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Time calls Donald Trump ‘President of the Divided States of America’


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The Donald has not even been inaugurated. Yet he is accused of dividing the nation. You need look no further than Obama who has lost jobs and put so many ony on food stamps and welfare. Thats how socialist keep the voter base - dependants and immigrants.

Dude. So you're on the trumpist side of the divide with insulting rhetoric like that.
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The US was divided long before the Trump candidacy. Like the consummate conman he is, Trump merely recognized and exploited it. And in the process, made those divisions apparent to all of us.


Progressives thought that they had won the culture wars and that values of respect, inclusiveness and acceptance was the order of the day. Those who disagreed seethed quietly, their anger, fear and bigotry stoked by countless fringe, not so fringe and 
Russian propaganda outlets.


This unlikely coalition of climate change/evolution deniers, Birthers, pro choice and gay rights opponents, white supremacists, disgruntled unemployed with legitimate grievances, elderly folks genuinely befuddled by rapid change, anti-PC crowd, misogynists, Clinton haters, etc lived in a post-truth bubble inflated and fed by above outlets financed by various parties for their own ends.


To them, the following facts simply don't register:


The only way to address a lot of the grievances that got Trump elected would be to undo civilizing achievements like take away women's right to choose, stuff gays back into closets and ignore the real dangers of climate change.


I can't think of how to bridge such a divide. Neither can Trump—but he sure is adept at exploiting it. For that accomplishment, he deserves Time's designation of Man of the Year.

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divided states of America? that occured eight years ago when the parasite was elected and started ruining the United States! he has done more damage in his eight years than carter did in his four! and the congress just rolled over and let him do it!

Congress blocked him constantly.
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I think Scum of the Year would be more appropriate. The nation did become divided under Obama. It became divided because the racists and bigots couldn't stand seeing a black man in a White House and the soon to be fascist in chief won on racism, bigotry, misogynist, lies, demagoguery, and ignorant/stupid people that voted yet once again against their own future. Drain the swamp? No not by a long shot, fill it up with alligators of the worst kind. Racists, misogamists, climate deniers, lobbyists, Wall Street criminal/banksters, a crazy general. Oh yea, great people, NOT! No, he may not have single handedly divided this country, the Republican right wing teabaggers did that, but he played upon that divide and will cement it in place. The man is nothing but a con man intent on using the office of the president for his own personal gain and to hell with America. We have every right and in fact obligation to protest, object and stop each and everything he does. Hmmm kind of sounds like the Republican game plan against Obama, oh wait in fact that is a direct copy.


The orange fascist is not nor never will be my president.

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The US was divided long before the Trump candidacy. Like the consummate conman he is, Trump merely recognized and exploited it. And in the process, made those divisions apparent to all of us.
Progressives thought that they had won the culture wars and that values of respect, inclusiveness and acceptance was the order of the day. Those who disagreed seethed quietly, their anger, fear and bigotry stoked by countless fringe, not so fringe and 
Russian propaganda outlets.
This unlikely coalition of climate change/evolution deniers, Birthers, pro choice and gay rights opponents, white supremacists, disgruntled unemployed with legitimate grievances, elderly folks genuinely befuddled by rapid change, anti-PC crowd, misogynists, Clinton haters, etc lived in a post-truth bubble inflated and fed by above outlets financed by various parties for their own ends.
To them, the following facts simply don't register:

The only way to address a lot of the grievances that got Trump elected would be to undo civilizing achievements like take away women's right to choose, stuff gays back into closets and ignore the real dangers of climate change.
I can't think of how to bridge such a divide. Neither can Trump—but he sure is adept at exploiting it. For that accomplishment, he deserves Time's designation of Man of the Year.

Agreed but if there's a prize for con man of the century give it that too.
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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

Dude. So you're on the trumpist side of the divide with insulting rhetoric like that.

What is even more insulting are your toxic posts about President Elect Trump, get over it, spell is name properly with a capital T, he is OUR President and he will do the best he can for OUR nation.


The more you scream the more you put the mainstream off, I didn't give a <deleted> about gay marriage before but based on folks like you I hope it's repealed and sent back to the state level just because I find the left loonies OTT.


Your avatar is DIGISTING DUDE, I'm

sure the terrorists are using the same image and it's time to stop your childish behaviour and changing it every other day it's draining, I get it your a social gadfly and never happy and I do enjoy laughing at the vast majority of your toxic posts but seriously get a life and give the man a break or better yet you take a break and go review some street muck you fancy. 




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12 minutes ago, Luckysilk said:

What is even more insulting are your toxic posts about President Elect Trump, get over it, spell is name properly with a capital T, he is OUR President and he will do the best he can for OUR nation.


The more you scream the more you put the mainstream off, I didn't give a <deleted> about gay marriage before but based on folks like you I hope it's repealed and sent back to the state level just because I find the left loonies OTT.


Your avatar is DIGISTING DUDE, I'm

sure the terrorists are using the same image and it's time to stop your childish behaviour and changing it every other day it's draining, I get it your a social gadfly and never happy and I do enjoy laughing at the vast majority of your toxic posts but seriously get a life and give the man a break or better yet you take a break and go review some street muck you fancy. 





President Elect Trump is not your President, B Obama is your President.

Trump might be your President come end of January next year.


Whether Trump will do the best he can for the US Nation or not remains to be seen.



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44 minutes ago, Luckysilk said:

What is even more insulting are your toxic posts about President Elect Trump, get over it, spell is name properly with a capital T, he is OUR President and he will do the best he can for OUR nation.






And you know that he will do the best he can for the nation how?  We know that in the past he's done the best he can for himself even if it means lying and defrauding people.  Why should he perform differently as President of the USA?

Edited by ilostmypassword
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31 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Agreed but if there's a prize for con man of the century give it that too.


You're such an optimist, Jingting! We're only into the second decade of the century. When Trump's privatizing education sec is through destroying what's left of America's public education system, don't you think a whole new flock of sheep will be created, ready for the shearing by an even more insidious con man, like one of Trump's children?

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4 minutes ago, Thakkar said:


You're such an optimist, Jingting! We're only into the second decade of the century. When Trump's privatizing education sec is through destroying what's left of America's public education system, don't you think a whole new flock of sheep will be created, ready for the shearing by an even more insidious con man, like one of Trump's children?


Oh yeah, those lovely children with such a harsh upbringing. Forcing the hired help to buy their lemonade and selling fake Native American arrowheads to their friends.


This Little Story About A Young Ivanka Trump’s Lemonade Stand Sure Is Something



"...she and her brothers made fake Native American arrowheads, buried them in the woods, dug them up while playing with their friends, and sold the arrowheads to their friends for five dollars each."

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2 minutes ago, Silurian said:

"...she and her brothers made fake Native American arrowheads, buried them in the woods, dug them up while playing with their friends, and sold the arrowheads to their friends for five dollars each."


We can draw some parallels with this story and Daddy's presidential campaign strategy.


That article is hilarious:

When Ivanka was a kid, she got frustrated because she couldn’t set up a lemonade stand in Trump Tower. “We had no such advantages,” she writes, meaning, in this case, an ordinary home on an ordinary street. She and her brothers finally tried to sell lemonade at their summer place in Connecticut, but their neighborhood was so ritzy that there was no foot traffic. “As good fortune would have it, we had a bodyguard that summer,” she writes. They persuaded their bodyguard to buy lemonade, and then their driver, and then the maids, who “dug deep for their spare change.” The lesson, she says, is that the kids “made the best of a bad situation.” 



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7 hours ago, Mansell said:

trump won't be flying on his private planes when he is president.....no security. And remember how he stated his 747 is bigger than AirForceOne......another of his lies, it is way smaller. And him being Times Person of the Year....I think Adolf Hitler got that dubious distinction from them back in the 1930's.......enough said.

See what this person writes. So full of hate. Please put me on ignore you silly.

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7 hours ago, Johpa said:


Total hogwash! Obama was a mainstream centrist who allowed Wall Street to continue to prosper at the expense of Main Street, who allowed the neocons to continue their murderous ways for profit, and who nipped discussion in the bud of a rational national healthcare plan by adopting the Republican inspired ACA. The only divisive issue with Obama was that he was a Black man and that was unacceptable to about 30% of the White population including the majority of the Republican congressional members.

Trump is divisive because he represents an extreme ideological turn, extreme Hayek neoliberalism, that is at odds with the majority of the US population, which is why he lost the popular vote. Trump is unwilling to recognize, or perhaps he is incapable of seeing the divide, just as his supporters, most of whom are clueless about the underlying neoliberal nonsense that motivates this foul man.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect


Johpa, please drink more of that suff. Makes you braindead. PERHAPS he is incapable...... The Donald is not perfect but he sees at least that this world is going to be attacked  by globalist power hungry elitists. Better hang on him than on the ones that want to make me a numb slave. Have it your way, whatever.

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4 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Dude. So you're on the trumpist side of the divide with insulting rhetoric like that.

I actually hate that Jingting put me on ignore. I just want to tell him/her if he/she has any reason in his/her brains to stop his/her hate mongering against people who have a different view. If I compair his/her whining and that of the lost password one against the non aggressive comments of the/most Trump supporters, then yes, this world is divided and will not overcome this if the hate mongerers will not finally show a big heart and join the other half. At least one thing Hillary had in her campaign "Together" and don't you forget it please.

Edited by hugocnx
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3 hours ago, sgtsabai said:

I think Scum of the Year would be more appropriate. The nation did become divided under Obama. It became divided because the racists and bigots couldn't stand seeing a black man in a White House and the soon to be fascist in chief won on racism, bigotry, misogynist, lies, demagoguery, and ignorant/stupid people that voted yet once again against their own future. Drain the swamp? No not by a long shot, fill it up with alligators of the worst kind. Racists, misogamists, climate deniers, lobbyists, Wall Street criminal/banksters, a crazy general. Oh yea, great people, NOT! No, he may not have single handedly divided this country, the Republican right wing teabaggers did that, but he played upon that divide and will cement it in place. The man is nothing but a con man intent on using the office of the president for his own personal gain and to hell with America. We have every right and in fact obligation to protest, object and stop each and everything he does. Hmmm kind of sounds like the Republican game plan against Obama, oh wait in fact that is a direct copy.


The orange fascist is not nor never will be my president.

So, who is Obama after all? Just a proxy for the elitists and if you look a bit further than your plate, you might even see that he is no different than all the other presidents befor in such that he had a big wheelbarrow.

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23 minutes ago, hugocnx said:

I actually hate that Jingting put me on ignore. I just want to tell him/her if he/she has any reason in his/her brains to stop his/her hate mongering against people who have a different view. If I compair his/her whining and that of the lost password one against the non aggressive comments of the/most Trump supporters, then yes, this world is divided and will not overcome this if the hate mongerers will not finally show a big heart and join the other half. At least one thing Hillary had in her campaign "Together" and don't you forget it please.


 ...the non aggressive comments of the/most Trump supporters...


I do not doubt that you believe this. Guess that's part of what makes bridging such gaps difficult - people apparently reading different forums and different posts. There was and there is plenty of nastiness and rudeness all around. Doubt it could be quantified, sure that it hardly matters.

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Intolerance of intolerance is not intolerance.

For example, the portion of the trump base that is white supremacist is objectively deplorable.

It's OK to hate them. Rational actually.

Some are actually real life modern Nazis.

You're saying it's not OK for people to hate Nazis?

There is nothing defensible whatsoever to a white supremacist ideology. 

That's not the same thing as stating, which nobody has, that all trump supporters are white supremacist.

On the other hand, all trump supporters don't have a problem supporting a president elect that has so frequently sent winks (or stronger) to white supremacists. That's not the same thing as BEING one, but still nothing to brag about.  That portion can accept that as a flaw or perhaps just accept it and not even see it as a flaw, but not that way personally.


Of course all potential presidents have flaws. Of course Hillary Clinton had hers too, just very different ones.


Those claiming the candidacy and now election of trump has not greatly AGGRAVATED the existing divisions and made them MUCH MUCH worse are clearly either not paying attention or are just being disingenuous. 


As far as trump, yes, I'll admit it, I find the idea of him being president massively HORRIFYING. Can he turn my opinion around (and the side of the division that feels similarly)? Very highly doubtful.  He's 70. He is what he is. A con man show business type with a bizarre EGO.


 That's our president. God help us. 

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14 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

The United States was divided long before Trump. The last administration deserves plenty of the blame. However, Time Magazine is never going to admit that.  Despite the facts, the MSM blame the Republicans as per usual.


Indeed, so it was. But regardless of who-started-it, and regardless of different takes as to his own contribution to this state of things, Trump will be the president of a divided nation. Sure, people can say there were always divisions, that there were darker times - all true. That still doesn't make the present situation good, even if it's not the gates of hell that some like to paint it as.


Sadly, I don't see Trump as an agent of (positive) change, when it comes to this. Correction of trends, yes, but that's balancing not bridging. Perhaps that's all that can be reasonably expected. Might be too early after a very emotional elections, but hope at least ordinary people (or posters) would tone it down some. Manners, like charity, begin at home.

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17 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Intolerance of intolerance is not intolerance.

For example, the portion of the trump base that is white supremacist is objectively deplorable.

It's OK to hate them. Rational actually.

Some are actually real life modern Nazis.

You're saying it's not OK for people to hate Nazis?

There is nothing defensible whatsoever to a white supremacist ideology. 

That's not the same thing as stating, which nobody has, that all trump supporters are white supremacist.

On the other hand, all trump supporters don't have a problem supporting a president elect that has so frequently sent winks (or stronger) to white supremacists. That's not the same thing as BEING one, but still nothing to brag about.  That portion can accept that as a flaw.

Of course all potential presidents have flaws. Of course Hillary Clinton had hers too, just very different ones.


Those claiming the candidacy and now election of trump has not greatly AGGRAVATED the existing divisions and made them MUCH MUCH worse are clearly either not paying attention or are just being disingenuous. 


As far as trump, yes, I'll admit it, I find the idea of him being president massively HORRIFYING. Can he turn my opinion around (and the side of the division that feels similarly)? Very highly doubtful.  He's 70. He is what he is. A con man show business type with a bizarre EGO.


 That's our president. God help us. 


Intolerance of intolerance is not intolerance.


Rudeness and hyperbole are not essential for intolerance of intolerance. Regardless of wannabe Jackie Chiles impersonators take.

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16 minutes ago, Morch said:


Indeed, so it was. But regardless of who-started-it, and regardless of different takes as to his own contribution to this state of things, Trump will be the president of a divided nation. Sure, people can say there were always divisions, that there were darker times - all true. That still doesn't make the present situation good, even if it's not the gates of hell that some like to paint it as.


Sadly, I don't see Trump as an agent of (positive) change, when it comes to this. Correction of trends, yes, but that's balancing not bridging. Perhaps that's all that can be reasonably expected. Might be too early after a very emotional elections, but hope at least ordinary people (or posters) would tone it down some. Manners, like charity, begin at home.


It is funny that Donald ran his campaign based on divisive talk and now turns around and says he is a uniter. How laughable. There are many articles written about him and his divisive rhetoric yet he seems to honestly believe (however deluded) that he has done nothing to encourage divisive behavior. Here is just a small sample.


Trump's Divisive Rhetoric Unparalleled In American Political History, Presidential Historian Says



The psychology that explains how Trump’s divisive rhetoric won



He can't be part of the solution when he is part of the problem.


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37 minutes ago, Morch said:


 ...the non aggressive comments of the/most Trump supporters...


I do not doubt that you believe this. Guess that's part of what makes bridging such gaps difficult - people apparently reading different forums and different posts. There was and there is plenty of nastiness and rudeness all around. Doubt it could be quantified, sure that it hardly matters.

I beg your pardon. I didn't write explicitely that I was referring to most Trump supporters on TV.

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1 minute ago, Silurian said:


It is funny that Donald ran his campaign based on divisive talk and now turns around and says he is a uniter. How laughable. There are many articles written about him and his divisive rhetoric yet he seems to honestly believe (how ever deluded) that he has done nothing to encourage divisive behavior. Here is just a small sample.


Trump's Divisive Rhetoric Unparalleled In American Political History, Presidential Historian Says



The psychology that explains how Trump’s divisive rhetoric won




Yes, but Trump is a given and probably not going to change. That makes how people (us ordinary folks) go about it matter even more.

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1 minute ago, hugocnx said:

I beg your pardon. I didn't write explicitely that I was referring to most Trump supporters on TV.


Well, you were specifically referring to two anti-Trump posters, so figured that's the framework we're dealing with.

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