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Did I get this right "Good Guys in Bad Guys Out"

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37 minutes ago, chiang mai said:


No, it's more that we live in different Thailands, you and me hence we see different things. I'm sure if I lived in Pattaya and and hung around bars all day long I'd see what you see, thankfully I don't. And as far as the rest of Thailand is concerned, I can't think of any places outside of the tourist areas that have what you describe, it's therefore a localised problem rather than a country wide one as far as westerners are concerned.

Sorry I have seen them out side of the  tourist industry , it is not just there , it is all over thailand.

but more so in the tourist areas .

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2 minutes ago, georgemandm said:

Sorry I have seen them out side of the  tourist industry , it is not just there , it is all over thailand.

but more so in the tourist areas .


If you've seen it outside of the western tourist areas then it would be aimed at locals, all a part of their culture historically and not for us to criticise.

21 minutes ago, Mitkof Island said:

This is true the visa requirements are much more difficult now. Having said that a foreign criminal from down under with a long criminal record returned to Thailand once again just a few weeks ago. He was so sure of himself he spent the last two weeks hanging in the girly bars in Bangkok. Just proves that the system still needs a lot of work. Many foreigners also hiding here for years who have overstayed their visas just never get near the borders. Many of the foreigners that make it into Thailand would never be allowed to enter most countries. In my area alone there are at least a dozen that i know of who have no passports and or visas. I would likely guess a few are criminals. I have no problem with the Thai government making it much more difficult to visit or live here. I would be willing to pay $1,000 a year for a visa if i was sure the Thai government were making efforts to rid the country of the scum here. So odd that so many defend these types of people. Really makes me wonder if they are pro-scum. This sicko below had been hanging in the bars in Bangkok for over the last few weeks with no worries. So please tell me how there are NO foreign criminals or pain in the ass foreigners in Thailand.





I'm not following the argument, firstly, there is a big difference between a criminal record and currently wanted by police. In most countries after being convicted of a crime and serving a sentence, you are free to travel etc, and most countries dont ask your criminal record if you are arriving for a 2 week holiday. If, on the other hand you are currently wanted in your home country for a crime, thats the fault of the home country for letting them leave.

Yes, thailand seems to be a place people on the run end up, but is the proportion any greater than other countries.


If you want to stop criminals coming to Thailand, take there passport off them in there home country.

20 minutes ago, robblok said:

Miktof Island.. 


Funny that you complain about sex tourism when you got a picture of girl with big tits. Seems your no stranger to sex. I find sex normal and paying for sex is a good thing (less rapes). 


As long as there is corruption those criminals (many of those have far more money than you) will just be able to get in the country by bribing people. Fact is they are only making it harder for normal people already following the rules. Do you really think criminals are following the rules ?


They don't bother with 90 day reports or change of address they just bribe their way out of it. 


I know that now that I am on an elite visa (shows i spend money and am not some low life farang that cant afford a better visa .. not my opinion but those of the Thais) I am treated quite well. When i was still on a marriage visa .. I had to jump through countless of hoops.. now I dont and all is taken care of faster.  It just shows.. the Thais care for money and if you have money its no problem.


They never asked me where my money came from or to show that i was not a criminal. I got far more questions when I was married and things were far harder.  You can't blame the foreigners alone.. its the Thais that set up the system.


Also most of the sex trade is not for foreigners its for Thais. Just look at the guy selling 15 yo girls.. it was to Thais.. not foreigners. 

Agree with you 100% but not about some low life  westen that can't afford a better visas . 

You are say that most man that don't have that 

Elite visa  rubbish are low life ? .

how would you know it is the  opinion of the Thais bs , you think you are better then most man in thailand , if you don't you would not say that bs .

8 minutes ago, chiang mai said:


If you've seen it outside of the western tourist areas then it would be aimed at locals, all a part of their culture historically and not for us to criticise.

No you not understand I have seen low life westerns ok not talking about Thais .

not criticize thai culture at all .

46 minutes ago, Mitkof Island said:

Yes i would have to agree with you on that. They tend to be in what i call the tourist slums. Pattaya, Koh Samui, Phuket, Chiang Mai, Koh Phi Phi and areas of Bangkok for example.

You think Chiang Mai... Thailand's cultural city... is a 'tourist slum'? 


I live in Chiang Mai... its beautiful.  I suggest you go visit these places you are saying are slums before you comment on them.



12 minutes ago, Peterw42 said:

This sicko below had been hanging in the bars in Bangkok for over the last few weeks with no worries.


Last time I looked hanging in a bar isn't a crime, you seem aware of some other crime he has committed, maybe if you shared the stories associated with the photo we would know what you are talking about. Is this guy wanted in Thailand, his home country, both ? Did he leave his home country illegally, arrive in Thailand illegally.


I am sure these people in the photos have committed heinous crimes, but for me and other members, they are just random photos, we dont know who they are.

50 minutes ago, Mitkof Island said:

This is true the visa requirements are much more difficult now. Having said that a foreign criminal from down under with a long criminal record returned to Thailand once again just a few weeks ago. He was so sure of himself he spent the last two weeks hanging in the girly bars in Bangkok. Just proves that the system still needs a lot of work. Many foreigners also hiding here for years who have overstayed their visas just never get near the borders. Many of the foreigners that make it into Thailand would never be allowed to enter most countries. In my area alone there are at least a dozen that i know of who have no passports and or visas. I would likely guess a few are criminals. I have no problem with the Thai government making it much more difficult to visit or live here. I would be willing to pay $1,000 a year for a visa if i was sure the Thai government were making efforts to rid the country of the scum here. So odd that so many defend these types of people. Really makes me wonder if they are pro-scum. This sicko below had been hanging in the bars in Bangkok for over the last few weeks with no worries. So please tell me how there are NO foreign criminals or pain in the ass foreigners in Thailand.




Would be impossible to stop them , but the ones who want to live here full time hop they can be stop them .

You can't stop the fly in  criminal in to thailand unless there government take away there passports , that is how you stop it .

So you have no hop of it not happening you just have to live with it and not care about it , Thais not care so why do you care I understand you , but we can't stop it .

1 hour ago, Mitkof Island said:

Sorry i hurt your feelings. Don,t think i mentioned that you were a criminal yourself. But as far as i am concerned we are done. Your just in denial.


I thought "Bad Guys" referred to any foreigner who was in the country without appropriate authorisation/documentation (overstayer) and had nothing to do with their morality/criminality, or lack thereof.


Or if they were what you consider to be the "right type".


Oh look, seems I was correct:



"BANGKOK:-- “Good guys in, bad guys out” is the message from Pol. Lt. Gen. Nathathorn Prousoontorn, Immigration Bureau Commissioner, as immigration officials prepare to launch its latest crackdown foreign visitors who overstay their visas."


But go ahead and get it out of your system anyway.




Well, as I was standing outside the cop shop on Soi Nine yesterday in Pattaya, they had a parade of farangs in handcuffs being put in the paddy wagon.....of course I broke out in song......Bad boys, bad boys, what ya going to do! The last guy in the line was not amused, but since he was in the chain gang could only give me the stink eye....I was more than amused......???????

1 hour ago, Peterw42 said:


I'm not following the argument, firstly, there is a big difference between a criminal record and currently wanted by police. In most countries after being convicted of a crime and serving a sentence, you are free to travel etc, and most countries dont ask your criminal record if you are arriving for a 2 week holiday.

Not so quick -- on asking for the criminal record.  I don't know what the agreements are between US&Canada and the EU but between the US & Canada -- the US Customs and Immigration have access to run a database search on the RCMP fingerprint database - which will connect to criminal records.  I gather that there is some reciprocal arrangement for Canada as well since I know of people that have been refused entry because of criminal records.  Just because something is not obvious -- does not mean it does not exist.

13 hours ago, Mitkof Island said:

It's about foreigners like these fine examples pouring into Thailand daily. Understand ? Too many low life foreign criminals, pedophiles, serial killers, alcoholics, sex tourists, Full Moon Party idiots , bank robbers, visa overstayers, you name it they are here by the thousands. Time for the Thai government to have road blocks in every tourist town like Pattaya ,Koh Samui, Chiang Mai, Bangkok, Hua Hin checking passports and visas of every foreigner and start deporting the scum by the plane loads . Thailand wll be far better off without them.









The killer of this is expeditious funding 

4 hours ago, chiang mai said:


Tell me, have you ever been anywhere apart from Pattaya, I mean for more than a few days?


I have. There are many locations packed with  foreign scum.


I'm not sure I understand all the back and forth concerning the "sex industry" here and elsewhere.  In my opinion it should be legalized and regulated everywhere.  Theoretically, that would reduce the criminal element, reduce STD rates and reduce sexual assaults (and associated murders).  As with illicit drugs, where there is a demand there will always be a supply.


Concerning "keeping the bad guys out", that requires money and lots of it to be effective.  Which would require increasing taxes on many different things.  Increasing taxes would, of course, increase the cost of living.  One of the reasons some foreigners (including myself) live here is because the cost of living is overall considerably less than where we came from.  In other words, we can't have it both ways.  That is the reality of the situation in my opinion anyway.


"The foreigners that are attracted to here tend to be of the lowest quality possible." Some of the foreigners... not "The foreigners...". Agree probably higher percentage of criminal types that come here rather than, say, Switzerland (excluding FIFA, of course). Due to ease of paying off right people. 

 I live in Pattaya Jomtien. I don't hang around in bars, don't drink (no, I am not in recovery, btw). Sweeping generalizations based on erroneous opinions ought to be put in dust bins along with other useless items

6 hours ago, n210mp said:


First of all MitKof please when you answer a quoted message write under the quote box and not within the box becasue it looks as though you have made no comment and what you did write within the  box or quote is coming from the person you quoted from.


Secondly I tend to agree with your comments but if Thailand had not been encouraged to be the sex capital of the world by those in charge then it wouldnt have been so attractive to the "wronguns" in the first place , would it?

What has sex tourism got to to do with wronguns.

15 hours ago, Mitkof Island said:

It's about foreigners like these fine examples pouring into Thailand daily. Understand ? Too many low life foreign criminals, pedophiles, serial killers, alcoholics, sex tourists, Full Moon Party idiots , bank robbers, visa overstayers, you name it they are here by the thousands. Time for the Thai government to have road blocks in every tourist town like Pattaya ,Koh Samui, Chiang Mai, Bangkok, Hua Hin checking passports and visas of every foreigner and start deporting the scum by the plane loads . Thailand wll be far better off without them.









What does the full moon party have to do with any of this?  They spend more money than most retired people here and then go home.  Most are nice kids enjoying their full lives. Have you ONCE in the past year ever spoken to even one person who attended these parties?  

5 hours ago, Mitkof Island said:

Not the OP but again you would have to be blind not to notice them. Most foreign criminals do not tend to enter often they are already here. A special look you ask? You do not need any special device to notice them they are obvivous . Any one involved in law enforcement could spot them.

Can you inform us all of this obvious look,so we all can report them to the BIB as i am sure you must be doing,seeing you are so concerned.

5 hours ago, Mitkof Island said:

I ain,t going nowhere. Hopefully the Thai government will get rid of them soon. Wow! your blind or on something special.

So you like living amongst the criminals.

5 hours ago, Mitkof Island said:

Not the OP but again you would have to be blind not to notice them. Most foreign criminals do not tend to enter often they are already here. A special look you ask? You do not need any special device to notice them they are obvivous . Any one involved in law enforcement could spot them.


How do you tell a real criminal? How could you define a pedophile from a father, or a normal single guy here on holiday? How would you define a bank robber, what would make him stand out in a crowd? You might be able to tell the usual hooligans, but on the other hand you may mistake a rugby club here on a stag night as being said hooligans for letting off steam on one night only. I won't even bother to go into white collar crime.


30 years ago there were probably more vicious criminals, by ratio of visitors here, than there are now. And unless you knew them, you wouldn't have been able to tell. IMO, i don't think the ratio has changed that much, but the true criminals are here 'legally' as regards permissions to stay as they always have been. Same applies to every country in the world.................:smile: These people will not be touched or victimized unless they make mistakes.


Hence the reason for the above questions; what has changed from then 'til now that we can tell by looking?

4 hours ago, georgemandm said:

Very , very true sometimes thailand has it self to blame because of the sex  Industry .

was just talking with my new thai lady who did not know much about the thai sex industry last night , I ask her did you know how bad the  prostitution was in thailand before you meet me and she said no I had just hreard about it .

and before all the smart c get on here and start having a go at me ,no she is not a hooker she is a good lady .

we have traveled around thailand a lot and you can't get away from the sex industry here .

55,where has this woman been living,in a box and where have you been going on the grand tour,Walking St,soi 6,soi Boakaw,soi Cowboy,Loy Khro.What happened to the last good lady?

4 hours ago, georgemandm said:

Mitkof look mate now the way you get the visa in to thailand has changed a lot and it will stop most of them coming here I hop .

like me I had to do my  retirement visa back in Australia , can't do it here now and back home had to have a  police check , so it should stop all the bad ones coming here now from Australia that is .

You have been misinformed.Of course you can still get a long term extension of a visa.Nothing has changed.

3 hours ago, georgemandm said:

Agree with you 100% but not about some low life  westen that can't afford a better visas . 

You are say that most man that don't have that 

Elite visa  rubbish are low life ? .

how would you know it is the  opinion of the Thais bs , you think you are better then most man in thailand , if you don't you would not say that bs .

I tried google translate but it didn't help.

4 hours ago, robblok said:

I find sex normal and paying for sex is a good thing (less rapes). 

 You realise rape is about power, right?

Yes, the intent behind it is implemented with sex but it's about taking from someone that which they do not wish to give.

There are tons and tons of rapes in Thailand, many of which are never reported to the authorities.

2 hours ago, geriatrickid said:


I have. There are many locations packed with  foreign scum.

Nice to hear there are a few foreigners with eyes wide open. Its really obvivous here who the scum/criminals are. They are everywhere. Pattaya being the capital of scumland of course.

2 hours ago, chicowoodduck said:

Well, as I was standing outside the cop shop on Soi Nine yesterday in Pattaya, they had a parade of farangs in handcuffs being put in the paddy wagon.....of course I broke out in song......Bad boys, bad boys, what ya going to do! The last guy in the line was not amused, but since he was in the chain gang could only give me the stink eye....I was more than amused......???????

You have no idea if he's guilty as charged or even what he's accused of but you made a judgment based only on what you saw and saw fit to take the piss.

It would be funny if, at some point in the not-too-distant future, you start a thread crying after he bangs you out on Walking Street and sings your song back to you.


Working girls in Nevada cost 100x more and charge by the hour. The culured girls here are a heck of a lot nicer, cheaper and easier to deal with. (working or not)


Western woman suck (those bozo's back home can have my share) and Asian girls are cool. 


*My disclaimer: I've not broken any laws in my home country or here. I've never been to Pattaya, Phuket or the other toursit traps and the best part of Hua Hin was feeding the monkeys. I can't delve into pay 4 play or my gf would chop off my xxx. I've plenty of money and can live where I want.  In other words, I'm normal. At least I think I am. That's what the voices in my head keep telling me!

2 hours ago, louse1953 said:

55,where has this woman been living,in a box and where have you been going on the grand tour,Walking St,soi 6,soi Boakaw,soi Cowboy,Loy Khro.What happened to the last good lady?

Like I said bigger problem with TV has blokes like you that talk  rubbish 

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