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Brit punched in the face by bar owner


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Just now, thaibeachlovers said:

Right on. I tried to visit Gogos many times during my recent holiday in Pattaya, but I'd go in, listen to the noise the DJ was playing at a level painful to my ears, and exit without even sitting down. I made sure the door person knew why I wasn't staying too.

do you really expect the door person to really care, or to be able to do anything if he did

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1 hour ago, oxforddon said:

To be honest, I just cannot understand why punters in many bars want to change piped music, change volume of it or in other ways wish to take control to satisfy their own particular preferences usually causing annoyance to other punters. Get a radio or some other piece of equipment and listen at home to what you like to hear at whatever volume you want. No need to insist on your preference like a kid when out of the house.

What's wrong with expecting to be able to communicate?

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1 hour ago, Strange said:





Case in point. 




Many of us Englishmen/British are more sophisticated than you will ever give us credit for.


As someone else said, why would you or anyone else take any pleasure in one human being visting violence upon another?

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52 minutes ago, nausea said:

Now that's an interesting interpretation I hadn't thought of. So it was all a cultural misunderstanding, and would explain the rather emotional reaction to a seemingly innocuous request. Oh, just read it's expired, but I suppose some Thais might still think loud music is inappropiate, on an individual basis. 

Yet will $till open & hope their hypocrisy is ov€rlook£d.

Edited by evadgib
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2 minutes ago, freebyrd said:

Many of us Englishmen/British are more sophisticated than you will ever give us credit for.


As someone else said, why would you or anyone else take any pleasure in one human being visting violence upon another?


Same can be said for any nationality, you guys aint special, but some of you guys clearly think you are. (Im generalizing - plenty of good english fellas around)


A good ole sock in the eye is well deserved sometimes. As far as the OP goes, I dunno but I suspect there is more to it than just getting punched in the eye for wanting the music up. 

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1 minute ago, Strange said:


Same can be said for any nationality, you guys aint special, but some of you guys clearly think you are. (Im generalizing - plenty of good english fellas around)


A good ole sock in the eye is well deserved sometimes. As far as the OP goes, I dunno but I suspect there is more to it than just getting punched in the eye for wanting the music up. 

Yes me...:stoner:...........With a singing voice like mine l have to be special..........:giggle:

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1 minute ago, Grubster said:

Not enough info to know what was said and how many times.  I could guess but that wouldn't be right would it. Nobody has the right to punch somebody if not physically assaulted first though.

You say something not nice to Mrs.Trans and see what happens...Even nice folk have a breaking point....:smile:

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2 minutes ago, Grubster said:

Not enough info to know what was said and how many times.  I could guess but that wouldn't be right would it. Nobody has the right to punch somebody if not physically assaulted first though.


I don't agree with the last sentence though because people will hide behind that ideal and have free reign to say and do whatever they want. I can think of plenty or reasons that are more than justifiable. There is the law of the land and then there is your peers. 


I try to keep that in mind myself when dealing with people I don't know. 

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1 minute ago, Grubster said:

True but they may have to suffer the consequences of their breaking point, legally or physically.


Most people (most) that say & do things that would deserve it, have never been on the receiving end and thats the reason they do it. 

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1 minute ago, Strange said:


I don't agree with the last sentence though because people will hide behind that ideal and have free reign to say and do whatever they want. I can think of plenty or reasons that are more than justifiable. There is the law of the land and then there is your peers. 


I try to keep that in mind myself when dealing with people I don't know. 

Yes but I have seen many older guys like me that probably used to be tough get their ass kicked for punching someone. Even if you win a fight you are one of the losers, broken hand etc.  I have learned to just walk away when enraged. Not to mention that I was in Pattaya several years ago when a Thai boxer was starting shit in a bar and a US marine whipped his ass, thirty minutes later the marine was dead.

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6 minutes ago, Strange said:


Most people (most) that say & do things that would deserve it, have never been on the receiving end and thats the reason they do it. 

Very true, I have known many big mouthed, insulting, act like they want to fight little pussy's that never seem to get the well deserved treatment. I think and hope the get their due eventually.

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5 minutes ago, Grubster said:

True but they may have to suffer the consequences of their breaking point, legally or physically.

For some, me, my principles black out consequences if a line has been crossed that l am face to face with.....

Words here mean nothing to me unless lies about me have been told, and they have......Yes punishment was dealt out, not by me though....That punishment was far greater in "their important" world....I smile about that a lot..:smile:


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10 minutes ago, Grubster said:

Yes but I have seen many older guys like me that probably used to be tough get their ass kicked for punching someone. Even if you win a fight you are one of the losers, broken hand etc.  I have learned to just walk away when enraged. Not to mention that I was in Pattaya several years ago when a Thai boxer was starting shit in a bar and a US marine whipped his ass, thirty minutes later the marine was dead.


Its always a consideration weather or not you will get beat up, or weather the other guy can clearly back it up. But in my experience in the 33 years I've been on this earth, the big guys are usually the nicest (always exceptions) and the ones that say things that would enrage someone to the point of physical altercation, usually do so because they think they can get away with it based on the fact that they have lived a lifetime of doing it. 


Then there are the clear psychos who should be walked away from but can easily be noted within about 10 seconds so its not an issue. 

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5 minutes ago, little mary sunshine said:

Sooooo much BS...no bar owner is going to punch out

a customer and lose business because the customer

asked to turn up the music......more like another loud-

mouth Drunk Brit!!!

So no other foreign nationalities get plastered and cause a problem....?


Pray tell your nationality so I can get a bigger picture regarding your thoughts..

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