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On 12/7/2016 at 3:16 AM, villagefarang said:

Considering modern trends, I would expect this years winner to be the most obnoxious, boastful, bigoted, Thai hater in our ranks.  Civility and thoughtful content is clearly out of favor in this present environment.:sad:


Are you saying the trend will continue? :smile:

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I shall go with NongKhaiKid. We share the same views which proves just what a titan of a man he is.

If not the 'Kid, then Smutcakes. I like his posts and had the pleasure of meeting him recently. Now there is a man who is first to the bar and last to the bog...

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12 hours ago, tutsiwarrior said:

and we mustn't fergit ubonjoe, lopburi3, sheryl and crossy without whose valuable advice TVF wouldn't be what it is today...



Most of the time we forget the time spent by the moderators to keep this forum running.


For the moderators:        HIP HIP HURRAY !

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I remember last years fight only too well, I think the person who won then and the person who will win this year is not necessarily deserving of the Best Poster Award but more so the Most Intestinal Fortitude Award (or the person who can tolerate the most abuse award). Thankfully that's not me and whilst I'm grateful for being nominated, please delete my name from the list. Thanks.

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2 hours ago, chiang mai said:

I remember last years fight only too well, I think the person who won then and the person who will win this year is not necessarily deserving of the Best Poster Award but more so the Most Intestinal Fortitude Award (or the person who can tolerate the most abuse award). Thankfully that's not me and whilst I'm grateful for being nominated, please delete my name from the list. Thanks.

Well -- if it's for the most annoying, narrow-minded and snobbish -- I'll nominate Grouse :)

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17 minutes ago, jpinx said:

Well -- if it's for the most annoying, narrow-minded and snobbish -- I'll nominate Grouse :)


Good grief, next thing you'll be nominating Nontabury!


Edited by chiang mai
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3 hours ago, jpinx said:

.....on the other hand -- if it's for the one who slept his/her way to the top whilst spreading alarm and despondency like a practice US tennis-server running on European voltage -- it has to be JingThing   :)



I will not be competing this year, or ever again. I think the rules should forbid all previous winners to compete as well. 

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6 hours ago, chiang mai said:

I remember last years fight only too well, I think the person who won then and the person who will win this year is not necessarily deserving of the Best Poster Award but more so the Most Intestinal Fortitude Award (or the person who can tolerate the most abuse award). Thankfully that's not me and whilst I'm grateful for being nominated, please delete my name from the list. Thanks.

So true, so true.  And I'm writing as the 2015 POTY and the 1st Runner Up 2014 POTY.


In order to enter this contest you have to be prepared to spend long hours on the computer, come up with clever quips and throw all dignity out the window.  And, it helps to come up with clever cat photos mined off the internet.  (And no, TransAm, those 1970s song videos are so, well ---- 1970s.  No one actually watched them.  We all have the attention span of a gnat now.)


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20 minutes ago, NancyL said:

Naam, if you keep writing this way, your vote will not receive my consideration.

it is against forum rules to rite phorin langvitches. i guess ze moderaytors haff been payshent. butt zat kann tchantch any minit.

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Meanwhile, while Mr. Bitey was a somewhat willing participant in my efforts to secure the 2015 POTY Tiara, his sidekick, the Samurai Princess, a demure calico has an entirely different take on this contest and does not wish for her image to be used"  


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19 hours ago, sipi said:

Patsycat. That is three from me.

Please not me!!  I hardly ever post any more.  And after last year, feel the fun went out of it.


Sorry, Sipi, but you have to think of someone else,  thanks anyway`!!  Good luck to all the others.


I'd like to nominate Transam, too.

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30 minutes ago, Patsycat said:

Please not me!!  I hardly ever post any more.  And after last year, feel the fun went out of it.


Sorry, Sipi, but you have to think of someone else,  thanks anyway`!!  Good luck to all the others.


I'd like to nominate Transam, too.


Just curious Patsycat, did the TV upgrade have any bearing on you hardly ever posting anymore?

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Lots of members deserve recognition for their contributions  so I'll go with a few before the deadline and hope I don't offend anyone by omission as I respect so many.


I nominate BABOON, as, apart from being KIM Jong Haircut's representative on earth and the King of The Swingers, he's a nail on the head type of poster and has humour in his arsenal too !


Baboon, clap clap clap Baboon clap clap clap.


PS the noise made by striking the palms of the hand together NOT the other kind !


Edited by NongKhaiKid
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