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US racist and bigoted hate crimes explode after Trump election victory


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52 minutes ago, sgtsabai said:

I expect and hope the dust never settles until the fascist and his bigoted, racist, cabal are tarred, feathered and run out of the country on a rail. As shown by the posts lately, the win of fascists over what was supposed to be a democracy has brought the racists and bigots out of the woodwork. I hope the Democrats have had a come to jesus meeting and decided on scorched earth just the Republicans did when a black man was elected to a White House. Then again, the Democrats never did inform the people of why there was a "do nothing" Congress.

for bitter animosity, hate and anger as well as opposition to results of a democratic election in a constitutional republic, look no further than the comment above! Wow.....

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9 minutes ago, gemini81 said:

for bitter animosity, hate and anger as well as opposition to results of a democratic election in a constitutional republic, look no further than the comment above! Wow.....


The Grand Ole Party Is Just the Anti-Obama Party

Obstruction of Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland showcases how the GOP discards all principle at the chance to stop Obama



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Well, in the video I saw a swastika and "Hell Trump" (maybe Go To Hell Trump?) spray painted on a church. 


If you apply the left's favorite red neck, Jesus loving Trump supporter stereotype, such as Publicus and others do frequently, including the Yuk Yuk Ma and Pa Kettle example in this thread, well, those god fearin' folk aren't inclined to be spray painting on a house of god, nor would they tell Trump, who they support, to go to hell.   It would appear that spray paint "hate crime" was perpetrated by..... liberal anti-Trumpists.


The picture posted of a large swastika with "Make America White Again" is also a reverse spin theme used by anti-Trump people.  They use the swastika to indicate Trump is like Hitler, reference to David Duke/KKK support, etc.

Edited by 55Jay
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9 hours ago, Publicus said:


Let's always keep in mind the rural American white vote increased by 10% this year so that Ma and Pa Kettle made the difference in narrow Trump wins in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennslyvania, to include other states. 

Related image

Ma and Pa Kettle pause for a moment away from a continuous viewing of Faux to pose for their Republican Party Official Historic 2016 Election Portrait. The Official Portrait will be placed in a prominent position at the offices of the Republican National Committee in Washington and at Trump Tower in NYC. The happy winners said they were "excited" about the victory of their hero, Potus-Elect Donald Trump.


"I like to say we have many children everywhere," Ma said when asked of their decisive impact on the election. "Some of 'em have gone abroad but they keep the flame burning bright," added Pa Kettle.


We are fortunate to hear directly from Ma and Pa because it was a rare instance of either of the Kettles speaking any words at all.



I used to enjoy those Ma and Pa Kettle movies as a kid, and Francis the Talking Mule.

Edited by lannarebirth
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Another trump inspired hate crime.

Trump's response to the news of a wave of trumpist inspired hate crimes against many sorts of minorities? Two words. Stop it!
That's his program? Sounds like it's gonna be terrific.

God help us. 



Trump Supporter Attacks Elderly Gay Man: "My President Says We Can Kill You"




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44 minutes ago, 55Jay said:

Well, in the video I saw a swastika and "Hell Trump" (maybe Go To Hell Trump?) spray painted on a church. 


If you apply the left's favorite red neck, Jesus loving Trump supporter stereotype, such as Publicus and others do frequently, including the Yuk Yuk Ma and Pa Kettle example in this thread, well, those god fearin' folk aren't inclined to be spray painting on a house of god, nor would they tell Trump, who they support, to go to hell.   It would appear that spray paint "hate crime" was perpetrated by..... liberal anti-Trumpists.


The picture posted of a large swastika with "Make America White Again" is also a reverse spin theme used by anti-Trump people.  They use the swastika to indicate Trump is like Hitler, reference to David Duke/KKK support, etc.


we know well, everyone is fasist who are not on their side . With this idea, thay could loose sympathy their had. Same as communists. In the circle they are racists and rigid but they show another face to the world.

I do not want to say every democrat is the same but we just hear the shouting minority

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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

Another trump inspired hate crime.

Trump's response to the news of a wave of trumpist inspired hate crimes against many sorts of minorities? Two words. Stop it!
That's his program? Sounds like it's gonna be terrific.

God help us. 





JT....Stop embarrassing yourself

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Calls for trump to take ACTION!



An urgent request to Trump from civil rights advocates: Speak out against acts of hate
Friday’s letter to Trump acknowledged his statements on “60 Minutes” but said they weren’t enough: “The appointment of ‘alt-right’ hero Steve Bannon as your chief strategist — which has been cheered by the Ku Klux Klan, the American Renaissance and other white supremacist groups — sends the exact opposite message,” the groups wrote



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Hate crimes continue unbounded...


Electors Across The Country Continue To Be Harassed, Even Threatened By Hillary Supporters


Check out..."this effort before and how it may have been kicked off or at least encouraged by a man connected to the Clinton campaign who doxxed the electors on Twitter, tweeting a list of all the electors and their contact information.




Positively shameful!  Why are Democrats such Haters? :ph34r:

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11 hours ago, sgtsabai said:

I expect and hope the dust never settles until the fascist and his bigoted, racist, cabal are tarred, feathered and run out of the country on a rail. As shown by the posts lately, the win of fascists over what was supposed to be a democracy has brought the racists and bigots out of the woodwork. I hope the Democrats have had a come to jesus meeting and decided on scorched earth just the Republicans did when a black man was elected to a White House. Then again, the Democrats never did inform the people of why there was a "do nothing" Congress.


It would be a lot more cut and dried if we had an actual democracy.  The sad fact is that we have an oligarchy with an illusion of democracy.  Regardless of who gets elected, the rich will get what they want, and the rest of us will get whatever trickles down.  


Citizens whose incentives align with the incentives of the wealthy will be tickled pink, but make no mistake, they're still getting cast-offs.


Trump wasn't elected on his policies, racist or otherwise.  He was elected as a protest against the lack of a true democracy.  Of course, the racists will use any excuse to spew their hate, just like a tiny percentage of the other side will use any excuse and protest to score a big screen TV for free.  And the other side (whichever that may be) will call that evidence that they were right all along.

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Don't doubt openly racist nutters are stretching their legs, just saying the video put up isn't a good example of it.   I read somewhere recently US KKK membership, for example, is very small.  Southern Poverty Law Ctr estimates 6,000 nationwide.   Anti-Defamation League about 3,000.   In a country of 330 million people.


Media outlets with an agenda will conflate incidents to make it seem worse than it actually is, in order to feed the newest "revolution".  They are, in effect, doing the same thing they indict Trump for. 


If the media actually cared, they would use their influence to marginalize these marginal nutters into obscurity.  Just ignore them.  No air time, don't even mention them.  They know how to do this selective non-coverage.  Ask Jill Stein, she'll tell you all about it.  Or Bernie Sanders, at least when he first started campaigning.  Bernie Who? 

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19 hours ago, sujoop said:




Apparently it's now okay for school kids to taunt xenophobic chants at other kids (as the President elect has encouraged, so, it must be ok). Also saw a clip on the news of an older white guy who shouts at a passing bewildered Asian looking girl  'Go back to your country!!' . Making 'Murica great agin'  has begun, we no longer have to be 'PC' anymore (well, unless you call someone 'deplorable', that's apparently totally unacceptable to the Trump/non-PC crowd;).

Trump spent months and months whipping up the 'build that wall' goon squads and stoking the worst in human nature and suddenly he's surprised by the reactions? Of course he's not, this was all purposely orchestrated by him as part of a 'winning' strategy. Trump won by appealing to a majority of under-educated, angry, ageing, white voters. This forum is well represented by ageing, angry, white (males) with many displaying obvious misogynistic and xenophobic traits too (note, didn't even add 'under-educated';) thus it's not at all surprising the majority of posters here are supportive of the Bigot in Chief and deny any racism is involved.



No double likes available sorry. Yes the Donald who never settles lawsuits has made a 25 million dollar settlement in the Trump University fraud case. Strange no jail time?? Just like the 2008 fiasco thieving banks big fines no jail time. Seems like he had no choice as even after becoming president a sitting president can be charged with a crime that happened before he took office. Yes the xenophobes are arising out of their holes now the Confederate flag is making a comeback. Yes the esteemed P.M. of Japan made a pilgrimage to Trumpland and paid homage to Trump saying  Japan's PM Abe meets Trump, says confident can build trust . These politicians are getting more sickening by the day makes you want to vomit. We live in a fishbowl my dear friends fed a few crumbs to keep us alive shut in by a barrier of glass. Its the same as watching the glass boob tube and being fed the media's constant stream of lies. 

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OH    here we   go   everybody!   Lets  all blame  Donald   for  Americans  who   are   showing   their  racial hatred  that  they  have  already  had.  Such   stupid  excuses.  If   there  are   more  protests and  those

protestors damage  property,   that  is the  protestors  and   not  Donald's    fault.

  It   is   time   for  the   people   of   America  to  get  back  to  work,  and  watch  for professional  protestors to keep  blaming  Donald Trump and  not  themselves.


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5 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Hate crimes continue unbounded...


Electors Across The Country Continue To Be Harassed, Even Threatened By Hillary Supporters


Check out..."this effort before and how it may have been kicked off or at least encouraged by a man connected to the Clinton campaign who doxxed the electors on Twitter, tweeting a list of all the electors and their contact information.




Positively shameful!  Why are Democrats such Haters? :ph34r:


Makin' stuff up again are we? What will you do for material when the fake news articles are stripped from social media. You might have to come up with your own stuff.


Facebook, Google announce new policies to fight fake news


The problem has grown to the point that it is now too big to ignore. Both companies have come under fire for widely-shared fake news stories that spread false information about the candidates.




Mornings will be getting dull for the fake news trolls.

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19 hours ago, NovaBlue05 said:

After reading the title "US racist and bigoted hate crimes EXPLODE after ....."  , frankly..... I was simply expecting more than a few random pictures of vandalism with  a video of teenagers acting stupid. 


What then is the level that would warrant attention? A few more deaths? 100 reports or 1000 reports or maybe a million reports before it should be taken seriously?

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22 hours ago, Si Thea01 said:


Not upset but maybe that was your intention.   Here, I'll take you test and wait for however you respond.  Firstly not American and not required to be, the election of a President, regardless  of nationality affects the population, world wide.  Secondly, I see you didn't use the word white, frightened of being lopped in with the rest of us white racists? This why HRC lost, with people being labelled like this by those up themselves.


How many voted, who knows but enough to give your heroine the boot.  Now given what you have written, in my opinion, is a from of reverse racism, so please before you sling off a others, take a long hard look in the mirror. :wai: 


Reverse racism does not exist except in the minds of the supremacists who cannot deal with any challenge to their perceived superiority.

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4 hours ago, 55Jay said:

Don't doubt openly racist nutters are stretching their legs, just saying the video put up isn't a good example of it.   I read somewhere recently US KKK membership, for example, is very small.  Southern Poverty Law Ctr estimates 6,000 nationwide.   Anti-Defamation League about 3,000.   In a country of 330 million people.


Media outlets with an agenda will conflate incidents to make it seem worse than it actually is, in order to feed the newest "revolution".  They are, in effect, doing the same thing they indict Trump for. 


If the media actually cared, they would use their influence to marginalize these marginal nutters into obscurity.  Just ignore them.  No air time, don't even mention them.  They know how to do this selective non-coverage.  Ask Jill Stein, she'll tell you all about it.  Or Bernie Sanders, at least when he first started campaigning.  Bernie Who? 




One of the problems with the Right Sector is that they don't know how to say thank you...


The media played a critical role in creating President-elect Donald Trump. The Tyndall Report, which tracks how much airtime different issues and candidates receive on the major news networks, summarized media coverage of the candidates in 2015. Donald Trump received 327 minutes, or close to one-third of all the campaign coverage, at a time when he had 16 Republican challengers. “ABC World News Tonight” aired 81 minutes of reports on Donald Trump, compared with just 20 seconds for Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, according to Tyndall. On March 15, 2016, after the primary day dubbed “Super Tuesday 3,” the networks played all the candidates’ speeches, except for the speech by Sanders. The networks actually spent more time showing Trump’s empty podium, filling the time until he spoke, than playing any words of Sanders’, who addressed the largest crowd that night.



They are always quite confused over there on the far out extreme right.


Just check this out besides...


“Darkness is good. Dick Cheney. Darth Vader. Satan. That’s power. It only helps us when they get it wrong. When they’re blind to who we are and what we’re doing.”


— Trump strategist Stephen Bannon, in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter.

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1 hour ago, Boon Mee said:


More of your Alt Right purveyors of fake news.


Link to something in the mainstream media and we might start to pay attention. Mainstream means what it says. Your fringe babble is not credible. Try again.

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I think we all need to calm down a bit.


There may well be a spike in the extreme crazies, but it's just that, the extreme fringe.


Lets not try to cast the whole population that voted for trump as extreme right wing white nutjobs.


I'm Hispanic, and boy did I get it wrong. I never thought that a single Latino would vote for Trump, but as it turns out 30% in fact did.


It was a weird conversation I had with my cousin last week, when we were discussing the election, and she revealed she had voted for Trump. To say I was stunned was an understatement, but as the conversation progressed I think I began to understand.


Now, I'm a UC Berkeley educated guy, she's a 43 year old working in WalMart in Kern County California. In her mind it really didn't matter who she voted for her life probably wouldn't change, so 'what the Hell' middle finger to the establishment.


I couldn't help while talking to her being reminded of a quote I had read (New Yorker, I think); "the media and liberals take Trump literally, but not seriously, whereas his supporters take him seriously, but not literally"


I think that kind of sums up my cousins opinion of Trump, and I suspect she represents a good majority of the Trump voters, rather than the right wing bigots, who will of course get all the headlines





Edited by GinBoy2
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4 hours ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


Reverse racism does not exist except in the minds of the supremacists who cannot deal with any challenge to their perceived superiority.



Says who?  Here's the actual definition.


"Reverse racism is a phenomenon in which discrimination, sometimes officially sanctioned, against a dominant or formerly dominant racial or other group representative of the majority in a particular society takes place, for a variety of reasons, often initially as an attempt at redressing past wrongs."


Someone has gone to a lot of trouble in defining something you alleged does not exist.


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Says who?  Here's the actual definition.
"Reverse racism is a phenomenon in which discrimination, sometimes officially sanctioned, against a dominant or formerly dominant racial or other group representative of the majority in a particular society takes place, for a variety of reasons, often initially as an attempt at redressing past wrongs."
Someone has gone to a lot of trouble in defining something you alleged does not exist.

And who is someone please?

Sent from my ROBBY using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

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Says who?  Here's the actual definition.
"Reverse racism is a phenomenon in which discrimination, sometimes officially sanctioned, against a dominant or formerly dominant racial or other group representative of the majority in a particular society takes place, for a variety of reasons, often initially as an attempt at redressing past wrongs."
Someone has gone to a lot of trouble in defining something you alleged does not exist.

Indeed reverse racism aided and abetted by self-flagellation from white leftists has undergone a renaissance under the current Potus. Given four more years of the same nonsense the U.S would become a larger version of suicidal European nations such as Germany or Sweden.

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