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Trump attacks 'harassment' of Mike Pence at Hamilton musical


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Trump attacks 'harassment' of Mike Pence at Hamilton musical




The boos from the audience and protesters outside drowned out any cheers for US Vice President-elect Mike Pence when he attended the Broadway musical “Hamilton” on Friday.


It has been said to celebrate America as a nation of immigrants, in direct contrast to the incoming US administration.


The show was reportedly interrupted and afterwards a member of the cast read out a letter to Donald Trump’s deputy.


“We are the diverse America who are alarmed and anxious that your new administration will not protect us, our planet, our children, our parents, or defend us and uphold our inalienable rights, sir. But we truly hope this show has inspired you to uphold our American values, and to work on behalf of all of us”, said ‘Hamilton’ actor Brandon Victor Dixon.


The president-elect’s complaints about the cast’s behaviour were quickly and politely refuted by the cast member who read out the letter.


Mike Pence, who leads Trump’s transition team, has criticised some of this boss’s outbursts.


But as governor of Indiana, the evangelical Christian and staunch conservative was condemned for trying to introduce laws discriminating against gay people and restricting abortion.


The events on Broadway did not meet with universal approval on social media. The cast have been accused of the sort of behaviour that helped Trump’s victory, with at least one call for a boycott of the musical.


-- © Copyright Euronews 2016-11-20



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Given the large number of gay people involved with theatre both as performers and as audience, I don't think there was anything wrong with calling out Pence.

"Pence is a viciously anti-gay politician who supports ex-gay conversion “therapy,” opposes LGBTQ rights across the board, and signed sadistic anti-abortion laws."


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The crybabies need to suck it up and start accepting the Trump presidency, as I have. If he succeeds I will be better off in life. I am more fearful of what I see as the Republican establishment showing signs of 'using' him to their advantage. They despise him but will overlook his flaws as long as they get what they want out of it. The insiders (necons and old guard) who are already filling his cabinet seem to be at odds with Trump's philosophies, especially in relation to international entanglements. 


But all the protesters have had their say, OK. Let's get on with the show and see what happens.

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I want the Liberal / Left / Progressives to keep up turning every activity into a political show.  I can't wait for the huge crowds to thrash outer Washington, D.C. I love to watch the sports figures and celebrities go through their anti-Trump antics...  The Lefties think this is wining friends and influencing people... Yeah it is influencing people ... but not as their wrongly wired brains think... This style of constantly taunting - even going to the edge of harassing Trump, Pence and the Trump Administration slowly does the drip drip drip of causing the middle of the road people to fall more into the Trump camp...  As the Lefties push this screeching, moaning and groaning and carping to the extreme - the more tired of it all the general public feels... By 2018 Trump support will show a marked increase as people look around and see all the clinched fists and the over the top bitterness.   By next Presidential Election this whining and wailing will cause Trump not to win just 33 states but 43 or even 48 states... People don't like sore losers and when the veil is lifted from all this clatter - it will be revealed to be nothing more than just sour grapes on steroids.  Exaggerations, embellishments and manufacturing allegations against Trump did not work in the Republican Primary elections and was a dismal failure in the General Election... Talk about not learning anything from experience -- a very recent hard core lesson ... But Lefty Loonies never do ... Every excessive outburst against the Trump Administration will chalk up more support and more voters for Trump  -- IT DID IN THE PAST 18 MONTHS... and it will in the next 18 months.   Dissent and disagreement is fine - make it ... But harassment and slander, screeching, wailing, crying and gnashing of teeth will be counter productive ... 

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19 minutes ago, tonray said:

The crybabies need to suck it up and start accepting the Trump presidency, as I have. If he succeeds I will be better off in life. I am more fearful of what I see as the Republican establishment showing signs of 'using' him to their advantage. They despise him but will overlook his flaws as long as they get what they want out of it. The insiders (necons and old guard) who are already filling his cabinet seem to be at odds with Trump's philosophies, especially in relation to international entanglements. 


But all the protesters have had their say, OK. Let's get on with the show and see what happens.

You sound exactly the same as all of the idiots that voted for Brexit, in the UK. I genuinely feel sorry for you.

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Pence is an uptight extremist right wing Christian fundamentalist so maybe he's just a Midwest hayseed and thinks theater should only be shows like Brigadoon with no political EDGE. Hamilton ain't that.


trump has no excuse! He's a bloody NEW YORKER for Christ's sake! 


To add, the speech from the stage was NOT harassment. 


The boos from the crowd ... what did he expect? The man's policies are hateful. He supports conversion therapy for gay youth. That's child abuse.  In the name of his religious faith.


Somehow I seriously doubt Pence is a big theater fan so no big loss for him to avoid in future. He can go to trumpy events instead.

Edited by Jingthing
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Trump thinks this is "harassment?"  It's nothing compared to what President Obama has gotten from the right wing throughout his Presidency.  Trump and his VP better grow some thick skin because this is what happens in a free society....i.e., people actually voicing their opinion. 

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Notice how he grabbed the attention away from Pence to himself.

He knows his priorities.


Pence should should have taken the message gracefully, rather than walking out.  He had the chance to improve his image, and he walked away from it.



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21 minutes ago, MrMuddle said:

You sound exactly the same as all of the idiots that voted for Brexit, in the UK. I genuinely feel sorry for you.


So you (and others) are saying the majority of the people in the UK and America who voted in full and fair democratic elections for Britexit and Trump are idiots ?

Maybe you should look in a mirror as there you will find who the real idiot is ?

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22 minutes ago, MrMuddle said:

You sound exactly the same as all of the idiots that voted for Brexit, in the UK. I genuinely feel sorry for you.

Really ? You are a very poor reader then. Whining and hand wringing are never going to change the fact that he will be president. If you really want to make a difference you should be protesting the reformation of the Democratic party. Supporting an obviously flawed candidate simply because she 'earned her shot' was foolhardy. The Republicans did the same with Bob Dole and see where it got them ?

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1 minute ago, JoePai said:

So you (and others) are saying the majority of the people in the UK and America who voted in full and fair democratic elections for Britexit and Trump are idiots ?


Maybe you should look in a mirror as there you will find who the real idiot is ?


I detest Trump and did not vote for him. All I am saying is we must make the best of it and see what he does.

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I see Jatuporn as a comical figure, and I'm waiting to see which member of the Donald government will be the most Jatuporn-like.  Hey, it's tough times, gotta take your amusement where you find it.


I think this is the first time I ever heard of a real-life situation where a person was addressed by the theatre cast in a negative way.  It's usually applause for royalty, celebrities, etc.  The incident show that there are Americans who are truly scared.



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Just now, bendejo said:

I see Jatuporn as a comical figure, and I'm waiting to see which member of the Donald government will be the most Jatuporn-like.  Hey, it's tough times, gotta take your amusement where you find it.


I think is the first time I ever heard of a real-life situation where a person was addressed by the theatre cast in a negative way.




I guess you have never heard of President Lincoln.

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To the best of my recollection, Broadway and Off Broadway shows do not rely on ticket sales to 'make the show go on'.  But rather the startup costs and much of the running - on going operating cost comes from corporate donors or the rich 'donor class' ... While Trump has not been a favorite of the Wall Street 'Donor Class' ... these rich folks are well tied into Establishment Republicans... Well - news flash Pence is an Establishment Republican (the reason he was chosen as a compromise) to win as much Establishment Republican support as possible.  My theory ... I am betting any number of the donor class folks will not like such treatment of Vice President Elect Mike Pence...  Let's see what happens over the next few months as these 'firebrand' actors and producers break the Golden Egg... I suspect a few phone calls have already been made and some show producers are cringing ... 

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2 hours ago, mania said:

Hope Pence keeps this in memory and returns it in kind to these idiots later


He's already reaping what he's sowed - by being anti-womens'-choice, anti-science.  But you're right, Trump and Pence know all about retribution.  Their 'Enemies List' is probably growing by scores of names every week.  If Pence needs any advice on how to screw people who don't agree with him, he need look no farther than Trump, who is the poster boy of malicious retribution.


3 hours ago, tonray said:

I detest Trump and did not vote for him. All I am saying is we must make the best of it and see what he does.


He's off to an ugly start.  He's already appointed an avowed racist as AG. He's about to appoint an anti-science/enemy-of-environment (Abell) as head of EPA.  And we're in just the first few days.


3 minutes ago, little mary sunshine said:

I guess the cast was raised by Parents who never instilled manners or respect for the  Office  Of the Vice President elect ...A sad Generation raised by "Me First" and I am right,, always.


"....instilled manners or respect....."   That's the most ironic post of the week.   Mr. Pussy-grabbing, fat-shaming, shafting-his-investors, name-calling Trump is therefore some sort of example for American youngsters to aspire to?

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40 minutes ago, JDGRUEN said:

To the best of my recollection, Broadway and Off Broadway shows do not rely on ticket sales to 'make the show go on'.  But rather the startup costs and much of the running - on going operating cost comes from corporate donors or the rich 'donor class' ... While Trump has not been a favorite of the Wall Street 'Donor Class' ... these rich folks are well tied into Establishment Republicans... Well - news flash Pence is an Establishment Republican (the reason he was chosen as a compromise) to win as much Establishment Republican support as possible.  My theory ... I am betting any number of the donor class folks will not like such treatment of Vice President Elect Mike Pence...  Let's see what happens over the next few months as these 'firebrand' actors and producers break the Golden Egg... I suspect a few phone calls have already been made and some show producers are cringing ... 


A perpetual fantasy world. Theatre does not operate on ticket sales but on the 'kindness of strangers'.


How quickly people forget when things don't agree with their dreams and wishes:


Donald Trump Heckled by New York Elite at Charity Dinner



These are the people who 'donate' to the Arts and were no doubt the ones also booing the homophobe Pence. Newsflash right back at you.


Theatre does not operate on 'donations'. It relies on investors. It is a capitalist enterprise. The play flops, the investor loses. The play is a hit, the investor wins. You may be aware that Hamilton is currently the hottest thing in town.

Demand has increased. The average price for Hamilton tickets is now $411, making it the most expensive Broadway ticket on the secondary market and topping other hits, including The King and I and Book of Mormon. Must Read: Warren Buffett's Top 10 Dividend Stocks.

Ticket Prices for Hit Musical 'Hamilton' Cost



One wonders at the motivation for making up this rubbish about Hamilton. Just can't accept the First Amendment it seems.

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