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Hillary Clinton leads Donald Trump by 2m votes


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1 minute ago, Baerboxer said:


Do you understand the word hypocrite? 


For your scurrilous and defamatory comment to be true you would have to know what comment I made regarding former President Bush's election. 


Do you know that? Or just making it up as you go along?

I responded to your remark that the democrats are clutching at straws. That seem to imply you don't approve. If you disapproved of the way Bush II got elected I deeply apologize, but somehow I doubt that to be the case.


by the way, why mention people that didn't vote ? Those votes cannot possibly be counted. If there are voting irregularities in some key states (and this electoral college system is designed that this does matter) then I for one would support a recount, and so should any real democrat.

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8 minutes ago, jaidam said:

Take away the dead voters, and the illegal voters, Trump won the popular vote also. This looks to be heading the same way as Brexit, ie the elite changing the rules because they lost. 


It seems that way. Democracy only counts when the "right" choice is made.


Bexit is a bit different because we have a government trying desperately to ignore parliamentary procedure and implement something following a referendum that was described as "advisory" in the legislation passed to implement it. So yes, the Tory party are trying to change the rules (and ignore the law in doing so) and set a very dangerous precedent.

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10 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


Fact - the POTUS is not and never has been elected on the popular vote. The electoral college has always been the system. 

Fact - this is the 5th time that a POTUS has been elected by this process whilst not receiving the most voters in the popular vote.

Fact - Hilary lost, Trump won based on the voting system used by the USA to elect it's POTUS.


Fact - it doesn't matter, change the result, or mean Hilary won. 




I completely agree - especially the bit about her losing - see the first two words of my previous post!


But 2 million more Americans would prefer her to be president than Trump - Fact!

Edited by jonclark
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5 minutes ago, sjaak327 said:

I responded to your remark that the democrats are clutching at straws. That seem to imply you don't approve. If you disapproved of the way Bush II got elected I deeply apologize, but somehow I doubt that to be the case.


by the way, why mention people that didn't vote ? Those votes cannot possibly be counted. If there are voting irregularities in some key states (and this electoral college system is designed that this does matter) then I for one would support a recount, and so should any real democrat.


Bush's victory was dubious, but accepted. Claiming recounts seems more about discrediting the whole system and trying to cast a veil on legitimacy.

Fine, if they have real evidence that there were issues that should be produced and if necessary a recount should be carried out.


The people who didn't vote haven't endorsed Hilary or Trump. Nor have they expressed a view that the EC system is o k or not. They either couldn't be bothered and don't care; or found both candidates distasteful. Saying however, as some like to, that "the majority voted for Hilary, or that the majority want the system changed" are not statements based on fact.

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2 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


. Saying however, as some like to, that "the majority voted for Hilary..............are not statements based on fact.


So who did the majority of voters vote for?? Please illuminate me?? 


Or do you think the 62 million votes for her are because those voters  secretly want Trump to be president, ergo he got the majority? 

Edited by jonclark
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3 hours ago, DriveByTrucker said:
3 hours ago, DriveByTrucker said:


Not disputing that at all (actually she lost in more ways than one), just wonder what you think that she lost with 2 million (or 1.5%) more votes than the actual winner. What you think this means to the democracy of a country. And try to reflect it from an objective point of view, like when "your" choice was the one who lost this way....

Not disputing that at all (actually she lost in more ways than one), just wonder what you think that she lost with 2 million (or 1.5%) more votes than the actual winner. What you think this means to the democracy of a country. And try to reflect it from an objective point of view, like when "your" choice was the one who lost this way....

The EC system did exactly what it was intended to do and prevented the liberals in California dictating to the rest of the country.

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11 minutes ago, jonclark said:


I completely agree - especially the bit about her losing - see the first two words of my previous post!


But 2 million more Americans would prefer her to be president than Trump - Fact!

But being in a minority of states, those 2 million have zero chance of changing the electoral system.

A majority of states wanted Trump, and that is the only thing that counts with the EC. Good thing that Trump has such a large majority of EC votes, or the ones that will vote for her in contravention of their responsibility would be able to give it to her, and then this would happen BIG TIME :hit-the-fan:

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8 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

The EC system did exactly what it was intended to do and prevented the liberals in California dictating to the rest of the country.


LoL, the intention of the electoral college system is to prevent Californian liberals from dictating the rest of the country. If that is the intention of the EC, then I full heartedly  have to agree with Trump, then the system is indeed rigged to the core and absolutely not democratic.

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1 hour ago, 55Jay said:

Would you say the same thing if the situation was reversed?


Yes. Yes I would.  


The night before November 9 (Thai Time) I had personally accepted a "Hill" win. It wasn't until I woke up that morning that I was so pleasantly surprised. Never crossed my mind to contest or revolt or cry like a little biatch. 


1 hour ago, Andaman Al said:

You just made my day with that little Gem! Thanks.


Can I ask you something? 


Whats your infatuation with US politics and the USA in general? 


Also - who gives a shiiiiit what Jill Stein wants. Nothing is gonna change. She's just digging her own grave with that nonsense. 

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2 hours ago, JackThompson said:

Personally, I'd like to see less Federal-govt overreach and power, given such a large country, so that local communities had more control.

Jack you summed it up and particularly agree with you last quoted point.  Well said.

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1 hour ago, Silurian said:


Yeah, I think it is funny that the Donald supporters love bringing out the red maps as if land mass itself voted for DT. How about a map that shows how it looks by population? A little closer...hmm?





Too bad for you's guys the states aren't actually shaped like that  :w00t:

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7 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

Yes I don't get it either.  The damage is done now so there is no point


Damage eh? 


The majority of states and counties will heartily disagree. 

Edited by Strange
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11 minutes ago, Saraburi121 said:
3 hours ago, JackThompson said:

Personally, I'd like to see less Federal-govt overreach and power, given such a large country, so that local communities had more control.

Jack you summed it up and particularly agree with you last quoted point.  Well said.


Agreed as well and I'm noting that the "Hill" approach was vastly against this ideal. 

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Just now, dunroaming said:


And time will prove you right and me wrong, or will it be the other way round?


No idea. Im not gonna speculate. 


I will however tell you and anyone else that is reading that I fully support whatever the outcome. 


I will not, however, cry like a little biatch.

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15 minutes ago, Strange said:


Yes. Yes I would.  


The night before November 9 (Thai Time) I had personally accepted a "Hill" win. It wasn't until I woke up that morning that I was so pleasantly surprised. Never crossed my mind to contest or revolt or cry like a little biatch. 

About the same for me.   Thought she was going to win but not by much.  I was pretty shocked when I turned on the 'puter with a cup of coffee next morning and saw Trump was ahead.    I wasn't pleased, just resigned to it if, indeed, that was to be the outcome. 

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reportedly millions voted that included illegals and the deceased.  it would make sense that illegals would vote for hillary since trump is outspoken about deporting illegals.


the trump rallies were standing room only and usually very long queues outside and 10-20,00 people stadiums were full. the media that panned around at many hillary rallies showed dismally low turnouts.


its also been alleged that in some locals the outcomes were manipulated

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1 hour ago, DriveByTrucker said:

Thats a statement based on your (completely unfounded) assumptions only.

The stupidity of the statement is actually really funny.

Let me ask you, how many millions of Americans do you personally know? And how many of these millions discussed their voting decision with you? Can I also conclude that you dont read any media, because that influences the perception you have on the voting decision of Americans? If you dont know millions of Americans, and you do read media, that would mean according to your own rules that you know absolutely nothing about America!




Straight up - you, as a foreigner, know more about American life and the reasoning behind the votes cast, than an American? 

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5 minutes ago, Strange said:


No idea. Im not gonna speculate. 


I will however tell you and anyone else that is reading that I fully support whatever the outcome. 


I will not, however, cry like a little biatch.


I suspect you wil bel too busy kicking the dog! Ha! Ha!

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9 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

I suspect you wil bel too busy kicking the dog! Ha! Ha!


7 minutes ago, Silurian said:

Keep on telling yourself that land mass votes, huh? The power of Gaia at work.


4 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

I think you will find that 2 million more will agree with me


Slapped-Ass syndrome at work. 

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