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Why everything cost more?


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6 minutes ago, 12DrinkMore said:


The law of prices and supply and demand does not function in a world where the potential supply far exceeds the demand, with maybe a small lag while China ramps up the production lines.


Chronic long term inflation is the question. This is not about short term effects.


All markets will adjust over time, I think the problems stem from governments, banks etc trying to manipulate the natural supply and demand cycles. Governments drop interest rates, just like printing money, equals inflation etc.


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Used to spend 5-6 months a year in Thailand on business. Now I spend my time in Malaysia and only about 1 month in Thailand.

And save a lot of money, because Malaysia is much cheaper, food, restaurants, beer, vitamins, western gourmet foods....etc..cheaper and better housing.

Edited by Americano555
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55 minutes ago, Thaimike370 said:

If you think this is expensive, go to the UK, now that IS expensive.

I think  any capitalist country is expensive, as businesses of any sort will charge the ordinary people as much as they can get away with.

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2 hours ago, dotpoom said:

My thoughts exactly.

I realized a few years ago that 99% of the stuff I focused on (worried about) was absolutely unimportant. Things like "the Future,... the past. ...What if...., How could I have done that,.... does she love me, ....are my kids proud of me....am I a success or failure in life....will I live long....what will my death be like....will I be sick for long time?" etc., etc., etc.

   Thank God now I live one day at a time, try to treat people as I would like to be treated myself and remember always that this very day of my life is the most special day I have had given to me.

   I guess the scenario is at the end of the day ...when I do die....I will die alone


Well, geez, I was doing fine but after reading your list, now i'm depressed... if I didn't have plans for the weekend I would kill myself... but I guess plans can be changed... just kidding - I will go get a haircut and then proceed to have a very pleasant afternoon... 

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I'm taking my Khmer wife business class to BKK  and 3 nights in the JW Marritot this month. At my age, and there are others on here far more senior than I, penny pinching for B200?! :wacko: - that doesn't even enter my worry orbit. Paying B50 baht more for a hotel? - likewise :wacko:. Sometimes I shudder at the things that some post on here.


And no, I am far from being wealthy, but life, especially in our greyer years, is for living.

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11 hours ago, Ahab said:

People have been predicting outgrowing the food supply since at least the 1960's (over a half century), probably much longer than this and they have always been wrong. Most of these erroneous predictions make the basic mistake of assuming current levels of food production and growth rates of this food production remain at current levels into the future. This has not been the case and breakthroughs in agriculture that allowed much higher production levels of food on the same amount of land have made these predictions seem ignorant. If you want to know how to get something really wrong read the book "Future Shock". They were wrong about nearly everything.


Humans are very adaptive, and this is one thing that will not change. 


Even in Thailand? :whistling:


And perhaps some other third world countries as well.

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This is easy the economy is no good and also the failed attempt of reforming these little immigration pests. Who over the course of 2 years have denied entry to even to even genuine married men who have invested in supporting Thai families. Also there negative approach to genuine white skinned travelers. Apart from the lovely role model female captain on the Poipet border. This glamorous poster woman with her smarts should be prmooted to chief. The regime has had a negative effect. The yellow skin tourists spend very little.

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13 hours ago, Dmaxdan said:

The population is already outgrowing the planet, and some say that in as little as 50 years there will be serious food shortages.

For me personally in a thousand years time? ......Well I might just be eligible for my UK pension.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

Seemed like a 1000 years to get to retirement and then the bat of an eyelash 20 some years went by. I must have a talk with old father time.

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Seriously what do you think will happen when the USA will say to the Rothschild and other big banksters that they can go to hell or the USA will not pay its debt.

When Trump will be in the white house the debt will be at or above 20t . Ad the personal debt and the rest and we are probably at 400k dollars per family.

How to pay back if everything cost more and more. Are they stupid? Do you lend money to somebody who can not pay back? You certainly not, so why these idiots continue to print money. Do you think the USA will sell new york or sell the white house to these rich families. F no.... They will go to war. The US government will order with the help of the army to get rid of these banksters. It s the only way.
Do you think the millennium will go work hard to pay a debt that is unpayable? And pay how? Pay debt with coconuts? Jobs don't pay anymore and jobs will be gone very soon.

Imagine 7 billions people in debt, who how and when to start to pay when everybody is broke? If the few riches don't create jobs and well paid jobs I think we go in big Dodo very soon, now they go get rid off of drivers. Do you fancy to become an engineer at 72 years old or a become a doctor at 65.? How do you think this will work out?

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What it really boils down to what is your lifestyle and what turns your crank Hank. Credit cards temporarily ease the pain but the headache comes at the end of the month when the bill comes in the mail. Don't pay the installment for a year and wham it increases by 20% plus. I know people living the good life in this manner. I guess you can load the card up and make monthly payments and if your a senior stiff the card company when you pass on. I guess they should not pass out cards to seniors they lose their advantage. 

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6 minutes ago, pattayalover said:

Seriously what do you think will happen when the USA will say to the Rothschild and other bug bank that they can go to hell or the USA will not pay its debt.

When Trump will be in the white house the debt will be at or above 20t . Ad the personal debt and the rest and we are probably at 400k dollars per family.

How to pay back if everything cost more and more. Are they stupid? Do you lend money to somebody who can not pay back? You certainly not, so why these idiots continue to print money. Do you think the USA will sell new york or sell the white house to these rich families. F no.... They will go to war. The US government will order with the help of the army to get rid of these banksters. It s the only way.
Do you think the millennium will go work hard to pay a debt that is unpayable? And pay how? Pay debt with coconuts? Jobs don't pay anymore and jobs will be gone very soon.

You think you are smart so tell me. Imagine 7 billions people in debt, who how and when to start to pay when everybody is broke? If the riches don't create jobs and well paid jobs I think we go in big Dodo very soon


Sure, but how will Leicester City fare through all this? 



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Had some youngish people to dinner from London. I told them my rent for an apartment in Cheltenham in 1972 was 5 pounds a week for the two of us, and groceries another 5 pounds a week....their eyes glazed over. Last time I was in England the prices were horrifying.....New York prices. A glass of wine at lunchtime in a pretty average restaurant was  40 dollars in NY.....California much cheaper.

As for the world population, it has doubled since around 1960. 

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paying 50 baht more for a hotel depends on the original cost, a direct reflection of % of price increase.  50 on a 300 baht or 50 baht on a 1500 baht.
i'm not concerned about the relationship of price increase to salary increase, but more about cost to value ratio if that can applies here.

jumping forward 20 years assuming you will be sleeping outside is assuming no increase in your retirement or decrease in your rate of return.

your delving into a deep topic about cost per year, way to much ADD to go there.

why book hotel with cold shower?  just book cheaper hotel.  if you pay more you are sending the message you are ok with price increase.  ever hear of the concept, pay with your feet?  go to another place, another town, city, country.  

1000 year projection, maybe your pissed... hahaha.  better to assume earth is destroyed.



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It's relatively simple save 200Bht by not having hot showers that's 3 beers per day. Fan only room a saving of up to 750bht a day that's up to ten beers a day so between the two savings that's 12 bottles I for one would be well  intoxicated by then. a cheaper hotel to boot then that would pay for your food for tour holiday. 

When all said and done all your going to do is sleep and bonk in the room anyway. so why pay 25000bht (example ok) for a room on hols when you could get one for half that if not less. I don't see prices going up I see people spending more than they need to..

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OP pattayalover, 50 baht more on what amount..? – the increase in percentage says more than increase in money; if for example your hotel was 500 baht and is now 550 baht, the increase is 10 percent; however 50 baht increase on 1,000 baht is only 2½ percent.


A few days ago the news feed had an article saying that "The Thai Hotelier's Association is recommending that its members increase prices from between 5 and 10% as tourists come to the kingdom in greater numbers."



The hotel prices I know in Thailand has raised little only over the 15 years I've been coming hare regularly; some has not even raised at all. However minimum salary went up from around 200 baht to a nationwide fixed 300 baht a day, which will rise again now with some 10 baht a day in selected areas.


Looking at inflation and price index, over 15 years the increase shall be around 30 persent; i.e. if something had a price of 100 money in year 2001, the price shall be 130 money now. 


If looked at over a 20-year period, as you mention, going 20 years back, then what had a price tag of 100 money in 1996, shall now cost around 145 money; or 45 percent up. How much is the average salary rise in the same period..?


But that's a low inflation and indexed price-rise – there has been years with much higher annual change. So if you think of a 100-year lifetime span – and we can only look at historically changes, as crystal balls tend to fade in clouds trying to be clairvoyant that far ahead – then what costed you 100 money in 1916, shall now have the price-tag of 4,900 money; i.e. 49 times as much, or 4,800 percent increase..!


Looking at your 1,000 year prediction, we again need to find some historical context to compare with, and best if something similar with a price tag then and now. I'll look at my homeland – because that I know best – and here I find that our medieval Vikings paid one cow and one ox (bull) for a young "trælkvinde"; i.e. slave girl, who were a status symbol, according to historians latest research. Seem like going price for a cow today is 25,000 baht, and a bull is 100,000 baht (Thailand Cow Price in 2016 - Any idea ?). So a "trælkvinde" with a 2016 Thai price tag shall be 125,000 baht or..?

If you ask farangs who has "bought" a bird for good in Pattaya, how much they totally costed them – or perhaps check sin-sot prices – then you will be able to calculate if there's been any additional price-rise, and how much, over a 1,000-year periode...:thumbsup:


So you better start saving up some money for future holidays in Pattaya, because politicians want global growth, which mean inflation will rise, so your hotel accommodation cost will go one way only, and that's up – and 20 years from now may be more, than it has been from 20 years ago and until now...:crying:

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6 hours ago, Peterw42 said:


All markets will adjust over time, I think the problems stem from governments, banks etc trying to manipulate the natural supply and demand cycles. Governments drop interest rates, just like printing money, equals inflation etc.



Yeah, that's the old economist b0ll0x for you. Their models are constantly being tweak to fit historic data, but none of them has ever managed to predicet anything. And all of them have ignored or left out modelling the real money creation process and the effect of private sector debt. 


Try Japan, Europe, UK and the States.


Zero and even negative interest rates and not a tad of inflation in sight.


F6ck1n6 economists, I hate them as much as bankers.

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