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The anti-Trump resistance takes shape: 'Government's supposed to fear us'


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7 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

You're certainly welcome to indulge in such political fantasies.
Speaking of which Al Franken came off very presidential on Real Time. Normally ex-comedians would be off limits for the presidency but normal doesn't matter lately. On topic here because Franken has emerged as a strong insider leader of the anti trump resistance.

I believe I heard the same from you when I made my other predictions.

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Meryl Streep now being harassed by trumpist brown shirts shares some inspiring words of resistance - -

"Turning to Trump, she said: “But if we live through this precarious moment — if his catastrophic instinct to retaliate doesn’t lead us to nuclear winter — we will have much to thank this president for. Because he will have woken us up to how fragile freedom really is.”

The country has now learned, she said, “how the authority of the executive, in the hands of a self-dealer, can be wielded against the people, and the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The whip of the executive can, through a Twitter feed, lash and intimidate, punish and humiliate, delegitimize the press and all of the imagined enemies with spasmodic regularity and easily provoked predictability.”"

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1 hour ago, mesquite said:

I should have added Jared to the list of possible presidents.  In fact he might be the most likely as he is getting on the job training right now.


Trump will not be removed from office due to impeachment or threat of impeachment, and will last for eight years. 


My predictions, which went against the grain, were:

Trump will win the nomination. Correct.

Trump will win the general election.  Correct.

Either Hillary or Bill will die before the general election. NOT Correct.

The recount will fail.  Correct.

The emotional appeal to the electoral college will fail.  Correct (In fact Hillary lost more electoral votes than Trump).


Be prepared for a Trump or Trump/Kushner dynasty.

I've thought the same of Jared - Get him groomed for 2024.


16 years of bliss.


btw if the term snowflake is so bad I assume TVF will ban the word officially ? 

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22 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

The whip of the executive can, through a Twitter feed, lash and intimidate, punish and humiliate, delegitimize the press and all of the imagined enemies with spasmodic regularity and easily provoked predictability.

I think the 'dudette' is giving too much power to Trump's tweets.  


The dude's tweets make him sound ridiculous, which plays right into the hands of the Trump resistance.

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Here's an interesting theory.

The moxie is with the RESISTANCE.

Too bad though trump has almost all of the actual POWER.





How can Barack Obama smile at a time like this? I think he knows something

... For without a mass movement that makes itself physically – and dangerously – felt on the streets, there can be no future for Mussolini-style bluster.


Trump has a stay-at-home electorate of reality tv fans. It is the left who are on the streets. It is his enemies who have the youth, anger and numbers.

Obama is smiling because he knows this is going to be the most ineffectual dictatorship ever – and soon we won’t be worrying about Trump. We will be deriding his incompetence.



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Have you heard about GASLIGHTING?

I didn't even know the term before trump.





Donald Trump is 'gaslighting' all of us

The fact is Trump has become America's gaslighter in chief.

If you've never heard the term, prepare to learn it and live with it every day. Unless Trump starts behaving in a radically different way after he becomes President, gaslighting will become one of the words of 2017.

The term comes from the 1930s play "Gas Light" and the 1940s Hollywood movie version (Gaslight) in which a manipulative husband tries to unmoor his wife, played by Ingrid Bergman, by tampering with her perception of reality. He dims the gaslights and then pretends it's only she who thinks they are flickering as the rooms grow darker.








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I am all for a resistance, but the whole damned situation is so humorous.   I haven't watched SNL for years, and now, it's fantastic.   All the Late Night Shows are fueled with more material than they know what to do with.  


And yes, I am being facetious, at some point something really bad is going to happen and we will need a cool head and a true leader.   That is sadly lacking.   

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How to Build an Autocracy (David Frum)  "The preconditions are present in the U.S. today. Here’s the playbook Donald Trump could use to set the country down a path toward illiberalism.

"The benefit of controlling a modern state is less the power to persecute the innocent, more the power to protect the guilty. The president of the United States, on the other hand, is restrained first and foremost by his own ethics and public spirit. What happens if somebody comes to the high office lacking those qualities?"




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10 hours ago, mesquite said:

Trump will not be impeached as he has done nothing impeachable. This is one more in the string of wishes from the snowflakes. Expect 8 years of Donald Trump as president followed by 8 years of one of his children. I personally hope it is Ivanka.

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Four ways Donald Trump could be guilty of treason, law expert reveals.


Mr Shattuck pointed out that treason is committed by a person who adheres to their enemies, "giving them aid or comfort,” or who has “knowledge of the commission of any treason [who] conceals and does not disclose”. 



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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

The honorable AL FRANKEN gingerly referring to the question of our president's mental health issues.


Compare FRANKEN to trump. FRANKEN so measured, intelligent, and RATIONAL.

trump ... well, you know, see TWITTER.



Proves he should have stayed in comedy, and out of politics. He comes across as an idiot during Congressional, and political functions.

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36 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

Fake news from SNL.

Actually, it's not fake news.  It's a skit.  Comedy.  But not news.


I'll try to find the article that shows a reply from Trump saying he didn't fully read the EO.  Left it to Miller and Bannon to deal with.  Great idea.  Look how it turned out. LOL


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Trump didn’t read order appointing Bannon to top forum — report

US president unaware of power he gave chief strategist, seeks to rein him in, NY Times says


Trump was angry that he not been “fully briefed on the details” of his executive order appointing Bannon to the National Security Council, The New York Times reported Sunday, indicating Trump hadn’t read the text of the measure. The discovery reportedly angered Trump more than the backlash caused by his administration’s Muslim immigration curbs.



Great president.  NOT.  And not fake news.

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4 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

What does that have to do with the travel "ban" EO? Yet another distraction.

Trump rips ‘FAKE NEWS media’ for not covering hundreds of FL protesters as ‘crowds of supporters’



« Embrassez nos fesses, présentez vos feuilles d’impôts », pouvait-on lire sur une pancarte lors d’une manifestation devant la Trump Tower de Chicago, dimanche 12 février 2017.



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A MUST WATCH video of how some Scots RESISTED trump and WON:


A great lesson to all of us in the RESISTANCE.


How does anyone actually support the con man clearly mentally bizarre trump, I'll never understand. But he is president, so the FIGHT is on.


From the video,


What advice would you give to Americans?

Just keep pissing him off.

Just keep him busy by annoying him?


And then he can't do all the stuff we're worried about.

An a--hole is an a-hole.

Keep pissing him off and he'll crack up.

And he'll end up in a padded cell! :partytime2:




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Musical anti-trump resistance at the Grammy awards.

See a TREND?!?




All you black folks, you must go
All you Mexicans, you must go
And all you poor folks, you must go
Muslims and gays, boy, we hate your ways
So all you bad folks, you must go







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17 hours ago, onthesoi said:

'I signed a tremendous travel ban. I didn’t read it but I signed it'


10 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

Actually, it's not fake news.  It's a skit.  Comedy.  But not news.

I'll try to find the article that shows a reply from Trump saying he didn't fully read the EO.  Left it to Miller and Bannon to deal with.  Great idea.  Look how it turned out. LOL

           ...and we're only just got through the 3rd week. 224 weeks to go.   So many opportunities for Bannon and/or others to slip some weird legislation onto Trump's desk (probably while he's watching Tele-Tubbies on TV).  Trump doesn't read.  He'll sign anything Bannon puts in front of him.  


        Bannon could quintuple his own salary, and could call for the bombing of Iran or North Korea or....?, ....whatever strikes his warped fancy.  Bannon is already known for frothing at the mouth about several whacko conspiracy theories.  Trump can't help but say 'Yup Steve, you're fantastic. You and Putin are swell comrades.  I've got full faith in you two.  Don't mind me, I'm tweeting about Nordstroms. They're dropping Ivanka's bangles.  I'm not going to rest until every business that's dropped Ivanka's products is put out of business.'

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