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US Embassy questions security boost for its embassy, but draws strong criticism


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3 hours ago, Jingthing said:

I am wondering what Americans abroad are doing now when meeting new non-Americans who are curious about what happened to the USA. Are you expressing your affiliation or resistance to trump or just letting them assume all Americans are acting like this is a normal thing, to have a nasty mouthed bombastic reality t.v. show demagogue with no experience gain the most power on earth. 


I'm posting this sincere question here in a topic about the U.S. embassy intentionally, because like it or not, accept the role or not, every single American abroad is in some small way an AMBASSADOR to our already great and now deeply troubled/divided nation. 


Our EMBASSY of course is the official office of our official ambassador. But again, when we're abroad we all represent our country to the world. 

Yes I have been asked by many. I tell them that our highly qualified government officials have been cheating, scamming, lying, and paying each other billions of dollars each year out of the taxpayers money for many years and the people have had enough. Time for a major change. The only reason US policy is so complicated is so that the common person has no chance of knowing what is going on. I don't have a big enough house to hold the income tax laws in it. Experience is the last thing we need in Washington. Much of his loud mouth, nasty talk was just a reflection of the feelings of the majority of citizens obviously. Democracy at work.

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2 hours ago, Jingthing said:

I don't believe you, but nice try. I was looking for SINCERE feedback. This has just started and trump is going to do many outlandish things in the coming years, and this question is going to come up again and again. It was similar under W. Bush but  this will be on steroids. 

GW Bush was a puppet just like Reagan, HW Bush, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Obama.  Do you really believe the right and left of Congress don't like and agree with each other?  Try going to the top dollar restaurants in DC and watch them laughing and joking together about how they are making millions off us idiots. " Who are you gonna lobby for" " Looks like Halliburtan and you" " I'm stuck with Toyota I guess".  They are also exempt from insider trading laws.  Have you heard one on either side talk about changing this? Time for a big change man. I'm willing to take the risk as most of the American dream is gone anyway, what more can we lose.

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12 minutes ago, Grubster said:

GW Bush was a puppet just like Reagan, HW Bush, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Obama.  Do you really believe the right and left of Congress don't like and agree with each other?  Try going to the top dollar restaurants in DC and watch them laughing and joking together about how they are making millions off us idiots. " Who are you gonna lobby for" " Looks like Halliburtan and you" " I'm stuck with Toyota I guess".  They are also exempt from insider trading laws.  Have you heard one on either side talk about changing this? Time for a big change man. I'm willing to take the risk as most of the American dream is gone anyway, what more can we lose.

I was just asking you what you tell foreigners. Not asking for a world class RANT, thank you very much.:sick:

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40 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

I was just asking you what you tell foreigners. Not asking for a world class RANT, thank you very much.:sick:

No you weren't you were ranting about how trump will do outlandish things, and he is a Bush on steroids you hypocrite. If you don't mind you can post what you like and I will do likewise. Sorry I hurt your feelings though.

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1 minute ago, Grubster said:

No you weren't you were ranting about how trump will do outlandish things, and he is a Bush on steroids you hypocrite. If you don't mind you can post what you like and I will do likewise. Sorry I hurt your feelings though.

Ignore list time. No value in this.


Anyway, no I really was asking Americans to say what they are telling foreigners that they think are at all curious about what happened to the USA recently.

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I tell people, American, farangs, Thais, Laotian, etc. the truth, that the Trump is a fascist, lying, con man racist pig that should, like Clinton,  have never been nominated for dawg catcher in a one dog town. I refuse to accept him as president and his cabinet list is a nightmare of right wingnut idiots, Sara the bimbo from Alaska Palin for Interior Secretary?, Bolton, Gingrich. On the other hand, the blue dawg corporate elites of the Democrat Party and DNC brought about this debacle of an election when they rigged the primaries for Clinton. Bernie would have walked all over the the fascist, taken back the Senate and probably the house.


Oh, now they have doubled down on their own destruction by pushing Chelsea for a Representative role and supporting Donna Brazil, arrrrgggghhhh!

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I am surprised to hear people are going to so much DETAIL to foreigners. I think maybe too much to digest in some of those answers. I do think it is of value for Americans abroad to let the world know there is a great diversity of opinion about this and real and deep division.


We hear from Russia that 90 percent of the people love Putin ... not sure if I really believe that, but I would only have evidence if a number of random Russians told me they didn't. Personally I feel poorly of Russia and Russian people to know that a dictator like that is so popular there and I don't want Americans to be in the same boat as Russians, with an authoritarian leader and people thinking he has overwhelmingly support. That's one reason the world news  about the street protests is of great value. Any foreigner in the world is already getting the message that we've got a strong man leader now but there is MASSIVE dissent about that. 

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18 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Ignore list time. No value in this.


Anyway, no I really was asking Americans to say what they are telling foreigners that they think are at all curious about what happened to the USA recently.

OK Bye Bye

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Oh BTW I was in Vientiane for the US Marine Corps Birthday Ball a few days ago and in all the conversations, including the US Ambassador there was no mention of a security threat there or anywhere. I not only was with the Marine Security unit but talked with others from Bangkok that are "involved" in security. She did say in her short talk that the US has a great diversity of opinion and would survive.

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Just now, sgtsabai said:

Oh BTW I was in Vientiane for the US Marine Corps Birthday Ball a few days ago and in all the conversations, including the US Ambassador there was no mention of a security threat there or anywhere. I not only was with the Marine Security unit but talked with others from Bangkok that are "involved" in security. She did say in her short talk that the US has a great diversity of opinion and would survive.

That's nice and that's what an ambassador should always say, that we will survive anything. But she doesn't know that for sure, does she.

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Off subject a bit more, she isn't a political hack, a 20+ yr. vet. and within the first couple of days in Lao, she's only been there a couple of weeks, flew to a MIA recovery site. I like that. She is no "I'm important so shut up and listen" person, the opposite, down to earth. She also had some good words for the Lao people and their help and new leadership. Yes, professional, knows SE Asia, came from Hanoi duty station. The Trump will probably get rid or her. It is important to know that while America appears to have lost it's collective mind, there are more that haven't and we will prevail.

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6 hours ago, Jingthing said:

I am wondering what Americans abroad are doing now when meeting new non-Americans who are curious about what happened to the USA. Are you expressing your affiliation or resistance to trump or just letting them assume all Americans are acting like this is a normal thing, to have a nasty mouthed bombastic reality t.v. show demagogue with no experience gain the most power on earth. 


I'm posting this sincere question here in a topic about the U.S. embassy intentionally, because like it or not, accept the role or not, every single American abroad is in some small way an AMBASSADOR to our already great and now deeply troubled/divided nation. 


Our EMBASSY of course is the official office of our official ambassador. But again, when we're abroad we all represent our country to the world. 

I can inform you that I am a registered Democrat  and voted for Trump along with a number of my cousins/friends in the US. I do not trust Hillary anyone could have made a mistake using an unsecured server however trying to destroy the e mails after being ordered to hand them over and her response to Bengazi turned me from her. Most of his talk is rehtoric saying what he says to get votes. He's not going to build an actual wall but will tighen up seurity on the border. Why should there be a problem with that if you cross illegaly into Thailand you will visit the detention center be fined and deported.  As far as Obama care he is not going to throw 20 million people off of insurance rolls what he will do is tweak it as many have said it needs to be done. He's lowering the tax rate for low income workers---how is that a bad thing? JUst wait and see what he accompliseds in his 1st 100 days if things are bad can always impeach him like Richard Nixon was. As far as the popular vote Trump was leading there as well untill California voted which may put him behind her  BUT California has 38 million people 38 %  are Hispanic

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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

Ignore list time. No value in this.


Anyway, no I really was asking Americans to say what they are telling foreigners that they think are at all curious about what happened to the USA recently.


I think my count is like 15 people he has ignore listed since November 9. 


I was ignore listed prior to November 9.


Only reason I been paying attention is because watching the incredible amount of slapped-ass syndrome is just too great.


Why are you so concerned with what other people think? 

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Another thing Americans are hearing from non-Americans is the question, was this a normal election and election aftermath (the instant nationwide street protests) and this is a question that can be addressed with a more non-partisan answer.


Referring now to John Heilemann speaking on election night when it was clear it was a close election and that trump was likely to pull off  this major surprise UPSET that indeed he did. It was discussed that whichever side won, the losing side would react very strongly.


 But then to this quote which is of relevance to anyone that doesn't get that this election (and what will follow) is anything but normal --


Outside of the civil war, WW2, and including 911, this may be the most catalclysmic event the country has ever seen.


 Some crackpot? No.  John Heilemann. 


Also speaking was Mark Halperin. They both agreed strongly ... the USA has never seen anything like this and we've entered completely virgin territory as a nation.


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Perhaps in light of recent events in Thailand, and the election of a new leader in the USA who has not been welcomed by many, a presence of Thai law and order in close proximity to the Embassy is prudent as a warning to refrain from actioning out displeasure to electoral result.

Protestors against Donald gathered in Auckland to march on the consulate, pro Donald supporters were also to be found and it got a little heated, a burnt flag, with a few arrests being made.

Not the best foot to put forward if similar activity were to occur in Thailand whilst in the mourning period of a revered lifetime leader, as opposed to a transient political figure.



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2 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Another thing Americans are hearing from non-Americans is the question, was this a normal election and election aftermath (the instant nationwide street protests) and this is a question that can be addressed with a more non-partisan answer.


Referring now to John Heilemann speaking on election night when it was clear it was a close election and that trump was likely to pull off  this major surprise UPSET that indeed he did. It was discussed that whichever side won, the losing side would react very strongly.


 But then to this quote which is of relevance to anyone that doesn't get that this election (and what will follow) is anything but normal --


 Some crackpot? No.  John Heilemann. 


Also speaking was Mark Halperin. They both agreed strongly ... the USA has never seen anything like this and we've entered completely virgin territory as a nation.


I'm on JT's ignore list but can't resist stating the obvious.  JT is rabid when it comes to the Trump issue. One only has to note the number of posts in this thread alone to see that. For JT and many on the left, it is about their personal ideas on certain social issues that drives them.  One would think that global warming, gay marriage, free college education, health care and abortion are the single biggest issues facing the country.  To the Hillary supporters, anyone that differs in their thinking is a moron.  One only has to look at the vile things said about Trump and his supporters to see this. This aftermath of riots by the left is proof positive that some but not all liberals are so far out there in their thinking that they can't accept an election result not in their favor.  Had it been the other way around the conservatives would not have happy with the results but most likely would not have taken to the streets destroying property.  This is a liberal tactic not a conservative one.  The hysteria by the left that Trump somehow is going to take away some of the social gains of the left is ludicrous.  


Trump, of all people, is not so far right as to even be interested in this kind of thing. Trump has never expressed a dislike for gays,  Jews, African Americans, Latinos or others. He has expressed the frustration of the blatant disregard for American laws flaunted by people overstaying visas or illegally crossing the boarders. He is concerned about accepting tens of thousands of refugees from the middle east. One only has to looks at the problems in Europe to see why. That does not make him any of the things he has been called. Trump's main focus will be getting the economy  rolling again.  Eight years of stagnation is enough and Hillary only represented the status quo.  Something needs to be done to jump start things and let's all hope Trump can do it. He's an outsider and a successful businessman, why not give him a chance. For me it has always been about the health of the economic engine that drives everything. When the economy is good and people are working, things just work better, the country is less divided. People see hope.  Generally most people are concerned about their economic well being, not pushing many of the social issues that slowly get resolved over time anyway.  The only way to pay for all the programs that liberals want is with healthy economic growth, not spending on the national credit card, which in the end only hurts the less fortunate the most.



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So lets see the Thai government puts additional security on the US Embassy, but does not tell them why and does not respond to Embassy queries


a) US and Thai citizens ask about it at the embassy, and are concerned/scared


b  ) After more questions they put up on their website, business as usual, ignore the security come on in.  The Thai government has said nothing about it to us and not answered our request for information.


c) This then finds its way to a Thai newsite (wonder how :D ) and the citizenry are outraged, outraged I say by the audacity to tell people they have not been told why security was added, but all appears safe  ..... and YES come on in for business.


If you are looking to get upset,  this will do, but too desperate



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14 hours ago, Jingthing said:

I don't believe you, but nice try. I was looking for SINCERE feedback. This has just started and trump is going to do many outlandish things in the coming years, and this question is going to come up again and again. It was similar under W. Bush but  this will be on steroids. 


The topic is "US Embassy Questions Security", your attempt to hijack this thread for another tear jerking, lying rant goes beyond the pale.  If you want to do a survey you should get up with the moderators and do so.


Now back on subject, maybe Thailand is worried about the whacked out militant, anarchistic movement brought on by the most corrupt politician in US history and the Soro's bunch spreading here.



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Just now, bassman said:

Now back on subject, maybe Thailand is worried about the whacked out militant, anarchistic movement brought on by the most corrupt politician in US history and the Soro's bunch spreading here.


Then they should tell the US Embassy that and/or not scare the US and Thai citizens who have business to transact there. Or is that too much to ask? :thumbsup: 

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3 minutes ago, LomSak27 said:


Then they should tell the US Embassy that and/or not scare the US and Thai citizens who have business to transact there. Or is that too much to ask? :thumbsup: 


Agree with you 100%, should be no secrets with the public and effected embassies when a threat that requires increased security exists. 

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18 hours ago, Jingthing said:

I don't really agree with you.  There is always a threat of terrorism against U.S. targets abroad, and given trump's disgusting and racist Islamophobia, Islamic Jihadist types may feel motivated to act in response to the election results. I get that the embassy is saying there  is no new specific threat (and if there is, they should definitely be informed about that), but there's always a non-specific threat. 


and you forgot to mention the jihadist terrorists SJW anger because voters were also sexist  in voting for trump.

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38 minutes ago, atyclb said:


and you forgot to mention the jihadist terrorists SJW anger because voters were also sexist  in voting for trump.

I'll respond to that even though it was ridiculous.

My initial assumption is the Thai government is aware that the U.S. has experienced a cataclysmic political event, not a normal election, that many credible people are comparing in impact to 911.  So they see instability and vulnerability. A time of uncertainty. The USA in Thailand is the embassy. Again, perhaps just a proactive thing until it's known whether there is any local impact from the event in the USA. 


Realistically, of course, Americans here are not going to protest about the event in Thailand.


 It's conceivable that some Thai or other foreign groups might be motivated to protest there or more aggressive actions, particularly Islamic ones based on the toxic Islamophobic rhetoric of the president elect. 

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3 hours ago, bassman said:


The topic is "US Embassy Questions Security", your attempt to hijack this thread for another tear jerking, lying rant goes beyond the pale.  If you want to do a survey you should get up with the moderators and do so.


Now back on subject, maybe Thailand is worried about the whacked out militant, anarchistic movement brought on by the most corrupt politician in US history and the Soro's bunch spreading here.



I'm sensitive to your criticism here which is why when I introduced it, I explained the rationale for moving this thread into that area. You can go back and read it if you choose. People were free to respond to the tangent I suggested, or not. A number of people did respond exactly on point. So your opinion on this doesn't necessarily mean that the connection I saw between the embassy security increase and the cataclysmic political event that happened in the USA and how it relates to AMERICANS ABROAD doesn't make some sense. Is it too much of a stretch? Well, that's not my call. I didn't think so and you're free to IGNORE the tangent or indeed report the thread if you choose. 

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