one's little balls.....lol.





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Yes, just wait and see like Germany and the rest of the world did. That worked out real well. Every move he's made since his acceptance speech points to one direction, fascism. You bought him he owns you. Not me. Not my president, never will be. I swore allegiance to the Constitution, what's left of it after 16 yrs. of Cheney/Bush et al and Obama.


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6 minutes ago, sgtsabai said:

The real wikipedia article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reductio_ad_Hitlerum


What snopes has to say. http://www.snopes.com/politics/clintons/societyquote.asp


I do think it is a little early to compare the fascist orange monster to Hitler, more like Mussolini I think. Hopefully intelligent people will be opposing him and and racist, neo-nazi white supremest "adviser" and their agenda all the way until they are tarred and feathered and run out of the White House on a rail.

Hilarious! So full of bitter hate for a man not even in the oval office yet- and using favorite buzz words of the era like 'racist' 'fascist'. You forgot the best trendy one: 'sexist' Wish Alex Jones was here to do an impression of your rant.

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Alex Jones is a complete kook.

Yes and a good buddy of the kooky president elect. trump will soon be appearing again on his show. trump is abnormal. He started his political career based on moronic racist conspiracy theory (birther) and now this man will get the nuclear codes.
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"Suck it up, Buttercup."  Love it:


"Rep. Bobby Kaufmann, an Iowa Republican who serves in his state’s general assembly, announced on Monday that he plans to introduce legislation that he calls the “suck it up, buttercup” bill. Its goal will be to punish state universities that provide assistance to students protesting the recent election of Donald Trump.


 If Kaufmann’s bill passed, it would financially penalize state universities that use their taxpayer dollars to fund sit-ins, grief counseling, and other post-election support services beyond what students normally receive."



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A friend of mine, a college professor and military history author living in the US, asked me why I bother to devote time on the TVF in the face of baiting, inflammatory and extremist posters. Here was my response:


"It goes to show that we indeed have the full range of human beings living over here.  The vast majority are decent, tolerant guys, but there will always be those deranged souls, fueled by sundry bad habits and rife with unchecked anger and dementia. Thailand is a Third World country but its generally livable and accepting culture has always attracted the dregs of American and European societies...true losers in every sense...and these sods are all swimming together at the bottom of the sewers here.  Compromise, congeniality, and gentility are unknown to them. Unfortunately, they all have their cheap cell phones or can easily visit Internet cafes to vent their unchecked misery and spew hate on the rest of us.  But every once in awhile, we get absolute gems of well thought-out ideas, carefully reasoned comments or useful information that keep me returning to the Forum."

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