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Why everything cost more?


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I notice my hotel now cost 50 bahts more.

Always more and more but salaries don't increase.

So in 20 years hotel will be so expensive. we will sleep outside?

Why everything has to cost more with years? I see farangs now booking hotel with cold shower to save 200 bahts.

In 100 years life in general will cost so much that you won't be able to buy a bus ticket to go work. Is it this kind of society we must be ready to live in.

What will happen in 1000 years? We will all starve to death so much food will cost.

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People have been predicting outgrowing the food supply since at least the 1960's (over a half century), probably much longer than this and they have always been wrong. Most of these erroneous predictions make the basic mistake of assuming current levels of food production and growth rates of this food production remain at current levels into the future. This has not been the case and breakthroughs in agriculture that allowed much higher production levels of food on the same amount of land have made these predictions seem ignorant. If you want to know how to get something really wrong read the book "Future Shock". They were wrong about nearly everything.


Humans are very adaptive, and this is one thing that will not change. 

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10 hours ago, billd766 said:

At 72 I figure that I wont be around in 100 years so I wont worry about it, and in 1,000 years time it wont matter anyway.

My thoughts exactly.

I realized a few years ago that 99% of the stuff I focused on (worried about) was absolutely unimportant. Things like "the Future,... the past. ...What if...., How could I have done that,.... does she love me, ....are my kids proud of me....am I a success or failure in life....will I live long....what will my death be like....will I be sick for long time?" etc., etc., etc.

   Thank God now I live one day at a time, try to treat people as I would like to be treated myself and remember always that this very day of my life is the most special day I have had given to me.

   I guess the scenario is at the end of the day ...when I do die....I will die alone

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prices go up due to inflation... if you have stopped working, you will have no wages to keep up with inflation...


if you and your friends cannot afford an extra 50 baht or 200 baht, it is probably time to reconsider if you can afford to take this vacation. How would you afford a hospital visit if you had an unfortunate accident, even something minor?


good luck. 

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11 hours ago, pattayalover said:

I notice my hotel now cost 50 bahts more.

Always more and more but salaries don't increase.


Maybe salaries don't increase much in the West, but they sure do here in Thailand. Average increase for a qualified professional with a university degree is between 5-10%. Often much more if they change employer.

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9 hours ago, Ahab said:

People have been predicting outgrowing the food supply since at least the 1960's (over a half century), probably much longer than this and they have always been wrong. Most of these erroneous predictions make the basic mistake of assuming current levels of food production and growth rates of this food production remain at current levels into the future. This has not been the case and breakthroughs in agriculture that allowed much higher production levels of food on the same amount of land have made these predictions seem ignorant. If you want to know how to get something really wrong read the book "Future Shock". They were wrong about nearly everything.


Humans are very adaptive, and this is one thing that will not change. 


Way out.


Malthus was predicting this 200 years ago, and the humans are still increasing their population and killing off everything else.

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39 minutes ago, Rob13 said:


Not me, I'm stock piling Mama noodles.

yeah  but  water  will be  more  than  beer  by  then................unless  u dont   like  beer  n  noodles  id  stockpile  beer  too

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11 hours ago, pattayalover said:

Why everything has to cost more with years?


I have been trying to work this out for a while. Nowadays we are incredibly efficient at making stuff and shipping it around the globe. Scientists believe they will be able to increase the yield of farm produce by several times through genetic engineering. We should all be able to buy stuff more cheaply, so your money goes further.


The most plausible reason I can find is that our expectations have been set through the Central Banks and governments, with the media propagating it.


They are doing this because of all the debt that the bankers have on their books. If the debt is not paid off, the banks go insolvent and more bailouts ensue. The easiest way is to solve this is to have inflation, and specifically wage inflation. Globalisation has made this very difficult to implement. But every single Central Bank has an inflation target of 2%. Strange, innit?


The story we are given is that if deflation takes hold, then people will stop buying stuff today and hold off until tomorrow, so the GDP goes down and factories do not invest. This is utter b0ll0x.  People buy on credit because they want the stuff today. Delayed gratification has died out.


It is all about the bankers and getting us to repay the debts.

Edited by 12DrinkMore
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11 hours ago, onthesoi said:

The west is becoming poorer while Asia is becoming richer.


The last half of the 20th century will seem like a wild party for rich kids, compared to what’s coming now. The party’s over, folks. . .


Hunter S. Thompson




The economic divide is definitely widening. In the US unemployment rates have dropped to what is described as "normal full employment,"  but most of those who eventually found employment are working at minimum wage or thereabouts. 


And increasingly people have to plan on working until they're 70 or 75, although keeping a job until you reach that age, even if it is possible, will mean that some young person entering the job market has fewer opportunities.


I retired with a fairly decent pension and coverage for all things medical for life. Most of those currently employed have very little to look forward to in the way of pensions other than whatever they can save themselves and medical coverage is becoming rarer other than whatever you can manage on the government's tab.


As Bild said, at my age I figure I can muddle through, but things are not going to end well for most younger people who are unable to finance their own retirement and can't expect governments to provide much comfort as governments keep issuing debt to finance their running expenses.


I didn't vote for Trump, but I can understand the frustration that drove many voters to want a change to the way things have going. Unfortunately much of what he wants to do will also fuel increased inflation.





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15 minutes ago, Peterw42 said:

OP, economics 101, suggested reading, inflation, supply and demand etc



The law of prices and supply and demand does not function in a world where the potential supply far exceeds the demand, with maybe a small lag while China ramps up the production lines.


Chronic long term inflation is the question. This is not about short term effects.

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Actually, for most westerners and Asians the purchasing power has increased dramatically over the last thirty years. Things tend, on the whole to be far cheaper against income.  Thinking back, my father had a good job but it was a long time before he could buy a new car as an example.  As a kid I flew fairly regularly around the world and this was very unusual as flights were extremely expensive.  The idea of an ordinary blue collar worker going overseas on holiday was unimaginable.  Computers are cheap - the first one I saw was worth over a million pounds and had way less power than my phone.  In fact, for better or worse, things are so cheap we accumulate them and it is cheaper to replace them than repair them.  We actually produce better food more cheaply and in greater quantities that at any other time and have far more food than the world can eat.  The problem here is that most of the food is polarised in the wealthy countries and much of it wasted,  Generally inflation will be with us as reliably as old age.  It hits those on a fixed income the most.

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