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Thailand about to legalize or decriminalize use of marijuana? True or false?


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I've found some chatter from multiple websites, saying that officials in Thailand are "talking about relaxing" the drug laws", since an online poll has shown that 80% want marijuana legalized.

Here is some of it: http://www.khaosodenglish.com/news/crimecourtscalamity/2016/08/30/regime-moves-ease-drug-laws-starting-meth-marijuana/

And: http://www.marijuana.com/blog/news/2016/08/thailand-officials-look-to-relax-drug-laws-as-new-poll-shows-80-want-marijuana-legalized/

Quote from one of the articles:

Purportedly reducing penalties for both marijuana and meth possession by the end of the year, Thailand’s officials are apparently cognizant of their constituents’ passion for marijuana reform — a recent poll showed the majority of respondents believe the Thai government should legalize marijuana.

Smelling the political and ideological shift in international marijuana reform, Bangkok’s officials announced today that “penalties and restrictions on marijuana and methamphetamine will be relaxed by year’s end,” according to online sources. Also on the short list to be rescheduled — hemp. After reviewing the economic benefits of reclassifying hemp, Sirinya Sitdhichai, director of the Narcotics Control Board, noted that “hemp and marijuana will undergo reclassification first.

The articles are a few months old, and there has not been any updates since then.

Is this true or just a false rumor?
To me all this sounds like a dream come true (or an early april fools joke), so I ain't celebrating yet. lol

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It's still just talk...primarily being pushed by the Justice Minister...nothing formal has been proposed to the Cabinet or National Legislature Assembly.  The Justice Minister just seems to be floating the idea to flush out feelings from the public and those with power to possibly change current laws.

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I see. Thanks for the info.

But I guess it's good news if the justice minister is trying  to push for it. I'm also glad and very surprised to see that 80% voted for legalisation in an online poll.

Perhaps the majority is finally starting to realise how incredibly stupid it is to throw non violent offenders (weed smokers) in prison.

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Whoa dude, that is awesome. Like I hope so, ya know dude. Yea man that would be like most awesome. I heard the final decision from the PM and he said “MJ will be……… Oh shit I forgot what he said. Oh well. Hey anyone know the number for Pizza 1112?

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I very much doubt Thailand will be re-legalizing any drugs soon. Police make enormous profits extorting locals and foreigners caught with minor amounts (even a positive test), not to mention kick-backs from the industry itself. 


Regarding the US, what you have there is not decriminalization but legalization. The former it is in the Netherlands while the latter is like alcohol.

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Anyway legal or not who cares ? It's everywhere, just look at every single 711 selling long rolling paper, what do you think it is sold for ? And if you are not scared by cops just go to the court if you are caught, you will get a 2000 thb fine and that's all ! Everything else is BS, just say it to the retarded who might stop you, don't show that you are scared and they will go back to their kennel !



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23 hours ago, thaipod said:

Must of got fired up after some American states voted to decriminalised the use and for medical use in the Trump election


Hmmm, don't know if you're aware, but Trump's newly appointed AG is Jeff Sessions, a guy who's demonstrated his anti-marijuana stance time and time again.  


“Senator Sessions is clearly out in the deep end when it comes to issues of marijuana policy and he stands diametrically opposed to the majority of Americans who favor the legalization and regulation of marijuana,” said Erik Altieri, executive Director of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML). “This could foreshadow some very bad things for the eight states that have legalized marijuana for adult use and in the 29 states with medical marijuana programs.”




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3 minutes ago, anotheruser said:

Thailand is trying to thin the herd. I can't imagine they are going to go out of their way to become a destination for penniless pot smokers. If you wake up in the morning and consider your expenses in terms of how many "nugs" you can get be prepared to be disappointed.

I don't know how much power their justice minister has, but just the fact that he seems hell bent on decriminalising weed, seems rather promising to me.. I also doubt that he stands alone.

After all, throwing non violent offenders into jail is certainly one of the most stupid things a government can do.

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On 11/23/2016 at 11:45 AM, georgemandm said:

What a joke  legalising that shit , dose anyone no the long  term  affect of that  rubbish drug , I think not .

 Schizophrenia that is what happens to all the f wits that smoke that shit .


Wrong again George, wrong again!

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On ‎11‎/‎23‎/‎2016 at 11:45 AM, georgemandm said:

What a joke  legalising that shit , dose anyone no the long  term  affect of that  rubbish drug , I think not .

 Schizophrenia that is what happens to all the f wits that smoke that shit .


"...dose anyone no the long term affect of that rubbish drug..."

You've answered your own question, George.

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1 hour ago, ricku said:

Why do you think so?

They prefer dead stoners instead of just high ones?


It's just that that's the one I've seen the most serious discussion among government folks about in the press (if the Junta clowns can ever be said to have "serious discussion").  


It wasn't made illegal in the US until 1970, and after that the addiction problems really skyrocketed.  I'm not necessarily saying criminalization of it was a causal factor leading to the epidemic we see today...but many people do say exactly that.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 01/12/2016 at 6:52 AM, geronimo said:

Wrong again George, wrong again!

Ok how would you know I am wrong.

you have no idea what that rubbish dose to people ok , I have seen if first hand it  destroys families .

but you see you would be a  use OF that rubbish that is way you say I am wrong.

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On 11/30/2016 at 9:50 PM, ricku said:

I don't know how much power their justice minister has, but just the fact that he seems hell bent on decriminalising weed, seems rather promising to me.. I also doubt that he stands alone.

After all, throwing non violent offenders into jail is certainly one of the most stupid things a government can do.


This is the single most pragmatic reply here... and many states and countries are changing their laws because they realize it is in fact the most stupid thing to do.   

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