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Trump attacks 'harassment' of Mike Pence at Hamilton musical


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It was inappropriate regardless of the politics: a few DYKWIA types believing their own publicity. It doesn't stop with the theatre:.the fashion designer who did Hillary's frocks ( and presumably pants) is trying to organise a boycott to have designers refuse to dress Melania ( as if she would care..but petty all the same). 

In any case Michelle Obama had the best approach: sourcing clothes from J Crew and even Target ( like ordinary women do).

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3 hours ago, JDGRUEN said:

I want the Liberal / Left / Progressives to keep up turning every activity into a political show.  I can't wait for the huge crowds to thrash outer Washington, D.C. I love to watch the sports figures and celebrities go through their anti-Trump antics...  The Lefties think this is wining friends and influencing people... Yeah it is influencing people ... but not as their wrongly wired brains think... This style of constantly taunting - even going to the edge of harassing Trump, Pence and the Trump Administration slowly does the drip drip drip of causing the middle of the road people to fall more into the Trump camp...  As the Lefties push this screeching, moaning and groaning and carping to the extreme - the more tired of it all the general public feels... By 2018 Trump support will show a marked increase as people look around and see all the clinched fists and the over the top bitterness.   By next Presidential Election this whining and wailing will cause Trump not to win just 33 states but 43 or even 48 states... People don't like sore losers and when the veil is lifted from all this clatter - it will be revealed to be nothing more than just sour grapes on steroids.  Exaggerations, embellishments and manufacturing allegations against Trump did not work in the Republican Primary elections and was a dismal failure in the General Election... Talk about not learning anything from experience -- a very recent hard core lesson ... But Lefty Loonies never do ... Every excessive outburst against the Trump Administration will chalk up more support and more voters for Trump  -- IT DID IN THE PAST 18 MONTHS... and it will in the next 18 months.   Dissent and disagreement is fine - make it ... But harassment and slander, screeching, wailing, crying and gnashing of teeth will be counter productive ... 


More people voted for the other Candidate. More people did not want Trump at President.


Trump wanted to break the system. Well, the system is broken. There is no 'come together' moment. Protests continue. Each new appointment made by Trump demonstrates the abomination that he and his crowd are.


The secret Trump voter is now exposed. Now the enemy is seen, it can be dealt with.


Let the protests continue. It is called opposition. It is protected speech.





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"As the Lefties push this screeching, moaning and groaning and carping to the extreme"

 Did you watch and listen to what he said at all? Even used the word "sir".... If you think this is "moaning and groaning and carping to the extreme" you ain't seen nothing yet.

 Maybe actors should have quoted Trump "Get him out of here. Get him out of here. In my day, they'd be carried out on a stretcher". Like typical bully, can dish it out when around his core, but when facing general population and he throws a hissy fit.

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5 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

Given the large number of gay people involved with theatre both as performers and as audience, I don't think there was anything wrong with calling out Pence.

"Pence is a viciously anti-gay politician who supports ex-gay conversion “therapy,” opposes LGBTQ rights across the board, and signed sadistic anti-abortion laws."


Assuming he paid for his ticket or was an invited guest, such behavior was inappropriate.

Also, such rudeness does their case no favours and will only reinforce the Trump supporters opinions that his opponents are a rabble of boors.

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Protests are fine ... even the ill advised theater antics by the non diverse cast members  ... I am happy the poor fearful lefties are protesting - I hope they feel better ... I can only wish that protesting in the other venues is all that it came to... But as we have already seen in the Anti-Trump Protesting done over the past week in other areas and venues is nothing but a euphemism for rioting, violence and subjugation of other's people's rights.   Taking a queue from the mobs in the streets - I am surprised that the theater manager and show producers did not attempt to block VP Elect Pence and his family from leaving.  This would be right in line with the purity of anti-Trump protests out in the streets... Oh heck -- why didn't that actually protest in the same full fashion of their angry brethren out on the streets - follow them out to the street and beat them up for daring to have an opposing political opinion....  

Edited by JDGRUEN
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5 hours ago, SheungWan said:

It was certainly bad manners.


I agree. Booing is rude. What you're supposed to do is chant "lock him up!" and scream "Trump that bitch!"  It's also fine to call him "nasty" to his face and threaten on live TV, "if I had my way, you'd be in jail"


This booing, however, is disrespectful.


I'm looking straight into the camera and telling you to "stop it"



Edited by Thakkar
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1 hour ago, JDGRUEN said:

To the best of my recollection, Broadway and Off Broadway shows do not rely on ticket sales to 'make the show go on'.  But rather the startup costs and much of the running - on going operating cost comes from corporate donors or the rich 'donor class' ... While Trump has not been a favorite of the Wall Street 'Donor Class' ... these rich folks are well tied into Establishment Republicans... Well - news flash Pence is an Establishment Republican (the reason he was chosen as a compromise) to win as much Establishment Republican support as possible.  My theory ... I am betting any number of the donor class folks will not like such treatment of Vice President Elect Mike Pence...  Let's see what happens over the next few months as these 'firebrand' actors and producers break the Golden Egg... I suspect a few phone calls have already been made and some show producers are cringing ... 

Your recollection would be absolutely wrong.  Broadway shows are financed by investors. They may be called "angels" but they're in it for the money. Not surprised by the usual suspects who liked your post.

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4 hours ago, MrMuddle said:

You sound exactly the same as all of the idiots that voted for Brexit, in the UK. I genuinely feel sorry for you.



I voted for brexit and if I had been American I would have voted for Trump!


As for being an idiot maybe you would like to say those words to my face 


PM me for a meeting place or are you just another keyboard warrior who speaks before he thinks?

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1 minute ago, Rob13 said:

Trump's gonna have to get some thicker skin if he's serious about being pres. Maybe oughta find more important things to focus his attention on too, like that 10 year war in Central asia for starters.


Trump is the most thin-skinned and narcissistic politician around, when he's over the electoral 'honeymoon' period (that might just be starting) he'll find himself with low approval ratings and a population that have woken up to the fact that "The Wizard of Trump" is in fact a bloated, bald charlatan hiding behind a curtain ... a 'fake' ant-establishment carpet-bagger!


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1 minute ago, n210mp said:



I voted for brexit and if I had been American I would have voted for Trump!


As for being an idiot maybe you would like to say those words to my face 


PM me for a meeting place or are you just another keyboard warrior who speaks before he thinks?


... spoken like a true Brexit CHAV (Council House And Violent) ... :cheesy:


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4 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

Trump should go up to the female members of the cast and grab some of their pussies - to demonstrate his idea of proper behavior.


4 hours ago, JoePai said:

So you (and others) are saying the majority of the people in the UK and America who voted in full and fair democratic elections for Britexit and Trump are idiots ?


Maybe you should look in a mirror as there you will find who the real idiot is ?



no real need to look in any mirror, we already kinda know that being here on thaivisa does not imply rhodes scholarships (myself included)

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24 minutes ago, Thakkar said:


I agree. Booing is rude. What you're supposed to do is chant "lock him up!" and scream "Trump that bitch!"  It's also fine to call him "nasty" to his face and threaten on live TV, "if I had my way, you'd be in jail"


This booing, however, is disrespectful.


I'm looking straight into the camera and telling you to "stop it"





do you perceive any different between a political rally and a broadway play?

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A tongue in cheek post that some posters took literally has been removed as it was not factual.


Please keep it civil and understand that if you participate in this thread -- or even read it -- you will be exposed to views you disagree with.

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Democracy is the ability of a voter to voice his opinion in this case the appointment of a government, next president or brexit.


If the majority  of voters get it wrong there is always, in the future the ability to change the Government or leadership.


Those who cannot accept that the American and the British  people have recently exercised their right of vote in a  democracy should  be charged with treason.


Yes treason because they are not recognising the democratic process and thereby encouraging chaos and revolution .

If they felt so strongly about these issues why didnt they get on the soapbox and try to change the outcomes in a democratic manner in the first place?

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21 minutes ago, JDGRUEN said:

I think some people know nothing about 'Patron' of the Arts.  


Some people realize that they are not living in Renaissance Italy or are a senior ecclesiastic contracting Leonardo or Michelangelo to draw some pictures. Modern Patrons tend to limit themselves to collecting works of art then gifting them to galleries.


I wonder what agenda is working here? An attempt to paint the theatre as elitist and the plaything of rich, urban people. An attempt to beat up the poor, rural whites argument. I guess it's a bit tone deaf to try and do this with the most popular show in New York in an incident involving one of the most vile, bible thumping ideologues in the way out Right.


Or is the idea of African Americans and Latinos playing the Founding Fathers is somehow not just iconoclastic but blasphemous to the party of Saint Ronald Minumus? The Sons of Liberty are surely turning in their graves.

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9 minutes ago, AlexRich said:


... spoken like a true Brexit CHAV (Council House And Violent) ... :cheesy:



No, spoken like  a man who dislikes being called an "idiot" by a flamer or troll for exercising his democratic rights and opinions  and is prepared to back it up!


But then again your answer defines you far better than I could ever do, disrespectful to the nth degree, now shown to be  gutless and  hiding behind the words on your  keyboard which are immature to say the least.


I think you need a lesson my friend  in just plain old good manners and the fact that there are on here people, just like me  who will not take your vindictiveness.




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1 minute ago, n210mp said:

Democracy is the ability of a voter to voice his opinion in this case the appointment of a government, next president or brexit.


If the majority  of voters get it wrong there is always, in the future the ability to change the Government or leadership.


Those who cannot accept that the American and the British  people have recently exercised their right of vote in a  democracy should  be charged with treason.


Yes treason because they are not recognising the democratic process and thereby encouraging chaos and revolution .

If they felt so strongly about these issues why didnt they get on the soapbox and try to change the outcomes in a democratic manner in the first place?


Mmm ... so, when the political opposition lose an election they should immediately cross the benches and support the new government on every bill and law that it chooses to pass? That's democracy?


Or, should they hold the new Government to their manifesto promises and make sure that the people who voted for their political party get a voice and representation in the political process? Is that not democracy?


And following your logic the Republican politicians who blocked many of the Obama initiatives in Congress are guilty of treason ... for opposing the wishes of the winning candidate?


You're describing dictatorship, not democracy. Pinochet, Hitler, Mussolini, Putin, Castro ... and soon to be Trump!

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23 minutes ago, n210mp said:



I voted for brexit and if I had been American I would have voted for Trump!


As for being an idiot maybe you would like to say those words to my face 


PM me for a meeting place or are you just another keyboard warrior who speaks before he thinks?

Yes, that's the proper attitude. Kick 'em in the balls.

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3 minutes ago, AlexRich said:


Mmm ... so, when the political opposition lose an election they should immediately cross the benches and support the new government on every bill and law that it chooses to pass? That's democracy?


Or, should they hold the new Government to their manifesto promises and make sure that the people who voted for their political party get a voice and representation in the political process? Is that not democracy?


And following your logic the Republican politicians who blocked many of the Obama initiatives in Congress are guilty of treason ... for opposing the wishes of the winning candidate?


You're describing dictatorship, not democracy. Pinochet, Hitler, Mussolini, Putin, Castro ... and soon to be Trump!



Im not  or wasn't discussing the politics of the situation or the worthiness of the winners or loser in the various  elections, just your inability to say something without being either vindictive or malicious in the process 

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9 minutes ago, n210mp said:


No, spoken like  a man who dislikes being called an "idiot" by a flamer or troll for exercising his democratic rights and opinions  and is prepared to back it up!


But then again your answer defines you far better than I could ever do, disrespectful to the nth degree, now shown to be  gutless and  hiding behind the words on your  keyboard which are immature to say the least.


I think you need a lesson my friend  in just plain old good manners and the fact that there are on here people, just like me  who will not take your vindictiveness.





It does not surprise me in the least that you would have voted for Trump ... a man who was rude and disrespectful to every one of his political opponents, a thin skinned bully who seeks revenge on anyone who disagrees with him or opposes him in business or politics.


If you can't stand the 'heat' of debate that goes on in a forum you should stick to picking on people you think you might get the better of in a fight ... in a bar or some other place. You can at least be selective ... and avoid those that might put you on your backside! 






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5 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Sorry to break this news to you but the trump regime has already shown signs of being so abhorrent that there is going to be "non-traditional" opposition to it the entire time. This is not a normal president. These aren't normal times. 

Neither is the Obama presidency normal!

But he was given a chance, and a Nobel prize before he ever did anything.

As long as the "hate baiting" news media remains antagonistic bad attitudes will exist.

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5 hours ago, bendejo said:

Notice how he grabbed the attention away from Pence to himself.

He knows his priorities.


Pence should should have taken the message gracefully, rather than walking out.  He had the chance to improve his image, and he walked away from it.




Its because he is a graceless buffoon that he did not know how to act with dignity ... or how to act at all.

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6 minutes ago, KenKadz said:

Neither is the Obama presidency normal!

But he was given a chance, and a Nobel prize before he ever did anything.

As long as the "hate baiting" news media remains antagonistic bad attitudes will exist.


Or the hate-baiting Trump twitter feed? The 'hateful' and intolerant attitudes where stoked up by Trump during his campaign. 


He likes to dish it out, he's not so keen to take it ... and that's Trump's Achilles Heel.


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8 minutes ago, KenKadz said:

As long as the "hate baiting" news media remains antagonistic bad attitudes will exist.


Are you talking about the likes of Fox News, which would be reluctant to admit that Obama has the ability to tie his own shoes?



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