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Thailand: 8 Killed, 13 Injured in One Day in 3 Separate Traffic Accidents


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Just now, georgemandm said:

Yes I agree, But until the thai government start to get  serious about the people that die on the road not one thing will happen.

hop soon but .

Thailand must get SERIOUS about cops who are paid to do a job of policing...They are not doing the job..

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5 hours ago, fred007 said:

.Thailand has a cultural problem re the carnage on its roads  daily Where is the Ministerial Responsiblity  Zip Zero Nothing ...It starts at the top    

Fair go! The PM is busing trying to control other far more important issues like street vendors on Bangkok footpaths, lewd dancing at motor shows and trying to get photo ops being seen helping farmers gather rice in the fields.

He is also busy giving money to those needy rice farmers to help them while at the same time trying to recover the money that Yingluck previously gave to needy rice farmers to help them.

He has little time available for road safety or fixing the education system I'm afraid.


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6 hours ago, cooked said:

Thanks for letting me know, gee I didn't know any of that. Don't stop there, tell us what else you hate about Thailand and when you are leaving.

I didnt see anywhere in his post where he said he hated Thailand, but did see true statements.

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6 hours ago, fruitman said:


If a vehicle (or soidog) is blocking your line you're entitled to use the incoming lane...that's Thainess you should know by now.


You don't use the horn for that nor wait, you just push the other cars from the road...mai pen lai, i'm soooo important. Do you know who my daddy is?

Yup quite right. does not matter if there r on coming traffic or others that has the right of way. 

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4 minutes ago, transam said:

But the top don't give a shit, if they did they would give their paid troops instructions...But they don't....

One thing you are forgetting Thai's them selfs not care and until they start careing and ask for change it will not happen.

like my thai partner use to have a go at me all the time why I get upset with the way Thai's drive, but now I help her get her thai driving license and showed her how to drive good as most of us do it the west and now she understand how bad it is here in thailand.

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4 minutes ago, dddave said:

Does anybody know of a developed nation that has ever been able to reduce it's motor vehicle fatality rate significantly (30%+) over, say a 10 year period?

Just wondering if it's ever been done.

Ask google , I would say have no idea.

but I can say this back in my home town Melbourne Australia because of all the cameras now in the last 30 years,the road death have not gone up a lot not stop .

i have seen when I was a full time driving on the roads big trucks that lots of drivers take more care not all but most .

thailand will start to get them in the next 10 years because after they see how much money can be made and the speeding drivers in KK slow down after being fine it will  spread all around thailand , will take time .

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7 hours ago, cooked said:

Thanks for letting me know, gee I didn't know any of that. Don't stop there, tell us what else you hate about Thailand and when you are leaving.


I don't think it is about what a person hates about Thailand as much as frustration that nobody will make an effort to make things better.  If you live in Thailand then you have to accept that this is what happens and live with it or leave.  All the ranting and raving in the world is not going to change anything, it will just increase your blood pressure.

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5 hours ago, PattayaBoy said:

Cops too busy stoping same bikes over and over again

Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

and no records kept of the stops so no sliding scale for penalties, ie stop 1 100 baht fine, stop 2 200 Baht fine, stop 3 licence suspended and stop 4 vehicle seized and crushed

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8 hours ago, ramrod711 said:

How many times have we all been forced to the shoulder to avoid an oncoming car overtaking on a curve, hill, solid line or by someone that just expects us to move because they're in a hurry. My wife and I were almost killed between Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai when an oncoming transport truck came over the crest of a hill in our lane because of a parked car on his shoulder.


Well having a car parked on their shoulder would cause anybody to swerve, clearly not the drivers fault.


Sorry, couldn't resist that; and too lazy to check if anybody else has commented.


I know exactly what you mean and similar incidents are just daily fodder, you have to expect it as part of driving here.


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Its not about Alcohol etc...

Its about the population knowing that LAW is only as good as the people who enforce it and the people who obey it and that is why the people do whatever they want...


The reason I moved to Thailand is for the Anarchy aspect.... I now understand that I should be careful what I wish for.... as I now miss the rules that kept me safe and also kept a balance of "fairness" that I had grown accustomed to in Australia.

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Say it like it is. 50+ people die on the roads every day here, everyone needs to know that. The headline is misleading, suggesting that 8 people killed in one day is an unusual tragedy. In fact, if only 8 people had been killed, it would have been an exceptionally safe day on the roads.

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My point is what is the story/headline all about?

THe basis of the story and the language involved seems to be aimed at some kind of confirmation bias - that particular bias being "all Thai people are bad drivers and here is the evidence.....wheres it says no such thing......there are accidents like this the world over and citing a one-off incident can in no way be considered as evidence of such a theory. 

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14 minutes ago, Loeilad said:

My point is what is the story/headline all about?

THe basis of the story and the language involved seems to be aimed at some kind of confirmation bias - that particular bias being "all Thai people are bad drivers and here is the evidence.....wheres it says no such thing......there are accidents like this the world over and citing a one-off incident can in no way be considered as evidence of such a theory. 

Are you in thailand?. 

How can you make a statement like that or are you joking. 

Have you driven on thai roads at all ?. 

Thailand roads are the worst in the world go google it if you not believe me or go and see how stupid the test is to get a thai driveing license it is just a joke . 

Were talking about thailand not all over the world.

my thai partern will till you how bad the driving are here after she has been to Australia and seen how good we drive not all but most of us .

jusk look how many die when thai songkarn is on like 300 in 7 days . 

If you are in thailand and driveing around you most drive with  blinkers on .


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1 hour ago, georgemandm said:

Are you in thailand?. 

How can you make a statement like that or are you joking. 

Have you driven on thai roads at all ?. 

Thailand roads are the worst in the world go google it if you not believe me or go and see how stupid the test is to get a thai driveing license it is just a joke . 

Were talking about thailand not all over the world.

my thai partern will till you how bad the driving are here after she has been to Australia and seen how good we drive not all but most of us .

jusk look how many die when thai songkarn is on like 300 in 7 days . 

If you are in thailand and driveing around you most drive with  blinkers on .


Such a naive answer.Look at the story.


BTW - I have probably more experience driving in thailand than you partner. I also have experience of driving all over the world including Australia

However the one thing I have that seems to have avoided almost everyone on this thread is I have an expansive knowledge of road safety. Just because you can drive does not mean you understand the science of road safety, any more than being sick makes you a doctor.


furthermore you don't seem to be able to understand my post which is criticising the implications of the headline and language which are quite clearly not supported by the facts.

PS - you haven't even said what you actually disagree with or put forward any argument against it.


PPS - the published death rates (the only set of figures you appear to be aware of) are actually LOWER than the normal daily average for Thailand.

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17 hours ago, boooker said:

Lets give this a thought for 1 moment ..in Asia Thailand had the highest score for accident and death per year since 1999 ..so thailand is at least here no1.

Then for a start up..bringing my child to the school each day and in the front of the school is a zebra mark ..it does not matter why or what cross the zebra include 4 year kids ...no car driver or motorbike stop for any reasons unless they are right in front of you approx 1m.

So if the basic of traffic rules not going easy to the brain ..then surely none of this klick thru.Then when you speak with your thai so called knowing peoples all agree they dont like it..but once there are on the street  with a vehicle they doing the same.

Lets be frankly...those behaviour is never to be controlled...a new generation with new driver educational system would impact from now in 18 years...so more to be death and injuries to come.

Acknowledgement had always being a ignorance standpoint in the thai society for the majority of drivers ....selfish i driver to death...but the birth rate is higher then the deathtoll so do we need to worry....yes for those whom in contact with an incoming nutdriver..for a second of moment a family is distroyed because of these unbelievable skills of drivers ...education is surely not the highest they have......


You'e absolute right in your observations, but how to comply with the international traffic laws. I come from Sweden and am used to the civilized laws regarding pedestrians here in europe, but can not apply them in Thailand. 


I drive some 1000km's a year in Thailand and in the beginning I tried to stopp and let people over the zebra crossings. Everytime I did so in the beginning of my driving here, I was honked on, overpassed and realized I was causing danger to the pedestrians, as they did't dare to walk and maybethought I tried to lure out in the traffic!

Nowadays I use the common Thai culture not to stop and put people at risk, when crossing the streets.

If this behaviors ever have to change, they neeed a definate date of changing this  and a combination of very strong punishments and information campaigns.

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3 hours ago, JohanB said:


You'e absolute right in your observations, but how to comply with the international traffic laws. I come from Sweden and am used to the civilized laws regarding pedestrians here in europe, but can not apply them in Thailand. 


I drive some 1000km's a year in Thailand and in the beginning I tried to stopp and let people over the zebra crossings. Everytime I did so in the beginning of my driving here, I was honked on, overpassed and realized I was causing danger to the pedestrians, as they did't dare to walk and maybethought I tried to lure out in the traffic!

Nowadays I use the common Thai culture not to stop and put people at risk, when crossing the streets.

If this behaviors ever have to change, they neeed a definate date of changing this  and a combination of very strong punishments and information campaigns.

There are no international driving laws.

There are international treaties regading driving licences and there are generally accepted theories on road safety..... Pedestian crossings have different behaviours in many countries....anyone who has driven in Italy will confirm that Thailand is not alone in their disrespect for pedestrians. 

But if you think in Thailand you are driving to a higher set of laws codes and cincebtions than other road users and this somehow puts you in the right, then you could be  heading for disaster.... Especially if you decide  to stop  for a pedestrian  at a crossing and they collide with another vehicle coming up the inside.


As for the article .   I repeat it is just an exercise in confirmation bias and contributes nothing to a discussion or understanding of road safety in Thailand.

Road safety is not understood by relating single  incidents of my personal observation.  It is a science that relies on copious quantities of data and  meticulous  analysis .. Even making high handed pronouncements based on one and only  one particular set of stats is to ignore  the big picture and misunderstand what is really going on.

As I said it just becomes an exercise in confirmation bias

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5 hours ago, Loeilad said:



6 hours ago, Loeilad said:

My point is what is the story/headline all about?

THe basis of the story and the language involved seems to be aimed at some kind of confirmation bias - that particular bias being "all Thai people are bad drivers and here is the evidence.....wheres it says no such thing......there are accidents like this the world over and citing a one-off incident can in no way be considered as evidence of such a theory. 

Its about getting your attention, as in as many views and comments as possible 

I dont know but I suspect advertisers look at these numbers, thats the financial reason for it

It seems to have been fairly successful in what it set out to do up to press

As far as Thailands drivers are concerned the death toll confirms without a doubt that Thailand has its fair share of poor / dangerous drivers

Unless of course they have more than their fair share of unlucky drivers

As the slaughter goes on Thailands roads its not really worth a mention as a daily stand alone commentary on Thailands roads

I dont see it as a Thai bashing post either, although I do think some Thai drivers need a good bashing



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14 minutes ago, georgemandm said:
6 hours ago, Loeilad said:

Such a naive answer.Look at the story.


BTW - I have probably more experience driving in thailand than you partner. I also have experience of driving all over the world including Australia

However the one thing I have that seems to have avoided almost everyone on this thread is I have an expansive knowledge of road safety. Just because you can drive does not mean you understand the science of road safety, any more than being sick makes you a doctor.


furthermore you don't seem to be able to understand my post which is criticising the implications of the headline and language which are quite clearly not supported by the facts.

PS - you haven't even said what you actually disagree with or put forward any argument against it.


PPS - the published death rates (the only set of figures you appear to be aware of) are actually LOWER than the normal daily average for Thailand.

Naive answer how do you get that ?. 

I have look at the story and know what it is about ok .

like all  threads some go off the rail on TV like this one did .

it got on to driving in thailand ok .

why the hell do I need to understand the road science that is just a stupid reply.

I have a license so I most know the road laws .

you have no idea what you are going on about this place thailand is a joke when in comes to road  uses and you can't hide from that .

look when I get someone like you who thinks you know it all I just say go google it 

i don't care how much experience you have driveing in thailand still dose not change how bad the driving is here it is a joke .

if you are not a truck driver then you would never ever have the experience I have on the roads so don't try and tell me thailand is a safe place to drive.

you know I not care about the  death rate in thailand not my country ok , I am just say , and untill people like you wake up to how bad it is and the thai people wake up and try and fix it , it is never going to change.

like one tv member side it will take 18 years to get the bad driving out of the thai people.




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18 minutes ago, georgemandm said:

Naive answer how do you get that ?. 

I have look at the story and know what it is about ok .

like all  threads some go off the rail on TV like this one did .

it got on to driving in thailand ok .

why the hell do I need to understand the road science that is just a stupid reply.

I have a license so I most know the road laws .

you have no idea what you are going on about this place thailand is a joke when in comes to road  uses and you can't hide from that .

look when I get someone like you who thinks you know it all I just say go google it 

i don't care how much experience you have driveing in thailand still dose not change how bad the driving is here it is a joke .

if you are not a truck driver then you would never ever have the experience I have on the roads so don't try and tell me thailand is a safe place to drive.

you know I not care about the  death rate in thailand not my country ok , I am just say , and untill people like you wake up to how bad it is and the thai people wake up and try and fix it , it is never going to change.

like one tv member side it will take 18 years to get the bad driving out of the thai people.




"why the hell do I need to understand the road science that is just a stupid reply.

I have a license so I most know the road laws ."

Sorry George it seems you understand so little of the issues involved that it is pointless discussing with you. Frankly I just wouldn't know where to start.

Have you ever heard of the Dunning Kruger effect? It seems to be very applicable in your instance.

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14 minutes ago, Loeilad said:

"why the hell do I need to understand the road science that is just a stupid reply.

I have a license so I most know the road laws ."

Sorry George it seems you understand so little of the issues involved that it is pointless discussing with you. Frankly I just wouldn't know where to start.

Have you ever heard of the Dunning Kruger effect? It seems to be very applicable in your instance.

All I can say is go away 

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On 11/21/2016 at 9:40 AM, cooked said:

I didn't say it was false. I am saying yes, yes , yes we know that a lot of Farangs think that Thais are lazy, stupid and selfish, I get bored with reading this stuff all the time. I drive a LOT and maybe because I can think like a Thai none of this bothers me, I just expect it.

Some of us might think that they can remember a time inn the UK and Italy when people drove just as they do in Thailand today.

Some of us might think that the fault lies in a completely inadequate attitude towards road safety training and awareness. I can remember road safety ads from 60 years ago ('don't be an amber gambler', 'look right, look left, look right again' etc). Never saw even one road safety ad here, who's fault is that?


Definitely not the fault from LotusBoy or any other member on this forum, as you want to imply.

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